Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 423: Ten Thousand Year Plan

Chapter 423: Ten Thousand Year Plan

In the Alvarez Garden.

"You miss me that much? It has only been like a day."

Tang Wulin was sitting down on one of the chairs that were placed in the private garden after its recent renovation.

"Hush! I don't know what happened, but you somehow went MIA and then came back as a True God... Without me!"

Na'er glared at Tang Wulin with a cute pout on her face, as her arms wrapped around him tightly. Not only that but she was sitting in his lap as she rested her head on his chest to Tang Wulin slight amusement.

"Huh... When you put it like that, I can see your point."

While he did find her reasons amusing, he couldn't really disagree with her. He knew Na'er dislike him doing things without her or at the very least telling her.

'Though technically this time wasn't my fault.'

"Hmm, you guys aren't angry either?"

Tang Wulin glanced at all of his friends and lovers who were giving him an amused smile. All of them glance at each other before speaking up.

"Not really, we kinda are expecting it by now."


Tang Wulin lips twitch as he saw their radiant smile but he just ignored them as he shifted his gaze through the whole room.

Everyone was staring at him. Each of them had various expressions, some with awe, some with disbelief, some with excitement.

He already knew all of them had questions, but they seemed to want to wait until he started before asking them.

Which made things far easier for him.

As he waited for Ah Yin and Tang Hao to finally arrive. He could sense they were coming, as they already arrived in the Ishgar Continent.

When they arrive, this would mean everyone will be here, allowing him to start his explanation.

As he needed everyone to be updated on the current events and the future.

"Alright, they are here."

Just as Tang Wulin said this, two streaks of light appeared in the garden next to him. Before Ah Yin and Tang Hao appeared, both had smiles on their face.

Their appearance left everyone but Er Ming and Da Ming surprised as they knew who these two were.

How could they not?

"Hehe Wulin!"

Ah Yin didn't waste any time. She moved towards her grandson to wrap her arms around him and give him a quick hug.

While this is happening, Da Ming decided to speak up to quell everyone's confusion and to talk to his old friend Tang Hao.

"Tang Hao? Ah Yin? You guys have been on the Douluo Continent this whole time?"

Tang Hao and Ah Yin?

The same Tang Hao and Ah Yin from twenty thousand years ago?

The parents of Tang San? And technically the grandparents of Tang Wulin?

Every single person except Er Ming shifted their heads towards Ah Yin hugging Tang Wulin, their face was filled with disbelief.

Forget disbelief!

Weren't these two supposed to be on the God Realm? Weren't they supposed to have been swept away alongside the God Realm?

If that was the case, why would they be here!

Unless the God Realm had already returned, which would explain Tang Wulin achieving Godhood.

Other than that, there shouldn't be a way for them to be here unless Da Ming was lying.

Which wouldn't make much sense, since he had no reason to lie.

But considering Ah Yin is hugging Tang Wulin and he is allowing this!

This was especially for Tang Ziran and Lang Yue, who had never seen their son let a stranger hug him before.

Even when they first adopted Na'er, Tang Wulin wouldn't allow her to touch him until after a few months.

Tang Hao had already noticed their expression and so thought it was best to clear the air to them.

"Yes, we are the same Tang Hao and Ah Yin from twenty thousand years ago, the same ones who also became Gods like our son."

"So does that mean the God Realm is back?"

Various people's heads perk up at the thought that the God Realm was back. But none more than Queen Marina, since the return of the God Realm would mean the return of the Sea God.

Such an event would make all of the sea soul beasts delighted.

As with the Sea God back, the sea soul beast would be protected even more!

Tang Hao shook his head at Yun Ming's question." No, the God Realm is still dealing with its trouble, the reason why we been here is because of a plane that Tang San set up."

"A plan he set up? You mean looking after Wulin?"

