Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 7: Colorful Lights

Chapter 7: Colorful Lights


Tang Wulin could only sigh as he instantly sees an idiot coming promptly towards him, shirtless with a smirk on his face. He walks right past the man not caring when he heard the man laugh out loud.

"That just like you, junior brother Wulin, cool-headed." Said the shirtless man with a loud laugh.

Brother Long wasn't bothered when he saw his junior brother walk away since he knew his brother didn't like interacting people if he doesn't have to.

He can calculate on his finger how many times he and his junior brother have communicated.

Yet somehow he has taken a liking to this "shy" junior brother.

"Hahaha! Junior Brother, you know it's not good to be too shy. Hahaha! We know each other for 3 years already."Said the shirtless man causing Tang Wulin to let out a sigh.

Tang Wulin thankfully reaches his workstation to commence his work for the day. Mang Tien for the past three years has been trying to get Wulin to adjust his mind of focusing more effort into blacksmithing.

He undoubtedly had no interest and was only doing it for the money. The only reason he even still does this is because of it the only job he could get that pay well.

Mang Tien was walking by and saw Tang Wulin had already arrived undertaking his work. He sighed at how much resistance that boy puts up when it comes to taking his blacksmith skills seriously.

He isn't complaining that much considering he a blacksmith freak and all because of Tang Wulin freak of nature inborn strength.

With his left arm, that kid is able to get 2305 kilograms and 2355 with his right on the strength test.

Mang Tien felt like he was dreaming when he saw those outrageous numbers. Not even he posses that much strength and he was a freaking Spirit Ancestor.

The scary part was the test was done a year ago and Tang Wulin was only 8. He couldn't help but imagine the amount of strength that demon posses now.

Mang Tien had to teach him the "Thousand Refinement" a year ago since his strength had pass 1,000 kilograms.

The only reason that the brat even seems interested was he could make more money off the skill.

The brat was already skilled enough to be a 3rd rank Grandmaster and close to a 4th rank Grandmaster.

He sighs wistfully, dearly wishing the brat voluntarily took this more seriously. Then he absolutely believes he could become a 9th rank, Divine Craftsmen.


"You... have enough." Tang Ziran was daze from his son's words when he told him he had enough for a spirit soul.

He wasn't stunned because his son earned thirty thousand, no he was stun because his son has been giving them money to help out at the same time.

Yet somehow he was able to still save up enough to get a spirit soul. Hell, he hasn't even had the time to save some money for his son spirit soul because of how much money was needed to feed the whole family.

He turns around to his wife seeing her doing the dishes, but he knew she was sobbing from how hard her son has been working.

He blames himself for being useless, while his son should be playing around enjoying his childhood, he had him working as a blacksmith.

He only hopes his son doesn't get lost in his work like that apathetic fool Mang Tien or he sure he gonna get it from his wife.

"Alright son, let go to the Spirit Pagado to see you get your first spirit ring later." Said Tang Ziran with a faint smile.

His parent watches as their son questions his sister on how much of the training she completed.

Tang Ziran had to admit that getting his wife to allow them to continue the training was a hard and long battle.

Her seeing them come with bloody hands almost gave her a fight. It took their son smiling to calm her down, something he rarely does.


Bright moonlight shone into the bedroom, falling upon Na'er's body. The moonlight shining on her smooth silver hair. A ring of light quietly appeared from Na'er's body.

Yellow, green, red, blue, purple, gold and silver. These rings of peculiar light swirled around her for a while before they started to fuse into the space between her eyes.

'What the hell!' Thought Tang Wulin as he narrowed his eyes.

Tang Wulin was sitting on the window silt after he felt a spike of energy coming from his sister's room, while he was outside thinking.

When he uses the trees on their backyards to reach Na'er's room he wasn't expecting to see different color rings surrounded her and then enter her body.

The light didn't seem like it wanted to harm her, which is why he didn't make a move.

'Does she really have no martial soul?' Thought Tang Wulin in a thinking posture while his eyes narrowed even more.

Tang Wulin was able to recognize the same dragon scent he smelled three years ago. It was coming from those lights that were surrounding Na'er.

Next, it seems to have lingered when those lights retired inside of her.

He starts wondering if her martial soul was a dragon type or if there something unknown about her that deals with dragons. The sole explanation he could come up with from the scent and those color rings appearing.

He stared thoughtfully at the sleeping form of Na'er, as he observes her smiling contentedly.

'Guess she is having a good dream.' Thought Tang Wulin before sighing.

He walks towards Na'er, to tussle her hair before leaving through the window. Tang Wulin wouldn't do anything until he had the whole picture.


The next day, he notices how Na'er demeanor has changed but didn't comment. He went through the same routine but as they were sparring he could tell she was distracting as he deftly slips through her guard and flicks her forehead.

"What wrong?" Questioned Tang Wulin with an arched brow.

Na'er blink as she moves her hand to rub her forehead. She looks to her Big Brother giving him a confused look.

"Your not paying attention in the spar, something is bothering you." Said Tang Wulin.

Na'er flinches at her brother's words, knowing he hit the nail on the head. When she tried to play it off, he gave her a look and she knew she couldn't dodge the question.

"Can, we take a walk to the beach?" Questioned Na'er while fidgeting in place causing Tang Wulin to furrow his brow.

While he was surprised at the question, he still nodded. He told his parents where they are going, and they said not to stay out too late.

This beach couldn't be considered pretty as it lacked fine sand. Rather, it was filled with rough, gravel-like sand and shells.

The ocean reflected the radiance of the moon and stars in the sky, as waves constantly surged forth.

The sounds of crashing waves and seabirds filled the air, adding extraordinary vitality to this image of the starry sky above the ocean.

There was a gentle breeze as the trails behind Na'er wavy silver hair. He couldn't help but have a strange feeling surfacing.

"If I left one day, would you miss me?"

Na'er merely turned to him with her brilliant eyes sparkling and glistening hair shining dazzlingly with the visible moon magnifying it greater.

Na'er had a content smile on her innocent face with a hand behind her back as she gazes at him with an emotion he couldn't understand.

"Are you going somewhere?"Questioned Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin blinks his eyes not quite acknowledging the question.

He didn't realize he has gotten so used to Na'er being by his side, that the thought that she would leave never cross his mind.

Na'er smiled gently, "I'm merely asking if I leave."

"You're not leaving without properly informing me where you are going, with who you're going with and why you're going."Said Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin ranted off, not understanding himself what he is saying. This was undoubtedly an unfamiliar territory to him and the thought of this family he has broken apart, he couldn't finish that thinking.

Na'er gently closed her eyes and hummed a pleasant tune he couldn't recognize. She looks up to the sky with her eyes naturally opening.

"There are many stars out." Tang Wulin said nothing as he gazed at Na'er and she gazing back at him, with the same expression his parents constantly wore.

"Big Brother"

"No matter where you go..."

"No matter who you meet..."

"I sincerely hope..."

"That you never forget me "

"I love you the most in this world."

Yet Tang Wulin couldn't utter anything to that, in fact, it was more like he didn't know what to say.

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