Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 75: *Title at the end*

Chapter 75: *Title at the end*

A Lion was running through a ceremonial hall with a frantic look on his face. It was moving past all the Spirit Beast that was in the hall and even knock some of them over.


"Watch where you're going."

The Lion ignores them all as he was approaching two huge doors in front of him. Pushing open the door with all of his might, it wasn't a surprise that the door produced a huge sound as the slam into the walls.

The grand hall was a throne room with tribal marking on the wall. Their different color trees center at the edges of the room and in the middle of the room they also line up nicely. There were torches around that was sparking with flames.

At the end of the room was a large ivory throne with two banners made out of leaves hanging right beside it. The banner had the symbol of a dragon head with six wings around it. It was the Dragon God symbol.

The Spirit Beast inside, turn their heads to the Lion that push opens the doors. They all narrowed their eyes but didn't make a movement, for they weren't told to.

The Lion shivers not at the stares of the Spirit Beast to the side but at the one sitting on a throne.

It was a large bipedal black spirit beast with a long mane that went all the way down to its waist. It four limbs was muscular with tribal markings on it. It had two bull-like horns protruding out of its head and piercing orange eyes.

This was the leader or king that ruled over the fraction that wanted all humans to die. Their leader 'Tyrant-Emperor' Yao Cai.

"Well? I hope you have a good reason for barging inside my throne room." Said Yao Cai as he turned his deep orange eyes toward the Lion Spirit Beast.

The Lion shivered from his direct gaze but still raised his head and began to talk.

"Your majesty, I have heard some disturbing news about humans." Said the Lion Spirit Beast.

"Oh? What about the insects?"Questioned Yao Cai.

"One of the Golden Eagle and Fire Crane said they spotted a sizable army of human marching across the continent." Said the Lion.


"Those insects actually dare try and raise an army against us!"

How ungrateful! See, we shouldn't have to listen to those other guys!"

Lion body trembles as a large discussion started to break out with the Spirit Beast standing around in the throne room. Some were pointing fingers each other, while others sneering at the actions of the humans and the rest was happy they finally found a reason to wipe out all of the humans.

Yet, the Lion notices that Yao Cai said nothing as his face was resting on his fist and still staring down at him.

'Is his majesty angry?' Thought the Lion as he could feel Yao Cai heavy gaze on him.


The whole room quiets down at the voice of Yao Cai. They all turned their head and tremble at the eyes of Yao Cai, that was glowing with a dangerous glint.

"Is that all?" Questioned Yao Cai causing the Lion to shake its head and gulp down.

"The base the humans are heading to is not the first base they have visited. The golden eagle noted it saw one of the bases that we occupied was destroyed and all of the Spirit Beast in the base were slaughtered." Said the Lion.

The silence was what followed after what the Lion said as everyone in the room was either shock or in disbelief of the information.

"Not only that, the golden eagle noted they had this weird aura around them and could use some of the skills that only us Spirit Beast had." Said the Lion.

"What are you saying?"

"My majesty, I think the humans did receive power from the death of the Dragon Clan." Said the Lion, causing the Spirit Beast around him to scream out.


"But how!"

"Why now?"

The Spirit beast commotion this time was louder than the last one as they all cried out in disbelief.

Yao Cai himself stayed silence and then he began to chuckle, causing all of the other Spirit Beast to fall silent.


"I see, is this what you meant Meng Rui?"

"Alright, I will play your little game." Said Yao Cai as a vicious grin appeared on his face.

Yao Cai stood up from his throne and roared out, causing the whole place to shake.

"Alright, it seems these insects have gained fangs and now want to assault their betters. Its time for us to teach them why we are above them." Said Yao Cai.

"Gather everyone. We're are going to squash them." Said Yao Cai causing the Spirit Beast around him to roar out in excitement and expectation.


"What?" Questioned a Spirit Beast as she looks toward the Rainbow Butterfly Spirit Beast in front of it.

"Its as I said, Meng Rui." Said the butterfly with a look of shock.

Meng Rui was a large peacock spirit beast that had a light blue fur with a multi-colored tail and the eyes that were on it. Her light pink eyes narrowed as she asked the Rainbow Butterfly in front of it to narrate everything that happened.

"What else can I say, me and Shadow Crane saw an army of human marching through the continent? They seem to be heading toward one of the Tyrant Emperor strongholds. Not only that but it seems they somehow gained the ability to fight back against their captives." Said the Rainbow Butterfly as she still remembers the aura they gave off.

Meng Rui furrows her brows as she went over the information.

'I thought the humans didn't gain any power from the Dragon Clan death?'

'Is this why Yao Cai wanted to wipe them out? No, that doesn't make any sense if this was the reason he would have wiped them out at any cost.'

'Why did their power appear now? Why didn't it show up when they were being persecuted?'

Meng Rui was so lost in thought she didn't notice a female human walking up behind her. The female human in question was walking on the rows of lily pads that led to Meng Rui and the butterfly she was talking to.

"Sister Meng Rui!" Shouted the human girl, causing Meng Rui to blink her eyes and turn to the human women.