"Well, that was part of it." Ah Yin stopped hugging Tang Wulin as she gazes at Yun Ming."The plan itself was a ten thousand year plan that was created to take care of the abyssal plane before they even came."


It wasn't just Yun Ming, but everyone else in the garden evens Er Ming and Da Ming were in a daze after what they heard.

Ten thousand year plan?

Made to take care of the abyssal plane before they even appear?

From what they understand, the Sea God Tang San had schemed against the abyssal Sage King before he even arrived.

To the point that he had Tang Hao and Ah Yin stay behind.

As well as the fact, the Gods had stayed behind to protect them.

While they thought they were alone, they really weren't!

Didn't this mean the plane wasn't really in danger?

"Could you-"

"Explain? Sure I guess we should do that first. Especially since there isn't any point in keeping it a secret anymore since the abyssal plane was destroyed."

Nobody reacts to the knowledge that the abyssal plane got destroyed, they had already rationalized that much has happened.

With Tang Wulin appearance and Gu Yuena saying he teleported them out.

"Tang San explained to us that mankind was destined to embark on the path of high-speed development. Now, this wouldn't be so bad if they weren't causing harm to the plane because of their greed. On the other hand, the path of advanced technology is almost irreversible, which will certainly result in the Douluo Continent plane leading to a decline."

Ah Yin spoke up after Tang Hao.

"Had the Divine Realm still been around, they would have been able to make adjustments for the plane to achieve equilibrium. But since Tang San had felt the Divine Realm was going to be in danger, he decided to set up an alternative plan. That alternative plan was the abyssal plane which he guided over from another galaxy, so the Douluo Plane can devour it."

"As the abyssal plane is one of those special planes that isn't rare in the universe that devours others to get stronger. But those types of planes are inherently repulsed by the cosmos because of the type of existence they are. With them being wiped out by any Divine Realm that noticed them, so regardless the abyssal plane would have still met their end. But Tang San believes it would be better to use them to refill our plane instead of having them die."

Queen Marina and the other's eyes widened, but Yun Ming spoke up before she could say anything.

"So it was Sea God Tang San who led the abyssal realm to connect the Douluo Plane... So he predicted our plane was going to be that bad?"

"More like he saw the future of the plane. He saw that if nothing changed, the Douluo Plane would have been destroyed by humanity."

Tang Hao's words left all of the humans in shock while the soul beasts only shook their heads.

They already know this was going to the plane because they had a closer connection to the plane than them.

They knew that if nothing was dead, the plane would have died in the next couple thousand years.

The fact that the humans didn't notice is what made some of these soul beasts frustrated. Just the fact, there was barely any nature and resources on the continent should have been the hint for them.

Regardless to think it was the Sea God Tang San himself who was able to come up with a plan to deal with this dilemma.

Queen Marina couldn't help but feel pride in her chest. That her god was not only looking after the sea but was thinking of a way to restore the plane.

So it wouldn't get destroyed by humanity's foolishness.

"But since Wulin had already taken care of the plane, the plan kinda seems useless."

Tang Hao muttered as he glanced at his grandson with a complicated look but a sense of pride in his chest.

"Did he also plan for those other two planes? The Mortuus and Arkadians one?"

"No, he never mentioned those planes before, which makes us believe they came at random."

"That is because they weren't supposed to be here initially... But because of the being known as Typhoon, they have been devouring other galaxies."

Tang Wulin finally spoke up causing the others to move their gaze towards him. Especially Gu Yuena and Na'er, who had heard the name of such a being first hand, unlike the others.

"Typhoon... The Ivory Lord of the Mortuus Plane talked about Typhoons to us... That he will come and devour everyone on our plane. It mentioned this being was the one who subjugated them and sent them here. As well as a being who was above all of them in God's strength."

"Hm, well it wouldn't be fully wrong in that case. Well, I guess it's my turn to explain what is going on. Is that everything you guys wanted to say?"

Tang Wulin glanced at Tang Hao and Ah Yin who nodded their head, indicating they were done.

