Empress' Evolution

Chapter 32: I'm Pissed

Chapter 32: I'm Pissed

Lilith opened her eyes and noticed that the sun had already risen from behind the mountains.

'My body hurts, this is not something I enjoy.' Lilith's body had laceration all over due to having lightning run amok in his body after losing to the pain.

Lilith's mind began to race, she knew she could have endured more, but it would seem things have changed. Her pain tolerance is the same as before, but the things her body could handle is somewhat behind.

"Strange, I am pretty sure that in this life I am stronger than I was before."

Lilith's mind began to wander, but in the end, she shook her head. Thinking about useless things is not something she should worry about.

[Fatigue: 10%]

'It decreased.'

Getting up from her 'bed', Lilith went out of her dwelling.

Ha! Ha! HAAAA!!~

"Swing harder, twist your wrist as you move forward, a single pattern is predictable and can be dodged easily, you guys are Ogres, you have immense strength and flexible muscles, use those muscles to its limits! Don's slack off!"

"Yes, Big Sis!"

"Your voices are weak, are you guys tired already!?"

"NO, Big Sis!"

"Then, scream louder, swing your weapons stronger as if you are trying to kill an enemy in front of you, show your might!"


Swoosh! Swoosh! Booom~

The ground began to shake as the ogres stomped on the ground all at the same time. Lilith's little body jumped as the ground shook from the training of the Ogres.

Lilith walked over to Dhampy and tapped her leg.

"Ah, boss good morning."

"To you too, where is Sylva? I thought she's training with the Ogres?"

"She went hunting for food saying actual combat is more useful than stagnant practice such as this."

"Is that so, go on then, but next time she hunts for food make sure you are with her, the Forest is full of unrest right now, it is dangerous to wander alone, especially for Sylva."

Dhampy agreed with Lilith and went back to watching over the training of the Ogres with great attention.

The Ogres used different weapons, there are bastard swords, spears, and even clubs. Some just used their fists, but most of them train in one area. It didn't matter if it was a woman or not, they are training without saying anything.

Dhampy reached the gates of the village and there, she found Chief, Killa, and the rest.

"Who's the one in charge of training the future Shamans?"

"It is Shamoc, Priestess."

"Okay, there's four Ogre Champions, one Berserker, and two Shamans it is the same as before, let us go and conquer some dungeons."


Lilith had taken control of the group through the ingenious means of brainwashing them. Though it is not exactly brainwashing as Lilith merely thought them how to strategize and made them believe she is above them all through subtle suggestions.

Lilith is very good at this game. She had most of them following her without a problem, that is except for one...Chief.

"Priestess, you're late, let's go already!"

"Yeah, yeah, let's go everyone!"

As a daemon, Lilith only needed to do one thing, and that is to increase her level and evolve, thus, she continued her shameless kill stealing from the group.

Soon, her Thunder Clap Leopard reached LVL 40 and only her Nightmare Dragonkin form remained stagnant.

Inside the dungeon...

"Chief-sir, I sense thirty Lycans, roughly 50 meters away. They are scattered some are around 25 meters from here. Are we following the plan? Should we ask the Priestess for confirmation?"

"Don't Shamac, that woman will yell at us and call us incompetent if you do that. I don't want to see that smug face of her again."

"Hahaha, you really don't want to lose to the Priestess, huh, Chief-sir."

Shamac, the appointed leader of the Ogre Shamans laughed at the comment of their proud leader. The two were drenched in the blood of their enemies to avoid getting detected.

Lilith had been training them for two days, making this the third, and for the past days the leader had received the most criticism.

Chief had been trying his hardest trying to learn her way of fighting, and she had been showing great success. Albeit it is only by a little. As Shamac laughed, he felt movement from the ground, he looked around and then back to Chief who nodded his head signaling that it was time.


"Yes sir."

The Ogre Shaman clapped his hands and held a praying position for a few seconds to gather mana. Black smoke appeared on his palms and the same with the other Ogre Shaman.

With as much little sound as possible, they finally cast the spell.

"Dark Marsh."

The black smoke lurk on the ground, reaching the 30-meter limit of the spell range, it activated and two dark marshes appeared from seemingly out of nowhere startling the Lycans.

Some of the nearby Lycan's began to drown in the dark marshes and with that, the single finally appeared.


From both open areas that remained, two Ogre-Champions that had been drenched in the blood of Lycans appeared. These Ogres were mostly at LVL ??? while another at LVL 58. Killa was only there to support the group.

The remaining Lycans numbered at 21, and with them in a disarray, the Ogres did what it is that they needed to do and went to decimate their numbers.

Blood flew everywhere like a fountain, and from afar, Lilith watched everything as a Leopard.

"Ack, they killed another EXP sack."

She had her complains about the EXP sacks being killed but that is the sacrifice she is willing to make.



The Lycans howled and what followed that was a roar. The roar came from afar, from the depths of the Forest in fact.

A shadow was cast as a large furry bipedal beast. It roared and showed its monstrosity to the world, but it didn't last long because as soon as it landed, a dark shadow appeared from behind it and with by a single move of its sword, the oversized Lycan was slain!


The head flew away and the body of that Lycan fell to the ground, it died as swiftly as it appeared.

"I killed the boss, now, finish them all!"

"Yes, Chief-sir!"

