Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 448: Timeless Clash

Chapter 448: Timeless Clash

Tang Wulin could feel it. He could feel absolutely everything within himself.

He could feel every possibility and probability alongside those impossibilities and probability rushing eagerly through his body. All of them producing irregular scenes.

He could feel infinite Space-time fluctuating in his body, every space-time that was born, is born and would be born.

He could feel all of the higher-dimensional universes inside of him, ones that were big or small, boundless or limited, every single one of them.

He could feel all-time inside of him, all of them seamlessly connecting to his rivers of time that regulate his tenth-dimensional universe.

He could feel every reality inside of him, an infinite amount of reality and variables shimmered inside of him.

He could feel the ability to change the rules of everything around him. Allowing him to change the universe to anything of his liking, being able to deny or give any aspect to it.

He could feel every creature inside of him, all of them pulsing with life, with energy, and with wills of their own.

He could feel their faith, their devotion, their thanks, and their emotions. Even their memories and feelings, it was as if every single one of those creatures.

Was none other than him, as if all of them embodies him and he embodied them.

It was then Tang Wulin realized he had everything inside of him, all at once.

Anything that could exist or exist was inside of him, with no exceptions and limitations. He had no limits or exceptions to his existence.

Everything was embodied inside of him. Allowing him to become a single, timeless being composed of everything.

Tang Wulin naturally took another step.

'Yes... I am an All In One entity, one that encompasses everything and anything...'

Tang Wulin grasped he became something that surpassed all of reality.

Something that was beyond the scope of everything and anything. He realized he had become a being that could not only stand next to the whole universe.

But even looked down upon them.

With each step he took, his aura grew even more terrifying, severely shaking the whole universe around him, as everything and anything.

Fluctuate around him, completing his transformation and becoming an unrivaled existence. It felt as if his mere presence was going to ruthlessly crush everything, reality seemed to become unstable around Tang Wulin.

All of his enhancement powers were swirling around him, Dragon Force, Magic God Force, and all of the others wrapped around him. His battle armor appeared, wrapping all around him after it too reached the same level as him.

He felt its also applying his enhancement powers onto him with Leviathan also doing the same. This led to his strength rapidly increasing, the interweaving of his power perfectly fused with him.

His aura was lashing out, surging forward and extending outwards. If it wasn't for Typhoon standing in front, the aura would suppress everything inside of this universe.

As Tang Wulin moved towards Typhoon, an invisible domain started to appear between the two, space began to stir up.

The reality in front of them trembled uncontrollably. Turning blurry and warping from the formless pressure.

Before it exploded!

The violent explosion tore apart the area in front, severing all life, possibilities, space-time, causality, and laws in front.

Shattering space from the 1st-dimension up to the 10th, leaving only a void in the middle of both of them.

Yet Tang Wulin kept on marching, not even sparing a look. While Typhoon began to sneer, also not caring about the void in front.

Even as the void in front started distorting between the two as if it was reacting to the duo's overwhelming presence.

"So what if you reached the same level as me? You still have only just reached this level while this universe has been at this stage for a very very long time. How can you compare?"Typhoon spoked in a plain tone.

His arms hacking downwards, erupting in terrifying heaven and earth power! The area in front was split asunder, as waves of heaven and earth chopped through the past, present, and future towards Tang Wulin.

All at once!

While his Dragon Heads roared out, unleashing streams of raging multi-colored lightning. The raging streams pierced through all Space-times, appearing and striking at Tang Wulin across all time.

Tang Wulin blasted out with his fist, which erupted in all possibilities, space-time, realities, all of everything.

This one fist seems to shatter everything in front, heaven and earth began to warp as the universe began to tremble uncontrollably.

The fist seemed to go forward, yet it appeared in all of the attacks that had instantly appeared around Tang Wulin.

In the next moment, the fist and lightning clashed!

The fist and the chopping energy wave crashed!

At the same time, during this process, he reinforced the spaces around them, stopping their clash from reaching.

The lower dimensions, so it wouldn't eradicate the others and everything below them.

A heaven-shaking explosion rang out!

The whole area was illuminated, trillions and trillions of streaks scattered through the area, as the shockwave tore through everything.

The natural laws and elements seemed to have disappeared, as everything seemed to collapse down on itself.

All while possibilities clashed with possibilities.

Infinite space-time clashed with infinite-space time.

Infinite variables clashing with infinite variables.

Everything and anything seemed to be clashing with everything and anything.

It was only the first clash, yet it seemed like everything had turned to shattered ruins.

Yet Typhoon and Tang Wulin continue their clash!

