Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 433: Possibilities Flashes

Chapter 433: Possibilities Flashes

Ling Zichen roared out, partly angry from being irritated but mostly trying to come to terms with what just happened.

This was too unbelievable!

This wasn't something that could be explained with just Tang Wulin being a God Level being!

Her body went straight from a Soul Scholar to a Limit Douluo in under ten seconds. That means her body is not only strengthened by the amplification that each rank gave her.

But her spiritual power and soul also went through countless transformations as well. Ling Zichen could feel her spiritual power at the peak of the Spiritual Domain.

She could feel the laws of the world around her, the natural element that was responding to her spiritual domain.

She could even feel two cores inside of her, one that was a soul core and a spiritual one. Even though she never made one before, they just naturally formed at the moment.

All of the things that her adoptive father talked to her about. And all of the things that a Limit Douluo could feel and perceive, she could do the same.

"Isn't it obvious? I poured out the Immortal Qi that was inside of my body into yours. A higher-level god can amplify the strength of a weaker god through their own Immortal Qi which is what I did for you."

It's similar to him absorbing the Golden Dragon King energy every time he breaks open the seal minus the divine madness and pain.

His strength was being increased because he was being elevated by the energy of the Golden Dragon King.

The energy that was a God-King and far beyond anything he had at the time.

"I can grasp that part... But how the hell did my body not break or explode! Dezhi told me no one could rush their cultivation like what just happened-,"

"I agree, it's impossible. Even for me to do this without your body experiencing pain or exploding prematurely."

Just as how a higher-god can raise the strength of those lower than them.

Those lower than them needed to have a body and a mind strong enough to withstand those higher-level being energy.

The best example would be every time he absorbed the Golden Dragon King. Although he was absorbing the higher-level being power, he still needed a strong enough body and mind.

To withstand the full brunt of its power.

Not only that but in cultivation, the body and mind needed time to fully adapt to each amplification it went through.

So logically Ling Zichen's body should have exploded or at the very least be heavily wounded right?

"But what if I simply wish for your body to fully adapt to these changes, feel no pain, and adjust completely to the energy? Wouldn't that cover all of the problems?"

Ling Zichen just stared at Tang Wulin in disbelief. "You..."

She only now grasped why she could have gone through such a smooth transition.

Tang Wulin simply began to warp reality to negate all of the negative consequences that would have happened to Ling Zichen.

Her body exploding prematurely from the energy? He simply ignored it.

Her body needed time to adjust to these changes? He just made it so it already adjusted.

Her body gaining all those cores and a spiritual domain? He just made it happen.

Ling Zichen really didn't know how to react to this type of news but Tang Wulin didn't give her time.

"Alright time to go."

After saying that, Ling Zichen's figure began to glow nine-colored to her surprise. Before she could raise a complaint, she was already teleported into the God Star, leaving Tang Wulin alone.

"...Although I can do this, it does come with a negative that even I can't fix."Tang Wulin muttered with a perplexed frown.

That negative was that the person themselves would be far weaker than what they would be had they done the climbing themselves.

For example, say there was a Soul Master who utilized many years to climb up the cultivation rank.

Constantly training, fighting other people, and doing indoor cultivation before they finally hit the Limit Douluo rank.

Now then, compare that person to how they would be if someone had just granted them Limit Douluo strength.

The difference would be obvious, wouldn't it?


The person who was instantly given power would have no idea how to best utilize the power they were given.

Compared to someone who has climbed from the bottom. They used a countless number of years to figure out the ins and out of their power before reaching the top.

Even if Tang Wulin promoted thousands of Soul Masters to the Limit Douluo rank, it wouldn't be worth it.

They would become no different than meat shield and fodder.

This is why it was better to have someone work for their strength than instantly gain it. Also, the reason why he forces his friends to work for their strength instead of giving them a free meal.

Even the boost from Second Origin Release required them to go through hellish pain. Before he then forced them to train, to get accustomed to their newfound strength.

Having them figure out both its strength and weakness, so they wouldn't be caught off guard in battle.

'Still, this method is good for those who don't need to worry about fighting.'


In the City of Tenrou.

In a house close to Townsquare.

"Wulin? Is something wrong?"

"No, I just came to check on you guys."

Tang Wulin replied to Lang Yue whose frown turned into a charming smile. Before she hauled him into an affectionate hug.

Tang Wulin held her with one arm while his other was gently rubbing her back.

"Seeing as you're here, they must have all gone up with the God Star by now?"

Tang Ziran asked as he came out of the kitchen after he was done doing the dishes. He told Lang Yue he would be doing them today since he had time off work for the week.

"Yeah, they're cultivating right now..."

"Hmm, so what are you going to be doing now? Oh! Do you want to spend time with us?"

Lang Yue's eyes lit up as she gazed at Tang Wulin whose smile softened even more as he held her even tighter.

"Not this time mom, I still need to do something. But I promise we can do it later."

Lang Yue pouted while giving Tang Wulin a small glare, although they knew she was joking."You better remember mister."

"Hahaha, so why are you here Wulin? Could it be you want to take a nap here?"

It wouldn't be a surprise to Tang Ziran if that was the case.

While Tang Wulin had his room in the palace and the academy. Maybe he wanted to sleep in a place that he felt was comfortable.

Like a home where his loved ones were.

