Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 454: Homecoming (3)

Chapter 454: Homecoming (3)

As they were making their way back to their God Realm, Tang San had sent out a call for the others to meet him at the center.

While Xiao Wu has been interrogating him endlessly.

"Wulin really told you all of this?"

"He is really a 7th-dimensional god?"

"Wait, you're talking to him right now?"

Tang San tried to answer the rapid questions his dear wife was asking, as best and quickly as he could.

"Yes, I just finished talking to him."

"I am not sure, but the Sea God Trident is a 7th-dimensional weapon."

"And he is silent right now, waiting for me to tell him when it's okay. No, you can't talk to him right now. We have to get ready."

Tang San easily saw the brilliant sparks in Xiao Wu's eyes. While he wishes he could allow her to talk to Wulin, they should get ready and do this task, instead of delaying.

Besides, she can talk to him in person, which is far much better.

Once they reached the entrance to the committee, Tang San turned to Xiao Wu.

"Go stay with Wutong, I promise to summon you when we come out, okay?"

"Hmm, okay third brother."

Xiao Wu lightly kissed Tang San on the cheek before heading to Tang Wutong location.

With a sigh, Tang San turned around and entered into the God Realm Committee, moving towards the center of the realm.

It didn't take long for him to reach the center of the realm, at the moment he could see the others were already there waiting.

"Did something happen? You call us all here without any warning and say it was urgent?"

Rong Nianbing asked with the others beside him nodding their head, some of them were planning to sleep for a bit.

But Tang San sent them a transmission telling them to come now. While he sent a transmission to the other gods to stay inside their home until further notice.

Confusing most of the gods in the realm but they still listen. As the respect, they had for the Tang San and the others who fought in the war for them.

Was at the highest it has ever been.

"Yes, we plan on getting out of this black hole right now."

"We are?"

Huo Yuhao's eyes widened alongside Zhou Weiqing, both of them were expecting many things. But not them leaving the black hole right now.

They just finished with the God-King fight with most of them being severely exhausted and their divine weapon damaged.

It was far too dangerous for them to do anything like escaping this black hole. Yet they also know Tang San knew this as well, he was one of the most injured people here.

So they all wondered what he had in mind.

"Let me summarize the news for you guys."

Tang San began explaining to the five in front about everything that happened between him and the Six God-Kings.

After he was done, the five in front of him fell silent.

All of them were gradually wrapping their head around what they were told.

The adorable baby that they were forced to watch Tang San send-off, had not only broken into the God Level.

But surpassing all of them, attaining the overall strength of a 7th-dimensional god.

Isn't that a bit too terrifying?

Not only because Tang Wulin somehow was able to find the resources or path to help him achieve cultivation.

That was concluded to be a legend, as far as they know.

No one in history has ever achieved the 7th-dimensional level, the highest recorded God Realm was the 6th-dimensional level.

But this also made them wonder, just how much time has passed?

It wasn't easy to become a God, even with Tang Wulin having the Golden Dragon King and his God Bloodlines.

The time it took him to become a God without a God Realm they assumed must have been quite a while.

Then the time it required to establish a God Realm was even longer. And then to somehow grow that realm to the 6D level...

All of them couldn't help but shiver with Ji Dong and Lie Yan wondering if a million years have passed outside of the black hole.

Regardless, all of them accepted the fact that Tang Wulin did somehow achieve that level of strength.

And could drag them out of this dreadful place.

"So what do we need to do?"

"We need the other God-Kings to open their realm center. Then tell me they are ready, so I can tell Wulin we are ready to go."

After saying this, everyone in the room was silent as they waited. Each of them was anxious yet genuinely excited, which was showing as they started to feel that the seconds.

We're feeling like hours.

"Huo Yuhao."

"Huh? Father-in-"

"You don't need to call me father-in-law. Father is fine, you earn that much."

Tang San said with a pleasant smile causing Huo Yuhao to chuckle while also noting that Tang San seemed warmer.

Tang San moved towards Huo Yuhao, his hand stretching out before he lightly smacked Huo Yuhao while his smile grew.

"You really surpassed my expectations out there."

"Uh, thanks-,"

"Truly a key factor in this war."

