
Chapter 8: Target Matsuri

Chapter 8: Target Matsuri

Naruto lay against the wall at the head of the bed that he was supposed to have shared with Ino. Although a blonde was currently snuggled into his side it was the one he had started the night with. Temari was currently rubbing a hand up and down his chest while the leg currently resting on top of his made similar motions.

He heard a small moan come from the other bed and looking over could see it had come from Tayuya as Ino readjusted herself on top of her breast. After his first time with Temari, he had set about pleasing both Tayuya and Ino before picking up his newest lover and carrying her to the other bed where they could talk. He explained everything that they had learned up till now as well as his ultimate goal. She had yet to say anything, but since she hadnt laughed like some of his other lovers figured that was a good sign.

Hoping to hear her opinion he asked, Well what do you think?

Its certainly ambitious, Temari replied.

Thats it, he said surprised, I figure someone with your analytical skills would tell me the odds of pulling this off are rather small.

Temari smiled but said, I made out with an ex-sound-nin that I tried to kill. If someone had told me that laid in store for my future. I probably would have laughed in their face.

Fair enough, Naruto said with a small chuckle, How about the rest of it though? Do you have a problem with helping me knowing that you may have to feed me critical information about your home?

Temari moved away from his side to look him in the eye to ask, What if I did?

I dont know, Naruto admitted honestly. I may be able to force you. But I dont think I could do that to you, and now that you know what Im planning you could be a hindrance if you wanted. I wouldnt make you give us information but I would force you to be quiet. That would probably be just as bad for you since you would know I would move onto another woman and she may give me what I wanted.

Temari nodded her head as she knew it would be. That Naruto had that kind of power over her was rather frightening but that he wouldnt force her to betray her home made her confident of her answer as she said, Ill help. But, what about Gaara?

What do you mean?

Are you going to tell him what you are up too?

Naruto leaned his head against the wall looking at the ceiling and said, I had originally planned too. Im not so sure if thats a good idea anymore.


Naruto smiled as he said with a light tone, Well first put yourself into your premake-out with a girl shoes, but turning serious he continued, I seduced his sister and have the ability to turn her into a spy against her will. If you were him would you still trust me?

No, Temari admitted, Yet at the same time Gaara does trust you like no other. Not telling him may be more damning.

Yeah I know, but

Temari stopped him placing her finger against his lips saying, Im not done. Also, lets face facts, you didnt seduce me. We were both driven together by those two over there.

I suppose thats true, Naruto agreed sparing a look at the two naked women hugging each other. But do you think Gaara will see the difference?

I dont know, Temari said. Placing a kiss against his chest, she asked, Naruto if you have the ability to control their and my actions. Why didnt you simply force them to abandon their plans for us?

I didnt think of it, Naruto admitted, But besides that, if were going to unite the shinobi world its going to take more than just me. Taking away your and the others free will to tell me that Im wrong will do a disservice to you and me. Tsunade, Ino, Tayuya, and I imagine Hinata all thought me ignoring you because of my friendship with Gaara was foolish. He stopped when he noticed a look pass over her face causing him to ask, That bothers you doesnt it?

Yes, Temari said placing her head back against his shoulder, Most of my life men kept their distance from me because of my brother. I can understand it more with you since you have a bond with him but I cant say Im pleased to learn I almost missed out on such a pleasurable night because of it.

Which basically proves my point, Naruto said, Had I robbed Tsunade of her ability to override me. Well, you probably would have. All of you are such incredible people that taking away your ability to make your own decisions diminish what you can help me achieve.

You certainly have a way with words, Temari said looking up from his shoulder to gaze upon his face.

Naruto looked down and said, I only say what I feel. He leaned down to kiss her which she quickly returned.

Pulling away she said, Thats what makes it all the more powerful. She then leaned back in to kiss his chest, before moving down to place several along his abdomen. Naruto had a good idea of where her final destination was so ran his hand down the back of her spine. Reaching her butt, he gave it a squeeze just as she began placing kisses along his flaccid cock. As she reached the tip giving it a kiss as well, he reached around her ass and began to slide a finger along her lower lips before burying two of his fingers inside her.

