Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 429: Know What To Say

Chapter 429: Know What To Say

"One of my parallel self? You can access the memories of them?"

"Yeah, a 6-dimensional being can do that since they interact with all parallel worlds."

A God-King could also interact with the parallel world as well. But unlike a 6-dimensional being who could choose which one they wanted to see and interact with all of them.

A God-King was limited to only a set amount and was stuck with whatever parallel worlds they could see at the moment.

Still, they could interact with these parallel worlds like how God could interact with a lower-dimensional world.

The only real limitation they had was changing the history of the world, something only a 6-dimensional could do.

"That world... Looked so different and yet she was able to make up with both of them."

The memories Tang Wulin gave Yuanen Yehui was one where Yuanen Yehui made up with her family and came to care about them.

It was actually the same world from where he saw himself fighting Gu Yuena for the fate of humanity.

With Tang Wulin being at the 7-dimension and them being the same world as the memories he holds, it was easy for him.

For him to find a memory where she connected with her family.

Why did he do this?

Well, normally he wouldn't do it if Yuanen Yehui didn't want to connect with her family anymore.

Considering they were the reason for her mother's death even though it wasn't intentional. It still wouldn't be wrong for her to cut them off, considering the way they acted.

Wanting to kill her before rank 90 for fear of bringing over the Demon Realm.

Yet surprisingly she still doesn't hate them.

While it wasn't clear love for them, she still held a soft spot in her heart for them, which was clashing with her hatred of them.

Seeing this, he decided to give her those other memories to better understand the situation and how her other self felt.

Not only to help her but to speed things up, since he knows her mind would be occupied with this for a while.

"So, do you still hate them?"

Yuanen Yehui didn't say anything at first, but he could see the changes in her expression as if she was finally coming to terms.

He didn't disturb her, curious about what she would decide on.

"No... I can understand my other self-feelings. They did what they needed to protect the whole clan even though I hate it."

"Hm, do you want to experience your mother's memories at the time-"

"No... I am fine. Yeah, I am fine, I can handle this now... Thanks, Wulin-"

Yuanen Yehui's eyes widened, a hand was placed on her head, one that began to move up and down her head.

"Anytime, you troublesome sister."

"Haha, I am pretty sure you're the troublemaker in our family."

Yuanen Yehui laughed as she moved in, hugging Tang Wulin who also hugged her back. Lasting only for a bit before they began to part with each other.

"Bye, big brother~"

"...Now you're saying it too."

Yuanen Yehui only laughed at Tang Wulin who began to shake his head as he continued walking forward.

As Yuanen Yehui saw Tang Wulin figure fading away, she started to make her way towards the palace.

Before she saw a figure running towards her.

"Xie Xie..."

"Yuanen! There you are, I was looking for you... Did you speak to your family members?"

Yuanen Yehui's eyes softened as she stared at the man in front of her. Already guessing he was thinking about her and her family situation even though she didn't ask him to.

"Come on Xie Xie..."

"Huh? Are you going to call them-"

"No, that can be done on another day, but for now. I just want to be with you for today."

Yuanen Yehui could only laugh when saw the blush on his face. Even after they started dating for months, he still acted the same.

But ya know, she wouldn't have it any other way.

He was her little Xie Xie.


"... Lord Di Tian, did you feel it as well?"

The Azured Eyed Tiger asked as he stared at his hands, tear leaking out of his eyes. Even with his peculiar temperament, the Azure Eyed Tiger couldn't stop himself from feeling emotional with the thought of the curse-breaking.

How could he not?

This was a curse that made even him suffer severely. Every a hundred thousand years, he had to suffer a tribulation to continue living.

While at the same time, continue his cultivation until he reaches one million years where he will end up dying in the end.

Just how sad was that?

To continue surviving so many lightning tribulations in hope of living, to only end up meeting a wall in the end.

Making it as if all of that suffering and perseverance meant nothing.

Until now.

Di Tian only smiled as he placed a hand on his shoulder before speaking.

"We all felt it and it was real... The God Curse that has been plaguing all of us for hundreds of thousands of years has been broken, at last."

"So it's just like I thought." The Heavenly White Dragon had a grin."When I heard Wulin's voice and his words, I knew he really was going to break it and he did."

"But wait... For Tang Wulin to achieve this, he would need to become a God-King. Did he already become a God-King?" The Thousand Demon King asked even though it was already sure it did from the aura it felt.

From Tang Wulin when his voice swept through the whole world.

Di Tian began to relay everything he heard from Tang Wulin, as well as what Tang Hao and Ah Yin said.

Once he was done, he was met with absolute silence from all of the soul beasts around, all of them staring at him in disbelief.

Everything they heard sounded just too unreal to them.

Tang Wulin being a 7-dimensional existence?

Tang Wulin made a God Star?

A beast known as Typhoon who planned to destroy or subjugate this galaxy?

An incoming attack to the galaxy with their attacker being gods from across time?

Sea God Tang San was scheming against the abyssal plane?

The planar lords of the Douluo Realm were Tang Wulin grandfather and grandmother?

All of this made the soul beasts realize just how little they were. Just them ignoring the first four-point and that Tang San was scheming against the abyssal force was enough to make them shiver.

Did this mean that Tang San also knew about their plans? Is this why Er Ming and Da Ming, two soul beasts who gave their lives for him, were also willing to help them?

Not only that but the fact the planar lords were his parent, made things even more complicated.

Had they tried to destroy humanity before. The planar lord would have stopped them.

