Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 79: Actions

Chapter 79: Actions

In the dull black of night, two figures were standing apart from each other. One of them was a tall a grey T-Rex with tribal marking all over its body. The other one was the Lion that informed Yao Cai about the humans.

"You know what you have to do right." Said the Lion.

"Of course, We will attack humans when they least expect it." Said the Land T-Rex causing the Lion to nods its head.

"Good, remember you must at least lower their numbers." Said the Lion.

The Land T-Rex nodded his head with a solemn look on his face. He knew this mission was very dangerous, and all of them won't be able to come back. But this is what Yao Cai order and he knew to disobey his order was as good as a death sentence.

'Then again, this is practically a death sentence.' Thought the T-Rex.

"Well then, get ready to begin your attack soon." Said the Lion.


The sun began to shine down on the ruined base that the humans took over. Most of the human army was still sleep and the others were doing watch duty. They didn't want to be caught by a sneak attack when their guards were done.

On top of one of the broken towers was Tang Yun who was staring off into the distance. He was looking towards the area that Tang Wulin ran off into the night.

'Brother Wulin, where are you.' Thought Tang Yun as he started getting worried.

Normally he wouldn't be worried about Tang Wulin as he knew he could take care of himself. Heck, Tang Yun was pretty confident he could take on an army of Spirit Beast and still survive.

But the area they were in, wasn't a place one could just wander around by themselves and be safe. This was one of the homes of a Calamity for peace's sake.

He didn't know how Tang Wulin would do against one of those Rulers but for some reason, he couldn't see him winning at all. This comes from the fact he has been fighting alongside and watching the back of Tang Wulin.

His strength compares to those calamities were worlds apart in his opinion.

'After all, those Rulers with little to no effort was able to wipe out the Spirit beast army.' Thought Tang Yun with a grimace.

He sighed as he went back to looking out for Wulin. Yet something else has also been plaguing his mind.

'Why haven't they mounted an attack on us yet?' Thought Tang Yun in confusion.

He seriously doubts the Spirit Beasts would standstill as they laid waste to their bases. He was pretty sure the news about them has spread everywhere and wouldn't be surprised if they killed off the slave already.

He very much doubted those prideful beasts would stand back and watch as those they typically consider insects continue to trample over them.

'Yet still no attack.' Thought Tang Yun as he started to get lost in thought.


A male human was looking over the horizon in a daze. He just woke up and for a second he forgot where he was or why he wasn't in a cell.

He knew it would take a while for him and everyone to get used to the fact that they are now fighting for their lives. He couldn't help but let out a chuckle at how different humanity situations were last week compared to now.

'This is all thanks to -.'

The human couldn't finish his thoughts as the ground beneath him was ripped out and a gilded horn was protruding from his chest. He slowly turned his head to see a Beatle Spirit Beast smirking at him and then the Beetle began to move its hand toward his face.

"WE'RE BEING ATTACKED." Roared someone causing the Beetle frown.


His eyes widen as he saw other Spirit Beast bursting through the ground beneath them. The man's last thought before he died was how they should have been wary of the underground attacks.


Tang Yun instantly moved when he heard someone shouting. Down below him, he saw Spirit Beast erupting from the ground from inside the base and outside.

"EVERYONE WAKE UP! SPIRIT BEAST IS ATTACKING US." Roared Tang Yun as he shot toward one of the Spirit Beast with his spectral hammer appearing in his hand.

'Damn it! They went underground to attack!' Tang Yun gritted his teeth as he smashes his hammer into one of the moles who burst through the ground.

From what Tang Yun learned from the sensors, was that their abilities couldn't sense anything underground for some reason. Not only that but it was dangerous to travel underground considering this is the Calamities territory.

'Do these Spirit Beasts have a death wish!' Thought Tang Yun as he kept on moving his hammer around to kill the Spirit Beasts in front of him.

He could hear the screams of the human in the base and knew they really took a big hit from this.


Tang Yun turned his head to see Xia Yan smashing a Wolf through the wall of their base and then to the other side he could a male warrior swinging his greatsword. He then saw a bright light as a woman had a crown on her head.

Then her aura went towards the people around and began to shroud them in it. His eyes widen as the people began to fight better and faster.

