Empress' Evolution

Chapter 47: CHARGE!

Chapter 47: CHARGE!

The darkness is supposed to be silent; it is still, nothing bypasses the darkness and nothing moves it. However, tonight, it was different. Led by a slim and perfectly built lady.

She was a beautiful lady, she fiery red hair and finely toned muscle, she had particularly long limbs but not so long that it was distractingly so. She was perfect, from head to toe, she was beautiful and her aura was akin to that of a sharpened knife.

However, she was no human, she had a black horn protruding on her forehead and it was the sign that she was an Ogre. This beautiful Ogre was no ordinary Ogre, this Ogre was none other than Eve.

She blended with the shadows despite her red hair. To others she was nothing but the shadow of the Priestess, unseen unless she reveals herself.

She is now an Ogre variant known as a Shadow Shifter. She lurks in the shadows and is capable of travelling through the shadows of her allies and enemies alike.

With her are those who evolved to another variation closest to her evolution, Shadow Ogres and Shadow Pixies. They have a slimmer body than a normal Ogre's but they have no ability to traverse the darkness like Eve.

However, despite Eve being the most trained and has the most appropriate skills to become the most powerful assassin of the village, she was not the one leading the Ogres and Pixies but another black-cloaked figure, Dhampy.

Stopping atop a tree, Dhampy observed the area for any disturbed terrain. Her eyes are biologically attuned to dark places, thus, Dhampy got to see everything clearer than it was in the day.

"Are there signs of humans, Master?"

Dhampy didn't answer so quickly, but soon enough, she looked west.

"No, let us continue moving, come on, they should be near the Neutral Area, we have to hurry and began to plan before the others get here."

"Yes, Master." All of them responded quicker than normal.

Dhampy moved, and so did the other Ogres and Pixies. Their group of nine moved like the shadows that they were.

Dhampy is nothing but a rare-tier, no one in the hierarchy of daemons should follow her if this was normal daemon behavior. However, Dhampy is a direct follower of the Priestess and she is the master of every Ogre who knows how to use the weapon and their bodies to fight.

Even if the Ogres are stronger to Dhampy to some degree, none of them would be able to beat her because the root of their techniques are with her.

And with the respect of the Ogres to this little undead nearly reaching the levels their respect to the Priestess, many of the Pixies chose to try and follow her and train under her. Even the Pixie Guardians came to her to be trained.

In the span of a few days since the unification of the two tribes, Dhampy had already become the master of more than a hundred Pixies. She is gaining her own followers, thus, no one dares to go against her orders specially the Shadow Troops.

While the Shadow Troops are on the move, another troop are marching to the Neutral Areas of Section 6 and 5 in a straight line. Under their feet were blood that had been ambushed by the Shadow Troops.

They are a mix of Ogres and Pixies, though most are Ogres, none of it mattered for they were all strong and buffed. The frail arms and legs of the Pixies were replaced by strong limbs that almost matched the Ogres.

Their wings that could not take flight could now take flight any time they want and their cowardice towards combat are no more. These are Combat Pixies, they are closed to Pixie Guardians but not quite.

They are not as fast as Pixie Guardians and as tanky but they are stronger than them by two notches. Their skin are as white as before, and their hair the same as always, but their wings are a tinged of scarlet that burns in the face of flame.

The peace-loving Pixies evolved in such a manner due to the influence of war, their training with their Master Dhampy, and their wish to fight and protect others. They are making their moves in order to protect the one who gave them light, the Priestess and their kinboth the Pixies and the Ogres.

Many of the Ogres evolved to an Ogre Champion, none evolved to an Ogre Berserker but there are those who became Ogre Paladins, and Ogre Brawler! The Ogres that is led by the Ogre Berkserker and the Pixie Guardians marched with dignity with their kin, the Ogres and the Pixies.

And as they marched, none could stop them; the force of their steps are strong, and as they continued forward, a single knife flew and stabbed the ground in front of Chief.

He saw this and immediately ordered his men to lower their bodies and hide in the foliage. He too hid and as he hid, someone appeared beside him and whispered, "Humans."

Chief nodded his head and continued lowering his body. He looked ahead and like the voice had said, there were two humans in front.

The two are sitting on a boulder, in their hands were bottles of alcohol they snuck with them.

