Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 450: Cleaning Up

Chapter 450: Cleaning Up

As Tang Wulin clasped the Universal Law hand.

The area began lighting up!

There were divine chains, all of them coiling around the Universal Law.

It was densely packed and numerous, all of them swirled about, nine-colored energy began to surge forth.

The feeling of everlasting and eternal spread out before the chains wrapped around Tang Wulin who arched a brow.

"You're going that far?"

"I have to show my good faith, no?"

The Universal Law replied with a smile as its figures began to shimmer in a golden light. While Tang Wulin slightly frowned but he didn't do anything.

The dazzling radiance lit up the whole battlefield, possibilities, space-time, and nine-colored lights swept through the whole area.

Before it began to dim down, displaying everyone but the Universal Law.

"Huh? Where is the Universal-... What the."Yggdrasil's eyes widened, she shifted to Tang Wulin's body, feeling something strange.

She saw divine chains wrapping around his body, they were color nine-colors before a figure began to appear.

It seemed to appear on top of Tang Wulin, black-white with nine-colored eyes and an aura similar to Tang Wulin.

"You became one of his spirit souls?"

"More like a piece of me became one of his spirit souls... This way, we could communicate better and hold each other in good faith."

The Universal Law words left not only Yggdrasil but all of the others at a loss.

None of them knew what to say.

The fact the Universal Law was willing to bind a piece of itself to Tang Wulin.

Trusting him to not get the urge to devour all of him after gaining a piece. Not only that but by binding a piece of him to Tang Wulin, the Universal Law was technically never free from Tang Wulin.

It could hide nothing from Wulin anymore if he tried to do something. Then Tang Wulin would instantly know and depending on what it did.

Tang Wulin may or may not stop it.

But if that wasn't all, this also meant it could keep track of Tang Wulin's own movement. While it couldn't do anything to him, whatever Tang Wulin did, the Universal Law would be able to know.

Tang Wulin can block the Universal Law from seeing through his role of being the master of its soul.

Depending on the activity, it would still make the Universal Law suspicious.

So it was a surprise to them that Tang Wulin would accept the Universal Law as his spirit soul.

This was something crazy!

Something that most people would never do!

Yet, this also shows a great deal of mutual trust and faith in their future partnership.

For the Universal Law to go this far... It just shows much this meant to it, and it wishes for keeping its universe safe from trouble.

While for Tang Wulin. This would stop both of them down the line from wondering what the other was doing.

Or getting suspicious with each other, their movements and action would be open to the other.

'He didn't have to go so far... But I guess it's worked out for both sides.'

The Universal Law would provide Tang Wulin friends and family protection in the world, easy communication with him.

Able to easily relay any information to him, increased strength. While also sharing its omniscience with Tang Wulin, allowing him to know everything in this universe.

Since Tang Wulin wasn't all-knowing in this realm, only in his realm was he.

And Tang Wulin would provide the Universal Law with protection against any who wishes to dethrone it.

As well as any foreign universe that wanted to take over their universe or devour it. Alongside help for further development for it and him as well.

"Oi, who said you could take my spot!"

"This isn't your spot, you little monster. You usually wrap around his neck, not sit on top of his head."The Universal Law said in a plain tone glancing at Leviathan with evident interest.

How could it not be interesting Leviathan? This ouroboros dragon in front of it was a monster true and true.

The Universal Law could sense the various God Bloodline throbbing inside of its body. There were at least seven God-bloodline inside of it, every one of them at the 10th-dimension except the Eternity Bloodline.

Making the Universal Law naturally conclude that most of Tang Wulin bloodline was at the 10th-dimension.

Also rubbed off on this dragon for some reason.

The Universal Law knew this made the ouroboros dragon in front of it one of the strongest 9th-dimensional God.

Even without this dragon other terrifying attributes such as its body that was also similarly monstrous like Tang Wulin.

The fact that it had that god bloodline was enough to make it a monster.

"Tsk, don't call me a monster. You're the newbie here."

"I am good."

"I wasn't asking..."

"Me either."

The Universal Law continued to watch the ouroboros dragons that were getting irritated by its antics.

While Leviathan wasn't as monstrous as Tang Wulin, thankfully. It was still in a league of its own, maybe a bit lower than Typhoon.

