
Chapter 7: Target Temari

Chapter 7: Target Temari

Naruto was sitting in his chair as he watched Yuugao sleeping in his bed. It was approaching diner time and despite feeling the urge to take a nap, he refused to get into the bed with the woman. Mainly because he didnt want to assume too much with her after all she could wake up and be quite upset with what had happened. In case that was the scenario Naruto had made sure all her weapons were far from her reach. He was just beginning to doze off when he heard a knocking at his door that startled him, causing him to knock over Yuugaos sword that had been resting against his chair.

He knew it wasnt Tayuya returning from whatever Tsunade had her doing around Konoha since she simply entered through the window. He also figured it couldnt be any of his other lovers as even though he had begun to lock his door he had given them all keys. Deciding to ignore it he heard Sakura say, Naruto, I know youre in there.

Damn, he cursed under his breath returning his gaze to Yuugao. Although he had left her dressed in her Anbu clothing minus the armor portions he knew hed have a hard time explaining why an Anbu was sleeping in his bed.

Moving to his door, he opened it only enough to slip out saying, Hey whats up?

Why dont you tell me, Sakura responded her voice giving away how upset she was by his disappearance from her life. Youre the one thats been avoiding me.

No I havent, Ive just been busy, Naruto said, but even he had to admit it was a half truth.

But not too busy to find Ino and Hinata in order to ask them to train with you, Sakura countered.

Look Sakura, I ran into them when I was looking for people, Naruto lied as smoothly as possible, Same with Tsunade, shes the one that told me you had a shift at the hospital.

Oh so what are you training in?

Cant say, Naruto replied. Sakura narrowed her eyes feeling betrayed as he defensively said, Hey take it up with Tsunade. Shes the one that banned me from using or talking about it. She says its not ready yet and doesnt want word to spread about it."

Sakura wasnt entirely convinced but since Naruto hadnt sent her packing yet asked, Do you mind if I come in to visit?

Feeling panicked Naruto said, Actually I do. When Sakuras eyes went wide in hurt and tears began to enter them he said, Sorry, that didnt come out right. Its just the place is a mess. How about we go to Ichiraku for some dinner? Sakura nodded so Naruto locked his door hoping that Yuugao would keep until he got back.


Yuugao woke up slowly, which for an Anbu in the field could spell death. But for one that had her first sexual experience in over three years was probably to be expected. She knew it hadnt been a dream, despite having yet to take stock of her surrounds, as it was the only way to explain the small aches and pains of muscles used solely during sex. As well as the fact that the her sexual urges that while having bothered her the most during her week of training with Naruto and had been an omnipresent distraction over the three years she had gone without were now gone.

Sitting up in the bed she occupied, she was surprised to find that except for her armor and weapons that she was dressed and about as clean as she could expect all things considering minus a shower. Leaving the bed she wondered where Naruto had gone to, figuring the unfamiliar apartment was his, but as she made her way around the room she began to feel guilty for her actions. It wasnt just a sense of betrayal to her previous lover, but stemmed from a sense of responsibility that she should have maintained control of herself.

She knew what she needed to do, but before that she decided to take a shower. After stripping, she stepped into his shower and was surprised to find that it had a couple of different shampoos used primarily by women. As the water ran over her, she tried to not only understand exactly what had happened, but why Ayame would take part in it. Yet, regardless of that she knew the fault was hers, as she should have been able to resist. She laughed mirthlessly as she should probably consider mentioning him to the head of the intelligence gathering division considering his skill at seducing women.

Well shed probably bring it up to the Hokage when she met her since if she couldnt count on herself to stay in control didnt deserve to be running Anbu.


Sakura frowned as she watched Ayame and Naruto talk. As Ayame left to see to a new customer Sakura wondered just why things had changed between Naruto and her so much so quickly. Naruto had been gone for three years and when he came back it had almost been like he had never left. But she goes on a mission for a week and when she comes back it was like he was a completely different person. She tried to start a real conversation with Naruto. However, the window of opportunity closed as Ayame quickly saw to the customer before returning to pick up where she had left off with him.

Sakura stared into her ramen and wished there was some way to go back in time to just before she left for the mission to apprehend the spy. For her to go back in time to a point where she still seemed to matter to the blonde.

Ah, nothing makes your troubles fade away like ramen, right Sakura. Naruto said after consuming a dozen bowls as he and Sakura left the stand.

Sure Naruto, Sakura said not matching his exuberance.

Picking up on her gloom he said, Whats the matter?

You seem pretty close to Ayame all of the sudden, Sakura said having grown rather jealous, although she refused to admit it, of the ramen waitress. Not to mention Ino and Hinata.

Ive always been close to Ayame, Naruto said calmly but with a hint of finality, Ive just come to really understand how important she is to me. Thats all.

Sakura wanted to pry more but Narutos tone made it clear he didnt want to discuss it with her further. Since Ichiraku turned out to be a bust as far as trying to reestablish what she felt had been their previous level of closeness, Sakura suggested, Would you like to maybe check out the new Princess Gale movie?

Surprised at the invite Naruto almost accepted but since he still needed to talk to Yuugao said, Maybe later Sakura. I had a training exercise with an Anbu today and to be truthful kind of just want to climb into bed.

Oh sure Naruto, Sakura said sadly, Would you mi

As soon as he heard his name he quickly said, Alright then Sakura Ill see you at training when Kakashi gets out of the hospital. Take care. He then quickly took off in the direction of his apartment.

mind walking me home? Sakura finished lamely even though she had already lost sight of him.


Naruto quickly returned to his apartment but as soon as he stepped inside could think of only one thing to say, Oh shit!


Carbon dating places the age of the section of paper that we analyzed as somewhere between one to five years old, Tsunade said aloud reading the test report before placing the findings down.

What does it mean? Hinata asked having taken up a position as Tsunades assistant to help ease some of the load on Shizune. She had also done so in hopes that learning more about how politics worked as she hoped it would make her more favorable in her fathers eyes to be chosen as heiress.

It means somebody went through a lot of trouble to make this scroll look older than it really is, Tsunade said sparing a glance at the scroll in question. But whether or not it was Kanji I cant say.

A knock at the door attracted their attention and Hinata activated the Byakugan before saying, Its Yuugao.

Surprised Tsunade said, Let her in. As Hinata opened the door the Hokage said carefully, Hello Captain is there something the matter.

I would like to tender my resignation from my position, Yuugao said standing at attention.

