Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 428: Parallel Memories

Chapter 428: Parallel Memories


"Qingfeng, it's good you are here. Did you have them settle down here?"

"Yes, the Qiangu that came with me have already found a home and registered with the academy or body sect. But... Brother, I don't understand why you would want us to join the Ishgar continent."

To say Qiangu Qingfeng was surprised that his younger brother wanted them to migrate over to the Ishgar Continent.

To spread their social influence here instead of the Douluo Continent was an understatement. He didn't really understand why Qiangu was willing to give up their status in the Douluo to be a nobody in Ishgar.

Not only that but he actually gave up his Spirit Pagoda Position, something he never once thought his brother would dare to.

He knew his half-brother well. He wasn't the type to give up such a position. Even for the women, he would love or once would love if what he heard was true.

He thought it would require Dongfeng to either be kicked out or for his grandson Zhangtian to take over the position.

Yet none of that happened, Qiangu Dongfeng willingly gave his position to Gu Yuena who became the next Spirit Pagoda.

From there, he heard of everything she did.

Such as dismantling the experimentation that the Pagoda has been doing, leading to years of research going down the drain.

But no one dares to oppose her.

Not only because of her strength and position. But also the people around her, how could they now know who was around her?

Just the fact she was considered the sister of the Sea God Pavilion Master was enough to give them a pause.

Combine with the other monsters she was with, well none of them dare. Besides, most of the members found the substation she brought to them was far better.

The Beast Platform, she called it, was a hit with most of the members.

"Don't worry, I will explain it to you better... Just get ready soon, we have a way to become True Gods."

"Huh? Are you being serious?"

"I'm, which is why you need to hurry up and get ready."


Dongfeng releases a sigh as he watches his older brother moving away before he hears a voice behind him.

"So you're moving over here?"

Qiangu Dongfeng didn't need to turn around to know it was Leng Yaozhu standing behind him.

"No, for my plan with Tang Wulin to work. Most of them will be living there to become apart of the populace... I will be living with the others back on Douluo, or well that was the plan."

"Hehe, leave it to a God Realm to mess up our plans huh."

"Yea-Our plan? It messed up your plan?"

"It did or well it made me realize there wasn't any point in my original plan anymore."

Leng Yaozhu's eyes softened as a sullen smile made it to her face before she let out a sigh.

"...Did that plan relate to you waiting for Yun Ming?"

Qiangu Dongfeng asked with a bitter smile on his face, already waiting for the expected answer.

No matter what, it seems Leng Yaozhu will still love Yun Ming and only Yun Ming.

"Hmm in the past it did. But after seeing my cute student with her own lover and the past few years that passed... It had changed already."


"Hmm, I wonder. How badly do you want to know?"

"Very badly..."

"Well then, come here."

And closer he did. But as Qiangu Dongfeng came close to Leng Yaozhu, she pulled him into a kiss that shocked him to the core.

But he didn't dare stop, simply content on enjoying it.


"Hope really did come... And to think it only has been a year."

"Hehe as expected of our son."

Yun Ming blinked his eyes as he glanced at the smiling Yali. This wasn't the first time he caught her calling Wulin her son but he didn't really say anything.

Since Lang Yue didn't seem to mind whenever Yali said it in front of her. Even Tang Wulin seems to accept it to his bewilderment and considerable confusion.

Although it was pretty funny when he saw the look on Wulin's face after he called him a son once.

'Totality worth it~'

"Right, he sure does know how to come true when we really need it... Maybe he could heal you."

Yali's eyes widened when she heard the end of Yun Ming's words.

"I know we accepted the future of not having any children with each other. And you know my stance on accepting another woman, which is why we were thankful for Na'er presence. But with Tang Wulin's present power, it should be possible..."

"I understand... I will ask him the next time we see him, I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

Yun Ming's expression softens after feeling Yali's trembling body and seeing her gentle small.

He knew out of the both of them, Yali was the most affected after finding out she couldn't get pregnant or carry a child.

Even more so when Yun Ming said he only wanted to be with her and no one else.

While Yun Ming was able to relieve most of the regret Yali held for being unable to carry a child for the man, she loved.

There was still some left that continued to eat her away. Especially when she walks by a couple with their kids and the happiness they have together.

But now there was an actual chance of getting healed so she could give birth.

How could she not be happy?

Not only that but by them becoming True Gods, she and Yun Ming could stay together forever.

Them and the others she came to care for, she wouldn't have to say goodbye to her two adopted children.

Or to her future child, who she knew she was going to spoil rotten.

Well she and Yun Ming, no matter how much he may deny it in the future.


"Tang Wulin made a God Realm? And he wants us those who are eligible to come?"

"Well it's a God Star but the Douluo Galaxy will be facing an upcoming threat soon. So we need all the God level being-"

"Another threat? God, can this plane get a break?"

Dai Yun'er lips twitched as she heard her father's words but then her eyes began to shine as she realized something.

"Father! You and uncle En Ci need to grab whoever you can and hurry and come over. You guys finally have a chance to become Gods!"

"Haha, alright, alright. I will send word through to the empire to hurry up."

Dai Tianlong's boisterous laughter could be heard from the other line as he listened to his daughter's excited voice.

He and En Ci were smiling as they already figured out why Yun'er was so excited.