"Honestly, did you even think it over?"

"My future alternate self-thought it over and I agreed with him."

"Dammit, that's not the same thing!"

"Sure it's."

Tang Wulin smirked at the irritated Tao Tie while the others only shook their heads.

But Bahamut took this time to speak up.

"So you say that the reason your mind shattered was because of your alternate self? Because he wanted you to gain all of your various selves memories and walk the same path as him?"

Simultaneously, Bahamut couldn't help but shiver at how ruthless Tang Wulin's future alternate self was.

Even if it was to himself, to willingly want to break his past self mind, just to accomplish a goal.

"Yeah, he didn't want me to take as long as he did to create the God of Existence position."

From what he found out in his memories, Typhoon wasn't released during this era.

It was actually released forty thousand years in the future after he made the God Realm and reunited with his father.

During his time before he made the God Realm, he had thrown various rebirths. It seems his future alternates self was able to use the Space Between Time and their temporal ability to gain the memories.

Of their parallel worlds self without being swamped by the river of time. But of course, this took a long time and almost broke his mind multiple times.

If it wasn't for his terrifying regeneration, Creation Energy, and help he received from Gu Yuena and Na'er.

His mind would have shattered many times and not be able to reform.

"Then did he say you will be in charge of the body? Knowing you, I don't think your other self would be so-."

"Kind? Of course, he wasn't... He also knew me well and so we came to a compromise, well all of us."

"Wait... Is that why back then when you had no memories, your body said only the strongest would be able to-."

"To be in control? Yes, even though my body lacked all of the memory, it's now only the strongest could be in control."

And that what he did, he started to subjugate all of the other Tang Wulin memories. It wasn't easy by any means. Each Tang Wulin was different, some were monsters, some were strong, some were devils and some were godlike.

Regardless, he had swept through all of them before he met his future alternate self. He fought him, with all of the survivors joining in, all of them going wild against each other.

"Before in the end... Only I remained, subjugating all of them under my will."

Tang Wulin finds it a bit amusing that he and his parallel memories would only allow Tang Wulin to subjugate themselves.

If you weren't Tang Wulin, then they would resist, struggle, and do everything that could defy you.

It was both the most astonishing and interesting thing he ever saw.

'Although all of them are a pain in the ass.'

Still, he gained all of their memories, experiences, and feeling.

He was the only Tang Wulin in all of existence now, one could call him an anomaly that was one of a kind.

"Of course, that's how you decided it... Why was I expecting anything different."Bahamut released a sigh but he was still smiling.

Both glad and grateful that one who was able to remain was Tang Wulin and not another Wulin.

"Now then, can you fix the timelines while I restore the rivers of time?"

The Universal Law asked as he glanced away from Leviathan.

As Tang Wulin nodded his head, the Universal Law began to raise its paw. Its body glowed white and black.

A wave of black-white swept out, streams of infinite space-time and all-time rushed out of the Universal Law palm.

It moved down, interweaving with each other, wrapping around each other before expanding out and stretching boundlessly.

Instantly a sky-blue river appeared below everyone, it seemed to stretch across all of the dimensions.

From the first up to the 10th, representing the eternal river of time that connected the past, present, and future.

Of all possibilities and space-time.

Just after this was done, Tang Wulin held up his hand which released a pale white light before he hacked out.

His graceful palm seemed to be causally moving down at a slow pace, yet it seemed to severely cut through every single age!

It chopped through every timeline, every era, and every space-time.


In the Douluo Galaxy.

The fight continued raging on, Gu Yuena and Na'er had already slaughtered the last two remaining 6th-dimensional gods.

But more seem to join the fray causing them to curse but they swiftly went on to clash with them.

While this was going on, the stalemate between the two forces continued for a while. Even with the help of Ling Zichen technology that was unleashing hell upon the First-Class gods and below.

It was still useless!

As more kept on coming and coming, making all of them cursed out in frustration. Yet all of them continued fighting, the hope of protecting their home was still in their hearts.

Alongside the hope that Tang Wulin will be able to return promptly, to help them.

But things just weren't getting easy, they were gradually being pushed back. Even with Gu Yuena using the Realm Core to replenish the energy of the gods around.

They were wasting more energy than they were replenishing.