Temari closed her eyes and moaned at Narutos ministrations. She smiled as she focused on his dick once more to find that it had risen to occasion as a result of her actions. Licking around the tip, she stroked the rest of his length until the taste of it changed as he began to ooze precum. She took as much of him into her mouth as she could while stroking what remained. But found concentrating on the task in front of her difficult due to Narutos own efforts.

She pulled her mouth away to moan deeply as he began to rub a particular sensitive spot within her. She was just about to place him back in her mouth when he picked her lower half up and holding her around the midsection began to eat her out from his sitting position. Her lower legs and feet where resting along the wall that his back was against so she used chakra to keep them in place in order to make it easier on Naruto to hold her as he dined on her pussy.

Oh Kami, your tongue feels divine Naruto, she moaned appreciatively. Deciding to show her appreciation through action she swallowed his staff once more working her head back and forth stopping at the tip occasionally to lick around it. As good as Naruto was making her feel Temari wanted more so without warning cut the chakra to her legs and slid down his body. Bringing her lower body above his stiff cock, while facing away, Temari rose up on her knees and could feel Naruto rub himself along her soaking wet pussy. Holding it steady for her, they both groaned as she began to slowly sink down on him. When he was buried in her completely Temari sighed in satisfaction and remained still to bask in the feeling of fullness that she was quickly becoming addicted too.

Eventually she began to raise and lower her hips with Naruto meeting her downward thrusts half way. Reaching forward she grabbed Narutos ankles as she continued to move her hips up and down. Naruto was mesmerized by the amazing view the position gave him of his dick sliding in and out of her wet passage. Reaching forward he placed his hand on the top of her ass aiding her downward thrust as he began to thrust up harder into her. It had the desired effect as Temari shot up arching her back as he pulled a yell of, THATS IT NARUTO.RIGHT THERESHIT RIGHT THERE

Enjoying her screams, he reached up to cup her breasts only to find her hands already there. Placing his over hers they both groped and squeezed her breasts as they settled into a fast rhythm. After several minutes Temari placed her hands on Narutos thighs as he brought his to her hips, and she began to grinned herself into his lap in a circular pattern causing him to groan. Placing her chin into her chest she bit her bottom lip to stave off her impending orgasm wanting to keep the feelings churning about inside her going as long as possible.

Sadly a few moments later she knew that she was at the end of her rope so turning to look over her shoulder said, NarutoImIm going tocum

Im close too, Temari.

Togethertogether please, she pleaded.

Naruto didnt respond with words instead began to raise and lower her hips. Placing one of his hands near the top of her pussy he waited till he felt his own desire to cum become overwhelming and then giving her clit a little rub sat back against the wall as her cunt milked him off his seed. As her orgasm hit and Naruto released his load inside of her, Temari raised her head towards the ceiling and shouted, OhGoddddddtheres so much.

As her orgasm subsided Temari wobbled slightly before falling backwards into Narutos chest. He wrapped his arms around her and placed a kiss against her neck. As she felt sleep beginning to overtake her Temari wasnt exactly sure what it was she felt for the boy, but she did know that she owed Tsunade, Tayuya, and Ino for forcing Naruto to introduce her to a world of pleasure.


Sakura watched Ayame hum to herself as she prepared some ingredients for use later. She wasnt sure why she decided to eat at the small stand but the way the young woman on the other side of the counter was acting was getting on her nerves. In truth though, it wasnt just Ayame, but Tsunade, Hinata, and Ino as well.

Sakura hadnt noticed the change that the women had gone through since her return from Grass Country. No that honor had belonged to Shizune since Sakura had been too upset about Narutos disappearance from her life to really notice. However Tsunades first apprentice and assistant had, at least in her master.

