Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 455: Reunion Of A Lifetime.

Chapter 455: Reunion Of A Lifetime.

It was a simple hi, one that Tang San had heard countless times before.

But this hi came from his son, the son he felt like he hadn't seen in so long. The one he had to send away just so he could live.

But to make it even worse, the day his son was only just born.

Tang San felt it, an indescribable warmth and feeling rushing through his body. It took a second for him to comprehend if this was real or not, fearing his mind was playing a trick on him.

How could he not?

How many times has he wished for this moment?

How many times has he envisioned this moment?

Yet he knew it wasn't fake, he knew this wasn't a dream. His son was really standing right in front of him.

Even though he looked different, Tang San knew it was him.

Even though he looked older, Tang San knew it was him.

Even though he couldn't sense anything from him, Tang San knew it was him.

Tang San felt his face change between grief and joy. It kept fluctuating. Funny enough he has consistently been praised for being able to keep his calm and composure in every situation.

One of the essentials for being a Control Master.

Yet right now?

Right at this moment, where his son is standing in front of him?

His composure and calm didn't even stand a chance.

Instantly, Tang San found himself in front of Tang Wulin, he didn't know how he traversed the distance between them.

But he didn't care, his arms wrapping around Tang Wulin, hugging his long-lost son tightly. But then Tang San's body trembled when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his body.

"This is real, I am here..."

At the sound of his son's voice, Tang San felt the tears well up inside. Tang Wulin eyes slightly softened when he felt the arms around him tighten even more.

He could feel it, every emotion that was pouring out from his father. Combine that with the memories he saw and the future he witnessed of him fighting so hard.

One step at a time, through all the trials and tribulation, the faith in his eyes never wavered and his heart never broke.

He continued fighting against all of the odds, just so he could return home to his son.

Just so he could return, just for Wulin.

With an inward sigh, he just patted Tang San back without another word. Tang Wulin felt Tang San tremble, tightening his hold on him as if he was afraid Tang Wulin would disappear again.

While this was going on, the others around were quiet. Most of them looked away, not willing to look at this intimate and private moment.

While the others, like Huo Yuhao, Gu Yuena, and Na'er just look at this scene with a small. All three of them were happy at seeing such a beautiful reunion.

Huo Yuhao was glad his father-in-law was finally able to see his son. He was one of the only people who really noticed the amount of stress Tang San was under.

Even though he tried hiding it, it was plain as day to Huo Yuhao.

'Wutong will be happy as well... Even though she tries hiding it, I can tell she still slightly blames herself.'

Huo Yuhao inwardly sighs, hoping the sight of her little brother will free her of that guilt.

After a bit, Tang San let go of Tang Wulin and moved an inch away from him. But his arms were on his shoulder, as he stared at his son with a smile.

No longer was his son that cute baby that giggled in the God Realm.

Nor was he that teenager he saw in that golden world, eyes filled with confusion and worry.

He was an adult who had not only achieved the peak of the world but surpassed it. Moving past his own father and reaching a level unheard of in all of history.

His eyes filled with content and joy, some that made Tang San's heart swell.

"I am proud of you Wulin... You really outdid yourself in this."

Tang Wulin nodded his head at this, but he didn't say anything since his forehead began to glow with a trident marking.

Then instantly a piercing light rushed out!

Moving into Tang San's own forehead causing him to blink before his eyes flashed a golden light. A sad smile appeared on his face, looking at Tang Wulin.

"...I see, you really have been through a lot."

"You fused with Old Tang?"

"Yeah, I gained all of his memories... We will talk about that later but for now, let's bring everyone back. Your mother will kill me if she knows I delayed any further."

Tien Hen then chose this time to speak up." That's a good idea. So we all know what to do right? We're placing our energy signature inside of the core while one of us absorbed the core... So who will it be?"

All of the God-Kings glanced at each other but then Tang San chose this time to speak up.

"It doesn't really matter who. Were all still switching between each other once the other has finished their task."

"Hm, that is true... Zhang, I guess you will be absorbing the core?"

But Tang Wulin spoke up.

"No, Gu Yuena and Na'er will be the rulers for now. As of right now, you guys can't handle the core too well."

Tien Hen fell into thought before nodding his head, as Tang Wulin words were right. If one of them did absorb the core, it would put a lot of pressure on them.

Requiring at least six of them to help alleviate that pressure. But that would force those six to stay in the realm center, something they didn't want.