"How long are we going to be here anyway? Two weeks? I already missed my wife and daughter. Come here, I'll show you a picture of my angel smiling at his dearest father"

"Bah, here you go again, with your daughter. Don't make me smack you; you bastard know that I am already sick and tired of hearing your stories!"

"You see the other day, when she called"

"Ugh, he's not listening."

In front, there were two humans, he commanded them to lower their bodies.

Chief and the other Ogres could not understand a word that is being uttered. The words that came out of the human's mouth is mere whisper that cannot reach their ears. They are a hundred meter away, it was impossible to hear.

They cannot gather information, but that is okay because their goal is not to gather information.

He focused his perception and looked at the soldiers. He was patient, even when his feet begged him to dash fort and kill the two, he didn't make a move. He knows the consequence of ignoring orders and strategy, the death of his kin, sowaited; and waited; and waited, until


Standing still under the casted shadows of trees. The shadowy figure emerged from the shadows.

One of the humans sensed something was amiss and turned to look behind and noticed the peculiar movement of the shadow from the behind. He was startled and jumped back, he was about to draw his weapon and shout.

But then bone fingers grabbed his face from behind and dragged him down on the ground. And as he and his partner fell down on their backs. They saw the night sky and the descending dark-cloak.


The two had their head stabbed by a sword right in the middle of the forehead.

Dhampy looked at Eve who came out of the shadow, "Move quicker next time."

"Yes, Master."

With the death of the two guards, the stench of blood wafted over to the Ogres that are waiting for the signal. And as Dhampy looked ahead and saw the flashing lights of the human's temporary camp, she raised her sword and ten LVL 45 Skeleton Soldiers appeared from another world.

And as her sword descend, their orders were clear


The first wave of the attack came forward. The ten Skeletons moved without fear and started the attack. And even without Dhampy and Eve in the sight of the, they could hear it, the alerted screams of the humans!

And with the echoing screams of the humans, the whirring sound of the Ogres and Pixies passing Dhampy and Eve penetrated the silence of the night.

And with such a simple set up. A human slaughter began.

Dhampy looked at Eve.

"Let's make our move, also."

They disappeared through the darkness of the night.

"It's high-level undead, pick up your weapons, defend the camp!"

The Skeleton Solder consisted of Beasts and some human-like figures here and there. Their white frame tore through the human camps, drawing blood and taking lives.

They are fearless and merciless making them the perfect killer.


One of the Skeleton Soldiers fell under the might of a sword slash from a swordsman.

The Skeleton Solider tried moving about; it crawled on the ground, trying to kill one more and take them to hell with them, but the skull of the Skeleton shattered under the pressure of a Hunter's feet.

"What are these undeads? I didn't hear anything about these in the briefings!"

In the human camp, a man wearing an armor that had the head of the Dragon on its chest and the tail on its back appeared, hacking through the Skeleton Soldiers as he complained.

"Fergus is here!"

"Fergus, the Dragon Slayer is here at last!?"

Fergus reveled in their cheers as he began clean up the Skeleton Soldiers.

His sword killed one and then the chain of attacks began. His movement weaved together a wonderful dance that cut through the number of the Skeletons, and as he finished killing the last one, he looked around and creased his brows.

"This is strange."

Fergus had been a hunter of five years now. He had hunted a lot of daemons and the undeads that appeared tonight were the strongest undead he had ever faced before.

Something was strange, and he can feel that it will become stranger as they head deeper into the Section 5.

However, it is such a shame because as he continued his train of thought, the wind was penetrated as a sharp whirring sound sounded out.

He looked behind in fear of more undead appearing.

But as he picked up his sword and turned around, a sword penetrated his stomach with so much force that the remaining force of the sword carried him to the adjacent tree and nailed him to it.



Many screamed his name but he couldn't care less about them. He was going to die, he knows he was, and as his life is about to end, he saw it, a bronze skin figure descending from the skies and landing right on the edge of their camp.

He had seen that person in one of the reports, it was an Ogre Berserker that's supposed to be found in middle of Section 5.

"What the hell is that thing doing here?"

It didn't make sense.

And as the life in his eyes was just about extinguish, he managed to witness it.

The Ogre Berserker raising his hand and shouting in full force


And from all direction, Ogres and Pixies emerged.


He soon died, but it was alright for he did walked down to hell alone as every Hunter in the camp was slaughtered without mercy.

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