Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 447: Descend Through Reality

Chapter 447: Descend Through Reality

Yggdrasil and the others were trying to wrap their mind over Typhoon's words but finding a hard time doing it.

It was just the words they heard was something too out of this world!

But as if he didn't care, Typhoo continued talking.

"But of course, I knew all of that... How could I not? I was the one who spent the most time with it. So I knew it was going to try something, I wasn't sure what but I knew it would be impossible for me to resist. And so, I didn't."

After being sealed by the Primordial Gods, the Typhoon decided to bid his time, waiting for the perfect opportunity.

It was waiting for when the sealed around it would loosen up on its own, which would happen down the line.

"But then you came Tang Wulin... Being transported in time, appearing in that Era, back when Yggdrasil was in full form. Through your actions which led to the destruction of Yggdrasil, the seal was weakened tremendously. Giving me a bit of freedom to free myself."

"So why didn't you?" Yggdrasil's voice questioned, not understanding why Typhoon waited so long.

"Opportunity. I knew if I left, then the Universal Law would have forced me back under its control, just like it previously. If I tried to resist, it would suppress me, placing me in a seal or stowing me away. So I decided to wait, utilizing the bit of freedom I have to start messing with time a bit."

It was only small things, nothing really major. But it was these small changes that would bring the downfall to the other towers that were still sealing him.

While he couldn't fully destroy the seal yet, he could at least weaken it to give him more freedom for an upcoming event.

"The destruction of a very strong God Star tends to cause changes in the Universe. As the energy from the God Star would generally start to sweep through various dimensions. Which is something the Universal Law can't leave alone, forcing itself to get busy for a while, distributing the energy."

During this time, Typhoon started manipulating the flow of events through other galaxies and history.

From every galaxy he could reach, he set off chains of war and conflict. Havoc and terror, destruction and mayhem, everything that caused damage in the universe.

He did all of this for the sole purpose of stimulating and grabbing the Universal Law's attention.

He knew the damages to the Universe were something the Universal Law would have to fix on its own.

As it wasn't something it could passively do everywhere at once.

"And it worked like a charm. After I messed with various galaxies so much, to the point that the Universal Law was extending itself. I decided it was time to break out, which took a while but I did it."

Then after he broke out, Typhoon started stretching the Universal Law attention even more by messing with history.

He started drawing gods from the past, present, and future before having them cause havoc in various galaxies.

He masked this as an attempt to find Tang Wulin, so the Universal Law wouldn't try and put a stop to it.

"I have to say, you made for the greatest smokescreen. The Universal Law was so weary of you. It allowed me to do almost anything I needed. Just so it could see you suppressed and sealed away for good."

Typhoon had to admit, Tang Wulin made his job way a lot easier. If it wasn't for Tang Wulin, Typhoon would have to stay seal a lot longer.

While subtly messing with the universe to generate more conflict at a far slower pace.

"Maybe it was a good thing you survived our encounter..."

Typhoon really planned on ending Tang Wulin but who would have thought his future self would come to save him.

Although Typhoon was suspicious on why the River Of Time rushed up to cover Tang Wulin.

That was something he plans to find out later but for now.

"After our battle with my 'defeat', the Universal Law had shown its avatar." Typhoon let out a chuckle, his face showing disgust."While it may look strong, that was only a streak of its full self. That thing had stretched itself so much, that it was only a thread of its former self."

"...And you devoured that thread? Using that thread as a connection to its other stands and devouring them as well?"

"Yes, thereby completing my plan... Neat isn't it?"

Tang Wulin and the others were silent, not knowing how to react or what to say.

What could they say?

Ultimately, Typhoon had won.

Not the Universal Law or Tang Wulin but the new Ruler of the 10th-dimensional universe. He outsmarted and manipulated both of them for his goal.

"Well this has been an entertaining talk but it's about time to end this... Unfortunately, just like the Universal Law, I can't kill you unless I plan to destroy everything."Typhoon eyes narrowed, a deadly light flashes in its eyes." As tempting as that was, everything in here is strength to me...So I will just seal you up in the Rivers Of Time."

