Empress' Evolution

Chapter 56: Unshackling the ones born as tools

Chapter 56: Unshackling the ones born as tools

Sylva stood before Luna's headless body that fell to the ground as the head that had embraced death for freedom. Her head rolled near Sylva's feet and she remembered her last words and the expression she showed.

It left a bad taste in her mouth. Sylva raised her head and ignored the crying and sobbing of the Pixies and stared at Luna's body. She was unsure if she was the only one who saw it but Sylva was sure that before she was what remained of her friend, Sela.

She can feel, that unique air she had in her, it was clear that Sela was before her right now. As Sylva's tears fell, she lost her gripped on her sword and fell to her knees.

"I'm sorryfor abandoning you!"

She too began to cry, but as for reasons completely different from the rest. She cried as she stared at the remains of her friend that gave her life to save what she has now.

She clutched her chest as the beating of her heart could not be contained. Sela's image looked down upon Sylva, touching her cheeks.

As soon as she did so, memories of the past flooded Sylva's mind. A mix of Sela's memories and Luna's entered her mind.

And as Sylva filtered the information, she had received from Sela, she raised her head and exchanged gazes with her friend. She had a questioning gaze and inquiry that needed to be answered by Sela.

But Sela gradually began to dissipate, her being in there was no longer welcome by the current the world.

"Wait, don't leave yet. I-I!" Sylva was at a loss for words, she wanted to call upon Sela and make her stay by her side some more, but she already knew that it was impossible.

Sela would need to go or else she will truly be damned. But as she was leaving, she held a smile on her face.

Sylva needs no words from Sela for she already inherited her memories and thoughts. She already knew what it is that she wanted to say to her

"It's fine, livefor both of us."

Sela was happy for what Sylva had done until this point, she lived for the two of them. Sela raised her head and looked at Lilith and slightly bowed her head as if to say thank you on what she had given Sylva. A chance to live and change her fate of being nothing but a sacrifice.

She was going to disappear, and as she looked at Sylva with saddened but contented eyes, her thoughts echoed in Sylva's head.

"This is now your choice."

Sela disappeared with the silent breeze of the cold night. The crying of the Pixies echoed and Sylva's sobs were drowned with the echoing words in her heads.

The choice given to her by Sela was hard. But as she stared at Luna and relieved her emotions, she also felt that her words the other night was nothing but self-pity.

She spoke of her pain that Luna cannot ever hope to feel when Luna was the one who suffered more. The burden she carried, the emotions that were stripped away from her, the words uttered to her, and her envy towards Sylva who can show her emotion and actually live.

At that moment, as Sela gave Sylva clarity, she finally understood, she and Luna were not that different. Both of them were tools that were meant to be used.

Upon the realization, she wailed once more for the mistake she had just committed. Luna had died as a tool to keep her race alive.

At the very least, Sylva who run away managed to escape her fate as the tool of the Pixies, by meeting Lilith. However, Luna was different, she was only beginning to find life outside her responsibilities to the Pixies, and yet that chance was taken away by Sylva.

And at that moment, as she looked at the severed head of Luna. She decided to pick it up and finally made a choice that had been given to her by Sela.

She picked it up and slowly, she walked towards Luna's body. Lilith watched this from above and smiled.

If this was normal, she would be smiling because she can smell an opportunity, however, right now it was different. As Sylva approached Luna's body with her head, she felt proud that Sylva had found herself to truly grow up.

It was then that she remembered her conversation with Luna weeks prior to this day.

'I can convince Sylva to ensure your life'

'My life will be in her hands, and whether or not she gives me the chance to live is up to herthis life cannot continue with hate between us. I want to find peace, and between the two options, I know that I can find it no matter what.'

'If that is your decision, then, I will not stop you. And if she refuses to do it, I shall bury your body myself and avoid what you asked of me.'

'Thank you.'

Lilith was now looking at Sylva and Luna. Showing a genuine smile, Lilith was happy for the two

'Now, you two will be given a new start.'

In the many, many worlds of the universe, there are myths and legends that slipped through the cracks of the multiverses finding its way to earth.

Stories of Werewolves, Vampires, Ogres, Goblins, and other monsters had been around for thousands of years as myths and legends.

But what about the stories of the Gods?

The stories of the different religions that were said to have ruled over the beings of the world.

The religions that had been birthed under the name of so many gods over the course of human history are astonishing.

No one really knows who created these gods, who started the stories, or what is truly real but at this moment, Lilith can see the myth of the moon coming alive.

