Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 416: One More Hurdle

Chapter 416: One More Hurdle

News once again swept through the whole world, not even a month after the last one.

The whole world was enlightened to the special operations that the top tier Soul Masters undertook.

Two squads were formed.

One constituting of Gu Yuena, Na'er, Xie Xie, Yue Zhengyu, and the other top people from Shrek and the Spirit Pagoda.

While the other was a compromise of only Tang Wulin. Their operation was the invasion of one of the planes that have latched themselves onto the Douluo World.

It was found out that all of the planes that were invading them were severely injured and weakened from an unknown result.

The source of this came from a secret operation that Yun Ming and the others were undertaking while Douluo was being invaded.

This came as both a surprise and a realization to the world. As it explained why Tang Wulin, Yun Ming, and Qiangu Dongfeng weren't around while the plane was being invaded!

While they did join, it was only at the end after there were numerous casualties on Douluo's side.

Regardless, it's because of the operation that they found out the other plane's moment of weakness.

Which led to the invasion of the Mortuus and Arkadians plane.

Both operations ended in an astounding success to the shock of the world. Regardless of the state of the plane, this was still a higher-plane which was ruled by a First-Class God level being.

How could planes like this not have any method to repel invaders while they were weakened?

Yet in the end, both planes fell and it was a gigantic victory for the Douluo World.

A victory that would become a legend in its history for many years.


On the Sea God Island, near the beach.


"Nope, there still isn't anything."

Gu Yuena replied to Na'er who let out a sigh while pouting.

But it's not like Gu Yuena could blame her as even she was getting frustrated, waiting for Wulin's return.

It has only been a day since they all returned but there was still no sign of Tang Wulin. They all saw and knew the Arkadians plane was destroyed.

As at the time of its destruction, brilliant light illuminated the sky with scraps falling into the world.

Yet there wasn't any sign of Tang Wulin coming back or falling from the sky which was strange to them.

Strange to the point some were questioning if he was dead but they dare not voice it out.

In fear of pissing off Tang Wulin friends and loved ones. All of them held this unshakeable faith, that Tang Wulin wouldn't die to something like this.

Of course, this wasn't solely based on their trust in him. But the fact he has constantly survived some impossible odds.

Even when he was in a collapsing plane like the Dragon Graveyard, he didn't end up dead like many thought.

Even when he was sent back a billion years in time, back when humanity was under the rules of the Soul Beasts. He didn't falter once, rising against the Soul Beasts and finding his way back to their present time.

Leading their charge into the Demon Plane, battling the Calamities and dealing with the Demon Monarchs.

Regardless of the odds, Tang Wulin had constantly pulled through.

"It's approaching our deadline..."

"... Do we really have to do it? Can't we use this time to go and look for him?"

"We can't afford it... You know this might be one of our only chances to fully get rid of the Abyssal Plane."

At the moment, they have been asked whether they plan to take part in the invasion of the Abyssal Realm.

This was the final plane that was latched on to the Douluo Plane and also the one that has been a constant thorn in their side.

This plane had killed many Soul Masters in the past, with their invasion leading to the deaths of many top figures.

Something that Federation and Spirit Pagoda hated, most of them wishing to pay back the Abyssal Realm in full.

But haven't been able from their apparent immortality and the fact their creatures were strong.

Now that they heard the Abyssal Realm had been weakened and there was a way to fully kill them.

How could they not jump at this chance?

The leaders of the top organizations have already approved the invasion of the Abyssal Realm.

But at the same time, Xie Xie had voiced his concern about Tang Wulin and his whereabouts.

Leading to a situation where he and the others had to decide if they were joining this invasion or going to look for Tang Wulin.

"But this is Wulin..."

"I know, any other situation I would have already set out... But he already told us once we destroy the first two planes, then swiftly head towards the Abyssal Plane."

"... Do you think he predicted this?"

"I doubt it, he would have told us if he wasn't going coming back. This might have been out of his calculation."

Na'er nodded with another sigh while kicking her feet as the sun shining down on both her and Gu Yuena.

"Fine, let's do the operation. Hopefully, we can finish it quickly before looking for Wulin."

"Indeed, who knows he might appear during our invasion." Na'er blinks her eyes before she starts laughing."Knowing Wulin, I can imagine he will be making a big entrance."


Ishgar Continent.

Capital Of Tenrou City.

Inside the Academy ground, there was a library located close to the main school building of the Academy.

This library was different from others, taking the form of a gigantic treehouse that was covered with golden leaves and branches.

The tree had a gigantic door entrance to the library with many windows scattered around it. This library really was uncommon, shocking everyone who saw it and making them question why this design.

But Tang Wulin never did say the reason he wanted the library to be built like this.

Right now, Xu Xiaoyan was sitting cross-legged inside the tree library, with books about the stars scattered around her.

Xu Xiaoyu was standing in front of her with an exasperated look after glancing all around: "I know you said you would be studying... But isn't this a bit ridiculous?"

After news of the destruction of the Mortuus Plane spread through the whole world. Xu Xiaoyu returned to Tenrou City to meet up with his sister to see how she was doing.

Once he returned, he was informed by Liu Yuxin about what happened. That while the operation was successful, they were still missing Tang Wulin which had everyone feeling restless.

He went towards the Library where she was staying and saw how hard she was studying. When Xu Xiaoyan saw her brother, she was dashed towards him in joy, hugging him tightly.