And just as he said that Tang Wulin felt a horrifying pressure pressing down on him, his cultivation and abilities were sealed!


"Hm? Surprised? Unlike the Universal Law, I am not just a strand... All of my essences are in on spot, so I can utilize all of the 10th-dimension full strength without any limits."

In the next moment, a golden hand appeared around Tang Wulin, squeezing him tight.

The claw was strong enough to shatter every bone in Tang Wulin body after it shattered his realm barrier.

Blood was leaking from Tang Wulin lips.

"While you would make for a good weapon, I don't feel like having history repeat. So then, let's finish this, shall we?"

Typhoon spoke out with a smirk as he began raising Tang Wulin while his other hand began appearing.

Ready to restore the Rivers Of Time and place Tang Wulin inside it for eternity.

But it was then Tang Wulin body shined a pale white before he exploded!

His body breaking apart into pieces alongside a vast amount of blood rain that flew in all directions.

No corpses were left for Tang Wulin, only blood and his soul that was struggling inside of Typhoon grasped.

"Did you think you could escape? Perish the thought and accept your judgment-,"

"Man your annoying."

Tang Wulin voice rang out causing Typhoon to pause.

"What did you say?"

Typhoon eyes narrowed but the soul of Tang Wulin simply ignored him.

"I forgot how annoying you were, then again it been a long time."

As Typhoon heard Tang Wulin words, he felt a sense of danger ringing in his mind.

A sense of danger that rarely comes, except for when something drastic and horrifying has just happened.

"You're not Tang Wulin! Who are you!"

Typhoon roared out but the soul in his hand only smiled, gazing up at him.

"Now, now. I am Tang Wulin... Just not the 'present' one, if you know what I mean."

Typhoon's expression instantly changes, his eyes began to flash, infinite Space-time and possibilities began to flash in his eyes.

"Strange! Too strange... You are Tang Wulin yet at the same time different? So your his future version, so then where is the other one? Did you send him to the future?"

"Nope, that would be useless with your current strength."

Tang Wulin smiled causing Typhoon to frown before he began to peer into the future, all of the futures and possibilities.

And then he saw a peculiar scene, not in the future of this time.

But an alternate one that seemed to have happened before, one that he couldn't see before.

He saw the same scenario as before, one where he was holding Tang Wulin, he assumed this present one.

In his hand, he then saw the future alternate him restoring the rivers of time before placing the soul of Tang Wulin inside.

Ignoring their fierce screams and shout, he saw the soul being sealed inside with the waves of history, time, and possibilities.

Rushing into their mind, which he believed would freeze Tang Wulin mind, turning him into a mindless corpse.

He saw his alternate self-moving away, most likely to go set the universe back on track.

But then he noticed something, one thing that made Typhoon trembled both in shock and disbelief.

He saw something he would have never thought was possible.


Typhoon saw the soul of Tang Wulin resisting the influence of the rivers of time. He saw the soul of Tang Wulin struggling fiercely against the influence of the river, with nothing but his willpower.

Typhoon has never once seen such a thing before.

In fact, he once believed such a thing should be impossible!

This wasn't about if the person could combat the influence of the river or not. As 7th-dimensional Gods are able to do such a thing, without being destroyed or swept away.

But what Tang Wulin was doing was resisting the infinite time and history of the rivers of time. He was resisting information that came from the past, present, and future all at once.

Just how terrifying was his Willpower?

Typhoon watched as Tang Wulin resisted the rivers of time for years, thousands of years which then turned into hundreds.

This continued on with him still keeping his consciousness. Before a change began to happen, one shocking Typhoon even more.

He saw Tang Wulin starting to gain control of the river to the point he could produce subtle changes in history.

And this is where the changes started to take fruit.

"You... You..."

Typhoon was no longer able to stay silent, as he continued watching.

He watched as the future alternate Tang Wulin started to manipulate the timeline. He manipulates the powers of time around the present timeline Tang Wulin in the graveyard causing him to be sent back a billion years.

He saw him distorting the Tree of Time.

Typhoon saw the spatial fluctuating wrapping around the Tree Of Time. He knew it was an automatic teleportation mechanism for the Tree of Time if it was to ever face any danger.