Typhoon vanished, at the same time appearing right behind, fist blasting out and Dragon Head chomping down.

Speed was irrelevant to him. He could be everywhere and anywhere in this universe. It wasn't wrong to say he was omnipresent, able to attack everywhere and anywhere at the same time.

And yet, that didn't mean anything to Tang Wulin who instantly reacted as his fist smashed out.

His fist smashed into Typhoon's own fist, sending him flying with vicious cracks forming while his other fist turned into blurs.

Each blur seemed to be able to clash with each of the Dragon Heads, turning them into a blood mist before they instantly reformed.

Typhoon vanished, already appearing somewhere else. Yet Tang Wulin was already there as if the fundamental concept of speed, distance, time, and space meant nothing to him.

Instantly both of them clashed!

The two beings were moving, yet at the same time too fast to see or perceive. Only the sight of their shockwaves, one would be able to tell where they were.

Yet each time they collided, all around them images of them appeared. As if they were clashing everywhere around them at the same time.

Tang Wulin moved like a streak of light, wherever Typhoon appeared. That streak of light cut through and appeared at the same time, with a terrifying shockwave resounding out.

The two fists collided, dragon heads and wings clashed, techniques smashed against each other, everything struck against everything.

Tang Wulin Wings was chopping, whipping, sweeping, and slashing against the Dragon heads who were fighting back fiercely.

Both had reached the same level as their owner and both wanted to suppress the other!

Wing slash through a dragon head, a dragon head crunched down a wing, both releasing shimmers sparks that flew outwards.

Each clash between Tang Wulin and Typhoon seemed to destroy the whole space, at the same time creating a new one.

If someone was here, they would see everything being eradicated and reforming at the same time.

Tang Wulin and Typhoon clash were destroying and birthing an infinite number of battlefields for them to fight on.

Streaks of gold clashed once more with a grey figure, a world appearing before getting destroyed as the streak of gold vanished.

They exchanged close to an infinite number of strikes, fists collided once more, infinite possibilities and probabilities warped the area.

Each battlefield seemed to contain infinite irregular scenes, which were instantly destroyed the moment they were formed.

Tang Wulin ducked under Typhoon strike before he began to rain down blows, each fist contained all types of powers.

Each fist crashed into Typhoon's body, shatterings its scales and blasting its body apart. While at the same time, Dragon Heads blasting out with bolts of lightning that began filled the whole battlefield.

While Typhoon's fist instantly tore through everything, striking against Tang Wulin's chest. Yet even as all of these attacks connected, there were no signs of damage on Tang Wulin's body.

They simply vanished.

"Useless, you already should understand it would take a thousand years before your attacks hit me. After the evolution, a second out here equals a thousand-year on my body."Tang Wulin spoke out as his leg lashed out.

Smashing Typhoon away while vines appeared out of his body, all of them hacking out towards Typhoon, appearing all around.

Striking at him across the past, present, and future!

Typhoon roared out, all of his Dragon Head and him spitting out with power. Quintillions and quintillion of streaks of space-time, possibilities, concepts, destruction rushed outwards.

They illuminated the whole place, making the whole battlefield tremble as they reached the vines that were hacking out.

Instantly they clashed, the noise deafening!

Every single streak of dazzling radiance and vines were clashing, every streak trying to dominate the other and every strike was terrifying.

This had continued for a bit before it exploded, obliterating the battlefield before reforming it!

"Screw that protection, I will just rip your body apart!"

Typhoon shouted loud, the whole universe began to tremble before heaven and earth began to warp above and below.

In the next moment, another image of Typhoon seemed to have appeared, his whole body seeming to encompass.

All of the heaven and earth!

Staring down at Tang Wulin with a sneer, Typhoon's gigantic body moved down to suppress Tang Wulin once and for all.

Yet Tang Wulin only glanced up and scoffed before his body began to lit up. Just as Typhoon reached him, a universe seemed to have been born below him.

It was then a gigantic dragon rushed out from under him, looking similar to Tang Wulin True Dragon Form.

The grand dragon released an earth-shattering roar, as its whole figure flowed with terrifying energy. Its figure lit up before overflowing as it released a breath that contained everything, every single streak terrifying.

It blasted upwards, rushing frantically towards the gigantic Typhoon above. Typhoon swift reacted as it chopped down, continuous waves of energy rushed down, hacking into the overflowing beam.

Endless waves of energy clashed with the overflowing beam!

Instantly the whole place was covered with a violent sea of energy, that began to submerge the area before it fading.

Just as the True Dragon below rushed out of the vortex and started clashing with Typhoon who was above.

