Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 6: Fight Club

Chapter 6: Fight Club

Three years later, outside of Red Mountain Academy.

A girl with silvered hair was surrounded by a group of boys.

"Na'er, today is the day you will pay." Yelled one the boys before he charges at Na'er, who already sensed his movement behind her.

Na'er sidesteps the boy before then throwing a jab at his stomach, chin and finally his face.

The boy wasn't able to react in time as he keels over from her attack.

Knowing she shouldn't stay still when surrounded, Na'er quickly locked on to her next opponent and began charging at them.

The boy was ready for her, as he raises his guard to delay her. Allowing the rest of his friends to close the gap between him and her, so they can assist him.

Na'er, already predicting this tactic, began to rain down barrages of fists, to break his guard.

Sadly for the boy, he didn't know that Na'er punches could dent a boulder, let alone a normal soul scholar arm.

This allowed her to break his guard after 10 hits and knock him out with the next hit. Another boy came rushing behind her as he swung his fist towards Na'er back.

But already sensing him behind her, she quickly threw up her guard before he slams his fist into her.

She was sent flying into the air but was able to flip around in air and land safely.

'I can't get distracted.' Thought Na'er as she slightly narrowed her eyes.

The boy snort, knowing they couldn't keep this up and had to change their tactics.

"I refuse to lose. Let's go all out, guys." Shouted the boy as he unleashed his martial soul.

The rest of the boys surrounding her activate their martial soul. The boy who sent Na'Er flying had a rock martial soul that seems to cover his whole body.

Another boy had a rope martial soul that allowed him to bind a person. He directed towards Na'er who was busy looking out for the rock martial soul boy next attack.

Another boy had a rope martial soul, that he quickly flung out. The robe rose in air before shooting towards Na'er with the intent to bind her.

How could Na'er allow her self to get capture?

She evaded to the right, allowing the rope to past her. But her expression changed when she saw the rope looping around and speeding off towards her again.

This caused her to twist her body as the rope went past her once again and then she flips back to evade the rope once more.

After she had landed, she started using her agility and footwork to evade the rope binding. While also moving closer and closer towards the boy with the rope marital soul.

Through this method, she swiftly closed the gap between her and the rope soul master.

He panics as he tries to back up but how could Na'er give him the chance? She slides down on the ground to scope up some stone and then began hurling them at the boy.

The boy wasn't able to react in time as the stones smashed into him, causing him to be stunned. This allowed Na'er to quickly reach him and finish him off with her fists.

Bang! Bang!

As she glances around, she notes she took down two guys, with only two more left.

The other boy who had a turtle martial soul charge at Na'er. He was confident in his martial soul skill "Hard Shell" which was able to create a turtle shell with spikes on it.

He plans to suppress Na'er, with his spikes believing she wouldn't attack recklessly. This would keep all her attention on him, while his brother circles behind them and attack her from behind.

Na'er didn't know his plan but she still wouldn't care in the slightest. Na'er did the unthinkable and charge straight at the spike shield, before hammering down with her fists.

'Isn't this girl too fierce.' Thought the boy in shock.

How could the boy know that for the past three years, Na'er has been conditioning her body to be able to break rocks and stone?

Her hand became broken and bloody too much to count, she didn't even bat her eyes as she started bleeding from the spikes.

Not being able to keep up with Na'er recklessness, he reacted too late. As she broke through his shield and slams her fist into his face knocking him out.

After this shifted towards the rock boy who growled before he rushed at her using his martial skill "Rock Armor" which turned his body as hard as a rock.

He began to swing his arms in a wild manner causing Na'er to defend. His body was too hard for her to break normally, with her fists.

Of course, because of her abundant amount of battle experience, she was able to easily defend against his wild swings.

But that didn't mean she could do this for too long, as when she moved back her feet slide. The boy seeing a moment of weakness on her thrust out his fist towards Na'er stomach.

But to his surprise, she was able to raise her arms up before she was sent flying and watch as she rolled before stopping.

"Hahaha! Give up, your only trash with no martial soul but you dare to challenge me a person who already a rank eight spirit scholar ." Said the rock boy.

Na'er coughs up some blood, before wiping her mouth and glaring at the spirit scholar.

'Now, I'm mad.' Thought Na'er in irritation.

With a quick exhale, she rushed at the boy while observing all of his movements.

'Listen up, some opponents will outclass you in abilities and sometimes your experience won't be able to overcome that.'

'Which is why you have used to rely on techniques to overcome that.'

Na'er threw multiple fists as she got close to the rock boy, who only sneered and took the hits while mocking her.

"That is not going to work. My martial skill makes my body as hard as a boulder." Said the boy as he felt no fear towards these weak punches but Na'er only ignored the boy.

Na'er kept on wailing on the boy who was openly laughing at her.

'Is this girl stupid? Doesn't she understand anything?' Thought the boy as she watched her destroying her fist.

'No skill is invincible even for the most capable people. Sometimes their greatest weakness is the simplest answer.'

Na'er knew that a spirit scholar only had a small amount of spirit power. She deduces that the boy rock armor needed a lot of spirit power to fuel the technique.


The boy notices too late his rock armor was starting to break, he begins to panic before he tried getting some space from her.

'Always remember to follow up on your attacks, so you don't lose the advantage.'

How could Na'er allow him to escape?

