Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 74: Victory

Chapter 74: Victory

An owl stood on top of the wall and was gazing out at the lush forest before it.

"Nu Zi, what are you doing up there." A voice shouted from below. Nu Zi blinks her large eyes and shifted her head to where the voice came from. She saw a large turtle staring thoughtfully at her from below, it was her friend Yan Peng.

"Nothing much," Said Nu Zi.

It was then both of them heard the fierce screams of the human inside of the house behind them. They both chuckle at the sound.

"You should join us." Said Yan Peng.

"Maybe in a bit." Said Nu Zi as she was enjoying the breeze from above. When she shifts her head, back to the forest, she could distinguish a human with a spear walking out of the forest.

'Oh? Is that one of the humans we missed?' Thought Nu Zi as she prepares to fly up and capture him.


Nu Zi eyes widen as the human hurled his golden spear at with breakneck speed. She couldn't react in time and her expression display shock as the spear passes through her face.

Yan Peng was planning to head back but then he heard a deafening sound behind him. As he began to turn his head, his eyes widen when he identifies Nu Zi body falling down from the wall and splattering when it hit the ground.

"What the-."

Yan Peng couldn't utter anything as a golden spear broke through the walls and went straight through his head.


Tang Yun watches as Tang Wulin outstretched his hand and the Golden Dragon Spear appeared back in his hand. He then watches as Tang Wulin march on toward the base of the Spirit Beast.

He could hear the continuous murmurs of the people next to and behind him. They were the ones that got rescued by Xia Yan and Tang Wulin.

After his grandfather awakens their hidden potential, they instantly went to Tang Wulin and ask if they could join him on his march.

He could still remember when Tang Wulin told them. It's up to them if they wish to fight or not.

He could still recall their resolute face and anger. The clenching of their fist and the trembling of their body as they stared at Tang Wulin.


Tang Yun jerked his head as he saw Tang Wuin smashing the walls open and he gets ready for the fierce battle ahead of him.

"I don't have to say anything to you all."

"I'm sure getting revenge on the Spirit Beast for their cruelty and enslavement, is more than enough."

"So I will only say this. Survive! Survive, so you can live to continue with your revenge!"

"Now. Charge!" Tang Yun roared as he instantly summoned his spectral hammer.




Xiao Yi was having a blast as he swung his Starlight greatsword around. Blood was splashing everywhere and the beasts were screaming hysterically.

He was part of the group that was forced into matches against other humans for the sake of the Spirit Beast pleasure.

They couldn't do anything towards the beast that observes them from afar and had powers that could brutally slaughter them easily.

Yet who would have thought that someone would demolish the prison they were in and then slaughtered the owners in their own home, the fact it was a human made it ten times better.

But then imagine his shock that their savior looks at them not in a kind way but in evident disgust. He could still recall the words their savior shouted to them.

'Before you die, get the revenge you crave!'

Xiao Yi laughed out loud at their intended 'Savior' words as he swung his greatsword again.


He turned his head to see the iconic golden spear smashing through the building in his front. Xiao Yin face turned into a vicious grin.

"Dying after I killed them huh? That is not a terrible way to go." Mumble Xiao Yi as he bisected a wolf in front of him.

Scenes like this were happening all over the place. Humans were smashing into Spirit Beast, cleaving them apart and slaughtering them.

Yet the most iconic one of them has been Tang Wulin and his Golden Dragon Spear.

The humans all took adoring glances at Tang Wulin who looked like he was unstoppable as he moved through the Spirit Beast with his exceptional spearman ship.

Each time he gracefully swung his spear, Spirit Beast would be bisected. Every thurst would penetrate their defense, and every throw was as accurate as a homing missile.

This went on until every single Spirit Beast in the base was undoubtedly killed.

"Next." Said Tang Wulin as he resumed his march out of the base.

The captured humans were surprised and some even started to ask where they are going. Tang Wulin didn't turn his head to them and stated the similar thing he uttered, to the people behind him.

The human's trembles from his words but at the same time glance at the army behind Tang Wulin and begin to understand the truth of his word.

The Spirit Elder told them, he will unlock their incredible potential as they march to the next base.

With that the army behind Tang Wulin increase but he acted as if he didn't notice or care as he continues his march.



Tang Wulin smashed opens the wall in front of his face and continued to charge forward as he saw the Spirit Beast finching. He wielded his spear in a vast arc and bisecting all of the Spirit Beast in front of him.

He then hurled his spear straight through a giant fire dragon that was going to spew flames and he then moved his hand toward the dragon throats.

Tang Wulin said no words he begins to fuel the power of Annihilation through his hands, causing the Dragon robust body to melt down.