May I inquire as to why? Tsunade asked feeling a small measure of panic wishing she had taken the time to ask Hinata if Naruto had sealed the deal.

She directed her gaze to Hinata, who looked just as surprised, but upon noticing that Tsunade was staring at her nodded her head. Taking that to mean that Naruto had slept with the woman she said, Well Captain, Im waiting for a reason.

I would rather not say, Yuugao said not exactly embarrassed since Tsunade had long since come to believe that when it came to talking about sex that their inhibitions were far less. Therefore she believed that much like how they were hiding the changes that had happened to them from the rest of Konoha, Yuugao hadnt been brought up to speed and wasnt sure she could talk about it.

Taking a guess and making it sound more like an inquiry in case she had read Hinata wrong Tsunade asked, Did you do something inappropriate?

Yuugao sagged a little in defeat saying, Yes, but I take full responsibility for what happened.

Smirking Tsunade said, Well thats decent of you but Im sure Naruto was chiefly responsible.

Yuugao quickly said, Hes still young Milady. I should have

How was he? Tsunade asked cutting her off and had a hard time not laughing at the surprised face Yuugao made.

Getting over her surprise Yuugao said, Im not sure what bearing that has on my request.

Oh request denied, Tsunade said, After all if I accepted it, then there would have been no point in having him seduce you in the first place.

What, you sent him? Yuugao said her anger rising, Why?

I suggest you remember who you are talking too, Tsunade said her own ire rising at the Anbus tone.

I am quite aware of whom Im talking to, Yuugao said her voice continuing to get higher, And I think it begs the question what exactly are you playing at if you are sending a boy to sleep with me.

Standing, Tsunade said her own anger ramping up, Considering that boy probably had you spread leg and moaning for more I think

If I may, Hinata said interrupting the two women. They both glared at her, but she persisted as she said, Lady Tsunade, perhaps instead of getting angry you should take into account that it sounds like Naruto wasnt able to explain things to her. Tsunade sat down grumbling a little about ungrateful women but calmed. Smiling, Hinata turned her attention to Yuugao saying, I think you need to understand that posturing doesnt change the fact that as far as to sleeping with Naruto goes. You dont feel as negatively about it as you are trying to sound.

Yuugao surprised said, How

What color is her chakra Hinata? Tsunade said getting what the Hyuuga was driving at.

White, Hinata said. If I had to guess I imagine she was truly on the fence about what happened.

Tsunade nodded saying to Yuugao, Where is the little blond fool?

Im not sure, Yuugao said surprised she felt at ease talking about it with her leader, I woke up in his bed alone.

As if on cue Naruto burst in saying, Tsunade, I screwed, but stopped seeing the woman he had been looking for as well as a glaring Hokage. Um never mind, he said about to turn around and make a break for it. But Hinata closed the door in front of him prompting a whined, Hinata, to escape from him.

Naruto sit, Tsunade ordered in such a voice that he immediately did so. Sitting right on the floor, In a chair, she clarified rubbing her eyebrows.

He moved to one and Tsunade directed Yuugao to another before saying, Alright, now lets start from the beginning


Tayuya was sitting in a caf as she observed her target. The red-head was dressed in a sundress with a matching hat. She hated it, feeling way to sissified but was pretty sure that Temari wouldnt make her as the girl she had done her best to kill three years ago. Temari was currently waiting on someone and judging by the way she was getting upset he was probably late.

In the week that she had been following Temari around Konoha she had come to learn one thing. Temari was tired of being alone. But she seemed to have set her sights on probably the worst candidate possible for her. Tayuya had the feeling from the way that Temari was dressed that she was planning to ask the Nara out. Naturally that would present a problem since Tayuya was positive that Naruto wouldnt move on her if the two got involved.

Another half hour later the Nara finally showed up stifling a yawn. Temaris whole disposition changed as he sat down offering some lame excuse. She went from a young woman about to take a chance on love to a Suna Jounin who was in Konoha to discuss details of Sunas hosting the Chunin Exam.

Smiling as she filled in some of her last notes on the girl in a notebook before she would add them to her bingo book she thought, Sucks to be you, you pineapple headed bastard. Leaving enough money behind to cover her meal she made her way in search of Naruto because her punishment was up and she was going to get fucked.


Yuugao sat at Training Ground S waiting on Naruto. She still didnt know what to think about everything she had learned. After everything had been explained to her, she had promised to keep quiet and had been further surprised to learn that they could make her. They had demonstrated that by having her strip right there in Tsunades office.

After making their point, Hinata had begun dragging Naruto out of the office mentioning something about her punishment being over. However, before they had made it to the door and still bereft of her own clothes she had made Naruto promise to meet her at the training grounds the next day even though technically it was his day off. She had expected him to put up a fight or even tell her that he didnt need to listen to anything she told him. But he had simply told her, No problem, before being dragged out the door by Hinata.

Tsunade chuckled as Yuugao had begun to put her clothes back on. Still concerned her Hokage was being controlled she asked, Lady Tsunade, are you

In control of myself, Tsunade said cutting her off, Let me ask you this. If he was controlling me dont you think he would have done the same to you before leaving?

Yuugao had been forced to accept Tsunades point but then asked, Why send him after me if he already managed to convince you? You are my superior if you gave me the order Id follow them.

True, but for how long, Tsunade said pointedly. As Yuugao finished putting on her armor Tsunade could see that the woman was thinking but really didnt know how to answer so the Hokage said, What Naruto has planned is going to be dangerous. Not just for us from outside forces, but from those inside our own walls.

Surely you must be joking

Am I, Tsunade said, We became the strongest village by establishing favorable trade relations with our allies. However we always came out the big winner in them. In order to help bring about Narutos goal we may have to forego such practices. While that wont hurt Konoha it will put a dent in several prominent merchant families profits and as such they will not be happy.

Still that doesnt explain why me, Yuugao said.

Eventually they may begin to move against me and if so, they will most likely quickly gain a powerful ally in Danzou, Tsunade said, That recent debacle with Sai is all the proof I need of that. Even if I cant prove it yet. Having the head of Anbu with us will help stave off any threats to the stability of the village.

Still that does leave one big question though, Yuugao said preparing to leave the office.

And that is?

Can he actually pull it off, Yuugao said her skepticism bleeding into her voice.

If anyone can its him, Tsunade said having no doubt about the truth of what she said.

How can you be so sure?

Well, after learning the truth of what happened between you two, why did you still demand to see him this weekend? Tsunade asked a smile appearing on her face.