But then it saw the distorting of time, froze it! Just as a red blade hacking through space above and cut through the Tree Of Time, destroying it.

He saw him subtly manipulating time, to send the Calamities into the future, towards Tang Wulin era after he returned to his.

"But... But then."

Typhoon watched and saw, the future alternate Tang Wulin was messing with this present timeline.

He was the one who transported the Demon Island to the Douluo Plane when Typhoon tried to take control of it.

He was the one who intentionally distorted the time, stretching the history on the Douluo Plane and the cause of the lost era.

He was the one who carefully hid the fate and future of Gu Yuena and the whole Douluo Plane. From the Arkadians when they invaded, allowing them to defeat them in battle.

He was the one who caused the river of time to swallow this present Tang Wulin after he sent away in a shockwave.

It was then a thought came to Typhoon.

'It wouldn't matter if I came here or not, it wasn't like you could kill me anyway.'

"That's... What you mean."

He saw the future alternate Tang Wulin sending this present Tang Wulin all of his alternate self-memories.

Including his own.

"Your future-no, you who were sealed in the rivers of time have been manipulating the events that have been surrounding him... This is why he said, it wouldn't matter if he came or not... Because you would have saved him."

"It's good that your catching on saves me a lot of trouble."


"Hm? A cat got your tongue? Why are you so silent?"

"I don't get it..."

"Get what?"

"Why would you send him back! If you knew that would be able to free me faster... Wait, now that I think about it... Everything you had done, was never to halt or interfere with what I have done..."

Typhoon muttered as he stared at the smiling Tang Wulin, not understanding what he was aiming for.

"Hm, would it matter if I tried to delay you? Anything done in the past, wouldn't affect the you who became a 10th-dimension existence. Even if you were to die before becoming the Ruler, it wouldn't affect your future self. In fact, it will just alert your future self, who would be able to fix those changes in the past, easily."

Typhoon fell silent as what Tang Wulin was saying was the ultimate truth.

So what if someone killed his past self? His future self would still be the Ruler and would have found out through that.

It was why Tang Wulin wasn't really worried about Typhoon killing his past self.

So what if he did?

The him in the present would still remain regardless, but Typhoon was just doing it to piss Tang Wulin off.

"So then what did you-,"

"I didn't do anything to you in the past, as that isn't my style. I just helped my present self accelerate your freedom, so you and he could fight."

"So we could fight-! The river of time... You were trapped in it... That's what your present self was aiming for, the destruction of the rivers of time."

Tang Wulin couldn't directly destroy the Rivers Of Time, as Typhoon or the Universal Law would have stopped him.

So he had to make it look like it was 'accidentally' destroy in the clash between him and Typhoon.

As only both of them had the hopes of achieving such a feat.

"Yes, after my present self had recovered his mind, I made contact with him and gave him all of my memories. From there, he knew just about everything that was going to play out. From your appearance in the rivers of time to the type of position, he should make to survive the final evolution. Our present goal was to lead to the destruction of the rivers of time."

Typhoon was silent once again, understanding that he really was used. He was set free early not by an unfortunate accident but by the future alternate Tang Wulin plans.

Which came to fruition. The river of time was destroyed and he was free.

Not only that but all the times he tried to kill Tang Wulin, it only forced him to grow stronger and merely accelerate his growth.

In a way, Typhoon has been helping Tang Wulin all along... And he didn't even notice it until it was too late.

"But enough of that... Tell me something, don't you find it strange?"


"Come on now... Don't you find it strange you couldn't see Tang Wulin fate and future before but now you can see mine?"


Typhoon felt violent chills going down his body, as he began realizing that Tang Wulin was right.

Before he couldn't see the present Tang Wulin future and fate, not even the Universal Law, could.

But now?

Now he could see the future one fate.

"It's because of the rivers of time?"

"Bingo. The rivers of time wisps are still scattered in this area, so it's possible for you to see my future. But as for my present one, you notice how you can't see it regardless of what you do."


That is true, even now he still couldn't see the present Tang Wulin fate and future.

