Empress' Evolution

Chapter 48: The interogation

Chapter 48: The interogation

While the moon reflected the blood of the humans and the fire danced in celebration of their deaths. A little daemon donning a pink kimono walked out from the woods, she was no taller than 90cm.

Her hands were small and frail and she was cute and cuddly. Her legs were short so it was clear that she was not the fast kind of person. But as she walked slowly, the Ogres and Pixies bowed down in her presence.

She stopped before the tree where an impaled hunter hang. She was silently watching the face of the hunter, and as she heard bits of screams here and there, she smiled in satisfaction.


A dark-cloaked female appeared by her side; it was Dhampy who held a bloodied sword. As to what kind of work she just did, only her and Eve knew. She lowered herself in front of Lilith.

"We have cleaned the area properly, there are no more humans alive in a five-kilometer radius. And we have captured the particular hunter you wished for us to capture. He is at the designated area."

"Okay, now, finish the daemons, have Eve meet me there for backup. I'll teach her a thing or two about interrogation."


Lilith began to smile; she waved her hand and a strong wind blew over. She was swept off her feet as she heads out. Alone in the air, she could feel her MP being drained, she had fleown a couple dozens of meters already so she chose to land.

And as she landed on a tree branch. The smile on her face was wiped. She walked over to the trunk of the tree and cold wind blew over from her hand.

The MP reacted and a semi-thick sheet of ice appeared that reflected her body. Looking at her face, she sighed at her cute face.

Big eyes and rosy chubby cheeks that resembled mochi. Her long back hair almost reaches her angles, and yet it was still as flawless as ever. It was straight and undisturbed even with the earlier winds.


[-20 HP]

Lilith punched the sheet of ice containing her image being cute? And why do I have bangs now?"

Lilith felt like wailing to show her discontent.

"This is unfair, why? Why can't I grow up already? This is demeaning!"

The act as kid card had already faded long ago. She is now a respected Priestess who commands the others. And as Lilith found herself in that place while having the visage of a child, she can't help but laugh at herself.

'The world is unfair.'

She cursed her own fate and as her palms met the tree, she felt movement on her shadow.

"Priestess, I am now here."

Wiping her tears first, Lilith turned to Eve who still noticed that she had cried earlier.

"Is something the matter, Priestess?"

Lilith jumped back and vehemently shook her head, "No, no, I am fine. Lead the way, Eve."

"Okay, Priestess."

Eve turned her back and, in her mind a certain thought entered.

'She's so kind, to cry for our injured kin, she has the heart that is as big as the ocean.' She laughed and decided to become just like her Priestess. This news shall be preaching by Eve to the rest and will be passed down for generation.

All the while this thought was created, Lilith was thinking something else entirely

'I have enough of thisbeing an Ogre sucksbut it's also goodbut it still sucks' Lilith was being contradictory with herself and is now cursing her fate.


Bound and been robbed of his Freedom, one particular hunter named Cert had his mind put in a disarray. He did not know what is happening nor did he know how he got here exactly.

'I am sure I was escaping from the daemons, how did I end up in this place?'

Cert is not what one would call a combatant Hunter, he is what is known as Continental Hunters. They travel through different places and record what they see. There are Hunters who can fight but more often than not they are weaker than a fly.

Cert went to the Forest of Beast because it has yet to be touched. He came here to document the Forest of Beast, but he didn't think such a thing would happen to me.

"Help! Somebody, help!"

Cert could only cry for help. He was no fighter so it was the only thing he could do, Cert cried out for help. But as his voice grew hoarser by the minute, no one answered his pleas.

He could only wriggle on the ground, like a worm looking for food.

Tak! Tak! Tak!

Footsteps were heard, Cert looked alive as he sat on the ground. His limbs were tied together thus resulting for an uncanny look.

While he was busy looking like an idiot, the light footsteps stopped right in front of him.

"So, you're the Continental Hunter? You seem underwhelming, are you knowledgeable about your job? Eve, is this one reliable?"

