Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 417: Into the 80th Floor

Chapter 417: Into the 80th Floor

Douluo Continent, the Federation Main Headquarters.

Discussion hall.

The halls were filled with all of the remaining top figures from across the world. All of them were gathered here, making this the largest gathering that Heavenly Court had in the last twenty thousand years.

Not even the gathering for the hunting of the Calamities could come close to these numbers.

Yu Guanzhi sat down in the middle, conveying relaying information around the hall: "The invasion has already started, right now we are both the defensive and support force. Whether we can destroy the last of our enemies will depend on everyone's hard work."

"Sir!" All of the Soul Masters and Soul Beasts resounded, the motivation of their plane survival riling them all up.

This invasion would affect not only the survival of the Douluo Plane but also its future. If they could destroy the Sage Monarch, it would be possible for them to absorb the energy of the Abyssal Plane.

To help empower their plane to an even greater height. Not only will this increase their resources that have been depleting a lot.

But also increase the development of both Soul Masters and Soul Beast.

Many things were riding on this operation.


In the Abyssal Realm on the 70th floor,

The Abyssal Creatures were trying to get rid of the leftover tribulation lightning that had rained down on them for a whole month.

Although most of them were able to revive themselves through their immortality of being bound to the plane.

But some of them had completely died, as the lightning tribulation was able to destroy some of the floors inside of the realm.

Since the Abyssal Creatures' immortality was bound to the floor that they came from. The destruction of said floor meant that they wouldn't be able to revive themselves, leading to an internal sleep for them.

After surviving the last day of tribulation, the Sage Monarch ordered them all to focus on destroying the leftover.

While he began to recuperate himself from defending the realm from destruction.

"What sound is that?" One of the Abyssal Creatures muttered as they heard a cracking sound that came from above.

Glancing upwards, its pupils began shrinking as its expression turned to shock.

The sky seemed too shattered, as countless streaks of light began to descend. These lights smashed into the abyssal grounds, scattering the rubbles and ear-splitting explosion.

One that smashed into some of the abyssal creatures around the area. This led to some of them dying and others being severely injured.

The ones who were injured weren't lucky either as silver arc swept through them, bisecting their body.

After they got bisected, a silver spear rose in the air and began to give off a silver light. The light moved through the area, illuminating everything and causing the grey wisps to be drawn to it.

As the wisps were being devoured by the silver spear, countless figures moved out of the dust storm.

Gu Yuena and Na'er were in front, one covered with a swirling elemental ball and the other with their silver spear.

While Wu Siduo and the others trailed behind her as they charged towards the entrance to the next abyssal floor.

"Remember once they noticed us, they will try everything in their power to stop us from ascending to the next floor."

"But shouldn't they be too weak to defend?"

"Maybe but just like how the Ivory Lord could replenish its energy supply with the plane. I wouldn't be surprised if the Sage Monarch did the same thing for them."

"Would he really do something like that?" Xie Xie arched a brow, from what Tang Wulin told him during his last two encounters with the Sage Monarch.

He didn't seem like the type to put the abyssal creatures before him. Especially considering it could easily remake them through his survival.

"It would depend on its state, sometimes replenishing your subordinates is better than yourself. This is peculiarly true if they're trying to get rid of the leftover lightning tribulation." Ye Xinglan spoke up causing Yun Ming and Chen Xianji to nod their heads in agreement.

It all really depended on the Sage King mindset at that moment, which was the suppression of the leftover tribulation.

And maybe even foresight at their incoming invasion.

"We're coming up close on the entrance, get ready."


Fortunately, for them. There weren't any creatures guarding the abyssal entrance to the next floor, allowing them to slip in easily.

This continued for a few of the floors before they reached one with a different environment from the ones before.

The 80th floor had a dark-purple marsh with muddy areas and even hills along multiple large mountains.

But what caught their attention was down from them, off in the distance.

A squad of ten thousand abyssal creatures could be seen clustered in on one of the hills, glaring down at them.

Suddenly, a thousand of them ran over at rapid speed towards them while the others in the back began to launch long-range attacks.

"I guess they already noticed us..."

"Not the time Xie Xie, you guys go on. He and I will take over from here."Yuanen Yehui spoke out as she donned her battle armor and fallen angel form.

While Xie Xie turned into a streak of black and white, that sped through the ranks of the charging abyssal creatures.

Blood was flying everywhere, as cuts started to appear on the bodies of the Abyssal Creatures. One creature after another started to fall after they saw a black dagger flashed before them.

Some of them tried to counter, but Xie Xie was too fast. He was side-stepping and evading their attacks while his Space-Time dagger gave off a luminary glow.

Before he hacked out, he had been chopping, slashing, cleaving, sweeping, and stabbing out with his dagger as he moved forward. The dagger in his hand was flashing out too fast, beheading and slashing the abyssal creatures before they could properly react.

In terms of raw speed Xie Xie was slaughtering them by the hundreds every time a second went by.

Fast! Faster! Fastest! One blow after another! He knew he couldn't slow down even for a second or stop his charge once he was in their ranks.

For this assault to be meaningful, he needed to cut down enough for his friends to pass by without them chasing after them. His swings were moving faster and faster, to the point his swings couldn't be seen by them anymore.

Leading the abyssal creatures to tremble in fear before they started to try and run away in terror. They were truly frightened now, the dagger skills of Xie Xie were too fast for them to even notice the moment of their death.

How could they compete!

But how could Xie Xie let them go so easily? In the next instant, the whole area turned grey causing the movements of the abyssal creatures to slow down.