Before asking if he wanted to study with her. He was a bit surprised about this but then again realized it was simply how both of them were.

No matter what they obtained, they would usually share it with each other. Only unless it wouldn't be of much help, would they not share it. Like Xu Xiaoyan not sharing Zeref's teaching of the stars with her brother.

Unlike her, he only gained the Ice Star Martial Soul from their parents, not the Starwheel. But before Xu Xiaoyan agreed to it, he had her tell him how she was doing, partially because of their parents and because he was worried.

But she waved off his concern, saying she was doing fine and great to his slight amazement. Since he could tell she wasn't lying and she really was feeling fine.

Leading them to spend the next few hours in the Library house, continuously studying, researching, and communicating.

Xu Xiaoyan shakes her head with a smile: "Not really, most of the books I have read already had information that I knew about."

"But why did you reread them?"

"Solidification and enlightenment. Strangely enough, I can still gain benefits from these books, something I plan I abuse wholeheartedly. Moreover, some of these books are giving me another perspective on the ice and stellar elements. So how can I let go of such an opportunity?"

Xu Xiaoyu sighed: "Since you have decided, I won't say anything more... Have you decided on what you're going to do, concerning the invasion of the Abyssal Realm?"

"I will be invading it."

"Even with Wulin still out there?"

"Don't worry about Wulin. He won't die from this. In fact, I bet he will join us later~"

Xu Xiaoyu's eyes widened at the conviction in his little sister's voice. There was no doubt or hesitation simply trust that he would be alright.

"What a weird couple you guys are."

"Nah, we're just special like that~"

"Definitely special alright..."

"Why do I feel like that isn't a compliment?"

Xu Xiaoyu ignored his sister's pout as he shook his head, he wasn't sure if he could reach her level of trust.

It may require him to undertake much life and death with someone he loves to even come close.

Xu Xiaoyu releases a frown after a bit. "Some of these books I haven't seen before. Even at Shrek Academy, just where did they go?"

"From what I found out, Tang Wulin was the one who brought them into the library. He told us he discovered some of them back when he traveled in time and others from him exploring the lost continents. The only thing he needed to do was translate them back to our present-day language."

"I guess that makes sense, but sheesh. Those in the past really weren't lacking when it came to the knowledge of the stars and ice."

"Hush now brother, no more talking."

Xu Xiaoyu rolled his eyes but he still complied, at the very least he wanted to use this time to become a Title Douluo.

He was a Soul Douluo, only a few rank off reaching the level 90 rank. A rank he wishes to reach before Liu Yuxin who has been catching up to him at a rapid pace.

'I still don't get how she skipped 20 ranks in only a few months.'


The last streaks of lightning finished striking down before the seven-colored clouds began to disperse from the sky.

While the winds themselves only lasted for an unusually short period before dying down.

The ordinary people of Tenrou City, Soul Masters, and even Soul Beasts living in the city were all watching those streaks.

Not out of fear but wonder, as those streaks have been hacking down on this continent for multiple hours now. While this baffles a lot of them at first, they stop questioning it and choose to enjoy the sight of something they ordinarily wouldn't see.


In a certain area of Tenrou City, Mu Chen was hugging his daughter tightly while he twirled her around in excitement:

"That's my daughter! You actually finished a whole set of Four-Words battle armor in only a few hours! Hahaha, who could dare claim to be even comparable to you now?"

"Dammit dad, get off me. You're squeezing too tight!"

"Let the go breathe, brother Chen."

Zhen Hua spoke up with a soft laugh while glancing at the ten battle armors next to him.

If someone had told him his student would have been able to upgrade ten three-word battle armors into four-words.

In only a few hours, he would think they were crazy!

The amount of energy and blood essence it requires to upgrade the metal of three-word battle armor to four-word.

Was way too much! Even for a Qusai-God Limit Douluo, the best they could do was maybe four at a time each day.

But ten?

This was too monstrous! But for Mu Xi, there wasn't much loss, from what she told them. her blood essence and energy were massive.

Partially from her Martial Soul but most of this came from her undergoing the Body Sect secret technique training.

It was able to increase both her energy and blood essence while reinforcing her body to monstrous heights.

After hearing about this, Zhen Hua, Mu Chen, and Feng Wuyu went to inform the Blacksmith Association in Douluo.

With all of the top members approving the trio's plan after informing them. They all decided to do a partnership with the Body Sect.

Where their blacksmithing employees would undergo their training in exchange they would become members of the sect.

If they weren't a part of any other sect. While also creating a partnership between the two, where they will get priority order for anything sitting related.

Mu Ye was completely fine with this, as it not only grew their members but they also gained the Blacksmith Association on their side.

While the Blacksmith Association would be able to increase the chance of more Divine Craftsmen being born.

Zhen Hua knew that after this, Mu Xi really can be considered the greatest blacksmith in history.

'But alas we better get ready for the invasion of Abyssal Realm... We need to send these armors to their respective owners.'

The use of four-word battle armor was going to be a vital key for this incoming invasion. Although they all hoped it would go as smoothly as before.

'Regardless, we have a few more days before it starts, so let's enjoy it while we can.'


In these next few days, Soul Masters and Soul beasts began their preparation for the final plane that has been latched on to them.

All of them hoping this would be an easy success like the last one.

And at the very least, the casualties won't be as high.

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