Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 434: Across The Stars

Chapter 434: Across The Stars

In the depth of Space.

Explosion sounds rang out continuously alongside the site of countless meteors descending, falling into the green planet down below.

These meteors exploded once they made contact with the green planet. This led to the planet shaking while producing even more fissures on the ground.

While this was happening, the battle down below on the surface was coming to its end.

Sounds of shrills screams rang out as humanoid figures with spikes over their body died by the thousands.

The army that was covered in the divine garment was charging murderously.

Hacking out with their weapons, as the blood splash out, to the point a sea of blood was forming from this massacre.

This wasn't a battle but a one-sided slaughter.

The creatures who were dying all had expressions of unwillingness, trying their hardest to resist the divine army.

But it was useless, all of them were easily being killed.

As for the army that was slaughtering these creatures, all of them were expressionless as they did it.

More specifically, they seem to lack emotion itself as they stabbed out with their spear and trident.

Even when they were hit by an attack, they still showed no emotion. The slaughtering of these creatures didn't seem to faze them all.

As if they felt nothing and nothing affected them.

A golden spear punctures the final creature in the area before it is pulled out. Once this was done, the soldier glanced around and saw the others were done as well.

Without any hesitation, its eyes flashed before it began to speak.

"They are all dead, High-Commander."

"...Okay, teleporting you all back."

An ancient voice rang out before the divine army felt a fluctuation in the space around them.

Before a golden light shined around them, dazzling and brilliant. The light had seemed to envelop the divine army before it began teleporting them out of the planet.

It wasn't just this region, that was like this but the whole planet. Shouts of fierce screams seemed to ring through the whole planet before long everything got quiet.

With other soldiers confirming the creatures were all dead.

The whole green planet seemed to be filled with a golden shower of lights as the divine army began to teleport themselves away.

Once the army was safely teleported away, a gigantic planet began showing itself. It was a red planet with two rings, one going horizontal and the other going vertical.

It looked like any other planet except it felt out of place, giving off the presence of the Gods. The red planet that was hovering over the green planet began giving off a red light.

The light began spreading out, covering not only the green planet but also the solar system. But the whole galaxy that the green planet was in, turning the galaxy red.

After this, the Galaxy started to tremble, as the red planet began absorbing the energy of the whole galaxy.

Leading to the planets and stars to start crumbling after all of their energy was sucked out.

Inside of the red planet, at a throne room.

Was a red throne, which was occupied by humanoid women that had golden skin, red hair that went down her waist.

Crimson-gold eyes that gave off terrifying pressure and four arms that rested on her lap.

The women were beautiful in a sense, although she gave off a war-like presence that would scare most people away.

"This would be the tenth one... Tsk, why does it even need all of this."

The ancient being, Uxlo commented while three of her hands were clenched and the other one holding her head.

She perfectly remembered it, the time when she was ruling over her own galaxy.

One that she was able to fully control with her God-King cultivation, alongside the divine army that she made herself.

Through the remains of her enemies, she crafted the perfect army.

An army that didn't have any emotion, making them fearless and very unlikely to betray her or be swayed by others.

An army that consists of the strongest in her galaxy, each member was a genius in their own right.

With the weakest one being a 2-class God and the top hundreds being at the First-Class level.

Just from her subordinate's level of strength, Uxlo knew she wasn't lacking anything. Other than developing her plane into the fable higher realm, a God Star.

Which was close, she only needed fifty thousand more years to ascend her God Realm.

The time that was no different than a blink of an eye to gods. She was planning on capturing more galaxies to accelerate the process.

But who would have thought it would be her undoing.

One of the galaxies she invaded, led her into encountering another God Realm. Not fearing the God Realm and confidence in her realm, she prepared to clash with them and devour their realm.

But then it appeared.

A figure with a golden claw that shattered the space of her realm, the pressure exuded from that sole claw.

Was simply overwhelming.

She had no way to resist that golden claw, divine aura pressed down on everything inside of the realm.

All of the gods were forced to the ground, kowtowing. All of the divine weapons shivered, some shattering from the pressure and other gaining cracks.

While Uxlo herself was forced down to the ground, kowtowing.

Something she has never once done in her life.

And it was then she felt the realm being stripped from her before the cold voice of the being known as Typhoon rang out in her mind.

One that forced its way into her mind and cast a spell over her.

Forcing her, just like the other God Realm she was going to fight before.

To go to other galaxies and start absorbing their resources.

What was worse was Uxlo couldn't even kill herself as she would rather die than live through this humiliation.

How could she bend to anyone?

Was she not a God-King?

Yet Typhoon didn't seem to care, taking away her ability to kill herself. Making it so the only way she could escape was to finish the task she was sent.

Or die by the hands of another.

Something that was proving difficult, as none of the other galaxies was able to get past her soldiers.

"Damn it!"

As Uxlo smashed her fist down on her throne, cracking the side of it.

A beeping sound rang out in front of her causing her to glance up.

"Another galaxy? Fine whatever... Hopefully, this one will have the being needed-,"

Uxlo began to trail off as she felt the voice inside of her head ring out.