"Oh, well thank you-,"

"You even show some good leadership skills. Good enough to fool those other six god-kings into thinking you were me."

Huo Yuhao instantly shivers, as he saw the smile on Tang San growing. He didn't know why, but he felt like his spiritual senses were warning him.

But the question that he wanted to know was about what?

Still, Huo Yuhao wouldn't be alive right now if he doubted his senses. So he became extra alert, as Tang San kept lightly smacking his back and enthusiastically praising him.

Even though those praises did make his heart swell. As praises like these were rarely given from Tang San, although Wutong gets them all the time.

Which she constantly rubs in his face and teases him, whenever he complains about Tang San being stingy with his praise.

It was then Rong Nianbing spoke up.

"What are you doing? Don't you see your scaring-,"

"Brother Nianbing! How could I forget you~. Your elemental fusion was magnificent at the end of the battle."

"You... What are you planning?"

Rong Nianbing eyed Tang San suspiciously, wondering anxiously what this old fox was devising to do.

But Tang San only shook his head with a profound sigh.

"Come now... Is this how you act to your fellow Supreme God-King?"

"F-Fellow Supreme God-King? Who said I was going to-,"

"Now brother Nianbing... Didn't I tell you? All of us would be taking turns as the ruler of the plane."

"Wait what! I never sign up-,"

"Does it matter? We're all friends here, and we should help out each other in these tough times."

To anyone else it might sound like this but to Rong Nianbing? Who knew Tang San for so many years?

Who has been played so many times by this old fox?

He instantly knew.

Did you actually think I would be the only one who will suffer?

That was what Tang San was implying to him.

"The Six God-Kings agreed that to make it fair, we should ALL share the responsibility."

Rong Nianbing paled, while Huo Yuhao looked down with a resigned look. Fearing Wutong's pouting and annoyance when she finds out he got saddled with more responsibility.

Leading to less time for both of them to be together.

Lie Yan and Ji Dong took it well, it wasn't like it would be any different for them. Zhou Weiqing inwardly lamented but at the same time, he wanted to help Tang San.

As Rong Nianbing began to open his mouth, Tang San instantly raised his hand.

"I am getting a transmission from them... It seems they are done."

"Wait! We need to continue-,"

"We don't, it's already been decided. Please take care of me, fellow ruler."

Tang San smiled at Rong Nianbing who trembled.

'Wulin we are ready, Take us when you're ready.'

"Okay, I am starting now."

After Tang Wulin said this, everything fell silent.

All of them waited for Tang Wulin. All of them were anxious, hoping he really could drag them out of here.

And it was then they felt it.

The black hole shooked!

Vicious cracks started to form around the space of the black hole, interweaving intimately with each other.

Before space seems to shatter, something moving out of the shattered space.

They all saw it, every single god, every single person in the God Realm were able to see a hand moving forward.

The hand shined serenely with a pale light. One that seems to make everything around it tremble uncontrollably as if its mere presence genuinely terrified everything around it.

At the sight of the hand, the black hole began trembling, spatial and temporal fluctuations appeared all around the hand.

But the great hand didn't stop.

It enlarged, stretching itself as it got closer, becoming bigger than the seven god realms that were connected with each other.

The hand grasped the seven-god realm, making it shake greatly.

The noise resounded through the God Realm, shocking most of the gods inside. All of the Gods, from the God-King level to the God Officers trembled and their soul shooked.

All of them felt this hand was too terrifying, it was beyond everything they have seen and felt before.

But what shocked most of them was the fact it could move through the black hole so easily.

This was the same black hole that was causing trouble for countless other God Realms.

One had to understand that this black hole had devoured countless God Realms without much trouble. Realms that occupied infinite 4-D and all of the 5-D spaces, all of which occupied a higher level of universes.

But now, this black hole couldn't even cause the hand to pause, even for a second.

The gods watched after the hand grabbed them, the black hole seemed to react. As even more spatial and temporal, alongside pressure began descending on the hand.

But just like before, the hand wasn't affected and seemed to be ignoring the black hole. As if it was something lower than it, nothing more than a pest.