Depending on the method, the soul beasts may have suffered another punishment and curse from the gods.

Something they really didn't want.

"But it should be okay, right? Since Tang Wulin is Tang San's son and the one who freed us... Then we won't have to worry about getting punished right?"

This was the biggest question the soul beasts had at the moment.

Were their curses broken, just so the humans could use them as tools in the upcoming war? Don't get them wrong, they hated the fact they are having thought like these.

Since it was only recently, they fought with humans to protect their home, and recently they have been feeling.

They could really live in harmony with humans.

Since before it was impossible. The two races couldn't live in harmony since they both held something against each other.

The soul beasts hated humanity from them eliminating their kind, experimenting on them, and taking away their home.

While it was the greed, the humans had against the soul beasts. Since they needed soul rings, soul's bones, and needed research to get stronger.

But it was only ten thousand years ago that fundamental changes started to happen to help the two races.

Through the great Emotion God Huo Yuhao, the slaughter of soul beasts wasn't needed for soul rings.

Then the hunting of the soul's bones became illegal with the consequences being death by Shrek and the Federation.

And then with the help of Gu Yuena, research of soul beasts wasn't needed as well. With the Beast Platform and virtual reality, the humans could do their research without hurting any of the soul beasts.

All of the issues on the humanity side were fixed, the only thing left was the soul beast. Which Tang Wulin fixed by dissolving the hatred the soul beasts had for humanity with the help of Gu Yuena.

Then having the Alvarez Empire, Shrek Academy, Spirit Pagoda, Body Sect, and Tang Sect all coming together.

To declare to the world, if any dares to hunt or kill the soul beasts, they will have to face their wrath.

This was a binding law that the present leaders and council of these organizations made. One that the future leaders would have to follow or fear the punishment from the heavens.

Something that Tang Wulin set up as a fail-safe, in case the future became unpredictable.

So there really shouldn't be any reason for both races to not get along.

But their trauma of being nothing more than resources and having their home stolen was way too deep for them to just forget.

'Well, I can't blame them... I was just like that as well.'

Thought Di Tian as he saw the mistrust in the soul beasts eyes.

"Don't worry, Gu Yuena and Na'er wouldn't allow that to happen. They will be the Supreme God-King of the God Realm, so you don't need to worry about us."

"They are? I thought Tang Wulin would be the leader... Isn't he the one making it?"

"I thought so, but he wanted Gu Yuena to be the leader, he believed she would be a better one than him. Also, he believes he can't become the Supreme God-King of a normal realm because of his Realm In Body."

"So it's both trust and his limitation?"

Bear Lord nodding his head before speaking up. "Well, at least we won't have to worry about how our roles will be in the war."

"Has everyone been gathered?"

"No, some of them from the Douluo Continent are still on their way..."

Di Tian furrowed his brows before speaking up." I thought I told you to have them all come here by the end of the last month."

"I know but at the time, they were still distrustful of humans."

"...Fine, tell them they better hurry up or they will lose the chance of becoming a God."


"My queen, is everything alright?"

"Oh Aron, how could everything not be okay? Not only do we have a chance to become Gods with the curse being broken... But our God himself, the Sea God had been watching over all of us even though we didn't know~"

Queen Marina couldn't restrain the joy that was rushing through her body, as everything was going delightful for them.

While some threats were approaching, she had complete faith in Tang Wulin and his terrifying battle prowess.

How could she not? He had constantly proven himself to be above the conventional norms even for monsters.

Slaying Gods as a mortal.

Making his body into a God Realm when it was thought to be impossible.

Resisting the Universal Law.

Surviving multiple attacks from a 7-dimension god

And reaching the 7-dimensional level, something only Typhoon and the Universal Law had reached.

"Still, we can't disgrace the sea beasts by having Tang Wulin do all of the work, now can we?"

"Of course, not my Queen. It would not only revolt me but also be a considerable embarrassment for us sea knights."

General Aron said with a clench of his fist causing Queen Marina to smile at him.

"Have the others come to Ishgar fast. We need to prepare to ride into battle with the Prince of the Sea. A battle that I'm certain we will be looking back at with fond memories."

"Hm? Are you that confident my queen?"

"Of course! This is one battle we can't afford to lose... Am right?"

"Indeed you are."


"Took you long enough~"

"Sorry, Yuxin."

Xu Lizhi laughs as he approaches Liu Yuxin who was sitting down on one of the seats in the palace hallway.

He moved down next to her before one arm wrapped around her shoulder and he brought her close to him.

"Oh~ Were being assertive today? Sigh, where did my sweet Luzhi wander off to?"

Liu Yuxin brought her hand to her face while looking away but instead of Xu Lizhi getting anxious like he typically does.

"Yes, we are because today the day I found out I can be with you forever."

When Liu Yuxin heard Xu Lizhi's words, she felt trembled as her heart skipped a beat.

"I am so happy right now, I can't control myself."

"... I am not sure If I have the talent to become a God-"

"Nonsense, big brother can easily help you with and besides, you can easily just stay in the God Realm."

Liu Yuxin fell silent as she stared at the big man in front of her, the one who was gazing at her so seriously.

She didn't need to ask him what he would do if Wulin said she couldn't become God.

She already knows the answer.

"Hehe, you idiot. Always knowing what to say at the right time, no matter the situation."

Xu Lizhi only laughed as he tightened his hold around Liu Yuxin while a faint blush appeared on his face.

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