To take stock of whether he is the man you and the others seem to think he is, Yuugao answered.

Laughing lightly she said, Thats not all I think youll be taking stock of. Before she had left Tsunade had stopped her saying, Yuugao take it from someone who knows the pain youve felt. Take this for the golden opportunity that it is, because hell give you everything that you give him in return and more.

Yuugao hadn't blushed but did have to admit there was something to what Tsunade had said, since she figured under normal circumstances the last thing shed want to do is spend time with the man that had tricked her. But she did recognize the fact that during their encounter Naruto had respected her wishes that he not cum inside of her. That he would listen to her desire even when he didnt need to was a big positive in his favor as far as she was concerned.

She heard Naruto approaching so put her recollections on hold. Right on time Naruto, she said standing to face him.

How can I possible refuse free training? he said giving his bright smile. Yuugao tried to deny it but she did find it rather dashing.

Shaking her distracting thoughts away she said, Good, Im glad to see you are enthused. Now strip.


You heard me, she said beginning to take her own clothes off.

Umwouldnt you rather do this in a bed or a motel, Naruto said nevertheless following suit.

Considering this is training I feel this is the perfect venue, she said placing the last of her clothes to the side.

Naruto said just as naked, Umokay, before approaching her with the intention to hug her close to him. But as he got within reach of her, she grabbed his arm twisting it painfully behind his back. Ouchouch, I cant really say Im enjoying this, he said as she bent him forward.

Now if you werent so busy thinking with your pecker you would have asked just what this training entails, Yuugao said pushing him away from her as she let go.

Well can you blame me, Naruto said rubbing his abused arm. What sort of training has us standing buck ass naked in the woods?

Anbu training she said, Tell me are you uncomfortable?

Well I might be if we hadnt already of

Fair enough, now what if I was a man?

Um we wouldnt be having this conversation naked thats for sure, Naruto replied flippantly.

Which is exactly my point, Yuugao said, Our enemies will use such means to try and make us uncomfortable if captured. That is why in order to combat that I routinely have my Anbu spar naked against each other. Its one of the reasons these privacy barriers were created.

Well I guess making Anbu is off of my list of things to achieve then, Naruto said and despite herself Yuugao did crack a small smile before.

Please try and take this seriously, she said dropping into a fighting stance. Naruto followed suit and she said, Well be grappling so itll be all in close fighting. No kicks or punches. Youll only be able to win by submission.

Naruto changed his stance to better suit the conditions before nodding aware that Yuugao may attack if he indicated he was ready. As expected as soon as he gave her the sign he was prepared she was charging him. Naruto deflected her first grab attempt but when he went in for one of his own was a little hesitant. Yuugao seized on that hesitance grabbing his arm and tripping him. She then wrenched it behind his back. With him laying face down in the dirt she said, Whats the matter Naruto, first time wrestling with a woman?

Well honestly its the first time where wrestling naked actually meant wrestling, Naruto said in a way that Yuugao could practically see the smile on his face.

Letting him up she said, Well this time it does. The score is now one nothing. Lets see what you are made of.

Once both of them were set they began again. As the morning went on, Naruto did indeed get over his hesitance and won almost as many as he lost. What was going to be their last match before breaking for lunch, ended with Naruto pinned on his back and with Yuugao using her knees to hold down his shoulders. Looks like I win Naruto, Yuugao said looking down at the smiling blond trapped between her legs.

I dont know about that, Naruto said with a cryptic smile, I think you are forgetting something.

And what would mmm Yuugao started to say but moaned as Naruto gave her exposed snatch a lick. Hey! This is serious trainohh.

Pulling away from her lower lips Naruto said, I am taking this seriously. But lets face facts, if I was fighting an enemy kunoichi in the buff. There are a whole slew of different moves that I would be using. Upon finishing his sentence Naruto went back to munching on her pussy with gusto.

Waitohwait Naruto letlet me shower first, Yuugao said trying to push his head away but wasnt having much success.

Naruto pulled back long enough to say, Seems like a waste of time to me since youll only be getting all sweaty again. Dont tell me the big bad Anbu Head Captain Yuugao is embarrassed. Isnt this training supposed to help alleviate that?

Cocky little bastard, she thought before saying, Fine, have it your way Naruto. Then in an amazing display of flexibly she bent backwards leaving her knees on his shoulders, she arched her back until she came face to face with Narutos cock. She gave the tip a gentle lick before swallowing his dick while he continued to dine on her nether region. Naruto looked up at Yuugaos toned stomach as she arched backwards to suck him off. Feeling her tongue swirl around his cockhead sent a thrill down his spine. Naruto slid two fingers into her as he munched on her clit causing the Anbu captain to pull away from his dick to moan, No no fair.

Aw, is the Anbu leader accusing me of dirty tactics, Naruto said teasingly. He was about to go back to nibbling on her clit when Yuugao after taking his dick back into her mouth, in a display of grace and strength pulled her lower body from his mouth and deposited it between his spread legs. Looking down at her, Naruto could see her smile around his dick as he said, Hey I wasnt finished.

Now whos complaining of dirty tactics, she said amused removing her mouth from his tool but letting it rest against her cheek as she gently stroked him. She was about to take him into her mouth again when Naruto grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her onto her back. Grabbing her ankles and kneeling between her spread legs he began to rub his length along her slit.

Seems the only way to settle this is to take it to the next level, Naruto said smiling down at her as she shivered with pleasure at his cock knocking at her entrance for permission to enter. He received it in the form of Yuugao reaching down and guiding him into her slippery tunnel.

They both groaned as he bottomed out inside of her. Naruto began working at pleasing her sliding back and forth within her as he held her ankles apart. As he found a steady rhythm he watched as Yuugao began to rub her clit moaning, Itsits so good. Ive missed this feeling.

You wont have to miss it anymore, Naruto said picking up his pace to match the speed with which she was rubbing herself.

Ahah Naruto Im Im going to cum, she said panting, Im cuMMING!

Feeling her tighten around him Naruto let himself go as well but pulled out coating her stomach with his cum. Yuugao looked down surprised as she felt his warm seed cover her stomach. She ran her hand through it and looking up at him said, You came outside.

Rubbing the back of his head Naruto said, Well yeah, last time you told me too and I didnt think the reason behind it changed. Id be a real bastard to disregard your wishes.

Yuugao could feel something change inside of her at his words. That hed remember and respect her wishes even if she hadnt told him this time it was necessary. She began to rub his seed into her skin causing Narutos erection to return.

