Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 78: *Spoilers Title at the End*

Chapter 78: *Spoilers Title at the End*

Tang Wulin blinks his eyes as he saw he was in a dark void. It was then his eyes widen, as as he felt no oxygen in the air. Veins started to appearing on Tang Wulin head and his golden eyes started to severely burn.

Tang Wulin could feel his two hearts pumping rapidly and his body rumbling to adapt. Tang Wulin body shook as blood started to leak from his eyes and nose. For some reason, it became hard to think or feel anything.

Then in front of him was a light that was moving in the distance. Not being able to process or think about anything, Tang Wulin began moving on instinct. He had to power through the pain of not being able to breathe.

As Tang Wulin moved about five meters forward, he fell from his body screaming out for air. Yet he ignores the screams of his body as he began pushing himself back up. He could feel his eyes getting blurry, and his body was wobbling.

But he was able to clinch his teeth and began to balance himself back up. He then began following the light even as his cells were breaking down and yet he kept on walking.


Tang Wulin felt like he has been walking for hours as he followed the light. He thought he would have found an area with oxygen but it seems the whole world was void of that.

Then, he felt like his body was being pressed down by a mountain. The overwhelming pressure on him was making it hard to move, and the lack of oxygen was making it hard to think.

Yet Tang Wulin did not stop as he began to move even more resolutely.

Tang Wulin kept on moving, bit by bit with nothing but his willpower pushing him forward. Everything around him was as dark as the abyss with only light.

Tang Wulin felt as if a year has passed as he continued following behind the ball of light. He long became used to the desolate mountain pressing down on him and no oxygen.

But as if the world didn't like that, he felt the inside of his body being burned.

Tang Wulin knew this pain was almost as painful as opening up one of the Dragon Seals. Now ordinarily, this wouldn't be so bad, but consider that he felt like a mountain being press down on him and no oxygen was around.

He was feeling like literal shit at the moment. Yet with nothing but his willpower and instinct he kept on moving on. He tried ignoring the burning of his veins, organs, and nerves as if they weren't there.

But that was very hard considering he felt like someone was slowly dragging it across lava or a hot bar.


As it been fifty years?

Tang Wulin didn't know as he continued his walk towards the light ahead. Tang Wulin was starting to wonder how everyone was doing at the moment. Did they grow old? Did they move on without him? Were they still waiting for him?

It was then he felt his organs, nerves, and vein being frozen after it got burned. Then it got burn again and then froze, with the cycle repeating infinitely.


Tang Wulin knew pain, and he knew pain very well. Over his long life, the pain might as well be his longtime companion. Yet, he never felt pain like this before as he couldn't even feel his insides anymore.

As he was walking, he felt his whole body being shackled by something. It took more energy than usual to even take one step, as he felt like he was pulling a whole island.

Each step he took, he felt like days were passing. He was still being pressed down and his insides were still being destroyed.

He felt like ten thousand years had passed.


Tang Wulin felt like dying at this point. Not only was he alone in this place void of colors and life but he felt like he was being mocked by the light in front of him.

His only companion in this place was a pain, more pain, and even greater pain. He was beginning to miss the people he loved and cared about. Hell, he was beginning to miss that army of demons he left behind to come to this place.

It was then all of the pain he felt before was increase by a magnitude, causing him to fall on the ground. Yet Tang Wulin began to crawl as if the thoughts of giving up or dying was beneath him.

One million years as passed.


He already forgot what was motivating him to come or wait? Did he voluntary to come here? He honestly didn't know or care. As he didn't even know what was pushing me anymore as he crawled through the sunken abyss.

Tang Wulin was wondering if struggling any more is worth it? Was getting the Dragon God armament this important? Did he even need the Dragon God power, considering he has his own?

Tang Wulin honestly did not know the answer to that question as he kept on crawling. He knew he wasn't close to the end of this hell but for some reason, he kept on moving.

The pain always got worse, the more he kept on crawling and yet his will, refuse to quit. And so he pushes himself back up to the standing position, then he began to walk toward the light in front of him.

One hundred million years have passed.


One billion years have passed.

'It was strange' Thought Tang Wulin.

As he felt the light in front of him was getting closer and closer. He knew he shouldn't be deceived by the tricks of this world anymore but he long since lost the ability to rationalize.

As the light got closer, he saw in the distance an orb of light and there was something inside of it was a torso.

As Tang Wulin began to get closer to the orb, he began to feel relief and then when he pressed his hand on the orb, he felt his body being blasted back.

