Empress' Evolution

Chapter 57: Keikaku Doori

Chapter 57: Keikaku Doori

It was night, the mana around the Forest of Beast was in a panic. While the humans are continuously trying to grasp what just happened, Lilith was inside her dwelling with a broad smile on her face.

She began calculating and soon called upon everyone to gather.

Dhampy, Sylva, Killa, Eve, Scarface, Luck, Chief, and the other daemons who are either the strongest or is with the highest level showed up before Lilith.

Listening to Alpa assess the situation from the communication the Hunters are having in the HNP, the greatest situation has been birthed.

[Okay, the current situation of the humans is pretty messed up. The sudden surge of mana caused them to panic like bitches and halted their attacks at Sections 1 and 3.

They called back some of their Hunters that are on standby in their conquered Sections like 6, 7, and 8 in order to fortify their defenses in the shores of the Neutral Area between Sections 6 and 7.

I know what you're planning and I am currently negotiating with the higher-upswait, wait they got my message! Hooo, this time, the Goddess is really trying to hype you up Lilith!]

'Hehe, she better be, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity if I fuck this up all her hopes of me becoming an Empress with disappear!'

Lilith and Alpha had learned to take advantage of the higher realms to give them more rewards. While Lilith had always been greedy, the time Alpha spent with the ever so greedy Lilith had incited the much-needed growth of her character.

Right now, Alpha is a reward grabbing type of System admin, every opportunity she gets, she'll be haggling with the top to ensure Lilith and she can get some rewards.

[Mission: Empress' Kingdom (Side-Quest) #7 (non-mandatory)]

[] Conquer the Forest of Beasts, my dear Apostle. I don't even want to put a description here, I know you can do it so just do it, okay? Also, I know this aligns with the original mission I gave you, butheh, what the heck.

[] Mission Details (non-mandatory):

Requirements for Passing:

[] Confirm your territory is the entire Forest of Beast [All 8 Sections, nothing more, nothing less]

[] Drive off the humans or kill them, I don't really care.


[] A mystery box

[] A Mystery Egg

[] 1,000,000 SP

[] A one-on-one discussion with this Goddess!

Penalty: Nothing (you do you)

Time Limit: 9 day

Do you accept the Mission? Y/N?

'Of course, I accept, you have never been this generous before, Useless Goddess. The rewards are good too, I don't really care about the discussion because you just randomly write letters anyway, so can you change that one?'

Ting*. A letter from the Goddess has arrived.

[Note: No.]

'Okay, fair enough.'

[They just finished calling their Hunters back, the confirmation of the Dwarven Village's fall has been confirmed, the Hunters are currently hunting them down through the nightSection 1 has been officially conquered. As for when Section 3 will fall, it will go as you have predicted. Now, shall we start?]

Lilith stood up and looked at the daemons before her. A broad smile blossomed on her face and she finally saw the light!

"Tonight! We're taking back the Forest of Beast! Everyone, listen to what I am about to say and make sure that you will execute what I am about to say without fail! Nowlet's start the reclamation of our homes!"


The roar rocked her dwelling to its foundation, but that didn't matter though because every daemon who was inside that tent left and got ready to decimate the humans who had trespassed on their lands!

The beginning of the end of the humans have come, and Lilith will make sure that will happen!

The movement began in Section 6. The Shadow Troops were moving in quickly, they were running around the shadows, dancing around the Hunters, and assassinating them without making any noise.

The number of Hunters in Section 6 at this moment is around 20 to 30 Hunters. This number was already big as most of the Hunters were called back to the Naval Fleet which was also acted as the headquarters of the Hunters.

The movement in the shadows was swift, with Dhampy leading them and killing everything that gets on her way, the cleaning of Section 6 was becoming faster and faster.

Dhampy had already hit the ceiling of her evolution. She was only a LVL 40 Blood Lord, but as she manipulated the blood that is being spilled on the ground and turning them into spears of blood that flies through the air homing at the enemy's heart, the clean off was proceeding really well!

After killing seven patrolling Hunters, Dhampy could already see the base of the humans. She had mixed feeling with this, but after remembering what happened to Lilith, Dhampy was ready to make a river of blood flow.

And as she was moving forward through the quick assassination, she heard a voice echoing in her mind.

"Dhampy, are you in position?"

"Yes, Boss, we are already near their base, the First Army is already itching to fight, boss. We can attack them at any moment we are just waiting for the orders."

Dhampy heard Lilith's voice even though she was kilometers away. This is Lilith's new ability, Mental Link. It is actually a skill she can share with Luna. If Luna was with her right now as a middleman between the links, she will be able to save a lot of mana, and the other side would also be able to connect with Lilith at any time.

But without Luna, she is forced to operate this herself and as mental link costs 2,000 MP every minute, and it will deactivate as soon as you connect to another daemon, Lilith is not planning to waste it for chitchatting.

Thankfully, she didn't need to say much that will make this conversation last for a full minute.

Smiling, she gave the order!



It was then that Dhampy called upon her Skeleton Soldiers and engaged the humans in a fight.

Five minutes later.

[Reports are coming in through the HNP, the Hunters of Section 6 is waiting for backup!

They have decided to send in B-rank hunters. Those are LVL 70 Hunters, mind you.]

Listening to Alpha, Lilith smiled even further.

"Don't worry about that, Killa and his troops are there, they are already at LVL 70 after all the clearing out all the Scourge Dungeon, having a LVL 70 enemy is not a problem."

[And if they learn that such a number is not enough? What do you think are they going to do?


"Hahaha! Don't worry about that, where do you think did I send the Harpies?"

Lilith laughed and five minutes after the reinforcement was sent out, an explosion rocked the Coast of Section 6's and 7's.

[The Headquarters have taken hit, the damage report is still not had been said and the casualties is the sameso that's where you had the Harpies bring the 10 Magic Bombs.]

"Girl, where you even listening to me when I was giving out the orders?"

[No, I was monitoring the situation, and I was busy negotiating.]

Lilith was taken aback by Alpha's words. She shook her head and said what it is that is needed to be said.

"That's half the Magic Bombs, the other half is in Section 8."

And as soon as she said that, reports began gushing into Alpha, she reported that even Section 8 was asking for reinforcements.

She had already spoken to the Harpies about the signal. The first explosion will happen in ten minutes after the orders to engage are given and once the first bombing is heard, then, the Harpies on Section 8 would also begin bombing the Hunters!

The Hunters were in chaos as they are played by the daemons. At this moment, the Hunters were actively fighting at four fronts. They are still fighting with Section 1 with the Persians where they are winning, Section 6 and 8 where there were ambushes and finally at their own headquarters where the bombing began.

While they are preoccupied, Lilith is fighting on two fronts.

The Hunters Headquarters will come for later. Right now, she is going to annihilate every Hunter that is away from the headquarters and disarm them of their most valuable asset the Hunters themselves.

'Fighting at multiple fronts, and fucking up them mentally, now this is how you truly fight in a war.' Lilith was satisfied.

It was all going according to plan.

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