Without another word, a pale aura began spreading around the seven-god realm, like a veil as it wrapped around them.

The luminous veil was shimmering like the stars before it expanded a bit, appearing like a sphere around the seven-god realms.

Once this was done, they pulled.

Instantly, the hand began moving back, dragging the god realms that were inside the pale veil.

The black hole felt this and tried to stop the hand, but it was all futile, it was nothing to the hand.

The hand tore through the void, moving through the higher-dimensional spaces, and then back into the 10th-dimensional universe.

Once it arrived back, without any words, it rushed back towards the Douluo Galaxy.

During this process, another hand was raised, reaching into the 6th-dimensional spaces and grasping the God Star.

With the God Star, on the other hand, it began pulling it down to the 5th-dimensional spaces. While the other hand approaches, being pulled through the same dimensional spaces.

As these two hands approached, they instantly crashed into each other.

Before they erupted into a gigantic expanse that was similar to the birth of a galaxy, the spirals were glittering.

The hands around this galaxy began pushing forward, pressing down on this spiraling expanse of immortal energy.

The spiraling expanse tried to struggle, but it was useless, the hand forcibly pushed it down.

In the next moment, the two hands completely compressed this spiraling expanse.

Turning into a giant planet that was a bit bigger than the glorious sun yet it was so much more. Giving off the fluctuation of the 6th-dimensional aura, one that surpassed the previous God Star before.


"That should be it."

"Why didn't you let me do it? It would be far simpler since I could just teleport them here."

The Universal Law pointed out but Tang Wulin didn't answer it, fortunately, Na'er did.

"Hehe, don't you understand? Wulin wanted to be the one to save them."

Na'er said with a smile causing the Universal Law to blink its eye before nodding its head in thought.

Tang Wulin didn't comment on Na'er words, he simply snapped his finger, and then they all vanished.

Appearing inside of the newly created realm center.

There Tang Wulin and the others were able to see the twelve figures standing in the center. Yet all of them were being covered by the powers of Creation, Existence, and Chaos.

"Is that Chaos? Their realms had Chaos Energy?" Gu Yuena asked, but the Universal Law shook its head.

"The Chaos Energy was born from the fusion of all eight realms. Since Chaos is the leftover energy when Creation and Destruction fused... They seemed to all have gotten benefit from the fusion since they were in the center at the time. Especially that one."

The Universal Law said as its eyes glanced at the blue-haired man, whose forehead was glowing. Tang Wulin's eyes also landed on the blue-haired man who he knew was Huo Yuhao.

'The little monster...'

Tang Wulin knew about Huo Yuhao, not only from his memories but also from seeing the past.

The boy had crappy talent but still rose above all of his pair even his sister to become the strongest in his generation.

Even rising above those in the God Realm, only beings like Tang San, Nianbing, Zhou Weiqing, and the other God-Kings.

Were able to compare to him.

Him calling Huo Yuhao a monster wasn't wrong in the slightest, anyone who could have a Peak God-King spiritual power.

As a First Class God is nothing short of being a monster.

He knew only Gu Yuena and Xu Xiaoyan could compare and even then, he wasn't certain who had the edge.

Each of them excels in a different aspect of spiritual power that the other didn't.

'Now that he became a God-King with his own Ultra Divine... How monstrous would he become?'

Shifting his eyes away from Huo Yuhao, it landed on his father Tang San.

He could tell his father had also gained some benefits. He saw him moving the energy towards his back.

Most likely upgrading his Eight Spider Lances, that was the closest divine weapon he had. To become an Ultra Divine, according to his memories.

All of them seemed to gain benefits, as he felt all of their cultivation rising, getting stronger than before.

While they haven't surpassed the God-King level, they were breaking their previous restraints.

"How long will they be in this state?" Na'er asked.

"They should be done in the next second."

And just as the Universal Law said. The shimmering light around the twelve God-Kings faded away with all of them opening their eyes.

All of them turned their head towards Tang Wulin and the others.

Eyes widen in shock could be seen, each of them had various emotions and complicated expressions.

But Tang Wulin maintained his eyes on Tang San whose eyes widened, countless emotions flashed in Tang San's eyes.






"Hey, dad."

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