Empress' Evolution

Chapter 33: Amateurs

Chapter 33: Amateurs

Lilith sat inside Chief's house; she watched what is going on in the battlefield through a map she created herself.

The map is nothing out of the ordinary, it was an ordinary parchment created from the skin of the Gnoll Lord she previously killed with her crew.

Copying the contents of the minimap to this parchment, Lilith created a very detailed map of Section 5. The maps contained of three main areas, Section 4 and 5 and the Neutral areas that stretches for seven hundred kilometers from the cliff at the easternmost area in between the Section to the intersection of Section 3 and 2's Neutral Area.

No one really knows how these Neutral Areas were created where numerous Scourge and Meat Dungeons exist for everyone to hunt, but it was pretty handy on separating the sections.

But that doesn't matter at the moment, Lilith focused on the three areas, she deduced where the base of the Pixies through the brilliant method of asking. The location of the Pixie Tribe's headquarters is at the most eastern area of Section 4.

It was close to the sea and because it was situated in such a manner that behind it is a steep cliff, it was well defended even without anyone defending it.

Lilith then marked the Ogre Village that is situated in the middle of Section 5. It was an open area where anyone can make a move in every direction.

And the fences of the Ogres are not that well constructed so their overall defense is not so well constructed either.

Looking at the Neutral, she remembered a total of 11 attacks in the past three days.

'They are moving faster than I thought. The Pixie Lord must be in a state of urgency to get Sylva back from me, but why?'

Then, she marked three spots in the Neutral Area. The marked area created an arrow-like pattern " > ", the nearest spot being where Sylva suffered her injuries at, in the middle of the Neutral Area, and is the one closest to Section 5.

The three marks had found their place. These three marks have the lest attacks at around two to three skirmishes in the last three days while the others have twelve at least.

The other eight areas do not have prominent sightings of Pixies. The markings were placed and as it was incoherent anyone would have guessed that it was just random methods of attacking.

But when one looked closely, their attacks seemed like jagged teeth or a saw, slowly closing in on the fifth section, it was a layered attack, slowly pushing back the Ogres despite no injuries occurring.

It was then that an Ogre abruptly entered Chief's dwelling and with a swoosh, the entrance opened.

"What is the problem? We are busy planning here!" Said Chief who literally has yet to do anything other than wait for Lilith to end her observation of the map and act on her plan.

The Ogre seemed flustered at his question and immediately reported in a manner of haste.

"I apologize, Chief, Priestess but another attack occurred, three more attacks happened around the Neutral Area."

Lilith's eyes perked upon hearing something interesting.

"What did you just say? Did these three more attacks occurred in the same area or in different places?"

"It happened in three different areas, Priestess, that is correct."

Lilith was put into a thought, she looked back at the map and then had the Ogre who reported come closer.

"Come here, yes, come don't worry about Chief and the rest..." Lilith had the reporting Ogre looked at the map she pointed at where Sylva and the rest were attacked and then asked, "This right here is the area where Sylva and the others were attacked, did the attack happen here?"

"No, it did not, Priestess."

"Ok then, if that is the case, did the attack happen anywhere near here?"

She pointed at four different areas. These areas were at places where the scattered attacks happened, and consequently, it was the farthest areas where Sylva was attacked.

Lilith smiled after seeing this and then looked at the Ogre.

"Did anyone got hurt?"

"No, there are minor injuries but it will heal in time."

"Then that is good, heed my words, and have six Ogres at around LVL 30 as backup. If anything goes awry prioritize running away, don't have any actual combat, only show a little resistance and then recreate the formation all over again, understood?"


"Good, then go out there and make sure you relay my commands without false. If we want to win, then this must be done, tell them that turning their backs on the enemy will lead our Village to victory!"

"Yes, Priestess!"

From her patriotic words, Lilith managed to convince the reporting Ogre to do what she told it to do. But before the Ogre could leave, Lilith had him call Dhampy to the tent.

She arrived not even five minutes after the Ogre went out of the tent.