'Amazing! Did she boost their strength?' Thought Tang Yun as a duck under a swipe and then twist his body to smash his hammer into the golden bear that tried to bisect him.

Tang Yun was happy at least most of the humans were able to get their bearings together and fight back. Yet, he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong as he watched the Spirit Beasts looking at them with caution.

'Wait! Are they really looking at us in worry?' Thought Tang Yun as he narrowed his eyes.

It was then Tang Yun during battle froze. He felt his whole body began to tremble and shake.

Tang Yun pupil began to dilate as his body started to sweating rapidly and he could hear his heartbeat hammering furiously.

Panic begins to form inside him like flocks of fireworks going off. Tension grew in his face and limbs. His breathing became more rapid and more shallow.

It wasn't just him as everyone around him even the Spirit Beast stop what they were doing. No one said anything but they all could tell, they could all that.

'Something was coming!'


As if someone set off a nuke, the earth began to break apart and exploded outward. They all instantly felt the ground shaking uncontrollably as if an earthquake was going off and the trees around them were continuously falling.

Smoke was beginning to gather from the uprooting of the earth, blocking their sight. It wasn't until a few seconds later, they began to see a shadow silhouette.


Was what everyone thought as they saw something that looks to be 60 meters tall walking towards them. As it got closer, the feeling that they were experiencing became even stronger and stronger, until they saw it.

It was a wolf with white fur covering its whole body. Its eyes were pitch black with no pupil as if a void was within them. Its four limbs were shaped uniquely with a dog like paws instead of it being a wolf.

One could say this was a handsome animal if it wasn't for the feeling it gave off. Everyone who saw this wolf tremble even more as they all knew the name of this beast.

The Dread Wolf, Fafnir.

They all watch as Fafnir just stared at them as if he was thinking about what he should do with them. One of the Spirit Beasts next to him began moving, causing Fafnir expression to change. Fafnir stomach bulges up and then it blew lightly.

It caused a mini gale to sweep past them and forcing everyone to try to stabilize themselves. Some grab on to the walls of the base dug their limb into the ground and others grabbed on to another person.

Fafnir tilted its head as it began moving its gaze to look at every one. Tang Yun's eyes widen, as he began realizing what had happened.

'Fuck, when those Spirit Beasts dug underground. It must have disturbed Fafnir!' Thought Tang Yun in a dreadful fright.

They all watched in shock as Fafnir rose one of its paws and then stomp down.

It was a simple stomp, something that shouldn't be noteworthy to anyone at all and yet.

That one stomp radically reshaped the whole land itself. The stomp forcibly sent ripples across the whole land and caved in the area below Fafnir by 100 meters.

The humans and the Spirit Beast all around were blasted from their original position. The shockwave from Fafnir stomp caused everything in front of him to disappear.


"Your majesty, isn't that dangerous?" Said an Owl Spirit Beast, as it stared at Yao Cai with a grave look on its face.

"So what if it's dangerous? As long as those humans are wiped out, it's all fine." Said Yao Cai with a hearty laugh.

"I understand what you are saying. But to have the army you sent to anger one of the Calamities..." Said the Owl.

The Owl Spirit Beast was right to be worried, as Fafnir wrath would not just stop at the humans and the remaining Spirit Beast there. No, Fafnir would ravage the land that he controlled to the point where no life would remain.

That ruthlessness is what scared them all about the Calamities. To even, anger them, a little bit and the result would a massacre.

Yet Yao Cai just laughed it off and sat back down on his throne with a grin on his face. The Owl tremble as he began realizing that Yao Cai didn't care about him and made him began to think.

'How much are our lives worth to him.'


'Unbelievable.' Thought Shadow Crane as he saw the land erupting and shaking. He knew that Yao Cai was someone crazy but this is something out of his expectation.

Shadow Crane narrowed his eyes as he watches as Fafnir rose one paw and stomp down on the ground. Shadow Crane's eyes widen, as he watches the effect the stomp caused from above.

The stomp sent ripples across the land and then cracks began to appear. Going as far as places he couldn't even see from above.

'Damn you Yao Cai.' Thought Shadow Crane

'Don't you realize this won't end with just the lives of the human!'

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