Empress' Evolution

Chapter 55: Different Lives

Chapter 55: Different Lives

Two nights, it took two nights for Luna and Sylva to complete their mission of gathering information.

Tonight, was the very same night they finished. Sylva did not want to wait for any further and delivered the pelt to Lilith without fail.

The number of humans, their path of travel, and where their base was; all of it was in the pelt that was in her hand.

As Lilith reviewed the detailed specifics of Section 8, Lilith nodded her head as she formed a plan in her head.

"Good job, both of younow, you may leave."

Sylva froze and as she looked at Lilith and asked

"Boss head, what about the thing we spoke of?"

Lilith looked at Sylva and placed down the brush pen she had with her.

"Do you really want to kill her?"


Sylva's answer was fast to the question of killing Luna. And as Lilith looked at Luna, her face still showed a passive look before turning to Sylva once again.

"Then do it, Luna and I had already had our agreements. You can kill her without a problem, but she has her own conditions.

"What is it?"

Lilith stood up as she spoke.

"Do it in the middle of the village, behead her there and show her kin what you're about to do. I already prepared everything earlier, do not worry."

Lilith already predicted the timeframe of when Sylva and Luna will finish their given mission. And as Lilith stepped out of her dwelling, Luna closely followed as if to show she was not hesitant to face her death.

Sylva walked out of the dwelling and outside, there was a path created from the lined-up Pixies, Ogres, Brick Bears, and the other daemons.

Torches were lined up; it illuminated their surroundings and given everyone light. When Sylva saw these, especially the guilt-filled expressions of the Pixies, she knew that Lilith had already told them what is about to happen.

However, as of this moment, when the Pixies were expected to be rioting against Lilith, they were calm and very much collected.

"A week ago, when you were still in bed, Luna and I had spoken. The Pixies already knew what will happen a week prior, so do not worry about them saying anything."

Sylva was silent throughout.

Lilith took slow steps as she trod the path of daemons. The path was a simple straight that led to an open area in the village. Lilith flew up and watched Luna and Sylva stand in the middle.

Sylva looked around and in the front of the crowd right across her were five daemons with silver hair. These daemons were Silberofer who managed to live to see this day come.

Sylva then looked at Luna straight in the eye and Luna did not avoid her gaze.

Lilith who was watching this showed a bitter expression but then, she spoke loudly as she amplified her voice so everyone would be able to hear.

"Luna of the Pixie Race, are you prepared to bear the burden of Pixie Race on your shoulders. To take the pain and suffering of the Silberofers who had suffered for generations after generation because of your Race's customs!? I can still stop this if you wish me to do so!"

"I am prepared to wash the sins of my Race." Luna didn't even flinch as she spoke!

And as Lilith heard Luna speak, she turned to the Pixies, "Sylva, do it!"

Separated by a couple of meters. Sylva brought out her daggers, and as she looked at Luna, her hate began to burn. She can still feel it, a lingering intent of Sela's soul.

And as her rage burned, the wind gathered around her and created a massive gust of wind!

"I lived day by day fearing the end will come for me and my friend. Your Pixies' sins would not be washed by what I am about to do, but to you, who took the soul of my friend, I wiLL KILL YOU AND LET WHAT REMAIN OF HER BE FREE!"

As Sylva's words finished, the wind that gathered around her bursts out and propped her forwards! She tightly held her dagger and as her rage turned, her dagger to the sharpest weapon, she swung it without holding back, her aim was Luna's neck!

And as Luna watched, she saw Sylva her memories began to rewind and in that split second, she saw what comprised of her life.

Daemons are beings who grow up fast. To a one-year-old human, an intelligent daemon is already four years of age. And as Luna reached the age of one, the Pixie Lord told her one thing that stuck to her, her entire life.

"Throw away your emotions, cry and it will open a void that will lead to the creation of a weakness. Laughter means you have found something you fancy; you cannot be partial to anyone or to anything. You must be a being of reason, thus, if I hear you are smiling, or you are crying, you will be punished, understood?"


At the age of one, until she was two, Luna's emotions were drained. Emotions are weaknesses and it cannot surface to the one they call the hope of Pixies.

At age, three, Luna had already not shown anything other than a passive emotion.

The last time she showed a smile and cried was when she was one year old until she was one and eleven months old, and the total number of times she showed emotions were 37 times, and that 37 occurrences became were the times she was lashed 40 times each.

When she was three, Luna's curiosity blossomed. She looked at the moon and asked her father something that had bothered her for a long time.

"Father, they said you killed the one who gave birth to me?"

"Worry not about her, she said some unsavory things that led to her demise. She didn't want you, our greatest hope to flourish. You're our hope and will become our hope, if you can evolve further, you will be able to bring prosperity to our race.

"Here is another lesson, useless thoughts lead to doubt, only believe what is right for our people, and that is enough."

The question of why her mother was killed was simple and concise but from that day she also gained something other than knowledge fear. Fear of being disposed of if she said anything unsavory.

At age seven, she learned of something that she shouldn't have known.

"Father, they said that I was born with another Pixie. Is she too in the process of learning?"

"You have no Pixie as a sister, only a defective product who shall empower our race. She is another key that will let our race thrive, who will give us the chance to expand our territory. She will lay down her life for the Race.

"Sacrifices are essential, those who were born to become fodder for others will serve their roles. And just like your sister who shall execute her role in the near future, you too shall execute your role."

That time, she learned she was nothing but a tool.

And as the time moves forward, Luna felt the need to see where her sister was taken, she snuck out of her home and went to find Sylva. She was but a child at this time but she managed to find the place where the Silberofers were taken.

At this time, her resolve was to take her sister away, so that she would live. This may mean she will disobey her father, but this also meant she would be able to save her sister.

She failed to help her mother, but maybe, this time she would be able to help her.

But as she got there and found the one who resembled her the most, Luna saw a girl smiling and laughing. That girl laughed without care as if she was living her life together with a friend and as Luna watched she decided to turn back.

'Taking her back will be cruel, in a place where one cannot smile nor cry, I will also be doing what father did to me'

She returned back home without doing anything and when the Pixie Lord came to learn of what she had done, Luna was punished with a hundred lashings.

Luna lived her life and when she turned 10 and her LVL reached 20, she was presented with a woman who was similar to a Pixie but not quite.

She thought she would finally be getting a companion, but alas, she was wrong

"Kill her and take her soul, this is your first step to evolution."

Luna furiously shook her head as she did not want to kill.

"I thought I was serving my people? Why do I need to kill her?"

"Because that is her role. And you will kill her, and you will take her soul no whatever it is that you say!"

The Pixie Lord took Luna's hands and forced her to hold a knife. When Luna refused, she was beaten, and when she still refused, the Pixie Lord grabbed Luna's hands while she was holding the knife.

She fought for control, but in the end, the knife found itself on the girl's neck. Blood spurted and Luna tried to stop the bleeding, she held the girl in her hand as she tried to put pressure on her neck.

The girl she killed looked into her eyes and whispered something to her

"Pleasespare my friend."

That is when she remembered who this lady was and as the lady died and took her soul, she evolved and now, she remembered every passing moment that girl lived together with her sister.

She and Sella became one and that night, she trembled as she had killed someone for the first time. And as Luna's consciousness began to fade when the evolution process began, a tear escaped her eyes because, at that moment, she was afraid and also envious of Sella who died.

And as Luna stared in the eyes of Sylva, she was able to mouth off one last thing

"Thank you"

For the first time in many years, she smiled as she was freed from being a tool, and shortly after,...her head flew into the air.

Luna of the tool of the Pixie Lord was finally free,

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