Coming to a decision Yuugao got on her knees and looking into his eyes positioned him to enter her once more. As she slid down his cock, she kissed him gently at first before sliding her tongue across his lips. Naruto opened his mouth but before she could dart her tongue inside it was met by his own prompting the two to dance around each other. She began to raise and lower herself on his staff slowly at first but as the kiss heated up her pace increased as well.

Still on edge from her last orgasm it wasnt long before she felt another approaching. Breaking the kiss she whispered into his ear, Naruto Im close and this time I want to feel your jizz inside me. Naruto began thrusting inside of her harder as she allowed him to set the pace obviously trying to come with her.

She was nibbling on his ear as he said, Here it comes.

Yesfill me Narutofill me completely, make me yours. Leaning back her arms wrapped around his neck she shouted, FILL ME!

As her pussy began milking him of his seed, he gave her what she wanted letting his orgasm coat her insides. Yuugao felt a smaller but no less intense orgasm pass through her as a result of the warmth entering her womb. The pair were breathing hard in the aftermath of their session. Eventually Naruto leaned backwards onto the ground taking her with him. She pressed against the side of his chest and heard Tsunades words of, Hell give you everything that you give him and more.

He looked at her with a kind smile and said, I think well call that one a tie.

It took her a moment to process what he was talking about, but when she did she laughed long and hard something that if any of the people under her command had heard would have believed they had been placed under a genjutsu.


Tayuya was lounging around Narutos apartment when the door to it began to unlock. Seeing Tsunade enter she was about to tell her that Naruto wasnt there, but the Hokage beat her to the punch saying, Ah good I was hoping Id find you here.

Whats up? Tayuya said as Tsunade took a seat in Narutos leather chair.

Well I feel its time that we begin putting you to work in the field on a sort of training mission, Tsunade said.

Isnt that what Ive been doing?

Only partly, Tsunade said, Youve gathered your intel on Temari and now its time for you to help Naruto put it to use. Tayuya grimaced causing her to ask, Is that a problem?

With the target maybe, Tayuya replied, When I saw him after my punishment ended he found out Ive been tailing Temari. He seemed uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping with the sister of his friend. He said something about it being against some code or some shit.

What about the target herself? Tsunade asked.

Heh, shell be easy for him to get on her back, Tayuya said with a tight grin. Shes so desperate for someone to see her as a woman its not even funny.

Fine, then I am going to amend your mission. I want you to make it so that Naruto finds it almost impossible to resist taking her.

Tayuya was a bit worried about the backlash she could face from such a mission and said, What if he gets angry at me for manipulating him?

Dont worry, Ill take full responsibility and Ill also assign you some help, Tsunade said standing to leave. Ill get you some fake I.Ds to help you get in and out of Suna. But try and get Naruto to seal the deal before he gets into village.

Coming up with a plan from what she observed of Temari over the week Tayuya said, Sure no problem. He wont be able to raise too much of a fuss if shes the one begging for it.

Good, make it happen.


After the weekend session of training with Yuugao, Naruto entered Tsunades office to find Ino already there and the two appeared to be just finishing a conversation. Whats going on? he asked smiling at the two women.

Just going over some last minute details about the mission Ill be sending you on, Tsunade answered sending a sly smile Inos way, who returned it.

A mission, Naruto said a little surprised, with just me and Ino?

Not exactly, youll be escorting someone to Suna, Tsunade informed him but before she could give more details a knock at the door interrupted her. Come in.

Naruto turned to see Temari enter the room. Upon seeing that she was last to arrive she asked, Im not late am I?

Not at all, Tsunade said watching Narutos reaction. But she really hadnt needed to as the blond jinchuriki figuring out what his lover was up to turned to her and mouthed the word no. She kept the frown she felt from her face but said, Ino, why dont you and Temari go discuss the route youll be taking to Suna. Naruto and I need to talk about some unrelated matters.

Ino nodded, leading Temari from the room distracting the girl by asking if there were any towns with good shops along the way. As soon as they were gone Naruto said, No, not Temari.

Oh and why not, Tsunade asked leaning back into her chair.

Shes Gaaras sister, he said his tone sounding final.

I see, Tsunade said before saying, Im the granddaughter of the First Hokage

I know, but

Hinatas the daughter of Hiashi Hyuuga the head of the Hyuuga clan, Tsunade said interrupting, Inos the daughter of the Yamanaka head, and Yuugao is the granddaughter of

Whats your point? Naruto said cutting her off.

My point is shes the sister of the Kazekage, Tsunade said calmly.

I know thats my

Look Naruto, would you not have gone after me if you knew my grandfather? Tsunade said leaning forward.

Well no, but

How about Hinata and Ino?


Naruto, the women you seduce are going to be the daughters, granddaughters, or sisters of someone. If you are not going to seduce a woman based solely on the criteria that you are friends with a person in their life then we might as well quit now.

But Gaaras the Kazekage, Im sure hell get on board for what I have planned, Naruto said.

Sighing Tsunade said, He may be, but dont forget even a Kazekage has to deal with the will of his people and councilors. Youll need assets there just like you need them in Konoha.

I I understand what youre saying but it is different, Naruto said.

Deciding to put her faith in Tayuya and Inos plan for the blondes, Tsunade said, If thats how you feel then fine, for now. I think you are being silly and wasting an opportunity as how often will you be in a position to seduce a high ranking Suna kunoichi, but Ill wait and see how things play out.

Alright, Naruto said feeling that Tsunade was caving a bit too easily, I guess Ill go catch up with Temari and Ino then.

Leaving the office, Naruto thought over everything that Tsunade had brought up. But he was convinced that Gaara would help him and that Temari would go along with her brother. However, he couldnt deny that on some level Gaara may end up bowing down to the will of people that would oppose him. Having Temari in place to help curtail such people from influencing him would be a good thing.

As he was reaching the gate and saw the two women he would be accompanying he heard, Hey Naruto."

Oh perfect, he thought as he turned towards Sakura. Hello Sakura, he said not letting any of the slight worry he felt enter his voice. He knew that with the way things had been between them lately that she would probably be hurt to learn that he was leaving for a mission without her.

Where are you heading, maybe I could join you?

Guessing there was nothing he could do but admit the truth he said, Sorry Sakura. I have a mission to Suna.

Surprise was the first emotion to register on his teammates face, but hurt quickly followed. Why wasnt I told?

I dont know, Naruto said quickly although he had a fairly good idea, Tsunade assigned Ino and me to escort Temari to Suna.