But that was the only way they could continue with this stalemate.

These were over a hundred thousand gods they were facing here!

The fact they could last so long can be considered a miracle! But like all miracles, they don't last, not by a long shot.

Gradually gods began dying, even as they struggled to their final breath. But again, they couldn't do much about it.

Even as Mu Xi pushes herself to revive all of them. Some of them were dying faster than she could revive.

If this kept up, then she wouldn't be to match her reviving and healing speed to the killing speed of the enemy before them.

But they all harden themselves, continuing fighting and pushing with all of them believing that Tang Wulin.

Will come through for them.

And as if he was answering their prayer, the sky above them shattered open!

All of them saw a hand chopping down. It was too big to even comprehend, seemingly dwarfing the size of everything.

They all watched as it seemed to sever everything in the area.

Vanishing it as it came, yet changes in the area happened in an instant.

All of the enemy gods seemed to have vanished, all of the God Realms were gone.

The Douluo Gods found there was no enemy in front of them as if that gigantic hand before vanquished them.

But if that wasn't all, the people who had just died were all brought back to life even without Mu Xi's interference.

While they weren't sure what happened or who caused this...

For some reason, all of them had a belief in their heart.

It was Tang Wulin doings.


Tang Wulin's hand finally came to his side, after he flung everyone back to their era and timeline.

After he did that, he felt the Universal Law connecting everything with the rivers of time, making it so no more shenanigans.

Like this can happen again.

"Good! Everything seemed to be getting back under control." The Universal Law released a sigh of relief, glad that things were working out.

While it was doing that, Tang Wulin began gaining an idea. With a thought, he began calling upon his two divine weapons, which were destroyed in the clash before.

As he outstretched his hand, the Golden Dragon Spear and Trishula appeared, both in fragments.

With just a thought, he instantly reformed both of them. Making them whole once more causing them to positively tremble with excitement.

Both of them released the aura of the 7th-dimensional spaces, as they shook in Tang Wulin's hand, happy he reformed them.

But all of them froze before they started to tremble in excitement as Tang Wulin started to connect them with his realm.

He plans to elevate both of them to the 9th-dimensional level utilizing his realm core.

Similar to what he did with his spirit soul, he plans to allow both of these weapons controls of his realm core.

This will allow the weapon to be pushed to the same level as them. Once again breaking the notion of only one Creation God level being.

As he connected his weapons with his realm core, he felt the energy rushed into them. Both of the weapons started to tremble and shake with power.

Before they gave off resplendent light as the aura of the 9th-dimension could be felt. Tang Wulin could feel the infinite amount of universes and dimensions inside of these spears.

He could tell that each weapon had the ability to easily change the rules of the universe. He could change all of the concepts, all time and space on a conceptual level, everything at will.

Just by swinging his spear and trident.

"You're not going elevating the Sea God Trident?" Sheng Ming asked, but Tang Wulin shook his head.

"That's dad's weapon. It was never really mine. If I elevate any further, he won't be able to regain it, as it would be far too strong for him."

"Ahh, you planned to give it back to him? I doubt he would mind if you keep it."Old Tang raised a brow.

"I can't imagine the Sea God without his trident."

"...Point taken."Old Tang chuckled with Sheng Ming and Hui Mei also joining in, both recalling Sea God Tang San.

"Alright... Everyone back inside."

"We're going back home?"

"Soon, now inside."

"That's fine, we need to return and regulate the realm," Yggdrasil says with all of the others except Old Tang, Sheng Ming, and Hui Mei sighing.

Since they handled a piece of Tang Wulin realm core, this made them the overseer of the whole realm inside.

This meant they had to help stabilize and regulate all of the universes, dimensions, and possibilities inside of his body.

Fortunately, for them, they didn't need to worry about any beings trying to dethrone Tang Wulin.

It was impossible for any being inside to even try, all of them had their will bound to Tang Wulin and were no different.

Then the cells and organs inside of his body, things that worked for his survival and growth.

After a bit, everyone but the Universal Law started fading away, going back inside of Tang Wulin's body.

"Where to?"

"Hm... Somewhere."

Tang Wulin replied to the Universal Law as he took a step, vanishing instantly from above the rivers of time.

With the Universal Law still laying on top of his head.

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