Their clash led to the battlefield to surge, vicious cracks appearing everywhere and reality trembling uncontrollably.

This place became chaotic, his True Dragon Form separated from him and went off to clash with Typhoon form.

Both of them were fighting intensely, as they too began fighting across time, their clashes resounding through all of the eras.

Tang Wulin and Typhoon clashed with each other once more! Both of them seemly becoming streaks of light that rushed out, shattering the concept of time and space as they fought.

Both of them move across the universe, appearing in every era, every timeline, every place, and everywhere.

Before returning to the void, they were, once again reforming the battlefield.

Yet Typhoon was staggering, coughing up a large amount of blood, inwardly in disbelief at the difference.

But is this really a surprise?

Even before ascending to the 10th-dimensional level, Tang Wulin was already terrifying.

One should remember his battle strength at full power was equal to the combined strength of at least 40 people in the same rank.

How could Typhoon compare?

The only reason Typhoon didn't get destroyed in their last fight was that he had the Universal Law lightning to help him.

But now?

That there wasn't any higher-dimensional power helping him and now that both of them were in the same rank.

The difference between them was starting to really show.

Tang Wulin rushed down upon Typhoon. No injuries insight but only his eyes glowing brilliantly as energy started to be drawn to him.

The energy seemed to be coming from everywhere, the battlefield, Typhoon, and even the other universes outside of this one.

All of the universes that were hovering around this 10th-dimensional universe, seemed to be transmitting their power to Tang Wulin.

"You can even draw power from them!"

"Let's finish this."

Tang Wulin replied to Typhoon as he clenched his fist, endless streaks and strands began to revolve around his body.

He felt his Battle Armor that was able to evolve to the same stage at him, roaring out in power. The symbols gave off a resplendent light that started to lit up the place, a domain was formed around him.

One that was destroying everything around and empowering Tang Wulin. He felt his soul bones pouring out energy to him, his realm core rushing out with energy.

Each of them was responding to his wish. Each had elevated to the same level, and each of them trembled in excitement.

Everything and anything inside of his body was beginning to send their strength to him.

All of them extracted their energy and provided it to Tang Wulin whose strength increased by the second as his body lit up.

Tang Wulin began feeling them wrap around him, all possibilities, all space-time, all reality, all dimensions, and everything.

All around Tang Wulin were irregular scenes that were warping reality and collapsing it.

It was too terrifying!

All of his power began combining, interweaving with each other and compressing down into a single point at his fist.

Clenching his fist, without any hesitation. He thrust out his with his fist that punctured through everything.

'Endless Spear!'

Typhoon tried to defend himself by utilizing all of his power, techniques, and the heaven and earth.

But it was all useless, as Tang Wulin's endless spear blew them all away, before puncturing straight through Typhoon.

Heaven and earth collapsed!

Typhoon coughed out a large amount of blood, as his chest was blasted to pieces, his soul being shattered. Before the energy erupted, endless streaks of energy hacked out, tearing his whole body and existence apart.

Blood splashed across the area, while the body of Typhoon was no more. But it was then Tang Wulin instincts and senses warned him that Typhoon wasn't dead.

But how could a being like that die so easily?

And it was then, an indifferent voice rang out.

"...To be defeated like this. To think this would be the results?" Typhoon face appeared at the top of the sky, regret forming on him.

But Tang Wulin didn't care about all of that, a frown on his face. As he was wounded, how did Typhoon not fully die from his last attack?

As if he noted Tang Wulin expression, Typhoon appeared in front of Tang Wulin, no damage was shown on his body.

As if he didn't just fight a terrifying battle and had his body destroyed.

"Surprised? Come now, you should understand it's impossible to kill me without destroying this universe or devour... I exist everywhere, I am everything and I am also nothing at all! Destroying my body isn't going to do anything. You need to destroy EVERYTHING... But you knew that, didn't you? Yet I doubt you will do it anyway, after all... You would be killing the ones you care about."

Typhoon spoke in a plain tone but one that contained malice and humor at Tang Wulin situation.

What could Tang Wulin really do?

If he destroyed Typhoon's body? Typhoons could easily reform it through the universe's energy.

If Tang Wulin obligated the heavens? Typhoons could easily come back since he embodies everything.

As long as something existed and was present in the universe, he will return. The most straightforward solution was for Tang Wulin to destroy everything and the universe itself.

But that would mean killing his friends, family, and lovers.

Could he really do that?

Typhoon wasn't sure but it wasn't like he didn't have plans to stop Tang Wulin if he tried it. Ultimately, the battle between Typhoon and Tang Wulin may come to a stalemate.

