Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 77: Trials and Kings

Chapter 77: Trials and Kings

Tang Wulin was dashing through the night and over the rugged terrain. He was following the seven-colored that had turned into a ball of light that was leading him somewhere.

'Old Tang you're saying it came from my Bloodcore.' Thought Tang Wulin as he jumps over a huge tree root.

"Yes. I don't know why but your Bloodcore started to glow all of a sudden. Then those lights appeared out of it." Said Old Tang.

Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes as he stared at the ball of light. He didn't know much about the seven colored lights other than it seems to a fragment of the Dragon God.

Now whether he should trust where it leads him or not, isn't something he can answer as of now.

Shaking his head, he followed the ball as it continues changing directions. This went on for a while before it finally stops in front of a misty valley.

Tang Wulin stops and raised a brow, as he began feeling the same sense of longing as before.

'Isn't this the same as when I was in the Dragon Valley.' Thought Tang Wulin as he turned his gaze toward the valley behind the ball of light.

It was hard to see anything inside, as the mist around was dense. The ball began to tremble and dive into the valley, causing Tang Wulin to sigh.

As he followed the ball of visible light, he could feel another feeling of nostalgic longing pulling him.

He furrowed his brows and then turned his head to see some weird purple crystals that were lying around.

'What are those.'

Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes as he saw purple sparks crackling merrily around the glittering crystals. Zeref and Sleipnir appeared next to him with their eyes narrowed.

"This energy seems like the same one, Nergigante had coursing through his body." Said Zeref with a hand on his chin.

Tang Wulin nodded his head, as he knew those sparks looked similar.

"That energy seems to give off the same feeling as your annihilation." Said Sleipnir.

'What.' Thought Tang Wulin as his eyes widen.

"Shes right. I can faintly feel the power of ruin and destruction emanating from those sparks." Old Tang Voice rang out causing Sleipnir eyes to widen.

"Could this energy be destruction energy? Then its no wonder you felt a sense of longing." Said Sleipnir.

'Why do you say that?' Thought Tang Wulin.

"The God of Destruction is the dear husband of the Goddess of Life. In a way, you could be considered both of their children." Said Sleipnir with an amused look on her face.

'Destruction cherishes life? And vice versa?' Tang Wulin lips twitch at the astonishing revelation. It wasn't that surprising considering destruction and life didn't seem to have anything in common with each other.

Hell, he was surprised the Goddess of Life would even interact with the God of Destruction long enough to gain feelings for him.

"I don't know how they fell in love. But in the end they did and its this love is what causes you to feel longing toward the destruction energy. A love so strong that it's is able to overcome their particular nature." Said Sleipnir with a faint smile.

Tang Wulin fell silent as he stared at the purple crystals and sparks. Sleipnir then shifts her head toward him.

"You should take this time to absorb the Destruction Energy around here." Said Sleipnir.

"The life energy won't repel it out?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"I will aid you with that. I will keep the life energy inside you from pouring out and colliding with the destruction energy." Said Sleipnir.

"How long can you keep it from colliding?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"Long enough for you to absorb all of the destruction energy." Said Sleipnir causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"Also, you don't have to manually go to each one to absorb. You can just bait them with some life energy, and they will rush toward you." Said Sleipnir.

Tang Wulin started to extract some life energy out of his body and watched as a swirl of green energy began to surround him. He turned his head toward the purple crystals, but they showed no reaction.

'Selipnir the-.'

Before Tang Wulin could finish that thought, he could see purple lights around him appearing. Then suddenly all of the Destruction energy rush toward Tang Wulin and entered his body.

Sleipnir didn't try warning Tang Wulin about how painful and dangerous the destruction aura, as he already saw the result from Nergigante. Tang Wulin started to grit his teeth as he felt the destruction energy rushing toward his soul vortex.

Countless streams of destruction energy were rushing and pouring into Tang Wulin. They all felt the aura of their lover and demanded to be reunited with her. The Destruction Energy made contact with his soul vortex.

To Sleipnir and Old Tang shock, it started to circling around Tang Wulin multi-colored soul vortex.

Next, Sleipnir felt the Life Energy she was trying to hold back, in her moment of shock escaping her control.

The Life energy surge toward Tang Wulin soul vortex but just like the destruction aura, it started to circle around it. Both of these energies started to form two large belts of energy, similar to the Bloodline core which had a golden energy belt around it.

Tang Wulin soul vortex shook for a bit but in the end still, calmly rotate inside of his body. As if it didn't notice or perceive both of the other energies around it.

Tang Wulin blinks his eyes as he could no longer feel or see any Destruction energy rushing toward him.

'Is it done?' Thought Tang Wulin.

"Yes, you were able to absorb all of the destruction energy around this area." Said Sleipnir.

Tang Wulin nodded his head and motion for Sleipnir to continue her explanation. After a while, he was able to understand the gist of what happened.