Ino, Sakura said her voice caring a tint of jealously in it as she spared a look at her friend near the gate.

Ino must have sensed it because she suddenly shouted waving at him, Come on Naruto. Lets go.

Glad for the reason to leave he said, Dont worry Sakura. Im sure there will be plenty of missions when Kakashi-sensei gets out. Take care. He then quickly took off catching up to the two waiting blondes. Ino immediately took his arm as she began walking along side him as they began their journey.


Sakura immediately left to talk to her teacher and master. Entering Tsunades office Sakura was surprised to see Hinata in Shizunes usual position standing next to the Hokage. Before the Hokage could even inquire what she wanted Sakura asked, Why wasnt I select for the mission Naruto just left on?

I have my reasons, Tsunade answered calmly.

Which are? Sakura demanded angrily.

None of your damn business, Tsunade replied quickly and with a little anger bleeding into her voice. Is the problem that you arent on the mission or that Ino is?

D-dont be silly, Sakura said, but the small hitch in her voice caused Tsunade to smile internally. Its just hes my teammate and I want to know why I wasnt selected.

Well if thats all then the answer is simple, Tsunade said leaving it at that while she looked over a piece of paper Hinata placed in front of her.

After several minutes of silence in which it appeared Tsunade had forgotten Sakura was there the younger woman asked, Which is?

Because I wanted to send Ino instead of you, Tsunade said without looking up from the paper. You did just return from a mission and Naruto and Ino had the longest amount of downtime.

Is that the only reason? Sakura asked a hint of desperation entering her voice.

Tsunade could easily guess what Sakura was truly worried about and that was that Naruto had requested not to go on a mission with her. She could understand why Sakura may feel like that considering his recent distancing himself from her, and while not true, felt it couldnt hurt to keep the girl slightly on edge so said, No, its not the only reason. However Im not willing to go into them.

Its not because

Sakura, I said Im not going to discuss it any further, Tsunade said her voice turning to steel. Sakura nodded sadly. As she turned to leave Tsunade did give the girl something else to think about as she said, Sakura, I am forced to wonder why you are this concerned about who accompanies Naruto on a mission, but didnt hesitate to leave him behind when he refused to go on your last one.

Thats because

I dont want to hear your reasons, she said cutting her off, But merely want you to realize you cant have it both ways. Youre dismissed.

Sakura looked stunned for a moment but quickly followed her Hokages suggestion. Tsunade felt a little annoyed at her apprentice and for a moment wondered what it was Sakura expected of Naruto. Was he to remain by her side faithful propping her up emotionally every time Sasuke did his level best to prove what a bastard he was? In any case, Tsunade decided it didnt matter as Naruto had decided to let Sakura continue to chase Sasuke. Only now she would be doing so without the emotional support that he had so often provided. Therefore in a sense Sakura was at a crossroads and each of her teammates was walking down a path getting further and further away. It was now her apprentices turn to choose down which path she was going to race in order to catch up to one of them.


Temari was trying to keep from seething at the back of Inos head as she continued to hang off Narutos arm. She was also trying to understand exactly what was going on between them. As at times they seemed far closer than simply good friends. But what annoyed her most was her own inability to find a boy which whom she could act so freely with.

She shook her head again at how she had almost considered Shikamaru. However, as he had showed up to the semi-date, in which she was going to ask him about the possibility of their getting together, an hour late, had decided to simply make it another meeting about the upcoming Chunin Exams. She sighed as it was a situation that was becoming increasingly frustrating to her. In Suna she was Gaaras sister and while originally boys had kept their distance because of his status as a jinchuriki. Now it was because he was the Kazekage. In either case, nobody wanted to end up on his bad side. As a result she was eighteen years of age and had never even experienced the joy of a simple date.

Then there was also the problem that as a result of her lack of a love life her curiosity about sex was getting the best of her. She had on one trip between Suna and Konoha stopped in a sex shop. She hadnt bought anything if only because considering her profession didnt want to die and have her brothers find such a thing. But she had been so very tempted, as she was finding using her hand or pillow to become rather stale.

Another thing she was trying to keep herself from doing was staring at Naruto as anything other than a shinobi that she highly respected. But it wasnt easy considering his athletic frame and dazzling blue eyes. Not to mention that it was difficult for her to deny that the three years had been kind to him. For a moment she pictured herself hanging off his arm chatting happily, but quickly closed her eyes to force the image from her vision.

Naturally, that was the moment that Naruto chose to disengage himself from Ino to walk beside her. When she opened her eyes again, they immediately latched onto the blue ones of the boy next her. Fighting down the sudden blush she felt she asked, What? And to her ears she sounded far harsher than she intended.

Sorry, I was just curious about why you would hire escorts since I know youve made this journey by yourself in the past. But if you want to be alone

As he moved to walk by Ino again Temari grabbed his wrist stopping him and quickly said, No, Im sorry. I was just a lost in thought and you startled me. To answer your question its because of the information Im carrying on this trip.

Really, he said sounding more excited, Are we guarding some triple sss-rank top secret document?

Temari laughed at his exuberance but said, First off there is no such thing as triple s ranked anything. I imagine if there was something higher than S there are a whole slew of letters to chose from. Secondly Im afraid not. All we are carrying is information on the participants in the third round of the exam.

Oh, Naruto said his excitement fading, Why would you need a pair of guards to help protect those?

Temari blushed since her original plan had been to get her and Shikamaru alone if he had accepted her request for a date. However his blowing her off for a nap had ruined that of course. But she didnt want to retract a mission request and have the Hokage pry and the reason she had given for the escort when she had requested it still held true so said, Well in the right hands this information is worth a lot of money. I dont know if you are aware of this but a lot of gambling takes place during the third round. A gambler forearmed with some of the information we are guarding could easily change the odds in his favor.

Enough that someone would send a missing-nin after us? Naruto asked feeling his excitement returning.

I suppose, Temari said with a small smile appearing as she added, But shouldnt you be hoping that doesnt happen instead of sounding like you want it too.

Ah come on Temari. You cant tell me you find the idea a little exciting, Naruto said leaning in a little.

Temari leaned back slightly not used to people invading her personal space like that as she said, I can honestly say I do not hope to run into any missing-nin.

Youre no fun, Naruto said pouting a little.

Ino slowed her pace enough to once more walk by Narutos side and grabbing his arm said, I can think of a few ways for us to liven up this mission Na-ru-to. The way she seductively said his name left no doubts as to what she was suggesting.

