Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 422: Wave Through Douluo Plane

Chapter 422: Wave Through Douluo Plane

"Our grandson sure is amazing isn't he~"

Ah Yin laughed for a bit as she saw Tang Wulin vanishing from their sight, most likely going to the Ishgar Continent.

Which is where his friends and people he cared about are at. People that Ah Yin couldn't wait to meet after they were done distributing the energy.

'I wonder what they are like.'

"Amazing doesn't cover it... Right now he is only nineteen with a plane that was close to dying and with the Golden Dragon King. Which was suppressing his talent with his own God-level bloodline being sealed as well..."


"Yet he climbs from a mortal towards the rank of a God-King or maybe even a 6th-dimensional God. He did all of this in so few little years, this is... This is something out of a legend; this is heaven-defying."

Tang Hao knew his family members were all monsters in their own right. Just looking at his son, Tang San who was able to become one of three Gods in his generation.

A feat that hasn't been achieved in thousands of thousands of years before his time. If that wasn't enough, he also became a God-King beyond his time.

Becoming a part of the Five God-King councils and then later the Supreme God-King of the God Realm.

Then his grandson Huo Yuhao had risen above all of the others in his generation, reaching the same heights as Tang San.

Suppressing the Beast King Di Tian, changing the cultivation of Soul Masters and creating the Spirit Pagoda.

Before then attaining the First Level God position of the Emotion God!

Even Tang Wutong was a monster in her own right, having the most talent in the whole family if one didn't include Wulin.

If it wasn't for her being content with her present strength and wanting to just have fun. They had no doubt she would have reached the same heights as Tang San and Huo Yuhao.

Alongside his daughter-in-law Xiao Wu who could switch between the Asura and Sea God, both God-King Positions.

But Tang Wulin?

He has surpassed all of them, reaching a level that none of them have been able to attain. Not Tang San, Huo Yuhao, or anyone in the Douluo God Realm.

Tang Hao had to admit, his other grandson really does deserve the nickname, King of Monsters.

"But this is a good thing~. Not only did he help us get rid of the three planes and also gave us the energy needed to restore the Douluo plane. But he can also create a God-Realm for us, so we don't need to stay unconscious... We can finally spend time together with him!"

How could Ah Yin be unhappy?

She finally got the chance to dote on her grandson that she didn't even get to see until now. At the time he was born, she and Tang Hao were in the Douluo Plane on a picnic together.

It was something Tang Hao suggested for their date since they haven't gone on one in a while.

To say he was saddened about her son being swept away from the Space-time turbulence, would be an understatement.

But as if that wasn't enough for the universe. Even Tang Wulin was forced to separate with the duo, as the Golden Dragon King seal would have killed him.

Had he stayed in the God Realm because of the absorption of the Immortal Qi.

Ah Yin wished she was the one that got to raise Tang Wulin but Tang San needed her and Tang Hao helped against the abyssal plane.

The best thing he could do for Wulin was to make him become the chosen one by the Planar Lord. As well as Nature Child, so he would have the whole world as his support.

While also watching over him, yet Ah Yin didn't believe this was enough. But it was all they could do.

"Huh... I guess that is true, although I think it will be hard to spend time with him... He doesn't seem to care much for us being his grandparents."

"Can you blame him?" Ah Yin rolled her eyes at Tang Hao's lack of empathy." Two random people came out of nowhere and said they were his grandparents. It would be bizarre if he accepted them so easily!"

"But he saw the past and so he should have seen we are his grandparents."

"True but that doesn't mean he would gain feelings for us. At best he would be seen as a distant relative of the family."

"... I guess you're right, at least he accepted your hug. From the times we have observed him, he normally wouldn't be open to being touch by strangers."

"That just means we have hope!"

"Or maybe you charm him?"

"Oh hush you."

Ah Yin smacked Tang Hao's shoulder while giving him a vexed look while Tang Hao just laughed.

As in all honesty, he was happy!

Not only was his grandson strong and okay but it seems that Ah Yin and he will be able to walk the Douluo Plane once again.

The only thing that was left for Tang San to return from where he was swept off to by the Space-Time turbulence.

And then finally, their whole family will be together once again.

"If only we could communicate with them... I am sure this would help put Xiao Wu at ease."

Tang Hao nodded at Ah Yin words, he hoped his daughter in law was doing okay. While Tang San told them things were stable, he did mention Xiao Wu's health was declining.

"Okay, let's finish this and go meet with our grandson."

As Tang Hao uttered this, Ah Yin started to sway her body once before blades of gigantic Bluesilver Emperor Vines spread out.

They began moving through the whole planet, as Tang Hao started to crush the maelstrom that was in his hand.

As the energy started to surge around his hand, he flung it towards the gigantic blade of vines that began to devour the energy.

In the next moment, the vines started to glow grey with the massive abyssal energy before it exploded outwards.

Turning into countless light spots shooting out in all directions.

It rained.

The pattering grey-colored drizzle began to moisten the land and nourished the Douluo Plane.

The sky was glowing grey but had hints of seven-colored as well. Alongside a rainbow that started to form with grey lights shimmering on top of the rainbow.

Everyone who looked up and saw this, couldn't stop the gasp from leaving their mouth.

