Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 456: Time Together

Chapter 456: Time Together

Douluo Dalu Plane, Alvarez Garden.

It was night time, with the light of the moon shining through the glasses of the private garden.

But inside of the garden a multitude of people, mostly consisting of the Tang Family and their friends.

"Haha! To think it would be our nephew who rescued us." Dai Mubai laughed out loud before smirking at Tang San."What's wrong brother San? You're fine with letting your son upstage you?"

Tang San only smirked." Brother Mubai, it's okay you're jealous. Not all of us have such an awesome child!"

The original seven devils except Dai Mubai burst out in laughter. The most vocal one was Oscar.

"Tsk, at least I have a good descendent." The side of Huo Yuhao's mouth twitched." Regardless, with your current cultivation, I'm sure you can figure out who all of us are. So call me Uncle Mubai."

"I'm good."

Tang Wulin said in a plain tone while he felt Xiao Wu rubbing her cheek on his. She has been doing that from the moment they met, unwilling to let him out of her grasp.

Glaring fiercely at anyone who even tries to separate them.

"Oi! What did you say?"Dai Mubai's eyes narrowed but Tang Wulin just ignored him while Tang San laughed.

"Give it up brother Mubai. My son won't recognize someone he just met as his uncle. Even when he learned Xiao Wu was his mother and Tang Wutong was his sister, he didn't accept them right away."

Zhu Zhuqing chose this time to speak up."Besides, he doesn't need your extra influence or having an uncle like you."

Oscar also chooses this time to speak."Look at how you treat your descendent, Yuhao. Why would anyone recognize you as an uncle."

Dai Mubai's eyes narrowed at Oscar with a growl, yet Oscar only waggled his finger.

"Besides, do you think Xiao Wu would allow you to get away with bullying her son?"

Just as Oscar said those words a terrifying and horrifying intent swept through the garden. The surrounding was gone, only wisps of scarlet and killing intent could be seen as a river of blood seem to appear all around.

Xiao Wu's cold voice rang out.

"No one is allowed to bully him."

The Asura symbol appeared on Xiao Wu's forehead as she glared at Dai Mubai who quickly raised his hand in surrender.

Knowing full well, he shouldn't mess with Xiao Wu when it comes to her son. Unless he wished to face her Asura God Form, just the thought made him shiver.


Oscar couldn't control himself, falling to the ground while the others chuckled as well to Mubai annoyance.

"Your son has grown up very well though Sister Wu." Ning Rongrong laughed delightedly with a sweet smile."Going from the adorable baby, he is to a handsome man."

"I know... Which sucks, I want to raise my baby boy!" Xiao Wu complained slightly with a pout while holding Tang Wulin even more tightly."Now he looks similar to his papa, no longer adorable but ugly. Fortunately, he took after his momma more, making him better than his papa at the very least."

Oscar laughed even more from this while Tang San's head dropped, muttering 'what wrong with my looks...'.

"Still Sister Wu, his looks did him good." Ning Rongrong eyes twinkled in delight." Didn't you see? Your little son seemed to have gained him a lover, more specifically six of them."

Xiao Wu's eyebrow twitched at Ning Rongrong's words. Indeed, she did see those six lovely girls who not only joined their family hug.

But also the way they acted around her little Wulin. Their actions were ones of a lover, the love in their eyes was blatant proof, and the worry as well.

And it wasn't like she didn't see the way Tang Wulin eyes soften at them. Or the way he agreed to meet them later after he was done spending time with Xiao Wu.

"I blame a certain someone, who was similar back in his younger days. He had girls flocking to him without any effort." Xiao Wu glared at the nervous Tang San who was looking to the side.

With a sigh, Xiao Wu moved her gaze to her son."Are you happy with them Wulin? I know it should be self-explanatory since you are still with them but I just want to hear it from you."

Was she happy her son was with multiple women? She wasn't quite sure, as handling multiple women wasn't an easy thing, sometimes leading to more stress than happiness.

But if Tang Wulin was really okay and happy with all six women. If he really thought dating all six of them was worth the effort, then she would be content and happy with it.

But that was only if he really was, which is why she was staring hard at him. Her eyes searching for any doubt, discomfort, or hesitation in his next response.