She sped up close to him causing the boy expression to change as he saw her coming close to him. He only curses out before threw a fist, hoping it either hit her in the face or at least distracted her.

That didn't work, as Na'er waited till the last moment before leaning her head to the side and evading the fist.

Then without any delay, she presses her shoulder on the boy's chest and then uses her front leg to trip him. The boy couldn't catch himself, as he was too slow to react and ended up falling down.

But he didn't fall alone, as Na'er went down with him. She was able to straddle him before she began to unleash a barrage of punches on the boy's face.

Her continuous attacks on the boy were causing the rock armor to break before it shattered and exposing the body's skin.

As she was about to smash her fist down, she quickly backed off when she saw the boy arm closing around to capture her.

The boy got up with a wave of anger and then charge at her, throwing a dozen fists all aim with his rage.

Na'er dodges each strike with an indifferent face and when the boy stops she moved in for her attack.

The boy inwardly smirks, as he knew she fell into his trap already remembering the way she fights. At present knowing, she likes to start off her attack with a punch.

'Come on, I will grab your punch and then pummel you to death.' Thought the boy with an inward smirk.

The boy waited for the punch but then his face turns into shock as rather than a punch, it was a kick.

'Don't be so predictable with your attacks that your opponent can read them, change it up.'

'Kick, Knee, Punch, Punch, Elbow, Kick and Punch, Elbow, Kick.'

The boy face change when he saw the girl attacking him in a different manner. He tried to defend himself but found he was unable to keep up and he started to get overwhelmed.

Bang! Bang!

Na'er was alternating between punches, kicks, elbow strikes, quick jabs and etc. It was too many patterns for the boy to keep up with.

The boy tried for a final struggle, aim a fist at the girl's face and thinking it connected he smiled but his face turns from triumph into shock.

How could he have known that Na'er allowed the fist to get near her, so she could grab is the outstretched arm to flip him.

The boy landed hard on the floor with Na'er moving her legs around his throat with his arm being stretched out. As she put him in a hold and while her legs tightening around his throat.

The boy tried struggling out, but Na'er didn't let go, even with her back being scraped and damage on the rough ground.

'This girl, who is just trash with no martial soul! How could she beat us!' Thought the boy in anger.

The boy was unwilling to accept the reality as he passes out being beaten by a girl with no martial soul.

Na'er got up and look around to see all the boys defeated with her bleeding all over but standing like a Goddess of War with her eyes shining.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Na'er blinks and turns around to her big brother who has to 1.4 in height walking towards with his as if he expected her to win.

She turned from the War Goddess she was into a shy girl as she saw her brother wiping off the blood from her face.

"Well, I would say I am proud, but I already expected this." Tang Wulin comments as he had absolute confidence in Na'er ability to beat all these boys.

He then grabs her hand and they begin walking home.

Na'er couldn't help but sigh at her brother. He was the one making her fight all these people, all because she needed gaining experience fighting a variety of people.

Most people wouldn't normally want to fight a pretty girl like her but ever since at the Awakening Ceremony.

It was found out she didn't have a martial soul but she still attended place. This causes some of the kids to feel the need to show Na'er her place.

Tang Wulin thinking this was a great opportunity, uses their disdain and sneer as an excuse to have her fight most of the spirit scholar in the school.

At first, she kept on losing because she kept on panicking and they prove to be too much after they use their martial soul.

Which caused her brother to simply raise the intensity and time of the hell train every time she lost.

It was through the motivation that losing meant death that she was able to overcome and fully dominate them.

It has been two years since she ever lost to anyone but her brother, who is still an untouchable mountain in terms of fighting techniques and experience.

Hell, the delinquents and gangs he has her fighting, couldn't hold a candle to him.

"Big Brother, I want a lollipop."Said Na'er as she looks at her brother with big innocent eyes.

"Alright, I guess you earn it. Then head to the workshop." Said Tang Wulin as he was impressed with Na'er progress.

He was still working for Mang Tian blacksmithing shop to earn enough money for his martial soul and support his family.

He hasn't gotten his spirit beast yet because of the constant increase of food he needs to take in. So he uses some of the money he earns from the blacksmith shop to keep the family from going broke.

The training with Na'er has been showing some amazing results as she went from a beginner to an expert fighter.

He wonders if this how those lizards felt when teaching a human or how he felt when he thought him. Not like he really remembers his dragon name or why it even taught him.

'I think its time she gets move up to the next level.' Thought Tang Wulin in delight.

If Na'er heard this she would have most likely run away from home and far away from her brother.

Na'er shivers, feeling as if her death was close but there was no sign of danger.

In the past years, Tang was to make progress on his dragon slayer abilities. Finding out that his nullification works on spirit master but only those who are than him.

He found that out when they did mock-battle in class and none of the kids were able to hurt him with their Martial Soul attacks.

It took a while before they realize they had to rely on their physical strength to fight back.

He was able to regain some of his basic dragon slayer skills but for some unknown reason, he wasn't able to tap into his stronger ones.

He wonders if his dragon slayer skills are connected with spirit power and because of it being weaker, he is being blocked from the stronger skills.

It would make sense considering his belief that spirit power equals magic power here.

Dropping off Na'er at the house and telling her to start the training for the day after she bandages herself up.

He begins his journey to the workshop thinking about the type of martial soul he is going to get.

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