As it was one of the most captivating sites to them.


On the beach of the Ishgar Continent.

On the beach that was empty with the sun that was shining down. In the next moment, a sea of white appeared on the beach, sweeping through the whole sandy area.

The pale radiance was illuminating the pristine beach! As this was happening, silhouettes started to appear all around the beach.

These silhouettes started to take form as the sea of white began to fade away. One of the silhouettes turned out to be Er Ming who began to blink his eyes.

But he didn't stop there, he began moving his arm all around his body, making sure everything was alright.

"What the... This is the Douluo Continent, how did I get here?"

Er Ming muttered out loud as he saw the azure sea before him, as he felt the rays of the sun shining serenely on his skin.

He didn't need spreading out his spiritual sense, he could already tell he had been teleported to his home.

And it wasn't just him, as he saw all of the people who joined in the invasion, appearing one by one around him.

Yet as he saw people appearing, he felt even more confused.

Why did they get teleported back to the Doulou Plane?

The survival of the Douluo Plane depending on the answer to this question. If it was Gu Yuena and Na'er who teleported them out of the plane, then it might mean they won.

Er Ming and the others all knew how important this invasion was, how important the impact would be.

If they were able to win then that meant the Douluo Plane would not only be safe but able to absorb the abyssal plane.

But if they lost?

Then it would mean that the Sage King teleported them out and may start his preparation. To not only repay the favor but also to devour their plane.

This is why Er Ming began to look for the duo, hoping they weren't dead.

"Weren't we on the Abyssal Plane?"

Mu Xi questioned as she started to regain her bearing, being forcibly teleported was not a fun experience.

Especially after getting her abilities and strength suppressed. Before teleportation took place causing Mu Xi to feel powerless for the first time in a while.

'Maybe it was Gu Yuena and Na'er who did it? This wouldn't be the first time they teleport us out.'

There was evidence that the plane was breaking down before they were teleported. Not only that but it was only after that wave of nine-colored that the plan began to stop.

Could the plane have been breaking down?

And could they have halted its destruction for a bit before teleporting all of them out?

These were the thoughts Mu Xi was having at the moment but regardless, she just needed to find those two.

To find out what happened.



"So he teleported us back here."

Gu Yuena noted the people around her and Na'er who were trying to stabilize themselves after being forcibly teleported.

Not like she could really criticize them, Wulin wasn't being very accommodating when he did the teleportation.

Now that she thinks about it, she wouldn't be surprised if he teleported them without giving them a warning.

Simply because he didn't see the need to.

"You have any idea what happened to Wulin? He felt like he not only attained a God Position but also ascended higher-level dimensions."

"... Indeed."

This was something that Gu Yuena didn't, no couldn't understand how Tang Wulin achieved. How did he achieve a God Position?

How did he achieve a higher god-level?

She and Na'er were able to feel the 5th-dimensional aura from within Tang Wulin.

How could they not? Both of them held the Dragon God Knowledge, so they all remembered the feeling of a 5th-dimensional aura.

Not only do they recognize the feeling but had fused with it before and absorbed it into their being.

So to them, the dimensional aura coming from Tang Wulin was too familiar. Yet that wasn't the most unbelievable part, not the part that has them questioning their sanity.

Was that the energy and feeling they felt from Tang Wulin was stronger than the Dragon God.

Not stronger as in the same rank but as if Tang Wulin was at a higher-dimensional level.

"Do you think he actually did it?"

Na'er asked as she finally got herself off the ground with Gu Yuena following behind her.

"I wouldn't be surprised, it isn't like it's impossible for him. The Golden Dragon King is a God-King so he could have used it to become a God-King but..."

"But that still wouldn't replace the feeling of him having an even higher-dimensional aura."

Na'er finished Gu Yuena's words causing her to nod her head. But before they could continue this discussion, the people around them started gathering.

When Er Ming yelled out their name.

"Gu Yuena! Na'er! Did you guys do it? Did you kill the Sage King and then teleport us out of the plane?"

Er Ming came up in front of them while giving them a pleading look. He really didn't want to continue dealing with the abyssal plane.

It wasn't just him but the others, all of them giving the duo a hopeful look.

Gu Yuena and Na'er glanced at each other but before one of them could open their mouths.

'"The Sage King should be dead but we weren't the one who teleported everyone out."

"You guys weren't? Just what happened up there?"

Qiangu Dongfeng questioned as he noticed these too didn't seem worried. They seemed to be happy, a little bit too happy.

If the smile and trembling of Na'er was any indication.

"Yeah, it was-"

Before Gu Yuena could finish her words, a streak of light appeared in the sky.

Before the streak of light came down from the sky, landing a few meters away from them.

The light was too bright causing the others to hold up their hands.

It only had lasted for a few seconds before the light faded away, allowing them to see a man standing in front.

The appearance of the man left them all in shock not because of who he was. But because the presence and aura that he gave off left them all at a loss.

No matter who it was, human or soul beast. All of them felt a sense of reverence and praise for the person in front of them.

As if he exemplified their greatest truth and will.

But it was then, they saw Na'er rushing towards the man with her arms wide open and a gigantic smile on her face.


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