Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 435: Gods Arrival

Chapter 435: Gods Arrival

Sheng Ming tilted her head, gazing at the peaceful Tang Wulin.

"I am impressed he could sleep so calmly, I would have thought he would be waiting in anticipation for the fight."

"Oi, my son isn't that in love with battle. He just loves the challenge."

Sheng Ming threw a vexed look at Old Tang who only chuckled.

"While that is true, he isn't wrong about Tang Wulin being so calm. Usually, that isn't like him... Did he tell you guys about any plan he had for Typhoon?"

Hui Mei asked but Sheng Ming and Old Tang shook their heads.

"Nope, he said plans to deal with it just like how he did any threat."

"But does he really believe it will be that simple? The Universal Law will be helping Typhoons..."

"Right, but I say we trust in Wulin judgment."

Hui Mei sighed but then spoke up."You mean his judgment isn't lesser than yours?"


Old Tang sent Hui Mei a smile causing the latter to scoff at him while Sheng Ming smiled at the two of them.

But Hui Mei had to admit, Tang Wulin instincts and senses were terrifying.

With both of them becoming even more terrifying after gaining the Asura and Golden Dragon King full bloodline.

Now that Hui Mei thought about it, Tang Wulin judgment already surpassed Tang San's own in certain parts.

Like his ability to adapt and instantly know what to do.

Old Tang decided to change the topic of the conversation, one that he has been wondering and curious about for a while.

"His body is adapting to all of the bloodlines?"

Sheng Ming frowned while she clenched her fist. "Thankfully they are but it was only because of the God Of Existence position, though."

Tang Wulin had too many God Bloodlines, to the point it was enough to leave all Sheng Ming in disbelief.

He was born with the Asura and Sea God bloodline. Then he was gaining the Golden Dragon King bloodline after having its core sealed into him.

Then he later gained the Life Goddess and Destruction God bloodline at the Demon Island. That alone puts him at Five God level bloodline with all of them being at the God-King level.

Yet fortunately for Tang Wulin none of these bloodlines clash with each other. As there was more positive than negative god bloodline, stopping any clashes from happening.

Then Tang Wulin later gained even more bloodline.

Like the God of Existence from his own God Position. Then his spirit souls and his fairy heart went on to make their own God Position.

Old Tang was surprised at this bit of information causing him to speak up."They could make their own God Position? Is that one of the characteristics of the Realm In Body?"

"That's what Yggdrasil and we have theorized." Sheng Ming glances up to the sky."Since this place is a God Realm, then it should be possible for God Positions to be made. But the problem that we came across for those with the Realm in Body, in particular, compares to normal God Realms. The lack of them being able to have other Gods make their God Position."

Those who achieved the Realm In Body couldn't add any God Positions to their realm. Not because they lacked the ability but it would require them to absorb Gods into their body.

This would mean those Gods need to become a part of Tang Wulin, akin to fusing their soul to him to make their God Position.

How could any God be okay with this?

This was no different than becoming something akin to Tang Wulin spirit soul. They would lose most of their individuality, forced to obey all of Tang Wulin orders and will.

This was something those Gods would never want to undergo even if it meant immortality.

Leading to the hypothesis, a person with a Realm In Body would be a realm without any God Position but their own.

Yet Tang Wulin was also breaking this rule because of his Spirit Souls.

They were already fused to his body and didn't need to give up anything. They are gaining more considering their strength will grow in accordance with Tang Wulin.

It's because of this that all of his spirit souls were able to make their God Position. Leviathan was able to make the God of Eternity position, which governs the power of Eternity and Infinity.

It was a God Position that was similar to the God Of Existence, in its ability to somehow always exist. Since it's a position that has no beginning nor end, it's, therefore, a position that will forever exist and always exist.

The Position fused itself with the Realm In Body after Leviathan anchored it, leading to the concept of eternity spreading through the whole realm.

This power was able to strengthen the higher-dimensional spaces and Immortal Qi around. Nature, the laws, and elements also felt the characteristic of infinity pervading through them.

Tao Tie was able to make the God of Devour Position, which governs the power of devouring. This allowed Tao Tie the ability to eagerly devour anything in the world, from various powers to even the laws of the world.

This concept spread itself through the world, strengthening and amplifying the realm. Instilling the realm with the need to devour, which was able to increase the rate at which it devoured origin energy around the area.

While also having an impact on how much energy Tang Wulin could passively devour.

Sleipnir was able to make the Goddess of Space-time God Position, which governs the power of Space and Time. Making it so Sleipnir herself embodies space and time, allowing her full control over those respective powers.

By anchoring her position to the realm, it allowed her to embody the space and time of the whole realm.

Making it so she could easily change the time of this realm, alongside the space, being able to strengthen it or manipulate it.

Her concept swept through the whole realm, amplifying it even further.

Yggdrasil made the Goddess of Possibilities Position, which governs the power of possibilities.

Similar to a 7-dimensional God, Yggdrasil could manipulate possibilities although she couldn't manipulate an infinite amount.

The concept of possibilities swept through the whole realm, giving the realm a sense of freedom and choices.

As if there wasn't only one path it could walk.

Bahamut made the God Of Destruction and Rebirth position, a power which governs destruction and rebirth.

While the realm already had the power of destruction deep within it from Tang Wulin's own God of Destruction bloodline.

The addition of Bahamut's position strengthens that even further. While spreading the concept of rebirth through the realm.

Everything in the realm felt itself flourishing with life as if they died once but underwent a complete rebirth.

"But it wasn't just his Spirit Souls... There was also Fairy Heart." Sheng commented with a slight frown.