Allowing Xie Xie to continue with his brutal slaughter.

While this was happening, Yuanen Yehui had already unleashed her spiritual domain. That left the abyssal creatures that were raining down long-range attacks dazed, as they saw Yuanen Yehui's deep blue eyes.

But what left them in a daze was the vortex behind her, it was swirling and twisting while giving off a terrible blue glow.

They didn't know why but just staring at the vortex made them feel a surge of violent pain through their entire bone. It was to the point that some of them were frantically grabbing their head, chest, and even their throats.

Their spiritual power began to tremble inside, while they started losing feeling in their whole body. With some of them falling to the ground, but still staring at the vortex behind Yuanen Yehui in a daze.

As Yuanen Yehui drew close, they saw it. Inside of the blue miasma that was swirling around her that was making them shudder and freeze, a pair of hands and rotting corpses. They seemed to be moving out of miasmas; millions upon millions of creatures could be seen.

Amassed together, all of them layered over one another as they revolved around Yuanen Yehui as if they were under her command.

The abyssal creatures who had rarely felt fear in their life. Felt an astounding amount rushing through their body, leading to their unfortunate end.

As instantly millions upon millions of flailing arms grabbed onto their form before it began forcibly dragging them down into the portal. The agonizing shrieks of the dead were too loud for the abyssal creatures' screams to be heard.

Most of them were being dragged down below but some of the abyssal creatures were able to escape to the sky.

But Yuanen Yehui only scoffed as she summoned her sword.

'Sixth Soul Skill: Darkness Shine.'

'Eight Soul Skill: Daedalus Apocalypse.'

The clouds above parted as a sphere of purplish-darkness dropped down from the sky, streaking towards the abyssal creatures.

They crashed down into them causing them to release an ear-splitting scream as they fell to the ground.

But as they crashed down to the ground. Pillars of darkness broke through the ground, both piercing towards them and smashing into them.

An ear-splitting explosion rang out, wisps of darkness and purplish-light scattering around.

As these creatures started to turn into grey mist, Xie Xie and Yuanen Yehui took out a Lacrima from their soul storage.

Holding it up to the sky, the Lacrima began glowing a green glow that swept out, smashing into the grey mist.

The life energy began assimilating the grey mist into its light, not letting a single wisp of it escape.

This was something that Ling Zichen and Na'er came up with during the month before their invasion of the planes.

With Na'er understanding of Life Energy, she theorizes it would be possible to replicate the abilities of their spear through the Life Lacrima.

She believed that by them unleashing the Life energy of the Life Lacrima during the death of the Abyssal Creatures.

By doing this, the higher-life energy would be able to assimilate the grey mist. Since it was made out of origin energy and was also a lower level of life energy.

Gu Yuena thought over before she agreed it could work with Tang Wulin also agreeing. Since he asked Sheng Ming who said higher life energy can suppress the lower-level ones.

But the only problem was that the present Lacrima couldn't contain the Life Energy of Gu Yuena, Na'er, and Tang Wulin.

Requiring Ling Zichen to help amplify its storage unit and reinforce the walls around it. While it wasn't flawless, they were able to make a few of them just in time for the invasion.

"Thanks, guys!"

Gu Yuena and the rest rushed forward, as they saw Xie Xie and Yuanen Yehui taking care of the charging abyssal creatures.

At the moment, they were employing their main plan for this invasion. All of them understood that trying to face the full force of the Abyssal Plane even if they were weakened wasn't a good idea.

Not because they would lose but because it would just lead to unnecessary casualties on their part.

Something they seek to avoid at all cost. This is why a small force of the top-tier forces was decided on with the main objective being to help Gu Yuena and Na'er.

These two were the only ones who had a chance of killing the Sage King which would bring this whole war to an end.

They quickly made it towards the end of the 80th floor which also didn't have anyone guarding like the other floors.

Before they dashed towards the next floor, entering into the 81 floors.

As they reached this floor, even more, abyssal creatures were rushing towards them. Alongside their being floor leaders and abyssal generals as well.

"Go! We and Zang Xin will cover this area!"

Cao Dezhi shouted with his scarlet blade already out and his figure blurring away as he dashed forward.

With Zang Xin joining him, as they charged at the incoming forces that numbered over fifty thousand.

Moving at extreme speed, while space twists from their movement, multiple blurry forms of Cao Dezi and Zang Xie appeared out of nowhere.

Hundreds of the abyssal creatures fell before they could even mount an attack. Some had been stabbed through the heart, others were beheaded, and some even got stabbed by multiple red swords.

The abyssal creatures continued to collapse on the ground, turning into a grey mist that started to scatter across.

"Not so fast!"

Cao Dezhi took his Lacrima, it began to give off a shine that swept through the area, devouring the grey mist.

To the shock of the abyssal creatures, who all felt a terrible sense of danger from the green wave.

But some of the abyssal creatures didn't care, specifically, the dragons that rushed towards Cao Dezhi and Zang Xin.

They began breathing, a stream of spiritual power began to rush forward, charging towards the duos whose expressions change.

As they could feel these creatures weren't weak by any means, close to the Limit Douluo rank.

But they only swiftly reacted, evading out of the way as they took the sky with the dragons following after them.

'Continue rushing forward guys, we will handle it still here.'

Zang Xin thought as his figure blurred, appearing in front of one of the dragons and slashing them across the eyes.

The dragon released an ear-splitting roar while Zang Xin stabbed it through the head. Before then steering it into the abyssal creatures on the ground, leading them to smash into the hill.

Crushing tens of thousand of abyssal creatures.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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