He shifted his head to see the army before him pouring on to the Spirit Beasts around him. The army with the help of Tang Yun was divided into groups that were lead by people he felt had the power and skills to lead.

The moment the army made contact with the confused Spirit Beast, it turned into a one-sided slaughter. Blood was spilling and splashing everywhere as the humans kept on charging toward the spirit beast.

In fact, even when one human fell or died another would seize their place. They would even use the slain body of the humans as a way to help them kill the Spirit Beasts in front.

Tang Wulin snatches his spear and went back into the fray. With exceptional spearman ship, he began punching holes through the Spirit Beast around him and deflecting all of the projectiles that arrived his way.

The Spirit Beasts became genuinely terrified of Tang Wulin as he charged towards them. Yet no matter where or how they tried to escape, his spear struck them with frightening accuracy.

Some tried to construct a wall before him but he shattered it down and then stab his spear through their heads. Any injuries they gave him was recovered because of the golden dragon spear leeching ability.

The leader of the base was a Three Leg-Toad which began to uses its illusion abilities to aid its people.

It didn't work on Tang Wulin but on the army behind him. This was a grave mistake, as all of the humans roar with unquestioned rage and tears leaking through their eyes.

The Three Legged-Toad tried to use the trauma that the humans experience as a way to intentionally destroy the unstoppable momentum they utilized and weaken them. But what he didn't know was that the trauma the humans experince was their ultimate motivation.

So when the human army experience the trauma they had to endure before? They all exploded with even more rage and thirst for glorious revenge.

They fought like demons that were starving for the blood and flesh of their enemies.

Tang Wulin didn't know what happen, but he didn't care. As he launches his mighty spear toward the Three Legged-Toad who tried to move out of the way but wasn't fast enough.

The spear pierces through the toad, and Tang Wulin shifted his head toward the battle of humans vs monsters.



Tang Yun smashes his mighty hammer into one of the rhinos that were rushing toward him and then sidestep a talon that was coming towards him.

Tang Yun saw that the hawk who flew by him got pierce by a bunch of arrows that were shot by the unawakened people of this base.

'To think their spirit got ignited without us announcing anything.' Thought Tang Yun as he summons two medium size hammers in his hand.

"Do you see now? They are fighting back harder! Because they fear us!" Roared Tang Yun causing the human army vigor to rise up even more as they started to fight even more fiercely.

Tang Yun turned his head and saw a wolf was going to attack his brother Yun. He jumps straight over everyone else and smashes his two hammers down on the wolf.

While he was doing this, he didn't detect an ominous shadow dashing toward his back.

Right before the shadow leopard could strike him from behind, it eyes widen as a huge pressure began to press down on it.

Then a fist with a purple aura came and smashes into the leopard, sending it flying.

"Thanks, Brother Yan." Said Tang Yun but Xia Yan shook his head.

Both of them smiled and charged back into the brutal battle.



"The humans are attac-"



There were sounds of screaming from the Spirit Beast as they were invaded. Tang Wulin didn't heed their words as he brandished his spear over and over again.

The human army roared out behind as they follow the figure in front of them. Tang Wulin presented them the chance to fight, to take revenge and to regain their lives.

'A beast in human skin.'

'A demon.'

'A God of Victory.'

Is what the humans behind thought as they look at Tang Wulin figure. They have long realized that as long as they follow Tang Wulin, they can experience the thing they all crave the most.

'Overwhelming Victory!'

'Endless Victory!'

'Victory against the monsters of their nightmare.'

This was the fifth base they have invaded and yet they still recall their recent victory.

"Next." Said Tang Wulin with his body on top of Phoenix and his spear planted in its head.

Those words that he utters filled their body with confidence and vigor as they roared out loud. Xia Yan turned his head and look at Tang Wulin as he continued moving.

'Was this what the Dragon Clan, felt when they had the Dragon God leading them?' Questioned Xia Yan as he gazes admiringly at Tang Wulin.

The Dragon Clan with the Dragon God were fearless. With the Dragon God in front, they could rampage across the whole world with no equal. It was not incorrect to say the Dragon God was a sword of destruction that cut down any enemy that shows up against the Dragon Clan.

Xia Yan turns his head to look at the people around him. The faces of the human around him were more resolute than when they started this march.

'Has their resolve been reinforced from seeing more of the Spirit Beast act? Or could it be it's their anger that has grown?' Thought Xia Yan.

The victorious army of humans kept on marching and invading base after base. The Spirit Beast were outnumbered and mercilessly slaughter to the ground.

Their blood painted the whole forest of the continent and their bodies litter over the leftover battlefield. It was as if the passionate rage of humanity was personified in the army marching forward.

In just one day, the human clan had slaughtered over a ten thousand spirit beast.

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