"The heart? Are you saying it was able to make God Positions?" Old Tang cocked his head in slight shock.

"Yes... Remember the heart is initially the energy within Mavis but was simply fused with her. But it's also because of this combination that makes it possible for the Fairy Heart to also receive Mavis existence."

"Wait... if it also holds her existence, doesn't it also house it?"

"Zerefs. Yes, both of their existence is a part of Fairy Heart itself even after being devoured by Tang Wulin. Since it has completely fused with the heart, making it possible for the heart to establish a position."

"Hm, so does that mean Zeref is?"

"No, Zeref is still"gone" in the sense he won't be returning. You could say his existence lives inside of Fairy Heart which is fused to Tang Wulin. It's because of this will Tang Wulin could have the heart make a God Position."

When Zeref and Mavis were devoured, their existence wasn't erased, they simply transferred into the heart.

As long as the heart still exists, they will too.

Using Zeref's existence in Fairy Heart, he was able to establish the God of Death and Curse's position, ruling over these concepts.

During Mavis's existence, the Fairy Heart was able to establish the God of Life and Faith. Both of these lead to changes in the realm, such as new areas appearing.

Such as the addition of more life energy that started to flow through the whole realm, filling it up and supplying everything with more life.

Then another area was filled with death and curses that led to the destruction of nature and the laws around.

But the rebirth concept was restoring these, fortifying them even further.

And finally filling the whole realm with faith energy that moved through the whole place like fireflies.

Turning the sky golden, as they moved through the area like a flowing stream of water as they strengthened everything in the realm.

"All of these positions made changes to the realm but that isn't the most important part."

"It isn't?"

"No, the most important part is because Fairy Heart and Spirit Soul are anchoring their position to his body. Tang Wulin was able to gain the bloodline of those positions."

At the moment, Tang Wulin himself had the combined might of 13 God-Level Bloodlines that were flowing through his vein.

Such an amount has never been seen in the whole history of Gods.

Or if there was ever such a thing, those being would have died early.

This wasn't only because it was hard for God to have children. But also because those bloodlines may clash with each other and may cause that person's body to explode.

One has to remember a God Bloodline held the aura and control of a concept and a higher-dimensional aura. So they weren't simply bloodlines that one can stack on to each other.

If one wasn't careful, the higher-dimensional aura within their body would cause a negative reaction.

The weakest reaction would be them feeling constant pain while the worst was death.

Unless one had something that could balance all of this bloodline.

Then their ending will be a life filled with constant pain before exploding from losing control.

"But if that wasn't enough, most of those bloodlines are tied to a God Position. God Positions that Tang Wulin himself can tap into and utilize as if they have been his own, since tech they are."

Hui Mei nodded his head before speaking up. "But at the cost of having all of them clashing even if he never used them?"

"So that's why you said it was because of the God of Existence..."

Old Tang grimaced with a shake of his head as he was starting to thank the God of Existence position even more.

Before he was just thankful it allowed Tang Wulin to survive the Universal Law assault. But after hearing all of this?

He was sure without it, there was a high chance Tang Wulin would have been suffering from his existence.

"Yes, if Tang Wulin didn't have the God of Existence. We would have to stop them from making their own God Position or at the very least. Have Tang Wulin combined various God Positions to make one where all of his Spirit Soul could absorb one."

Sheng Ming moved towards Tang Wulin, moving down as she stretched her arm out and began caressing his cheek.

"I know he has to walk the most dangerous path to come out on top for the challenges ahead. And I know it isn't his fault that his future is constantly faced with almost impossible odds."

Hui Mei frowned while Old Tang looked off to the side.

"But I wished he didn't have to go so far..."


Sheng Ming's expression then flushed with anger. "Then there is that bastard Universal Law! Unleashing so many attacks on my baby! Who is trying to do everything to survive!"

Sheng Ming hated it.

She hated the fact she couldn't do anything to help Tang Wulin during that moment.

While she knows no one would blame her, since they wouldn't expect her to be able to do anything.

What could she have done?

The Universal Law would have buried her even at her peak.

Yet Sheng Ming didn't care, the sight of seeing her child rush towards heaven, in an attempt to survive.

Left a deep pain in her heart.

"I know how you feel." Old Tang placed a hand on Sheng Ming's shoulder."I wish I could do everything in my power to help, but we have to accept we can't do anything."

"I already know that..."

They all fell silent while staring at the sleeping form of Tang Wulin.

All three of them couldn't help but lament the fact that there still challenges ahead for Wulin.

Even though he has already done enough.


Two weeks passed.

Streaks of light appeared in the Douluo Galaxy, illuminating the area around them.

It wasn't just one of them but countless others.

All of these streaks seemed to emit a terrifying pressure, which led the planets around to tremble.

If Tang Wulin was here, he would instantly know what these streaks were, all of them were God Realms.

God Realms that were forced by Typhoon to come devour this galaxy and everything within it.

Yet their presence was felt.

On the Douluo Plane, in the Alvarez Empire in the throne room.

Tang Wulin had still been sitting down with his eyes closed before he opened them as he felt the appearance of the God Realms.

"Hm, they appear a bit earlier than I thought."

"Does it even matter? We just need to destroy everything in our way."

Bahamut's cold voice rang out causing Tang Wulin to smirk as he agreed.

Pushing himself off the throne, Tang Wulin took one step forward before he found himself appearing in space.

Before he was the empty vacuum space but he could feel those God Realms were approaching at a rapid pace.

With a smile, he began sitting down, waiting for these God Realms in anticipation.

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