For the first time in a while the idea of sex actually turned Naruto red in embarrassment. He spared a quick look towards Temari who was gawking at Ino. When she noticed Naruto looking she quickly looked away causing him to turn to Ino and shake his head no. Ino simply licked her lips and blew him a kiss before skipping off.

After a minute of an awkward silence between them Temari finally asked, Are you and Ino involved?

Yeah, Naruto quickly agreed since he was positive now that Temari knew and without the aid of his enhanced pheromones that regardless of what Ino tried shed keep her distance.

Temari frowned but whether it was from disappointment or Inos behavior she wasnt sure.


Welcome to the Whitetail Inn, the receptionist behind the desk said with a small bow.

Ino smiled happily while Temari simply returned the polite greeting. Naruto however was on the verge of panic as the receptionist was a very thinly disguised Tayuya. All she had on to disguise her features were a pair of black rimmed glasses. Staring at her now Naruto knew what Ino had been playing at for the past two days during their leisurely pace to Suna. She had been trying to get him worked up with her constant innuendo, quick gropes, and flashing him with her breasts or pussy whenever Temari wasnt looking to wear down his resolve. What was worse, was the blonde was feeling that it was working, especially since some of the innuendo seemed to have an effect on Temari as well.

Since Temari was the client the Leaf Shinobi left it to her to see about the rooms. Stepping up to the counter the blonde said, Id like two rooms please.

Sorry, not possible, Tayuya responded quickly.

Temari arched an eyebrow since although there were a few customers walking around not enough to suggest that the place was filled to capacity. Mentioning her observation she said, Im sure you can find two rooms for us.

Nope, Tayuya said her tone hinting at the amusement she felt at frustrating the blonde kunoichi. She wasnt surprised Temari didnt recognize her as how often do people think about a person they had only seen for a few seconds and thought they killed. And while she let go of that fact, she was currently enjoying playing with the girl. She would also enjoy doing so later when they really began to push her buttons.

Fine perhaps you can tell me why you dont have any rooms when the Inn isnt fully booked. Temari said blowing out a breath to remain calm and not punch the smug bitch in front of her. She also couldnt shake the feeling that shed seen her from somewhere, but blew it off as her being a person she had seen when she had stayed at the Inn before.

It is fully booked, Tayuya said smoothly giving no hint she was lying. A noble sent a runner ahead to book all our remaining rooms for his group, Im sorry to say. Weve consolidated all the rooms hes taken into one area. Im afraid all that we have left is a room with two beds.

Alright well take it, Temari said feeling frustrated. After signing in she turned to her party saying, Trust me guys, the hotsprings here are out of this world. Theyre why I always stop here on my way to Suna.

Tayuya smirked internally saying, Sorry, but only the mixed bathing onsen is still available for use. The noble insisted that the others remain customer free for forty-eight hours before his arrival. Something about allowing the cleansing affects of the springs purifying them from all the riffraff.

Both mortified and titillated at the idea Temari said, Fine, before taking her key. Still a little put off Temari said, Ill just have to use it late at night when nobody else is.

Whats the fun in that, Ino said enjoying the shades of red that appeared on Temaris face. What do you think Naruto, she asked as they entered their room.

I think Ill hit it up now, Naruto said heading into the bathroom to change into a robe. In truth, he planned to find Tayuya and to tell her whatever she was up to, to cut it out. Emerging from the bathroom he could see Ino smiling at him innocently which he found annoying since he was positive she knew about this.

Temari looked nervous and asked, Arent you worried about people seeing you?

Not really, he answered, During my training trip it was almost guaranteed that if a village or inn had mixed bathing that Pervy Sage planned to spend all day in the water.

He left the room noticing that Temari entered the bathroom after him and that the smile on Inos face got bigger. However his search for Tayuya was proving to be less then fruitful, even with the seal he had on her since she was obviously going to great pains to keep her distance and staying in crowded areas so he couldnt just teleport to her. Deciding to enjoy the bath he was surprised to find it empty, even if it was approaching dinner time. As he settled into the hot water he sighed in contentment. He could sense Tayuya approaching but since she was coming to him stayed where he was.

A few minutes later she entered the Onsen. With an all too pleased smile on her face asked, Hello sir would you like our special service.

Trying to keep the smile her words threatened to make appear from his face he said sternly, I want to know what you are playing at. I thought I made it clear that I wasnt going to go after Temari.

Take it up with Tsunade, shes the one that thinks you are being an idiot. Well thats not entirely correct. I think you are being one too, but shes the one that decided to send me and Ino along, Tayuya said chucking her own robe away as she slipped into the water.

Fine, but Im not going to give in to whatever you have planned, Naruto said crossing his arms.

Tayuya simply rolled her eyes but sliding up next to him began to rub his cock to get it hard. Naruto thought about stopping her but figured if anything it would help him resist whatever they had planned later. So he leaned back to give her more room to work and smiled when she positioned herself over him and began to slide down. However he was unaware that his little tryst was being observed by a pair of dark teal eyes.


Temari was shocked as she saw the receptionist of the inn begin to ride Naruto. She was crouched near the entrance having peeked in to see if Naruto was inside. But why she couldnt exactly say. After leaving the bathroom she had sat down on what she assumed was going to be her bed for the night since Ino had claimed the other one. She simply had assumed that Naruto would lay with her since they were together.

However she kept sending looks to the door of their room, the temptation to see Naruto minus his clothes being rather hard to ignore. Yet ignore it she tried, electing to wait until he came back. But that didnt stop her from sending looks to the door as if she wanted to leave. It was probably on her hundredth or so such look that the she felt overcome by the desire. It was hard to describe but she imagined it was almost like a suggestion had been implanted in her.

Upon reaching the onsen, which had a sign that said Closed for cleaning on it, she had felt a tad disappointed. But as she was about to head back she began to wonder where was Naruto then. She felt a small amount of fear wondering if someone was making a play for the information on the genin in the next chunin exams so decided to investigate. Yet the last thing she expected to see was Naruto cheating on Ino with the receptionist. She was about to go tell Ino when she almost gasped as Naruto stood them up and pulled out of the girl to turn her around. Seeing her first erect penis, Temari felt herself grow damp and her nipples grow harder. When the red head moaned as Naruto entered her from behind Temari felt her own arousal skyrocket.

