Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 449: Aftermath Of Everything

Chapter 449: Aftermath Of Everything

The whole battlefield was obliterated an infinite number of times before instantly reforming that many times.

Tang Wulin figure could be seen, his fist was still thrust out. Other than that, he was the only one here, Typhoon was gone and the only thing around was fluctuating elements.

But it was then, Tang Wulin grimace.

Instantly without any warning, he coughed out a large amount of blood!

Tang Wulin's body swayed back and forth, the bones in his body trembling, as they were going to break apart.

His nose began to leak out blood with his eyes turning red while pain began to sweep through his whole body.

If he didn't know any better, he would have thought Typhoon was able to get a hit on him.

But that wasn't it.

The truth of the matter was this was his fault.

It was the drawback of unleashing an infinite number of attacks all at once. As soon as he launched his fist, he began to forcibly draw an infinite amount of energy from Fairy Heart.

Before he began to multiply his Forbidden Technique, increasing it to an infinite number of strikes that struck Typhoon.

But how could his body handle such a feat?

He was launching an infinite amount of his strongest attack all at once!

How could that be possible?

No other being in this universe could do such a thing or even in all of existence, yet Tang Wulin did it.

'Yet... It almost shattered my body.'

Thought Tang Wulin with a grimace, as he felt his body had gained cracks on it. Fortunately, for him, he didn't break apart and had Fairy Heart to help mend his wounds.

In the next moment, he felt a rush of energy through his whole body. The wounds that were there before started to mend, stitch themselves back up and come together.

It didn't take long for his body to fully recover, thanks to his terrifying regeneration.

"Are you okay?"

Yggdrasil appeared next to Tang Wulin, her eyes were staring at him in concern.

But it wasn't just her but all of his soul spirits had arrived around him. Alongside, Old Tang appears in golden light with Hui Mei and Sheng Meng.

The latter rushed towards Tang Wulin, enveloping him in a hug, grasping him tightly.

While Sheng Meng was doing this, the rest stared at him with various expressions but all of them were worried about him.

"I'm fine."

Tang Wulin waved off their concern but all of them except Bahamut was still concerned. Sheng Meng moved back from Tang Wulin, checking all over him while caressing his face.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, my body is healing rapidly."

Tang Wulin said as he tried to calm down the worrying Sheng Ming. But after a bit, she reluctantly let go of him, while Old Tang came over to hug him.

"You really are amazing... Surpassing all of my expectations and achieving your happy ending, I am proud of you."Old Tang softly said while Tang Wulin chuckled.

"I agree, even when the odds were stacked against you... You still manage to persevere and come out on top."Hui Mei commented with the others around nodding their heads.

The odds were severely stacked against Tang Wulin.

He wasn't just facing an opponent but Typhoon and the Universal Law!

Trying to contend with one of them was well-nigh impossible but both of them together?

It was a miracle Tang Wulin was able to survive for so long.

But, he not only survived their wrath but also overcame both of them, rising to their level and beating them.

It was nothing short of a miracle!

It was a sad thing history wasn't going to know about this.

If they did, this would be an unsurpassable legend that maybe no one would be able to come close to, let alone surpassed.

"Now then... Are you kidding me! You and your future alternate self-made a plan like that!"Tao Tie began to roar at Tang Wulin, glaring dagger at him.

"Technically it was him."

"Who cares! Both of you are the same person, especially after all of you fused. What I am pissed at is that you never opt to tell us this but because the reason is obvious. It makes it hard to get mad at you, even though I want to! Damn it, is this how the girls feel?"


Sleipnir said with a pleasant smile causing Tao Tie to grumble.

"Ugh, I wonder why they put up with you..."

"You should know, you put up with him as well." Bahamut points out, leading Tao Tie to glare at him with her fangs showing.

But before they could get into it, Leviathan cut in.

"Say, dad, how could we didn't gain our parallel self-memories? Our strength has all increased to the 9th-dimensional alongside our position but we didn't gain the memories of ourselves."

Leviathan found out that all of Tang Wulin spirit souls were skin to rulers of the realm that was inside of him.