"All forces around this area, rush towards that galaxy and reap all of its resources."

The cold voice continued to ring out similar to that of a warning announcement. Yet Uxlo was ignoring it as her mind began to think.

This was the first time such an announcement rang out ever since she got captured. Usually, only one of them was needed for a galaxy.

But for there to be more than one, just for one Galaxy.

It could only mean one thing.

'This galaxy is dangerous... Perfect!'

The first smile appeared on Uxlo face after so long. She began to control her God Realm, speeding up its absorption process.

Since Typhoons also made it so they couldn't leave a galaxy without fully devouring it.

Regardless, she wanted to hurry up. So she could rush towards that particular Galaxy before any of the others and hopefully meet her end.


In Realm In Body.

A gigantic tree could be seen from a distance. The magnificent tree had gold barks with pinkish-blue leaves that shimmered around.

Around the gigantic tree were all types of life, it had a large number of trees and other vegetation growing everywhere.

Down from it once could see a patch of rock that had strands of lush grass moving around them.

Alongside it was a river that had water flowing down from the tree, moving through the area.

In front of the gigantic tree was Tang Wulin who was on the ground, leaning against the tree with his eyes closed.

Yet he wasn't alone, as he was being surrounded by his soul spirits.

Leviathan was wrapping himself around his neck, resting comfortably, giving off a soft snore as if it had nothing to worry about.

Sleipnir was resting her head on Tang Wulin lap. Her antlers were giving off a multi-colored glow while she slept soundly.

Yggdrasil was on top of Tang Wulin's head, sleeping comfortably with a smile on her face while using his hair as a cover.

Tao Tie was sleeping next to him on his right side, a huge body leaning on Tang Wulin's shoulder.

Which was able to hold her whole weight, allowing Tao Tie to sleep without any worry.

Bahamut was leaning on the tree, but he was at the opposing end, not wanting to sleep next to Tang Wulin or the rest.

"They look so peaceful."

Sheng Ming whispered to Hui Mei as she held her gaze on Tang Wulin.

"Well they are pretty tired, this whole year was too hectic."

"Right... Old Tang are you sure Sea God didn't perceive all of this happening?"

Sheng Ming asked Old Tang to stand next to them but he only shook his head.

"The only ones I was able to see were the abyssal plane but not the Calamities, the five dragons, demon realm, and those two planes."

"... But how? You were the Supreme God King of the Realm and you were able to sense the God Realm was in danger. Twenty thousand years in advance, how couldn't you notice them?"

Sheng Ming just found it hard to believe.

Tang San himself was able to sense the universe was going to change. This was something that not even she or Hui Mei was able to even notice.

Not only that but these events happened in their Galaxy, how couldn't Tang San sense it?

"Unless you think it's Typhoon who blocked you from seeing it?"

"Impossible. He was still sealed at the time, how could he block me?"

"Couldn't he just change the past after he got freed?"


Old Tang wondered if Typhoon did that.

It more than had the ability to that and yet, he didn't think Typhoon would do something like that.

Since he had no reason to, the events that were happening on Douluo weren't going to affect him.

Except for Tang Wulin being sent back in time since that was the catalyst for it escaping early.

Something that still shocked and left Old Tang in disbelief because of how the River Of Time worked.

It should have stopped any of the changes Tang Wulin was trying to make or at the very least make an alternate timeline.

Yet that hasn't happened.

It was as if the time itself simply adjusted to Tang Wulin changes and continued flowing.

As if Tang Wulin's own action forced it to follow his lead, a thought that terrified Old Tang, yet made him curious.

Regardless, Typhoon should already know Tang San couldn't do anything.

It would be suicide for Wulin to stay in the Divine Realm while he was a baby with the Golden Dragon King sealed inside.

So what would be the point of blocking the future?

"Or maybe it was the Universal Law?"

"No... If it really wanted to change things, it would have just been destroyed as soon as Wulin was born. Or soon as I was born, to stop his birth from happening."

"That is true..."

The three beings who achieved the level of God-King fell in silent, yet it didn't stop them from trembling.

As they thought about it, the circumstances around Tang Wulin were odd.

But none of them were able to come up with anything concrete or anything to latch on to.

"Let's think about that another time, for now. I have to say, I am impressed, my boy really outdid himself."

Old Tang muttered as he glances all around, still taken by the beauty and heaven-defying of this realm.

Realm In Body, just the name would be able to get any God-Level being blood boiling.

As it was a legend that has been passed down since the beginning of time. A state that no one has ever achieved except Tang Wulin right now.

"He really did with this realm alone. He was able to raise all of his bloodlines to the 7th-dimensional. I can feel myself grasping Creation and Life on a higher level than ever before."

Hui Mei nodded his head to Sheng Ming's words, as he too felt himself getting grasping Ruin and Destruction even more.

Just from the recent evolution, he was able to attain control of True Destruction!

Something he could only unleash by fusing his power with Sheng Ming to produce it. Sheng Ming could also produce True Creation, something she has been training to get better control of.

As she wanted to help properly regulate this realm better, so it could take off some of Tang Wulin and Yggdrasil's stress.

Which he wholeheartedly agreed with.

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