Chief only needed to do one thing, cleanly take out the boss of the dungeon. The Lycans were all cleaned up and soon enough, Lilith stepped out from where she watched and appeared before them.

Chief immediately noticed the feeling walking towards them and immediately he smirked!

"Ha! How about that, no one was hurt, and we finished the boss in less than a minute! What do you say about that!?"

Lilith looked at him and the rest before turning to the boss.

"Trapping the other Lycans and then going after them when in a disarray minimized the damage you risk getting.

"Taking care of the separated boss as soon as it appears and not letting it use any of its skills and hidden methods, that is quite good. The execution is quite good, I supposed this is a pass in comparison to before."

"Haha! Who's an idiot now!" Everyone celebrated, but it was Chief who was the happiest of them all.

The dark marsh spells disappeared and the one entrapped in the marsh was promptly killed. Lilith and the rest head back, dragging the body of the boss.

That night, there was a celebratory mood and everyone ate as the Elders brought back wonderful meat once again.

Lilith ate some, and then went back to 'rest'. She trained her lightning again and, just like the last time she did it the lightning run rampant and she experienced laceration on her skin.

She lost her consciousness, and then she fell asleep.

The next day, Lilith opened her eyes just before sunrise.

She was still groggy but as a Thunder Clap Leopard, she immediately noticed something strange.

'This metallic smell it's blood.' Lilith's senses came alive and she became high strung. Lilith came out of her dwelling and outside; a group of Ogres has already formed. It was weird seeing them not practicing.

Lilith's mind raced and adding the scent of fresh blood, Lilith had a hunch as to what is currently happening. She jumped up as a Thunder Clap Leopard and landed as a Two Horns at the back of the mob.

"My children move."

"It's the Priestess, make way!"

"Make way, it's the Priestess!"

The ocean of Ogres parted and gave way for their priestess to walk on. Lilith saw the bodies of the Ogres and she felt something inside her jump. Eleven bodies are laid down in front of Lilith all of which sustained an injury ranging from severe to bad.

Some had severed limbs while the others had caved in parts. Some had broken bones while some had it sticking out, the arms, legs, and ribs, it didn't matter where. Blood was everywhere and Lilith's eyes widened as she hurriedly cast a spell and joined the already casting Ogre Shamans.

"Healing Light!"

She cast a healing spell but little did it do to the severely injured ones. The Ogre Shamans were also panicking seeing how little it was doing.

"Get me the mana cores! The life essence of the mana cores might save their lives!"

Lilith ordered, the Chief was standing nearby disappeared with a boom, and reappeared as soon as he disappeared. With him were the sacks of stones that are meant for the villagers.

"Feed them the mana cores, Chief, do it yourself, I can't touch a mana core. "


Chief was acting strangely obedient and that was simply because his people didn't need him arguing with anyone who can save his people.

"Anyone who can cast a healing spell pours everything you have once Chief feeds the mana cores." After saying that, everyone who had received the ability to heal others stepped forward, Chief quickly placed as much mana cores as he could on the body of the injured Ogres, "Now, cast your spells, now! Pour your mana to it!"

Whilst Lilith commanded them, a green light emerged from her hands. The green light began to expand but it met its limit at around three Ogres, Lilith processed the Nature Attribute using two parts of her brain pushing its capabilities to the absolute limits.

Lilith's MP was quickly being drained, but Lilith made sure that vitality-boosting Nature's Blessing would reach the eleven victims. She began sweating bullets, and soon enough, Lilith's hands trembled.

50% of her MP was immediately drained, but she held it together in order to keep herself from breaking down. The Ogres who could hear collapsed one after the other, their MP had been drained out of their bodies. 70% had been drained out of her body.

Only Liliut remained to pour everything she had.

But soon enough she crossed 90% and was completely drained out of MP.

She can no longer do anything, she had done everything she could do and anything any further would be meaningless struggles. The Ogres began healing but not everyone could be saved as those who had their bodies

[-3 Ogre Citizens]

Three Ogres died, seven are injured but worst of all one of her followers, Sylva had the bone on her right leg sticking out, her skin lacerated from lightning, and one of her eyes was taken...but she was luckily still breathing.

Dhampy walked over to the drained Lilith, her usual expressionless attitude was still present, but her eyes showed hints of rage. She too had signs of being in combat, which was natural because she was together with Sylva.

But with her abnormal regeneration any help would be useless.

Lilith turned to Dhampy.

"What happened?"

"After the boss said I come with her, I did what you said and assisted her, we went hunting daemons for some quick grub and then come back to the Village; but then, we heard the sound of someone fighting and before I can react Sylva was already running to the direction of the said sound.

"There, we found ten Ogres fighting against Pixies who invaded the territory, Sylva went to help the Ogres, but the Pixies outnumbered us and...."

Lilith raised her right hand, she no longer needs to hear anything from Dhampy.

"Bottom line is the Pixies were the ones who did this?"

"Yes, Boss. And I just want to inform you that we only managed to return because Sylva risked it all to use her skill and transfer us all back to the Village..."

"...Carry me."

Lilith was carried by Dhampy and then she rested on her head. Lilith called over Killa and her second group altogether.

"Chief, have the injured Ogres and Sylva been relocated?"

"Yes, they have been, indeed."

"Chief, distribute the mana cores, and ready the Ogres, I am pissed now, how dare they touch one of my followers?"

Lilith was seething with anger.

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