As she watched Temari began to imagine herself in the red-heads place. Her hands began to explore her own body to make it more real for her. She bit her lip as she began to rub her pussy as she watched the hot action in front of her wishing that it was her. She was just about to reach orgasm with the couple in front of her when the sound of something crashing to the floor behind her was heard. Turning she saw a pile of buckets that people sometimes brought into the onsen with them and had looked to be stacked rather secure had fallen onto their sides. Naruto and the red-head stopped with the girl suddenly making her way for the entrance where Temari was. Quickly darting off in embarrassment she missed the other Blonde kunoichi who was hiding and had knocked the buckets over.


Tayuya opened the door and immediately saw Ino who gave her a wave before heading back to the room so as to prevent Temari from finishing what she had started while watching. Tayuya turned back saying, It was just some buckets.

Well lets pick up where we left off, Naruto said as Tayuya made her way back to the water. He frowned when instead of getting back in Tayuya picked up her robe saying, Sorry, I may have put the Inns staff and customers under a genjutsu to make them go along with my story. But I still have a job to do.

She turned away and smiled as she saw Naruto stare down at his still rock hard cock. As she left she removed the genjutsu from around the entrance that had made the onsen appear closed. Almost immediately some people began to make their way towards it making it so that Naruto wouldnt be able to handle his rather large problem. Glad that phase one of her and Inos plan was complete she went in search of a quiet place where she could deal with her own pressing needs.


Temari reached the room and was glad that Ino wasnt present. However, her fear of being caught prevented her from immediately picking up where she left off. She was torn about whether or not to tell Ino about Naruto since a part of her still felt indebted to him for bringing back her little brother, both from his hatred and Akatsuki.

But the decision was taken out of her hands as they entered the room together. I think we should call it an early night, Ino said sounding happy.

I agree, Temari said quickly just wanting to get to sleep as then maybe her arousal would fade. They all quickly changed and Temari felt the desire for sleep fading as when she exited the bathroom, having slipped into a pair of flannel pajamas, she saw Naruto wearing just a pair of boxers. Ino had apparently had no trouble changing in front of him as she was wearing an oversized T-shirt that covered all the way down to her knees.

Wishing the couple a good night, Temari laid down in her bed, but found trying to sleep difficult. What was worse was she knew that until she could take the edge of her excitement, sleep would be almost impossible. She curled up into the fetal position and was just about to discreetly reach between her legs when she heard Ino whisper, Temari.

Temari froze and a moment later Ino again repeated her name softly. Naruto either had trouble sleeping too, or was woken up as he asked, What is it Ino?

Your dick is poking me in the ass, she answered.

So you want to switch beds, Naruto said but gasped as Ino wrapped her hand around his dick.

No, Ino said moving down the bed, I want to put it to good use.


Isnt responding, Ino said before swallowing his dick.

Temari could hear the obscene noises coming from the bed next to hers. She was almost tempted to tell them to stop or at the very least Ino about Narutos early transgression but was flabbergasted as Ino stopped her sucking long enough to say, You were with her werent you.

What, Naruto moaned out as Ino gave his staff a long lick.

You were, she said almost positive she could imagine the shocked expression on Temaris face, I can still taste her on it. Did she not make you cum? You must have been interrupted for you to be this hard. As she spoke Ino crawled up his body and positioning herself over his dick where Naruto learned that she wasnt wearing any panties.

Naruto beginning to suspect he had been set up earlier and was about to accuse her but instead said, Oh damn, as Ino sank down on his meat wand.

Whatever protests Naruto had, disappeared as a result of being buried inside of Ino. He placed his hands on her hips and began to move under her desperate to cum and alleviate the blue balls Tayuya had left him with.

As Ino began to moan Temari couldnt control herself anymore needing to reach her own sexual satisfaction. She first unbuttoned the first few buttons of her shirt to gain access to her breasts and began tweaking her nipples upon finding them already hard. She then worked her flannel pants down her hips just enough that she could discreetly begin to rub her pussy. She rubbed at the pace of the lovers imagining herself in Inos position. Ino began to pick up her pace the volume of her moans increasing along with it. Rubbing frantically, Temari only stopped when she heard Naruto say, Ino be quiet, Temaris sleeping right next to us.

Nono she isnt, Ino moaned looking over at Temari whose back was facing them, Shes frigging her pussy while probably thinking of you. Arent you Temari?

Temari didnt say anything hoping Ino would drop it and just pretend she wasnt there, but that wasnt to be as Ino turned on the light between the beds. Temari closed her eyes feeling mortified but hearing Ino chuckling out a, Seems kind of silly to pretend to still be asleep. Unless you want us to get back to what we were doing so you can cum. But why settle for your hand when you can have this thrust inside of you.

Temari opened her eyes in shock but despite a sense of embarrassment at facing the two turned. Ino smiled as she did so, rising off of Narutos cock. Temari could see it was covered in her fellow blondes juices. Ino moved her face down towards it saying, Ill clean this for you. But you need to tell Naruto what you want. Hes afraid to anger your brother considering their friendship.

Ino began licking her own juices off of Narutos dick. The only male in the room was frozen as he could see Temari staring at it hungrily and was desperate to come having now been denied it twice. His own gaze would switch between the two girls. Hed watch Ino who although her licking his staff was pleasurable she was obviously not interested in making him cum. Hed then switch his focus to Temari who seemed to have forgotten that her shirt was partially unbuttoned allowing him an unfettered view of one of her breasts.

Temari tried to break the situation down logically wondering why Ino was offering her boyfriend up to her. Or why she didnt seem to care that Naruto slept with some random stranger. But her own brain was clouded with lust and despite herself could only focus on the stiff cock across the room. Finally Ino said, Guess you were right Naruto to not want to go after Temari. She seems to have her own issues with sleeping with you. Oh well guess I should finish what I started.

Ino began to knee walk over Naruto holding her shirt up over her waist. She was about to drop down to once more bury his dick into her when Temari said, No! She paused surprised at herself but said, Naruto please

Naruto looked surprised at her sitting up and bring his legs over the side of the bed but Ino held him down by grabbing onto his back saying, Dont give in so quickly Naruto. She then reached down to begin stroking his dick as she said, Come on Temari. Naruto is taking a big chance her. It may change things between him and your brother. Make so that he know just how badly you want him to fuck you.

Temari glared at Ino but said, Naruto, please shove your dick inside me. I want it, I want it so bad.

Dont just tell him show him, Ino said and felt Narutos cock twitch as Temari shimmed out of her pajama pants.