It had happened to him before, for some of his out-of-town jobs. He would have a hard time sleeping or not be able to sleep at all.

It wasn't until he got home, that he would be knocked out, as soon as he reached the coach.

Requiring Tang Wulin to lift him and lay him in the bed, something Lang Yue liked to joke about.

"No, I came here for you guys."

Lang Yue furrowed her brows as she placed a hand on Tang Wulin's face. "For us? Is something wrong honey?"


"I want you guys to stay in my life forever, so I need you all to sleep for a bit."


"Yes, once you wake up... You both will understand."

Just as Tang Wulin said this, a pale white light began to shine dazzlingly from him. It moves out of him like flowing streaming, washing over Tang Ziran and Lang Yue.

Enveloping them in its glow, leading them to shiver in delight. As the energy felt like someone gently wrapping them in a sheet of cloud.

Yet both of them were still looking at Tang Wulin in worry, inquiring what he plans to do.

Or why he had a hint of sadness in his eyes.

But they couldn't do anything or say anything, as the light covered them fully before it began to shrink.

In the next moment, Tang Ziran and Lang Yue were gone.

In their place was a small pale sphere that moved towards Tang Wulin who was gazing at it with a faint smile.

"Once you guys wake up, you should be God-Level beings. Your ability to get pregnant will be restored mom, so everything should be fine. Hopefully, I will be back by then... if not then..."

Tang Wulin didn't say anything else as he pushed the pale sphere upwards.

It turned into a streak of pale white, rushing past through the house, into the sky, and straight towards the God Star.

Tang Wulin stayed inside the house for a bit, walking around as he glanced at all of the familiar furniture.

The Familiar photos they took, the souvenir, and the memories that each object brought back to him.

He even checked the room that his parents said was his and Na'er, if he ever wanted to come back and rest in.

Funny enough, it still had their old stuff.

Shaking his head, he left the house after locking it before making his way to the palace.

As he moved through the street, every step he took produce a white ripple that spread across.

The gentle ripple was enormous, spreading through the whole city, continent, and the entire planet.

None of the people around was able to notice the ripple since it belonged in a higher dimension than them.

Tang Wulin didn't take the quick route to the palace but went the long way. To continue sending gentle ripples through the world and enjoy the scenery of the empire he helped build.

Passing by the Tenrou Academy, he saw the students were undergoing the training. Trying to reach the goal at the end of the path while surviving attacks from the teachers and soul technology.

Glancing into the school, he could hear sounds of fighting and see a pack of students fighting against a teacher in the hallway.

Continuing his walk, he passed the countless food stalls that were in this city. Some were even being run by soul beasts with people standing in line.

Passing by shops, he saw soul beasts at the cash register. Glancing inside of the shop he saw humans moving around while conversing with shoppers that were soul beasts.

Making his way up the street, he saw a bunch of kids playing with each other. While adults were supervising them, all of them wore a content smile on their faces.

Past he saw the Blacksmithing building that was ringing out with sounds of metal being hit. With people going in and out of it, next to it was the mechanic shop and the mecha shop.

Continuing along, Tang Wulin glanced to the sky, seeing a gigantic tree that was reaching to the sky.

It was the library that he built using some of Yggdrasil's old body and Sleipnir's power. He then reinforced it with his power of Creation and Life Energy.

Then later on he reinforced it with his own power, making it, so it reached the God level. He wanted it to become one of the secret defense mechanisms of this empire.

After that, he included the books, with all of the books that were added there was Yggdrasil and Zeref combined knowledge.

To help the future Soul Masters and the Soul Beasts with their abilities.

Passing all of that, he closed in on the palace in front of him. Near the palace was a Pavilion which was the Body Sect's main headquarters.

Spreading out his sense, he could sense a lot of the members were undergoing the new secret training method.

He even sensed one of them reaching the third level of the secret technique. A level only he, Wu Siduo, and apparently their senior brother was able to achieve.

A senior brother he has yet to meet but Mu Ye said he was still training in the army. As Mu Ye wanted him to gain some more experience and discipline.

But because of the destruction of the abyssal forces, the army had allowed most of their members to take a leave.

So he heard his senior brother; A'Ruheng was heading back but by the time he arrived, the fight would already be here.

No longer interested in that thought, Tang Wulun turned around and saw the whole city before him.

It was magnificent and vibrant, the sun rays illuminating the city, allowing its beauty to shine even more.

It was truly a capital city that he wanted to protect.

Tang Wulin turned around before he walked into the palace.

Past the palace's main hall that was thirty meters high, twenty-meter wide. The entire building glimmered with a faint dark blue with black and silver.

All of the Soul Master guards who saw him saluted him before allowing him to pass. It didn't take long for him to reach the throne room, which he told them to keep empty.

As he moved towards the blackish white throne with golden streaks, the pale white ripples continued spreading from him.

They seemed to glow with the layers of platinum-glazed tiles that were shimmering brilliantly.

Before they stopped once he reached the throne and sat down on it.

With a faint smile, Tang Wulin leaned back into the throne while propping his head with one arm on the grand throne while crossing his leg.

Tang Wulin's eyes began closing, as he waited.

Waited for the incoming threats that were a danger to the galaxy.

A danger to the world.

And a danger to his home.

A threat he planned to fully crush.

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