While he didn't know those two girls' exact level, he could sense the 6th-dimensional aura from them.

'So all three of them are above the God-King rank...'

"Do you guys have a problem with this?" Tien Hen glanced at the others but they all shook their heads.

"Since we're all taking part, it doesn't matter."


"Once we absorb the core, we will summon the others." As Gu Yuena said this all of the God-Kings nodded their heads with a smile.

Gu Yuena then moved towards the realm core that was giving off fluctuations and lights. With a tap of her finger, the realm core began erupting out with colorful lights.

The light seemed to envelop all of the God-Kings alongside Na'er. It wrapped around all of them, forming a connection between them and the center of the gods.

All of them felt as if a realm core was placed inside of them. With this type of fusion where there was no exclusion, they all knew they could utilize the new god center.

The energy seemed to split evenly with all of them, making it so no one god would have the ability to mobilize.

This allowed fairness between all of them, making it, so none of them were above the other in terms of control.

After all, all of them were God-Kings!

How could they allow for another to be above them?

Besides all of them except Gu Yuena and Na'er had experienced life and death together. Their relationship with each other is no different than being brothers and sisters.

As for Gu Yuena and Na'er, the twelve of them believed they would also see the two in the same light.

After all, both of them were willing to share the realm core even while being stronger than the twelve of them combined.

At the same instant, all of them felt the terrifying energy of Creation, Chaos, and Existence. All of them were familiar with the first two but the last energy shocked them to the core.

The way it was able to fuse and connect all of their energy together was nothing more than astounding.

It was then the realm core rushed into Gu Yuena, straight into her chest before fully connecting with her.

Allowing for perfect fusion with no drawback or complications.

Once this was done, Gu Yuena's eyes flashed before she snapped her finger.


In the center of the realm.

A bunch of gods and divine beasts were waiting on a broad and infinitely huge platform. All were filled with anxiousness and worry.

Wondering if everything was okay.

They didn't know what had happened on the outside from the pale veil that had covered them.

But this all changed when they saw gods and divine beasts appearing in front of them. This surprised them all because they never saw these gods before.

Even more surprising was they felt the energy of multiple God-Kings from this newly appeared group.

Yet a voice has rung out.

"Xiao Wu!"

Er Ming's eyes quickly latched on to the figure of Xiao Wu who was tightly squeezing Tang Wutong's hand.

Both women's eyes widened when they saw Er Ming alongside the others. They spotted Da Ming, Tang Hao, and Ah yin as well, all four of them smiling reassuringly.

Seeing these four figures brought tears to both women, as they realized.

They actually made it!

They actually returned to the realm.

But before they could say anything, a flash of light appeared, fifteen figures appeared on the infinitely wide platform.

Tang San eyes instantly found Xiao Wu and Tang Wutong, smiling at them.

"It's okay everyone; we did it. We have escaped the black hole and are finally escaping."

In the next moment, the whole realm erupted in uproars!

Whether it be the gods that were trapped or the gods who weren't, all of them cheered for this successful operation.

Especially the family of the twelve God-Kings who knew these twelve were doing their best to keep them all safe.

Seeing all twelve appearances, everyone cheered and praised all twelve!


"Brother San!"

Tang San didn't need to turn to know his parents and brothers were running towards him in a haste.

'Right... It's been ten thousand years.'

But he didn't focus on them for now, looking at Xiao Wu, he stepped out of the way and said.

"Little Wu, look who I found."

Just as he said this, Xiao Wu's eyes landed on a very handsome man with goldish-white hair.

A man that she has never seen in her life before, yet she instantly knew.

No, she instantly felt a connection to the man.

Yes, she didn't need someone to tell her who this was. She didn't need someone to give her a clue on who the person in front of her is.

She already knew, from the moment her eyes landed on him.


Instantly Xiao Wu rushed forward, moving past the smiling Tang San and straight towards Tang Wulin whose eyes widened.

When Tang Wulin felt Xiao Wu's arms wrapping around him, he suddenly felt his defense shattering like glass.

The unconditional love that was being poured by Xiao Wu just from her hug was plowing through his defenses.

Before he could react, he felt her arms tightening around him. He could feel her trembling body, the rapid pace of her heart as it beats.

He could feel her tears leaking down, crying for the missed time she will never make or gain back.

Her crying to release the stress, pain, and misery she felt from being separated from him. Not being able to tell or know if he was okay in this long week, although she could see.