With a sigh, Tang Wulin began explaining to them his current condition since he knew that was what they are most curious about.

"At the moment, I am a True God with a God Position."

"... So you really are, so wait if you are a True God then where is the God Realm? Tang Hao said the Douluo Realm wasn't back, so did that mean you created it?"

"Yeah boss, are you a God-King now?"

"I did make a God Realm but not in the traditional sense."

"Not in the traditional sense? What are you-"

"I underwent the Realm In Body to make my God Realm."

As soon as Tang Wulin uttered these words, Gu Yuena, Na'er, Tang Hao, and Ah Yin expressions turned into one of overwhelming horror.

Realm In Body?

The same Realm In Body that was considered a broken path by every God Realm?

The broken path that no one, not even those monstrous geniuses from a God Realm and even a God Star could accomplish?

This broken path was the one that Tang Wulin used to make a God realm!

One has to realize, from the beginning of their universe till the era they have been living in, not one person has accomplished this feat.

Not those geniuses whose talent allowed them to gain God-Level attributes as a mortal. Or those monsters who had the support of countless God Realms and God Star.

Why? Because this was a path that was absolutely impossible to walk!

Forget just surviving transforming your body into a God Realm, just the fact that the Universal Law would try to destroy you.

Is enough to show just how dangerous this path is.

And yet, Tang Wulin had not only tread this same broken path but achieved the Realm in Body.

They could feel God's Position from him and his aura that was above the 4th-dimensional. None of this would be possible without a God Realm, which he had to create.

The reaction of the four of them caused everyone who was around them to shiver. Although they didn't understand what the words of Tang Wulin meant, they knew it wasn't anything good.

Na'er began to speak up in a frantic tone.

"You... You not only tried this path but actually achieved it-, Wait, was that why your overall strength went from the Limit Douluo rank to the First Class Level? Did you actually achieve a Semi-Divine Plane."

"Yes, back on the abyssal plane. I underwent the second part of the Body in Realm evolution which brought my body to that level."

"But wait, how did you even learn about this path? None of us told you, and I doubt your father would tell you."

Na'er spoke up, causing Tang Wulin to shake his head.

"It was actually by accident. I wonder if it was possible to turn my own body into a God Realm... I simply gain confirmation that it was possible and that it was a broken path known to all God Realm."

"And you actually tried it! Did you have that much confidence! Or did you not even care about the consequence!"

Na'er glared at Tang Wulin, but he knew she wasn't furious at him. Just hurt that he decided to do this method even while knowing there was a chance he may die.

Without once again, telling them.

He knew out of everyone. Na'er had the most faith in his abilities and talent to accomplish the impossible.

But right now, she was just frightened at the chance she almost lost him because of this broken path.

So he hugged her close causing Na'er to tremble as she hid her face from him. He didn't say anything, but he directly sent his feelings out to Na'er who was gritting her teeth.

His hand moved up and down her back, while he rested his head on top of her.

Na'er could feel it, Tang Wulin trying to communicate to her that he recognized the consequences and that there was a reason.

Alongside, he was thinking about them as he made this decision. This made Na'er tremble, even more, wondering just what made her Wulin walk this path.

She doubts it was more power because Wulin had never shown much care for obtaining power.

While he may want to get stronger and fight strong people, he never showed much interested in attaining more power than he had.

Unless the occasion was necessary.

"Broken Path? Consequences? What do you mean Wulin?"

This time it was his mother, Lang Yue who spoke up as she gave Tang Wulin a troubled look. Most likely from the thought that Tang Wulin may have been doing something reckless.

"I mean the path that I have been walking was one that never had been achieved before... No one has been able to complete the act of turning their own body into a God Realm... Until me."

After Tang Wulin said that Gu Yuena let out a sigh before speaking up, she knew it would be better to explain to everyone.

Just what the Realm in Body Path was.

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