But there was none when he said."Yes, I'm."

It was simple and straightforward, yet sometimes that was the best answer. He didn't need to explain why he loved them or how he was happy, he just was.

But it was more than that. Even though they just met, Xiao Wu and Tang Wulin had a sacred bond between them that needed no words to communicate.

She could feel he was truly happy with the six women. She could tell he truly loved all six of them, making a lovely smile appeared on her face.

'My baby boy... Has really grown up.'

Sighing to herself, Xiao Wu brought Wulin's face into her embrace.

"Can't you slow down on your growth?" Xiao Wu pouted as she whispered to him." Mommy wants to make up all those missed years."

Tang Wulin didn't offer a response, but it wasn't like she was expecting one. At the sight of this, Tang Wutong spoke up.

"Mom, don't tell me you're going to dote on Wulin only."

"You silly girl, so old but you're getting jealous of your little brother?" Tang Wutong only pouted." Fine~, come here you."

With a charming smile, Wutong dived in her mother's arm while Tang San watched the three of them with a grin.

This was what he was fighting for, the return of all of his family members.

"Say, what with the cat anyway? Is that one of your spirit souls?" Ma Hongjun asked, causing the others except for Xiao Wu and Tang Wutong to shift their gaze.

The black-white cat ignored them all, sleeping soundly on Tang Wulin's head.

"It's one of his spirit souls but..." Tang San guesses it was better to be blunt with everyone." That is the Universal Law, the one who rules the universe."

As soon as Tang San uttered those words, the whole garden went silent. Everyone but those who either knew or found out was showing an expression of disbelief.

"U-Universal Law?" Oscar struggled to speak." Brother San, you're joking right?"

"I'm not." Tang San shook his head before glancing at Huo Yuhao who was frowning." Just be quiet for a second, I will tell you everything."

Tang San's eyes caught the nod from Tang Wulin causing him to start talking. He first began telling them Tang Wulin walked the Realm In Body Path.

When this was mentioned, Xiao Wu freaked out.

If it wasn't for Tang Wulin and Tang San to appease her, saying there isn't anything to worry about.

They weren't sure if she would have been able to calm down. Regardless, such information made her hold Tang Wulin even tighter while staring at the cat with unease.

Continuing, Tang San told them everything that Tang Wulin went through. His future alternate messing with the timeline, him being the embodiment of every Tang Wulin in existence and his action through history.

Some of them were confused by who Typhoon was, even those who were told about him before.

None of them could recall Typhoon because Tang Wulin fully erased him. Only Tang Wulin, his spirit soul, and Old Tang still recalled that being.

Only after Tang San explained did they all realize the type of existence Typhoon was.

"...What the hell! Are you kidding me! He did all of that!" Oscar shouted as he held his head while trying to process everything.

But he wasn't the only one. All of the Seven Devils, Huo Yuhao, Tang Wutong, and even the ones who only knew so much.

They were all lost in disbelief, some of them looking at Tang Wulin in awe and fright. Others were looking at anything but him, not sure how to react and afraid of their response.

This wasn't a joking matter here, Tang Wulin is a freaking 10th-dimensional universe, how were they supposed to react?

This was a legendary level said to be unattainable for peace's sake!

Even attaining the 8th-dimension was considered impossible for any intelligent being unless they controlled an 8th-dimensional realm.

Let alone, the 10th-dimension.

It was no wonder the black hole could do nothing to him! It was no wonder he was so confident he could rescue them!

But it still boggled their mind! As his existence itself defied common sense!

Even if he was their third brother's son. Isn't this too much?

None of them would dare, not even Tang San would say he was confident enough to do what Tang Wulin did and accomplish.

He really did struggle against the universe and overcome it! He overcame common sense and the impossible!

Creating an unbreakable legend that would never be known yet it lingers in the shadow of history!

Only Huo Yuhao was able to work through his disbelief and shock, as he spoke.

"So... You're a 10th-dimensional God? Like the whole universe? You have an infinite amount of space-time, all time, all possibilities, the universe, and everything... Inside of your body?"


"...Ok, an um... Every Wulin is fundamentally you now?"


"... Brother-In-Law why are you such a monster?" Huo Yuhao held his head, massaging it and wondering what to do.