Tang Wulin was a 10th-dimensional universe, while they can be considered the closest thing to his own Universal Law.

It's through this that they were able to imprint themselves into his realm core, reaching the 9th-dimension level.

It's similar to how a Supreme God-King could reach the 6th-dimension through tapping into the realm core of a God Star.

Or how a First-Class God can boost their cultivation and strength to the God-King level with an Ultra Divine weapon.

While they weren't official 9th-dimensional gods through their cultivation, they can still be considered on that level.

All of them split the energy between each other, fortunately enough. Even though it was split, it was more than enough for all of them to become Creation Gods.

Although this would shock everyone, at the thought of there being so many Creation Gods.

Technically there should only be one, one ruler of the universe, not multiple ones.

"You guys didn't exist in all of the parallel timelines and all of my other self-soul spirits had died when they were absorbed."


"Still, at least the mystery of why Typhoon and I couldn't see your future was revealed."

"It was plaguing you that much?"

"Of course." Yggdrasil stuck her chest out."I pride myself on being able to see everything and everyone. Yet you were the exception, it was something too strange and crazy! Still, don't you think your future alternate self is a bit crazy? Messing with timelines? Are you kidding me?"

It wasn't like he messed with just the present timeline but all of the other ones. And it was all done in his word, to create his 10th-dimensional universe.

Such a thought would make every single being shiver.

No one could claim they could make a universe like that.

But Tang Wulin not only claimed this but actually achieved it. It was simply too surreal, making Yggdrasil wonder if she was dreaming or under Typhoon control.

"But you know... At least it's done now. Typhoon is dealt with, now there is no more threat."Sleipnir gently rubbed her head on Tang Wulin cheek." You can finally rest now."

"I agree as well, once you deal with everything. I order you to rest."Sheng Meng's eyes narrowed down at Tang Wulin while Hui Mei and Old Tang's lips twitched.

As this was the first time they ever saw her order Tang Wulin to do anything, usually she dotes on him too much.

But Tang Wulin didn't get mad or irritated.

A faint smile appeared on Tang Wulin's face, as he gently rubbed Sleipnir fur. Even though he didn't reply, all of them could feel the relief and joy he was feeling from everything being over.

While he doesn't show it, he was getting sick and tired of these challenges and wars.

Just like Xu Xiaoyan, Wu Siduo, and the others propose, he plans to just be ordinary and lazy in his God days.

He has done everything and enough for this life or at the very least for a while. If the Douluo Galaxy ran into trouble again, he would leave it to the others to fix this mess.

'Hopefully, it isn't any above the 6th-dimension...'

Tang Wulin thought with a wry smile. While he strokes Leviathan who was snuggling his neck and Yggdrasil who was sitting on his head.

But it was then, a nine-colored light to bloom in front of Tang Wulin.

This caught the attention of all of his spirit souls, all of them moving in front of Tang Wulin, their eyes narrowed.

As they all could feel the familiar energy.

In front, he saw a flowing blooming with nine-color arcs pulsing outwards before a figure could be seen.

It was a black and white cat, one he was familiar with.

"So you have returned, I guess a welcome back is in order." Tang Wulin lightly said as he saw the cat giving him a complicated look.

This, of course, confused the others, all of them wondering why he seemed so...

Okay with the Universal Law, this one was the same thing that wanted to destroy him for peace's sake!

"A welcome back huh... I guess your right. To think I would be taken over-,"

"Let's not play any games here. You already knew you would be taken over... After all, you were the one who protected my future alternate self."


The Universal Law fell silent while Tang Wulin stared at it. But Sheng Ming and the others had the biggest reactions, all of them staring in disbelief.

Protected my future alternate self?

"W-Wait what are do you-,"

"He means, I safeguarded his future alternate self after Typhoon had taken over me." The Universal Law spoke up with a sigh.

After it was taken over by Typhoon, having its Will forcibly suppressed. The Universal Law knew it couldn't just sit and let Typhoon rule the universe, so it had to think of something.