She remembers, the many myths she had read, the stories that had been stored in her mind about the many Gods and Goddesses weaved to create the full truth many seekers of truth had been trying to find.

'Over the course of human history, the moon had been associated with death, fertility, and life.

'In one religious' lore, a God by the named Osiris met death by having his body ripped to pieces and came alive as his wife found his body and pieced it together with the use of magic. In that story, Osiris has no magic, and he was a man, but in another story, a Goddess by the name of Hecate one of the three moon Goddesses controls magic and witchcraft. Hecate was one of the triform Goddesses that formed, youth, motherhood, and the elderly signifying the cycle of life.

'And as Osiris signifies the end, the death, or the missing linkthese four aspects would form the moon'

As Lilith remembered all of these, Sylva reached Luna's body. Carefully moving the headless body of Luna and having it face up, Sylva slowly placed Luna's head on her neck. Sylva was trying to reattach it as if she was paying respect.

But as soon as the head was reattached, the mana surrounding the Forest of Beast began to swirl and gather at Luna's body.

"What's happening?" Everyone was confused and began to panic, but the Pixies who saw this all kneeled on the ground, crying and sobbing.

Sylva jumped back and watched Luna's body glow an ethereal silver light.

The light that Luna emitted was the same color as Moon, and as her body floated and sucked in all the mana around the Forest of Beast, sending the humans who know not of what is happening into a panic, as something unexpected happened

[Luna will now become your follower, do you agree? Y/N?]

Lilith didn't need to think and chose yes.

[Followers: 3/2]

As she did all this, the light of the mana coalesced and began to form a blue cocoon around Luna. This cocoon was the sign of evolution and as the mana began to settle, Lilith snapped her fingers and gently controlled the cocoon that was many times bigger than her.

This is myths coming to life, and as Luna's head was slowly reattached, Lilith received a notification from the system.

[Hidden Mission: Moon Goddess Evolution (Completed)]

[Follower numbers has increased by 3]

[Followers: 2/5]

[Hidden Mission: Moon Goddess Reward]

[] Moon Goddess is now your follower

[] 500,000 SP

[] Mental Link

Lilith rose to the air once again bringing the cocoon with her. She gathered her mana once again and had Sylva rise up as well. It was taxing to do all this but it was necessary.

She looked down on everyone and began to speak!

"Today marks the day of Luna's death! The Moon Liwa of the Pixies have died and with her death, she had washed your sins, never will you now follow the customs you had before, this is now the age of life! As Sylva who was once a Silberofer, a sacrificial tool for the Pixies found herself to forgive and grant Luna another chance in life, the Pixies shall now be reborn as well together with Luna! Pixies and every evolution you have taken shall now be reborn anew!

"And as you basked in the light of Luna's evolution, remember the one who gave you the chance to be reborn is the one who you deemed as a tool!

"Now live once again, follow the path of your predecessor, and forged a brighter future! Remember the past, but don't look back, forge a new path from the one that had crumbled!"

She finished her words and the cocoon surrounding Luna cracked and exploded with glorious light!

A being of pure white hovered into the air. Silk-like dress surrounds her body, she had no wings but now she has a Crown on her head.

[Luna Qurenara: LVL 40 (epic-tier) Moon Queen]

At that moment, under the light of Luna's evolution, Lilith addressed their past and had their past crumble. And with Luna's death and her rebirth, the Pixies, the Praeries, and the other Pixie evolution found themselves a new lease in life.

And as Lilith looked around, she can tell that it was not only Pixies who were affected by her address but also the daemons who sought asylum.

Lilith smiled and looked Sylva

"I'm proud of you, little one."

And Sylva nodded her head as she cried. She was the one who killed Luna and was also the one who gave her the chance to live.

The memory she received from Sela was the one who gave her this choice.

Even now, it echoes in her mind.

"As the Moon Liwa is beheaded, the soul that shackled her will be free, and once the body and the mind come together, the evolution process of the Moon Liwa would be complete."

Only now did Sylva realized why Lilith told her to behead Luna. Because she knew Luna's past and as she gave her the chance to be free of guilt from killing Sela; Lilith also gave her the chance to give Luna a chance in life saving her from the guilt that will follow after killing her sister who was also nothing but a tool.

If earlier she cried because of guilt, or of despair, this time, she shed tears as her sense of gratification towards Lilith blossomed. And as she choked up, the only thing she could say was the same words Luna uttered when she was freed from her shackles.

"Thank you"

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