"I don't know, Priestess. It was the Master who said it was him."

"Well I supposed we won't know until we question him."

There are two voices that echoed, one was soft and cuddly, while the other was seductive and alluring. The second voice stood out the most to him as his virgin mind took over and constructed the perfected womanly figure he could think of.

However, he could not say about the other one though.

It was a sweet-sounding voice. Cert was instantly put into a sense of relief. And as his imagination run wild, his virgin imagination crossed out every single sexy lady he could imagine when he heard that voice.

His mind wandered as he began to imagine such thoughts, but he was soon freed from his own stupidity and realized what kind of predicament he was in.

"Where am I? Who's there? Please, help me! Untie me!"

He cried aloud despite being close to the speakers. He did not care and he felt it soon after


"You dare show such disrespect to the Priestess?"

"Eve, stop that."

He was slapped in the face which caused his face to hurt and the covers of his eyes to slid off from the shock. And as he caught a glimpse of the surrounding the beings who was with him in that room, he froze as he saw their horns.

He was inside a cave and the other being?


The owners of the voice were daemons and seeing them like this now, he felt fear. He looked at the kid and then at the bombshell that is Eve. Despite her near-perfect body she was still a daemon proven by the horn protruding on her forehead.

He was scared at the daemons before him, he is failing to properly expression his emotions as he began to feel more and more pressure. These are daemons, savages who only kills to survive, his fate was sealed, but what was he doing there in the first place?

'They're going to play with me until I die; I can't le that happen!'

He had studied daemons in the Hunter Academy, he knows what is about to happen. He was not some courageous hero, but even he knows his limitations. Daemons are beings that is born to kill other beings, thus, his only ending would be death no matter what she says.

They may speak human tongue but it is not the same. They are beast that must be slaughtered for the safety of the humans. Thus, the escape the fate of endless pain, Cert was prepared to do what is thought in the academy when in this kind of situation.

Kill yourself

But as he readied himself to bite his tongue off, the most courageous decision he had made in this life, a vine appeared from out of thin air and penetrated his mouth filling it to a point he almost became slacked jawed.

"You wanted to try killing yourself? That is not going to work, little oneI have some questions for you. I will remove the vines, off your mouth, try anything else and I will be leading you to a world of pain."

Cert's eyes widened for many reasons, mainly being a daemon having an intelligence so high is something unforeseen. He looked at Lilith as if he was looking at a ghost, but as he saw her LVL, she confirmed she was not a Legendary-tier.

The vines slowly came out of Cert's mouth and as they did, Cert was freed from having his ability to speak taken.

Lilith put her hands together, and was prepared to use her usual routine of carrots and stick.

"So, why don't you tell me what your plans arehuman?"

"..Fuck off, you midget fucking piece of shi"


A vine appeared and slapped Cert before filling his mouth with vines without mercy once again. His mouth almost exploded because of this.

Lilith's smile was present, but she was pissed at the moment.

"Untie him, Eve."


"Do it."

Eve heard her sudden instructions and cut off the vines that tied Cert. Lilith moved the vine that is inside Cert's mouth forward and had Cert fall to his behind.

As he did, he tried to pull the thick vines out but failed.


Lilith snapped her fingers and four more vines, this time with thorns appeared and grabbed Cert's four limps from each direction of Southwest, Southeast, Northeast, and Northwest.

He formed something resembling that of a star. And as Lilith looked at him, she pulled out the vines from his mouth and asked again.

"Tell me what you are.."


She was spit on by Cert, Eve was about to kill him but Lilith stopped her.

Lilith showed a smile at Eve.

"Eve listen up, when you're interrogating someone, there are people who are always uncooperative, this man is one of those people. But there are ways to make them talk, now, watch as I demonstrate how."

Directly below Cert a thorny vine appeared from out of nowhere. A bad premonition entered his mind.

And as Lilith raised her hand and used the sharp wind to destroy the trousers he was wearing.

He screamed "I'll talk!" as the thorny vines darted up and penetrated his back entrance.


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