"It's pretty simple... What if there only existed only two Tang Wulin? One that is trapped in the rivers of time and one that was in the present?"

The gears in Typhoon's head began to spin while inwardly he began to mutter, it was impossible.

How could there only be two Tang Wulin?

What about his other parallel selves?

"If there were only two Tang Wulin where one of them is sealed in the river of time. And the other is in the present, wouldn't that mean you couldn't see said person's future or fate?"

That would be true if there only existed two Tang Wulin in all of existence.

Then it wouldn't be possible to see Tang Wulin in another possibility? The only thing one would see is a blank void.

"But how..."

"Good question... Tell me something, what would happen to all of the Tang Wulin simply left this universe except two. Wouldn't that mean only two of them existed in this Universe?"

Typhoon fell silent, still muttering the words impossible inside. Before he could speak, Tang Wulin continue on.

"Now then another question... Are you sure, my body was destroyed?"

Instantly, Typhoon's eyes widen, shifting his faze to the side.

He began to peer into the future, seeing the same scene of Tang Wulin body exploding.

No... It didn't get destroyed, now that Typhoon looked closely. He saw the blood of Tang Wulin falling, falling and they continue to fall.

Before they lit up in a pale light and then they pierced through space, arriving right out of the universe.

And then they started to combine with each other, forming into Tang Wulin body but without his consciousness.

Alongside a golden sphere that began to encase his body, protecting him from the higher-dimensional environment.

Although the sphere gained cracks on it, those cracks would instantly mend. Producing a cycle of cracks forming before they mended by the continuous energy.

"Your... Your body arrived outside of the Universe. But what does that have to do with-. Wait, are you suggesting your body that is outside of this universe-,"

"Absorbed all of the other Tang Wulin, yes. Don't tell me thought it was only the present Tang Wulin I messed with? Oh no, all of them were under my manipulation, so they could go to the body outside."

The smile on Tang Wulin continues to grow while the chills in Typhoon also grew.

As if what he was about to hear, would shock him to his very core.

The soul that he was holding is hand, not only manipulated one timeline.

But every single one of them, every alternate world, and every universe inside this higher-dimensional one.

"But why?"

"It's pretty simple really, I needed to ascend and become stronger. Once you passed the 8th-dimensions, there wasn't much I could do..."

It was impossible for a lower-dimension being to fight a higher-level one. This was peculiarly true for those below the 8th dimension, who wanted to challenge those higher.

The difference between the 7th-dimension and 8th-dimension wasn't a single dimension.

Oh no, the difference was an infinite number of dimensional universes!

For a 7th-dimensional god to bridge the gap, they would need to first control and subjugate all of the dimensional universes.

Every single higher-dimensional universe in this 10th-dimensional universe before then becoming its ruler.

But how could a sentient being withstand such a process? Wouldn't that being have their mind shattered, unable to process it?

There was a difference between absorbing one dimension above and absorbing all of the spaces of the dimensional universe.

This is why only a plane could withstand the process of an 8th-dimension ascension, why no intelligent being can become an 8th-dimensional god.

None of them can withstand the process of absorbing all the dimensions universes which amounted to infinity.

Hence why only God Realms could achieve such a level.

"But that is something wouldn't be able to do with you around." Tang Wulin grin grew."So I thought of an alternative... Why can't I just absorb all of my alternate self who did the Realm In Body? They technically count as dimensional universes... Why not just use them as my infinite-dimensional universes for the 8th-dimensional God requirement."

Tang Wulin smirked grew, even more, when he saw the disbelief on Typhoon's face but he continued talking.

"And once that is all done, why not use the infinite energy of Fairy Heart to push my body to the 9th. Before then compressing and destroying everything inside alongside devouring the energy around from other universes. To evolve it into the 10th-dimension? After all, there is no way to compete against you without reaching the same level..."

Anything less was suicide when it came to facing a Typhoon present state. It reached the point it could destroy everything in existence with a thought. Everything in existence was a mere thought born from him and could be easily erased.

This also includes that 8th and 9th-dimensional existence. After it stepped into the 10th level, the golden barrier was unneeded anymore.