"As if." Typhoon laughed before his eyes began to shine, then instantly space warped around Tang Wulin.

It was then, a fist appeared in front of Tang Wulin, one that made his eyes slightly widen.

As he recognizes this fist, it was his one.

The same one that he used to shatter Typhoon's body was now appearing in front of him and moving to strike him.

Yet instead of the fist striking him, one of his wings appeared in front of him instantly. Just as the fist arrived, taking the terrifying blow which shattered the battlefield once more.

Before it reformed after the light died down, displaying Tang Wulin who only had ten wings instead of twelve.

Broke wings fragments could be seen falling to the ground.

"Such pesky wings, but alas. I just need to summon that fist once more-,"

"Take it back."

Just as Tang Wulin said these words, the fragmented wings began trembling as they were falling to the ground.

Before they shot out towards Typhoon, instantly arriving before him and striking him. But to Typhoon's shock, these fragmented wings seemed to contain the strength of Tang Wulin's previous attack.

'No... it feels two times stronger-,'

That was all Typhoon could think before he was obligated, the battlefield once again shattering and then reforming itself.

"...So those wings can passively protect you and reflect the attacks that broke them back on to the opponent... With double the potency? You're just full of tricks, aren't you? But you can only do it for a few times before all the wings are gone."

Typhoon muttered, appearing once again in front of Tang Wulin with a grim look. But Tang Wulin only smiled, as his fourth heart began to pulse with energy.

Instantly, the two wings that had been broken, began to reform. Two wings burst from Tang Wulin back, making it so he has twelve wings instead of ten.

"... Wow. This battle really is going to become a stalemate."

Yet Tang Wulin only shook his head as he clenched his fist. "This battle is going to end now. Your right about me being unable to destroy this whole universe, as I don't want to kill them... But who said I can't fully kill you without destroying this universe?"

"...But you can't. I embody everything in this universe. You can't do anything. Even sealing me is useless because I will just reform back by appearing out of one of the infinite beings I embody."

Tang Wulin didn't say anything, his eyes began to flash.


Reality began to tremble. Heaven and earth began to shake and the higher-dimensional spaces began to quake.

"What are you..."

Tang Wulin began envisioning it. A direct strike that combined everything he had, one that will strike everywhere.

He could feel it, the birth of his new and final forbidden technique, one that combined all of the previous ones together.

He could feel the technique known as Neo-Eclipse joining together with his Spiritual Domain Transcendent Piercer.


He could feel his Golden Dragon King domains compressing down on this new technique, surging and embodying it.

He could feel the last Golden Dragon King roaring inside, everything started to wrap around Tang Wulin fist.

To help birth this last technique.

'Dragon Emperor.'

A terrifying strike that would erase Typhoon across the whole universe.

He felt Fairy Heart beating rapidly, sending out an infinite amount of energy out, beating so fast it felt like it was going to burst.

"Isn't it apparent? All I need to do is erase you from everything and anything... Every connection you have, every wisp that you place, and everywhere you have been? I just need to reduce it to nothing."

Typhoon's eyes widened at Tang Wulin words, a terrifying and horrifying feeling began to erupt from him.


Typhoon didn't know if Tang Wulin could really do that but he didn't want to wait and find out.

But it was too late, even as he moved to try and stop Tang Wulin, it was all futile.

"Forbidden Existence, Dragon Emperor End."

Tang Wulin fist blasted out with endless spear roaring out but it wasn't just one fist but an infinite amount of them.

The fist punctured through Typhoon who tried to put up a defense and resistance.

But it was useless, as an infinite amount of fist struck him. Each of them contains the full power of Tang Wulin's endless spear!

As he got struck, Typhoon for a split second felt it. He was able to feel that this attack alone seemed to hit a higher level.

As if the combination of an infinite tenth-dimensional beings attack could produce something beyond it.

Yes in that instant, Typhoon felt that Tang Wulin attack could destroy this universe an infinite time over.

That had been all he could think before his body was instantly obliterated, nothing remaining.

Yet that wasn't the end, the one struck the heavens and image above, not an infinite number of fists like the one that hit Typhoon.

But it was still enough to shatter it but again this wasn't the end.

The fist instantly struck every single thing on the battlefield around Tang Wulin.

But again, this wasn't the end.

The fist struck everything in the universe, every era, every reality, and every space-time. Every creature that was in this universe was a direct strike but they weren't destroyed.

Only the wisps of Typhoon and his connection to them were struck before it was erased.

Instantly, Typhoon and every remnant of him were destroyed across the whole universe, no longer alive.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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