Once free of them she faced her pussy towards them and spread her legs holding them in the air. Reaching down she spread her drenched pussy lips as she said her lust taking over, Naruto please. Cant you see how wet I am. I need your dick, please.

Ino whispered into Narutos ear, See, how can you turn her down now? If you did it would almost be cruel.

Naruto stood walking the short distance that separated the beds. Grabbing the back of Temaris knees he pressed them down into her chest and leaning over her said, Temari are you sure. Everything will change for you?

She reached up to cup his face between her hands and said, YesI just want to feel like a woman.

Naruto still wasnt sure if what he was about to do was a good idea or not. But he had to admit Ino was right. To turn Temari down now would be cruel. He leaned down and kissed her. It began gently but soon both of them were making out madly. Naruto still held her legs into her chest but could feel her attempting to move her pelvis in order to rub it against something. That thing turned out to be his cock as Ino being her helpful self had guided it to Temaris entrance.

Both groaned into the others mouth upon their genitally making contact with each other. That groaned deepened as Naruto began to slowly push forward into the Sand Kunoichi. Temari broke the kiss to say, Its splitting me apart. Naruto stopped afraid he had hurt her but she quickly said, Keep going I want to feel all of you in me.

Naruto obeyed the command. When he was fully inside her he stopped giving her time to adjust to his size. But she didnt need any telling him, Fuck me Naruto fuck me.

Naruto obeyed quickly setting a hard and fast pace as he began to screw her into the mattress. The way he held her legs down prevented him from gaining access to her breasts so he began to kiss and lick around her neck.

Ino moved back to her bed where she began to finger herself as she enjoyed the show. From her vantage point she could see Naruto dick churning in and out of Temari as well as see the kunoichis juices leaking from her pussy down her spread ass.

Naruto moved from Temaris neck to begin kissing her again and caught something out of the corner of his eye. Focusing on it he could see Tayuya watching from the hallway. He could see that although she was obviously pleased that he had succumbed to their plan was also afraid that he would be mad later. To put her at ease he moved the hand closest to her from Temaris knee, as soon as he did found that leg on his shoulder, and holding it up beckoned her into the room. Tayuya didnt need to be told twice quickly entering the room and stripping out of her clothes.

Temari was in heaven as Naruto pounded her, but groaned as he ended the kiss to pull away from her. She had closed her eyes while they had kissed and was about to open them when she felt lips return. Except almost instantly she could tell they were not his. Opening her eyes she saw the red-head, who had pulled away from the kiss to stare down at her, from earlier minus her glasses and immediately pictured her with darker skin and horns coming out of her head.

Youre she began to say but found her ability to speak hampered as Tayuya leaned down to kiss her again. She resisted at first but quickly gave into the pleasure. As the two women made out, Ino decided to get involved and joining them on the bed latched onto Temaris breast.

Suddenly Temari tensed squeezing her eyes shot and although she did moan gave a high pitched whine. Naruto feeling Temaris inner muscles tighten and squeeze around him did groan causing Tayuya to say, Shes fucking cumming, isnt she?

Yeah she is, Naruto confirmed his pace slowing due to the added resistance.

Ino pulled her mouth from Temaris nipple and reaching a hand down split her fingers around Narutos moving dick as well as Temaris nether lips said, Well you must not be doing your job to get such a weak reaction out of her. Make her scream Naruto.

Naruto took up the challenge quickly picking up his pace slamming into her as her orgasm died down. Temari tried to resist screaming perhaps taking it as a challenge as well, but it proved difficult especially with Tayuya egging her on saying, Quit being such a stubborn bitch. Reward him by telling him how good it feels. Temari didnt respond so Tayuya said, Fucking stop Naruto.

He did so which pulled a strangled, N-no, dont stop.

But Naruto did, so Ino pulled his dick out of Temari and began to suck on it while Tayuya said, How selfish. You beg him for his big dick, but refuse to let him hear it when it satisfies you. Im sure Ino will have no problem telling.

Ino didnt play along prompting Tayuya to nudge her with her toe but Ino pulled off Narutos dick only long enough to say, Sorry, but his dick just tastes so good. From her position on her back Temari couldnt see Ino sucking Naruto off as she returned her attention to his pole only able to see the back of the kunoichi head as she was laying near her stomach. But she could hear and feel as the blondes saliva dripped onto her groin.

Hear that, Tayuya said, At least Naruto knows how much Ino loves sucking him off. She doesnt even need to speak. You can just hear how much she gets into it, and if you are a bit more loud and decisive, shes going to get a mouthful of cum that should have been yours.

Temari wanted Naruto back in her feeling empty since his forced removal. Loudly Temari shouted, Naruto I want your dick back in me. Give it to me. Ino smiled hearing the shout and giving his dick one more loud slurp as she pulled back, positioned it back at Temaris entrance. Naruto thrust forward burying himself in her completely and began pounding her with the intention of coming. This time though Temari was far more vocal shouting, THATs IT, FUCKING NAIL ME I NEVER THOUGHT IT BE THIS FUCKING GOOD

As Temari continued to yell her approval, Ino jokingly said as she moved towards the standing Narutos face, Hear that, shes starting to sound like Tayuya. Kneeling on the edge of the bed she removed Temaris leg from his shoulder letting it hang off the side of the bed.

I certainly approve though, Naruto said before beginning to make out with Ino as Tayuya took Inos place sucking Temaris tit into her mouth. With all the physical and visual stimulation it wasnt long before Naruto felt his approaching and long overdue orgasm. Breaking away from Inos mouth he said, Im getting near my finish Temari.

Me Too, the kunoichi replied, she brought her free leg up behind him placing her foot into the small of his back pulling him towards her.

Taking that as permission to cum inside of her, he shouted, Here it comes Temari.

As he pumped his seed into her it triggered Temaris orgasm causing her to arch her back as she yelled, OH MY GODITS SO HOTAHHHHHHHH!

Naruto kept his tool buried inside of her until the last powerful burst and began to pull out. As soon as he was freed from Temaris velvet grip he shuddered as he felt a pair of lips wrap around his overly sensitive head. He moaned as Tayuya began pleasuring him and chuckled as Ino pouted, Hey thats mine, and abandoned his chest in order to get access to his tool. He allowed them to pull him onto the bed where they each took up a position on the side of his groin to clean him, before they would inevitable got into an argument about who got first ride. But he focused on Temari who stared at him with a content smile on his face. He reached over to take her hand and although still felt a small amount of fear at damaging his friendship with Gaara admitted he was glad he had succumbed to his girls will on the matter.

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