"No! You didn't..."

"The process did take a long, and I mean a long time... It isn't incorrect to say my body is as old as a universe now... How about you looks up. You should see it and him, the greatest miracle in history."

Still, in disbelief, Typhoon started to look up before peering past the Universe and outside. All around him were other universes but one thing caught his eye.

A pale streak of light that was moving, was rushing towards one of the universes.

"It was honestly troublesome, forcing all of the others to undergo the Realm In Body..."

The universe that it was rushing it looked strange, it seemed like it was covered in darkness as if it was dead.

Yet after staring intensely enough, Typhoon saw it looked like a dragon.

"Then have them all separate from their body, sending it outside of the universe. While I kept their souls and memories."

A grand dragon with twelve wings, yet that was all Typhoon could tell.

"But ya know, all that hard work, in the end, did pay off."

But that was enough for Typhoon to realize that the dragon looked familiar.

How could he not? He just fought that dragon although it was fewer wings, the shape of the dragon was still the same.


"Haha! Isn't it amazing? While you guys were busy trying to take over your own 10th-dimensional universe, I thought. Why not just make my own? Hahahahaha!"

Even as the joyous laughter of Tang Wulin sounded around him. Typhoon could do nothing as he saw the pale streak enter into the dragon shape universe.

"From the moment he started on his Realm In Body path."

It was then Typhoon saw it, changes in the dragon.

"The connection was gradually being made."

The streak of light, the only light that could be seen in this endless darkness, went into the eyes of the dragon.

"Slowly by slowly, he was started to connect to it from outside of this reality, it was trying to use him to descend down."

As it did, the dragon began to tremble before it started to light up!

"But he could only make its shadow appear before it vanished."

Like a chain reaction, an endless row of brilliant light began to appear from the eyes down to the tail of the dragon.

"But the connection was still growing... Before it was fully established."

Millions and millions of brilliant lights were appearing by the second, within each of these lights were heaven and earth.

"The only thing left was the final piece... The soul needed to revive and awaken this unrivaled existence."

Creation and Destruction alongside a river of time that began to flow through the whole dragon, it's light dazzling.

"Awaken to who you are!"

"Remember who you are!"

"The who one proved he was greatest out of all us!"

"The one who represents the embodiment of all us!

"The one who subjugated all of us! Suppressing all of us under your might and devouring all of us!"

"Awaken! Tang Wulin!"

That dragon body, that was lit up, seemed to have heard thunder in its ears, as it began to shake.

"Right... I am Acnologia... Black Dragon of Apocalypse... God of Existence... Tang Wulin."

This was a great awakening.

Realm In Body had been taken to its pinnacle. The gradual awakening of a universe made the others around it tremble uncontrollably.

In the end, deafening sounds began to ring out, the other universes began to shook. All of the creatures in the universes around began to feel these shocks, looking up to the sky in horror.

Wondering what was going on but they couldn't see anything.

The Dragon that seemed to come alive began to release deafening roars as its wing shooked, shaking the area around it.

Then the grand dragon began to condense itself before turning into a piercing beam of light. One that blasted out, into a streak of light.

A piercing beam of light shattered space in the area in front of Typhoon and the future alternate Tang Wulin.

A wave of the 10th-dimensional aura surged like a sea, becoming more and more intense as a figure appeared in front.

With each step the figure took, the aura grew and grew, severely shaking the whole 10th-dimensional universe.

"How far do you wish to go before you are happy? Do you think you're the only monstrous existence? This is perfect! Now that you aren't bound to me, I can finally destroy and devour you becoming stronger than before!"Typhoon said coldly as his aura swept out.

But as Tang Wulin appeared, his figure shimmering with a pale light, twelve wings behind him and dazzling golden armor.

He flicked his finger.

The soul in Typhoon's hand trembled before it vanished, appearing in front of Tang Wulin and rushing into his forehead.

After the soul had gone in, 13 various God symbols began to form and Tang Wulin merely spoke."You lost to me before, yet you can still talk so much trash? After this, you will be nothing more than a broken worm beneath my feet."

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