Seriously, how was he supposed to be a good older brother, if his little brother was like this? He screwed with the rivers of time, every universe, and all of his alternate self.

Just to make his own 10th-dimensional universe, which he turned into his body.

'And they say Wutong was a troublemaker when she was younger...'

"Are you crazy?" Tang Wutong complained as she pinched Tang Wulin cheek."I know you didn't have much of a choice but how much did you suffer to achieve that?"

"It doesn't matter." Tang Wulin was also pinching Wutong's cheek, leading her to cry out.

"Oi! I'm the older sibling. You aren't allowed to rebel!"

"I refuse to be bullied."

"Tsk, how is this bullying? Mom and Dad used to pinch my cheeks all the time."

"When you were a child, do I look like one to you?"

"You act like one."

"From the perspective of a hag, it may look like that."

"Hag, really? I let it go since my cute little brother is acting childish. But don't worry big sister, Wutong is forgiving as always."

"Says the troublemaking witch-"

"Okay stop." Xiao Wu had to stop herself from laughing at the bickering of Tang Wulin and Tang Wutong.

It wasn't just her but the others around even Huo Yuhao was struggling to stop laughing. They knew both of them were joking and just trying to rile the other up, simply sibling chatter.

Which was needed to blow away the grim mood that was here just a few seconds ago.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun brought their hands up to their chin." That was a pretty heated round, who do you guys think won? Brother Mubai? Sister Zhuqing?"

Dai Mubai chuckled."Obviously, it was little Wutong!"

But Zhu Zhuqing rolled her eyes and said."Nonsense, Wulin obviously came out on top."

"Interesting, Interesting." Oscar's eyes shifted to Nianrong while Ma Hongjun eyes to Huo Yuhao."Sister Rong? Yuhao?"

Ning Rongrong giggled." They were pretty close... But I will go with Wulin."

Tang Wutong instantly pouted while slightly glaring at her aunty who only winked at her.

Huo Yuhao with a smile." Both of them were adorable, but I will say Wutong."

"Oh I see, hopefully, that wasn't biased." Huo Yuhao could only laugh while Oscar shifted his gaze to the others.

They began asking the others their opinion while the garden trembled with laughter as everyone enjoyed their time.

Xiao Wu didn't say anything about Wulin actions just yet. She was going to when they were alone but for now.

She wants to enjoy their time together, her delightful time with friends and family.


Late into the night.

Tang Wulin was walking through the street, after everyone in the garden parted. It took a while even after they had decided to call it a night for them to leave.

As Xiao Wu made him promise to spend time with her tomorrow and also no training or anything all for the month.

Her argument being she wanted to enjoy her time with him, something he didn't mind.

Making his way back to the home in the woods where the other was, he began thinking it was time to wrap things up.

It wasn't like there was anything else for him to do in this world. Other than appointing a leader for this empire and the new Spriggans, so the empire can prosper.

After he is done with the empire, he plans to set up some countermeasures in the Star Dou Forest and around the world.

So the Soul-Beast would have a safety net if the humans started to act stupidly. This also went for the Soul-Beast as well, he didn't want the ones who were staying in the mortal world to act up.

Once he was done with that, he planned to place some secret in the Body Sect for the future generation.

And then set up more things for the Academy, allowing a way for the soul beasts to grow and benefit from it.

He believed if humanity and the soul beast can truly unite with each other, their strength would evolve even further.

At the very least, they wouldn't be so helpless even if another plane like the Abyssal one came again.

He also planned to evade the people that were going to be rushing into Alvarez, since the news of their battle in space has spread.

His fame has only gotten even more ridiculous.

He felt even more faith energy rushing towards him. He could feel it coming from all of the natural laws, elements, concepts, and everything.

And there are still some more things he needs to do on Douluo Plane.

But after that, he would be done with it. Deciding to spend the rest of his time, lazing in the God Realm with his friends and family.

Seeing the sight of his house, his smile grew even more. But before he could open it, Na'er came out with a smile on her face.

"Wulin! Your back!"

She rushed towards him while he outstretched his hand, as she wrapped her arms around him. Feeling her in his embrace, he kissed her on the lips and said a simple thing.

"Let's all get married."

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