But it didn't know what to do, as Typhoon was practically almighty at this point, nothing could stop or impede it.

Nothing but the actions of Tang Wulin.

Once the Universal noticed what Tang Wulin was doing, how he was messing with the timeliness in the universe.

The Universal Law knew Tang Wulin maybe its only hope.

And so it contacted him, both of them talked for a bit before they came to a deal between each other.

"A deal? What type of deal?"

"He would mask my future alternate self-actions from Typhoon while I release him from Typhoon." Tang Wulin said with the Universal Law nodding its head.

There was no way Tang Wulin would have logically been able to hide away from Typhoon.

How could he?

Typhoon was connected to everything and anything in this universe, so it was only a matter of time before he found out.

Not only that but Typhoon was omniscient, able to know everything that did, is, and would happen inside of his realm.

So it would have found out regardless.

Unless someone was able to mask Tang Wulin from Typhoon's senses.

With the Universal Law's help, Tang Wulin's presence and actions were hidden from Typhoon.

This was done through the Universal Law using its remaining will to distort Tang Wulin from Typhoon.

Of course, this was only possible and worked so well because the Universal Law was a part of Typhoon.

So it was able to mess with Typhoon without him noticing that something was wrong with his own senses and knowledge.

It isn't wrong to say, the only reason Tang Wulin plan succeeded was because of the Universal Law.

"Wait a damn minute! If it was helping all along, why did it constantly try to kill you?"

"To keep up appearances. Typhoon would have found it odd if I was too lenient on Tang Wulin. And his future alternates self said the more I attacked him, the stronger he would become." The Universal Law causing others to twitch their lips.

They find it ironic that the reason Tang Wulin life has been hard wasn't because of anyone else.

But because of himself.

They truly had no words, was that the result of having such high expectations for yourself?

"So you rather Tang Wulin than Typhoon?"

"Pretty much. Unlike Typhoon, he doesn't need to absorb me to reach the 10th level."

"How are you so sure he won't devour you? Especially after all the crap we've been through?" Tao Tie asked with a vicious smile as her fang showed.

"For one, he has no reason to devour me. And two, it would mean devouring his friends and family, something I doubt he wants. But finally, it disrupts the potential relationship that can be born between us."

Tao Tie grumbled at the first two reasons, as she knew that the Universal Law had them there.

But the last one took her by surprise and had her raised a brow."What relationship?"

"He means he wants us to make a partnership with each other. We both work together to protect each other's interests while developing both of our realms together. A partnership between equals, no one above or below the other."

Yggdrasil blinked her eyes while Sheng Ming tilted her head before she spoke out."You're willing to work with Tang Wulin? Even though you know what he was?"

"The only reason I despise him was because of the threat he held to me... Now that he reached the same stage as me without absorbing or dethroning me. Then he is more of an asset than a threat."

"What type of threat is that?" Old Tang started to inquire." I very much doubt anything in this universe could threaten you... Unless you mean a future God who wants to dethrone you."

"No, just the fact Tang Wulin here means it would be impossible. Since that God would need to subjugate the Douluo God Star, which he wouldn't allow. And I doubt he wants to take over this realm in the first place... No, what I need his invaluable assistance for is if any other 10th-dimensional universes wish to take over."

Everyone's eyes fell silent at the shocking words from the Universal Law.

None of them knew what to say, heck what could they say?

Nothing at all!

"...There is a possibility-,"

"Of course there is a possibility. You all should know better that there are always those kinds of beings who aren't satisfied. There will come a being who wishes to take over our and maybe even all of the other universes. With Tang Wulin help, we would be better prepared to fend them off, especially if we look at his full strength. He is as strong as forty 10th-dimensional universes combine."

Tang Wulin nodded his head. His three divine weapons weren't at the 10th-dimensional level so his strength had decreased a bit.

"So then... Do you accept this deal?"

The Universal Law held out its hand towards Tang Wulin while everyone watched, not saying anything else.

Leaving the decision to Tang Wulin.

But as if he already thought about it, Tang Wulin grasped the hand of the Universal Law.


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