Tang Wulin felled on the abyss ground and yet he could feel his strength leaving his body. He had long since lost all feeling in his body and was just running on pure willpower.

He tried moving his body and yet it wouldn't listen to him, as he shifted his head to the orb of light. He couldn't help but chuckle at his tragic situation.

'I'm too tired. I have been moving for over a billion years... I just want to rest.' Thought Tang Wulin as he began to slowly close his eyes.


Tang Wulin snaps his eyes that were slowly closing up. He could have sworn he heard his mother voice speaking toward him.

'But how...' Thought Tang Wulin.

'Wulin! Don't give up!'

'Come on Big Brother you can do it!'

Come on captain you aren't that weak!'

'Come on boss!'

'Come on you stupid brat!'

Tang Wulin started to hear voices around him. Suddenly, he began to see everyone around him smiling at him and shouting for him to get back up.

'Come on Acnologia. I never knew you were a quitter.'

'Child of Life and Destruction, I believe in you.'

Tang Wulin eyes widen as he began to feel strength flowing through his body. He didn't know why but for some reason he wanted to get back up.

He could feel their hands reaching out to him to help him up. He was slowly starting to get up, even at the protest of his body.

As he finally stood up, he could feel his body screaming at him. He stumbles a bit but in the end, began to walk toward the ball of light.

As he got close to the ball of light, it began to release an invisible force that propels him back but instead of falling down.


Tang Wulin eyes widen when he felt countless hands on his back. He could feel them keeping his body steady and reassuring him.

Tang Wulin began to chuckle at the absurdity of his situation but in the end, move straight back toward the ball of light.

He kept on moving, even as the invisible force kept on hitting his body and even as his body screamed. As he was moving his hand through the barrier, the hands behind him never once waver and kept on nudging him forward.

Tang Wulin gritted his teeth as he felt the pain hitting him even harder and yet he kept on moving.

As he got inside the ball of light, he could feel the pressure of the Dragon God pressing down upon him. Tang Wulin felt the suppression of the Golden Dragon King before but this was a million times worse as he felt his body lowering itself.

Yet he slammed his fist down onto the ground and push himself back up while gritting his teeth. He could feel his soul roaring out to him to get right back up.

Tang Wulin knew he would rather die than kneel before another Dragon as he forced himself back up and glared ahead. His eyes were flashing with their unwavering determination and pride.

He could feel his rage and willpower fueling his body to move forward as his eyes begin to close. As he got closer to the torso in front of him and as he slowly advanced his hand to touch the torso.

Tang Wulin held back a scream as he could feel the torso trying to dominate his mind and soul after he touches it. He could feel the pressure telling him to kneel and bow before it. Bow and the pain will be gone. Bow and you will feel eternal bliss.


Tang Wulin roared in his thoughts as he felt something inside of him erupted in fury and power. Unbeknownst to Tang Wulin a blood-red and sapphire blue aura burst out from his body.

The world around Tang Wulin become cold and clearer as if all the truths of the world were open up towards him. Tang Wulin could feel the suppression of the Dragon God was being reduced.

Tang Wulin hair started to grow out, becoming longer until it reaches his waist and his body started to become more refined. His shoulder became broader, arms grew more muscular and his body growing up to 190 cm.

His hair color began to change as it started to become goldish-white and with blue highlights at the tip. On his forehead was a golden trident with a blood-red sword intertwining with it.

He opens his eyes, that were now golden-blue and with a tint of red. The bloodred aura roared out toward the pressure of the torso causing the world to tremble.

Then behind the torso appeared a Seven-Colored Dragon leering down at Tang Wulin with madness and slaughter. More pressure began to be press down on Tang Wulin who just roared back, as even more power exploded out from him.

The Life and Destruction Energy inside him exploded out as their auras also appeared around him. Then a golden aura exploded out of him as the Golden Dragon King started to rebel against the suppression of the Dragon God.

On his forehead, the symbols of Destruction, Life and Golden Dragon King appeared. They started intertwining with the trident and bloodred sword on his forehead. They were shining with unstoppable might and vigor.

Behind Tang Wulin appeared the Asura God, Sea God, Destruction God, Life Goddess, and the Golden Dragon King as they roar out to the Dragon God.

These figures glared at the Dragon God as their aura was leaking out and rose their weapon as if they were preparing for war.

And then.

The world exploded in a flash of brilliant white and black.


Title: Sand of Time, Bloodline Explode!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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