"Ahh, sister Lin Qing." Said Meng Rui as she began to smile to the human women running to her. Lin Qing was a beautiful woman with light blue hair that flowed down to her thin waist. She had sapphire blue eyes that glowed as she smiles.

"What's the matter, child?" Asked Meng Rui as she gently opens up her arms.

"Nothing is wrong. I just wanted to see you." Said Lin Qian as she went into her big sister embrace. Meng Rui just chuckles as she began rubbing Lin Qian head, who turned her head to the Rainbow Butterfly and smile radiantly at her.

"Madam." Said the Rainbow Butterfly as she bows before Lin Qian, who quickly shook her head and told her to not to bow.

"You silly girl, of course, their going to bow to you. You're the vice leader of our fraction." Said Meng Rui.

"But I really don't deserve to be bowed to. It's not like I can do anything meaningful to help you guys or anything." Said Lin Qian as she lowered her head.

Meng Rui and the Rainbow Butterfly Spirit beast shook their head at Lin Qian shyness. Lin Qian was the vice leader of Meng Rui fraction even though she was a human and not just her but other humans were able to gain significant positions too.

If we were talking about strength, then Lin Qian or any of the humans that lived here had no qualification to hold these. But since these positions didn't require only strength, then they were open up to everyone.

Lin Qian was loved by all of the humans and Spirit Beast in this fraction for her astounding willpower to keep on helping everyone. Meng Rui still remembers when Lin Qian went a whole week without sleeping just to fix the wounds of all of the injured warrior.

In fact, it wasn't easy considering she got injured herself by some of the Spirit Beast who acted out from instinct and yet she never got mad at them while continuing the treatment.

When Meng Rui asked why she kept on treating them, Lin Qian turns to her with a strong determination and told her she wants to pull her own weight, for them protecting everyone here.

Meng Rui chuckle at the memory and then her expression turned serious as she looks at Lin Qian.

"Lin Qian has anything happened to you, that was out of the ordinary?" Questioned Meng Rui.

"Anything out of the ordinary for me? No, I don't think so." Said Lin Qian as she tilted her head.


"Well, it seems that there is a human army marching toward one of Yao Cai base." Said Meng Rui, causing Lin Qian eyes to widen.


Meng Rui began telling Lin Qian everything that she was told and with the Rainbow Butterfly spirit beast chiming in. Meng Rui watches as Lin Qian face went from shock to disbelief with a blank look and then unspeakable relief.

"Lin Qian?" Meng Rui called out to Lin Qian, as she saw her body was trembling.

"This is great! If we can figure out how they did this, then we could also help you guys beat Yao Cai." Said Lin Qian as her eyes were shining.

Meng Rui blinks her eyes at Lin Qian outburst.

"Help us?"

"Yes help the Spirit Beast that is fighting for us humans. If we can gain the same power of those other humans, then you guys wouldn't have to be forced to make a treaty." Said Lin Qian.

Meng Rui fell silent as she began to go over everything in her head.

From what she heard, the humans were able to take down multiple bases of Yao Cai and seems to have been gaining even more people from each base they invaded.

'It may be possible.'

"Lets first do some scouting. We don't know how they would react to us." Said Meng Rui, causing Lin Qian to nod her head.

'It seems a big change is coming soon.' Thought Men Rui as she looks up to the sky.


Whether it be from Yao Cai or Meng Rui fraction, they both decided to send some scouts to carefully observe the army of humans.

Yet they were all shock at what they saw when the army invaded one of Yao Cai base. One of the Spirit Beast who was observing the battle said this.

'I was expecting a battle of human vs other Spirit Beast.'

'How wrong I was.'

The battle was not a battle of humans versus the spirit beast. No, a fierce battle like that could never be seen as that. It was a battle of demons vs the spirit beast where blood flowed and splashes.

The humans fought like demons, no, they acted like they were demons. They would use the slain body of their comrades as a stepping stone to kill the Spirit Beast in front of them.

They didn't stop killing the Spirit Beast, even when they surrender or beg for mercy. In fact, the pleas of the Spirit Beast seemed to have encouraged them even more as they started to lay waste to the bases with more ferocity.

It was an army of demons marching and rampaging through the world as if they were the personification of humanity rages.

Demons that seem like they could not be stopped, demons that kept on growing and demon that thirst for the blood of all.

And in front of the army of demons was a single man who brandishes his golden spear. He had raven hair that went down to the tip of the shoulder and eyes that were golden with silts.

That single man seemed to have been able to leash all of those demons under his command. What do you call a being like that?

Commander of the Demons.

King of the Demons.

Ruler of the Demons.

Sovereign of the Demons.

Emperor of the Demons.

The Demon King.

The names were given to Tang Wulin by both fractions of the Spirit Beast as they watch the army of human.

It was this event that started the title and mythological entity known as the demon king in Douluo continent history. Yes, this was the beginning of the Demon King legend, the beginning of all who started to claim they were demon kings.

The First Demon King was born in this era.


Title: Demon King.

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