It may have been a week of hell and suffering for her. It was years for him. Xiao Wu pulled her head back, uncaring about her tears, and began caressing her son's face.

She was taking everything in, his golden eyes that were a mixture of goldish-blue and scarlet. She noticed they were similar to San, calm and collected but far more stoic and uncaring of everything around.

Yet she could see it, the unmistakable emotion deep within those jewels. His long hair was like his father but different color as it ran down his back.

Moving her hand through Tang Wulin hair, she noted it was soft. Before moving her hand down to his chest, feeling the beat of four hearts.

She recalls how they beat alongside hers as if they were in sync.

Tang Wulin's eyes stayed on Xiao Wu, catching every single emotion. It varied as the seconds passed but the one he saw the most was relief, sadness, and joy.

Then he felt her pulling him down, as she planted a kiss on his forehead.

And then she whispered.

"Don't ever leave again. Not again, mommy can't stand to part with you again. If-,"

Tang Wulin heard every word she said, he could feel the raw emotions from each other, the fear coming from Xiao Wu.

"Don't worry, I won't be leaving anytime soon... I am home, mom."

Tang Wulin replied to Xiao Wu, leading her to tremble with her eyes widened before she dove back into his chest.

She didn't say a word and neither did he as he began to gently rub her back.

As he did this, he saw Tang San moving towards them, gently wrapping his arm around them with a smile and teary eyes.

But it didn't end there as Tang Wutong also came over, her eyes were red. Not a second later, she wrapped her arms around all three Tangs.

"Little brother... You're safe."

Secretly, Tang Wutong always felt it was her fault her little brother gained the Golden Dragon King core.

If only she was paying attention, if only she was strong enough to see it coming. Then maybe they wouldn't have been separated from each other.

Tang Wulin's eyes softened as he felt the turmoil in Wutong's heart.

"Yes, I am safe. It wasn't your fault."

Tang Wulin softly whispered causing Tang Wutong to tear up even more.

But as if it was a reaction to his words, the storm in her heart began to settle, and a wave of warmth spread.

Holding her little brother tightly, Wutong was happy. She was happy he was okay and back, happy that he didn't die and happy that they could meet after so long.

And so she held him tightly, her face leaning on his other chest. Pouring out all of her heart and her sisterly love for the little brother, she never got to see grow up or play with.

Tang Wulin felt at least each of them had their arms wrapped around him. Yet he didn't mind it, a faint smile on his face.

Seeing such a sight. Huo Yuhao moved towards them, eyes soft and warm feeling in his chest. He wrapped one arm around Wutong and the other around Tang Wulin.

His action reinforced the warmth and security the hug brought. Huo Yuhao felt them all tremble, his hold around them tighten as if he saying to them.

Everything was okay now.

But it didn't stop there, as six more figures went to the ground. All six of them were women, all of them had slight tears in their eyes, and all of them hugged the five in front.

Each of them brought their own sense of warmth and love. Each of their arms wrapped around the group but at least one arm was around Tang Wulin.

In the next moment, those around saw eleven people hugging each other, all at once.

Tang Hao and Ah Yin went in to join them, both wrapping their arms around them.

Hui Mei and Sheng Ming were beside Tang Wulin, although no one could see them but Tang Wulin. Both of them had their arms wrapped around him, tears leaking out as they smiled at this long-awaited reunion.

The other stay backed, watching the scene with a faint smile.

As Tang Wulin felt each person hugging him, felt each of them trembling and felt all of their relief.

He had long since realized why his other selves were willing to walk their path.

Why his future alternate self was willing to withstand the torment of the rivers of time for.

Why they were willing to go through the subjugation of each other, why they would all walk this same path again.

It was for this beautiful ending they all wanted. As long as it meant he could grasp this ending that he wanted.

Every single Tang Wulin inside of him, all of them agreed. All of them chose the Realm In Body, not for power or for revenge.

It was all for the moment, where they could grasp this one happy moment. He felt every single one of their emotions rushing through him, as he felt the warmth and peace of this family hug.

A silent tear seems to fall from his eyelids, as his smile only grew alongside everyone.

A family that was once torn apart from each other.

A family that was ignorant of each other's situation.

A family that tried to fight against the terrible odds.

A family that felt as if the whole universe was against them.

They had finally now been reunited.

Each of them realized and knew in their heart.

This was their happy ending, that all of them wished and envisioned.

The reunion of their family, after ten thousand years.

At long last.

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