They knew she was happy there was a chance for them to attain immortality, meaning they wouldn't have to die.

Something that Dai Yun'er was thankful for, as she didn't want to part with her father anytime soon.

While Dai Yueyan simply smiled. He too didn't want his father to die, even though that might mean that Dai Tianlong would be able to take back the throne.

Dai Yueyan didn't mind, he loved his father way too much. Plus this meant he could become a God when he was ready to pass the throne to someone else.

"Alright, hurry up and bye!"

"Well, aren't you excited."

Yue Zhengyu's voice rang out as he entered the room that Dai Yun'er was in. With a delighted chuckle, he wrapped his arm around the excited Dai Yun'er who only giggled when she felt his touch.

"Of course... I really don't want to say goodbye to them."

"Hmm, I can understand the feeling. I wouldn't want to say goodbye to the others as well. Xie Xie, Gu Yuena, Wulin, and the others, they're like family."

Dai Yun'er leaned more into Yue Zhengyu as she listened to his words, all of which she agreed with.

She cherished all of them. To her, they were like a second family, one that she wishes to stay with forever.

Yue Zhengyu's smile softens as she turns Dai Yun'er's head before he captures her lips. The kiss didn't last long, but it was enough to leave both of them in a daze.

As they parted, Yue Zhengyu was still holding Dai Yun'er's face. Yet Dai Yun'er notices the tender eyes and dazzling smile on his face.

"Hm, what's up?"

"Nothing... I am just happy I have everything right now. A family that I can trust completely, friends I can rely on, and an awesome lover."

"Awesome? Not beautiful?"

Yue Zhengyu flicked Dai Yun'er's nose with a small laugh. "Stop playing, how many times have I called beautiful already?"



Yue Zhengyu continued to laugh as he captured Dai Yun'er's lips once more.

"Hmm still, I'm surprised you were able to get my father's approval... I was sure he was going to deny you for a while longer. Just what did you do?"

"Tsk, don't you trust me? How could father in law resist my beautiful charm-"

"He beat you up a lot, didn't he?"


Yue Zhengyu dropped his head while Dai Yun'er simply laughed. She was only teasing him but if his reaction was really like this.

Then he really did get beat up!

Initially, she was wondering if he was joking but considering how her brother, father, and uncle acted.

And how Yue Zhengyu tends to present himself, they might have tried to put fear in him so he would know the consequences.

Of breaking their dearest daughter's heart.

'...Stupid idiots.'

Dai Yun'er couldn't really blame them, it was mostly her fault for not warning Yue Zhengyu. Even though he didn't tell her he was going to seek her father's approval, she should have talked about them a little bit more.

'Well, what's done is done.'

"While I am sorry, you had to get beat up...I am glad you were able to their approval, something I know few can attain."

"Haha, it's fine... You know I will do anything for you."

"I know, you have been and continue to show you will. My angel, that I loved with all my heart."


Dai Yun'er tightens her hold on Yue Zhengyu as she holds his face while her eyes soften.

"Let's go... I am ready to be with you forever and ever, both in mind and finally body."

Yue Zhengyu's eyes widened at Dai Yun'er's words before a fire started to burn inside him at the sly smile that appeared on her face.

"Yun'er! You're the best!"

"Haha, look at you, so excited. Well then my dear angel, aren't you going to take me away?"

Without a second thought, Dai Yun'er found herself in the air in Yue Zhengyu's arms above Tenrou City.

"I promise to give you the time of your life!"

Dai Yun'er didn't respond, she only laughed as she rested her head on Yue Zhengyu's chest.


"Hm, Yuanen?"

Tang Wulin saw Yuanen Yehui down from him, she was leaning on the wall while gazing at the sunset sky.

Glancing around, he didn't see or felt Xie Xie around the area, surprisingly he was in the place of Tenrou.

'I wonder...'

With this thought, Tang Wulin moved towards Yuanen Yehui who still seemed to be lost in a daze.

Without any hesitation, Tang Wulin's hand outstretched, and he began to pinch her cheek.


Yuanen Yehui swiftly swatted Tang Wulin hand away while glaring at him. Tang Wulin looked at her in mild amusement, while she began caressing her cheek with one hand and clenching the other.

"Wulin... Prepare for a beating."

"Nah, I am good... So why are you out here?"

Yuanen Yehui glared even harder at Tang Wulin, knowing he was trying to dismiss the fact he pinched her cheek.

Still, she knew it would be pointless. He would easily see through it and he could see the past to find out.

"... I am just thinking."

"Just thinking? Hm is this about your family?"

"Yeah... The chance to become God is here... Yet I am unsure if I want to give them the chance to become God."

"Hmmm, come here Yuanen."

"Huh? Why?"

"Less talking, I want to show you something."

Yuanen Yehui gave Tang Wulin an annoyed glance but she still moved towards him, completely trusting him.

As she reached him, she felt a hand being placed on her head. Blinking her eyes in surprise, she saw Tang Wulin's eyes glowed.

And then she felt it, a stream of memories that she knew wasn't hers but at the same time, she felt like it was.

Yuanen Yehui's figure trembled for a bit before small bits of tears began to leak from her eyes after Tang Wulin withdrew his hand from her head.

"...That was."

"One of your parallel self-memories."

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