"Yes, boss?"

"Take three Ogres with you, here. One of them must be LVL 40 and the other two at LVL 35 at least and LVL 37 at best. In around five hours, they would advance there and enter the territory, make sure that when that happens some of you get injured, don't make it too big and become incapacitated, only a little bit and then run away. Got it?"

"...Yes, boss."

Dhampy had her doubts about Lilith's plans, but she was the boss, thus, Dhampy decided to trust her words.

Lilith turned back to the map and smiled widely, she looked at the epic-tiered Ogres and saw their impatient faces asking when they should leave for the battlefield.

Looking at them, made Lilith sigh and says.

"You guys wait, we'll destroy the Pixie Tribe without experiencing any death."

It sounded an exaggeration but Lilith's words sounded trustworthy that the others were already curtained she would succeed.

However, in a few hours, when the results of Lilith's orders arrived, everyone in Chief's dwelling had a surprise face other than Lilith.

"We have been pushed back further this time around... the people we sent as reinforcement were forced back as quickly as they came."

"Were there any death?"


"Then good. Report to me once another attack happens."

Dhampy returned from her mission and just like what Lilith had spoken, a group of Pixies appeared before them in a couple of hours.

She experienced defeat and then, Lilith looked at her, and saw a rare frustration rising from her eyes.

"Bess, we were defeated, the Pixie forces managed to go past us and is marching towards the village, I am sorry boss."

"That is fine, you complete the mission I gave. Now, do it again."

"Excuse me, boss?"

Lilith did not say anything and just continued what she was saying.

"This time with even more Ogres but with lower-levels than the one we sent out earlier, an average of LVL 33 Ogres should do fine. Take twelve of them and hide, the plan is the same. Make sure the injuries are minimal."

Dhampy was once again doubtful of her words, but then, Lilith said "Do it" with a stern voice, commanding Dhampy to go outside once again.

[Dhampy Loyalty -5]

A slew of defeats was racked up through Lilith's commands and when night finally came, the group of Pixies who attacked Sylva was now halfway through.

The other points of conflict are still ongoing, in the same area and the number of Ogres over there had already reached a total of a hundred Ogres. The march of the Pixies towards their territory gradually became faster by the minute and as midnight struck, they were already where they are now!

And seeing the result of her orders, Chief finally snapped!

"Bastard, what do you think are you doing? I trusted you to lead us to victory not to damnation! What the hell are you doing!?"

Lilith did not say anything, which irritated Chief even more.

"Ugh, I had enough of this! I am going out to fight! I should have done this sooner, brothers, follow me!"

The other epic-tier was reluctant, but sooner or later all of them stood up. Their will to fight for their kind erupted, but before they could even take a step out of the tent, Lilith spoke...

"Where are you going? Did you really think you are going to help out in any way? Do you plan on jeopardizing the plan"

"What plan? Do you mean to tell me all this shitty business is a plan? My people are getting hurt, do you think I should sit here and wait? You broke, your promise Priestess, I am merely going out to correct your mistakes."

"Who breaks whose promise now? I said I will win this war without any deaths on our side, but I didn't say there won't be any injuries."

The others suddenly stopped dead on their tracks.

They thought about it and despite the slew of defeats they are facing, a death has yet to occur.

Chief looked at Lilith who was looking at him, smiling.

"I didn't want to tell you because you would be against it, but I supposed it is now time to do so..."

After saying those words, Lilith told them her plan, and it was not a long one but it still took for about five minutes. And as she finished her words, Lilith showed a devious smile and said one thing...

"Now, gentlemen, do you still think I am doing bushtit work?"

None answered.

Lilith's smile became even bigger as she said a simple phrase...

"Okay, let's win this way."

"Yes!" This time, everyone agreed!

[Dhampy Loyalty +10]

Everyone exited the room and one last time, she looked at the parchment/map.

'Amateurs.' She commented right after seeing the point of attacks of the Pixies.

Despite her slew of defeat, Lilith had already grasped victory within her tiny grasps.

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