Both of his Life and Destruction Energy were orbiting his soul vortex, but they didn't cause any visible changes.

"I'm assuming this shouldn't have happened?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"No, the destruction energy was supposed to refine your body even more. I never saw Destruction and Life Energy staying in the same vicinity without coming into contact with each other." Said Sleipnir with a frown.

Tang Wulin shook his head, at another headache that was added to his extensive list of headaches. It was then the seven colored ball pop up in front of him and was trembling.

"I think it's frustrated that you weren't following it." Said Zeref with a chuckle as he saw Tang Wulin raised a brow.

"Alright, alright I'm following." Said Tang Wulin as he followed the ball.

As Tang Wulin was following the ball, he kept on seeing crystals around them but without the purple glow and sparks around them. He concluded he really did absorb all of the destruction energy out of the crystal, but he couldn't help but wonder.

'Where did those crystals come from?'

No one gave him an answer, as they too were confused. Anyway, after a while, they came upon a huge hole in front of him and the ball was flying around it.

Tang Wulin raised a brow but then his eyes widen when the ball started to scatter and then create a bridge of light in front of him.

"I guess we continue walking ahead." Said Zeref.

Tang Wulin began to walk across the bridge of light for a while, making sure to look out for anything that may try to knock him off.

'You know, I didn't question it before but isn't place a bit too desolate.' Thought Tang Wulin.

"Well, one of the reasons could be the Destruction Energy." Sleipnir offer but Tang Wulin felt it was something more than that.

After a while, they came upon the end of the bridge of light and in front of Tang Wulin was an enormous door. On the door were tribal symbols and the place looked like a grand tomb.

The bridge of light shatters and then reform back into the ball, which dashes toward the door. Once they made contact, the door began to shine brilliantly and then creak open.

Tang Wulin could feel an even more intense sense of instinctive longing reverberating through his chest. This one was ten times worse than when he was in the Dragon Valley and Graveyard. Shaking his head, he began to make his way past the door and then found himself in the middle of an altar.

'Where am I.' Thought Tang Wulin. The inside of the room was pretty massive as he started looking around and then the room began to shake.

He turned to see the seven-colored ball moving down and then splitting into nine fragments. Each fragment line up next to each other and then they exploded with a flash of light.

Tang Wulin covered his face and then turned back after the light dyed down. He saw nine mighty dragons breaking through space and standing tall in front of him with their dazzling body. Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes and then felt an odd sense of familiarity with them.

Earth Dragon King.

Water Dragon King.

Fire Dragon King.

Wind Dragon King.

Space Dragon King.

Dark Dragon King

Jade Dragon King.

Mountain Dragon King.

Gold Dragon King.

Tang Wulin could feel those names reverberating through his body from the Golden Dragon King.

He realized that the Golden Dragon King was telling him, who these dragons were. The Nine Dragon Kings that were created by the Dragon God.

Then to his surprise, the Mountain Dragon King turned its head to Tang Wulin and smiled tenderly at him with affection.

"Who would have thought, our father reincarnation would be the son of Destruction and Life." Said the Mountain Dragon King.

"Hush brother, we don't know if he really his our father reincarnation." Said the Dark Dragon King.

"Come now, don't tell me you can't feel it, brother." Said the Fire Dragon King.

"Who cares if I can feel it or not. This welp merely has our father soul." Said the Dark Dragon King.

"That welp is out father heir and reincarnation." Said the Jade Dragon King in a deadly tone.

"Can you all not fight for once? It has been a while since we been together." Said the Water Dragon King in a dry voice.

"What do you expect? They all behave like newborn kids." Said the Space Dragon King with apparent disdain in his eyes.

"Hey space boy, don't let me come over there and beat you down." Said the Dark Dragon King.

"Oh! Bring it, darky, I promise I won't injure you too badly." Said the Space Dragon King.

Tang Wulin watches as most of the Dragon Kings were messing with each other. He turned his head toward the Gold Dragon that was staring at him in contemplation.

"Silence." Said the Gold Dragon King, causing all of them to stop talking.

"Mountain you talk to him." Said the Gold Dragon King as he closed his eyes.

"Alright. I'm sure you have many questions but right now I wish for you to prove your worth to us." Said the Mountain Dragon King.

"And why would I care to do that?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"Well, I'm sure you are interested in finding out how you got here right? And I will also give you an armament of the Dragon God." Said the Moutain Dragon King, causing Tang Wulin to narrow his eyes.

"... I'm listening."

"Good, you just need to complete a special test for us and then you will gain the Dragon Gods riches." Said the Mountain Dragon King.

"So what is the test?"

"The test is where you have to reach the place of light." Said the Mountain Dragon King and he then roared out, along with the other Dragon Kings.

"Good Luck young heir."

"You will desperately need it."

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