The two apprentices had been enjoying a break from their hospital duties when Tsunade had walked through the break room. Sakura had been staring into her tea trying to come up with some way to make things go back to the way they used to be between her and Naruto so hadnt noticed the Hokage pass through. After Tsunade had left Shizune had placed her chin onto her hand and said, I wonder what has had Lady Tsunade in such a good mood lately.

Sorry, what was that? Sakura asked looking up from her drink upon Shizunes speaking

Oh nothing, Shizune said, Its just lately Lady Tsunade has seemed rather happy and I was wondering at the reason.

Sakura remembering how Tsunade had put her in her place after complaining about Narutos going to Suna without her so had a hard time picturing what Shizune was saying. Voicing her opinion she said, I havent noticed any change.

Really, Shizune said surprised, You havent noticed that Tsunade has caught up on all her paperwork, or that she hasnt attempted to sneak off to drink and gamble lately. Not to mention, she finally granted my request that she take on a second assistant.

Sakura truly hadnt but going over her memories couldnt deny what Shizune said was true. Coming up with a theory she said, Maybe with Hinata there to assist, its helped to streamline things a bit so that she can keep up. With more free time she can now gamble and drink when the office is closed.

Thats just it, Shizune said, She hasnt had a drop in weeks. Im the one that normally has to restock her supply so check from time to time. I havent needed to get a new bottle in weeks. Ive even checked her secret stash and theyve been gathering dust.

The two women had lapsed into silence shortly after that each trying to think of a reason for their masters change. Sakura had wanted to ask if Tsunade began to change around the time she had been out of the village. However she had been too embarrassed as she would probably have to admit that the reason she wanted to know was because it would be about the same time Naruto had changed as well.

Watching Ayame had brought her mind back to that memory though and thinking about it she realized that Tsunade and Naruto werent the only people to have changed recently. Ino had as well going from someone who had claimed to be madly in love with Sasuke to someone who didnt even care if he returned. Then there was Hinata as well, who seemed not only more outgoing, but seemed hellbent on learning the ins and outs of politics. If she really wanted to expand her theory even the tough as nails Head Anbu captained seemed more relaxed and happy the last time she had gone to her office to pick up some paperwork.

Realizing that quite a few women had changed, she focused on the one that had changed the most to her, which was Ino. Thinking back to just before she left on the mission Sakura remembered that Ino had quickly come to Narutos defense when she had been upset about his not going on the mission. Ino had even claimed that Naruto hadnt chosen her for something but had quickly clamed up about what. Whatever it was Sakura was positive it went deeper than Ino taking care of his plants. Because if she was right the kunoichi had no problem showering at Narutos considering the time she had seen Ino there. Thinking of that moment Sakura began to wonder if Naruto was the cause of all the changes she noticed in the women around her.

Sakura began to rub her forehead feeling it begin to hurt as she admitted that Narutos distancing himself from her must be bothering her more than she thought if she was coming up with such a crazy theory. Ayame seemed to notice her distress asking, Are you alright, Sakura?

Im a little stressed out I guess, she admitted.

Oh, Ayame said leaning in towards her, May I ask about what?

Feeling embarrassed Sakura said, Id rather not say. Ayame nodded her head and went back to her work. However after several minutes Sakura asked, Ayame, has Naruto talked about me recently?

No, not really, Ayame admitted. Although she was privy to why Naruto was acting so distant with his teammate she still asked, Why?

Sakura thought for a moment before saying, Well ever since I came back from that mission to Grass Narutos been so different with me.

Ayame nodded and could see Sakura was obviously hoping that Ayame had the answer as to why. Although she did, she knew it wasnt her place to say anything. Instead she asked, Do you mind if I ask you something? Sakura shook her head no, so Ayame said, What are your plans after you two bring back Sasuke?

Sakura was caught by surprise but said, Im not sure I understand what you mean. Hopefully once hes back everything will go back to normal.

Ayame nodded her head figuring that was the case so added, Perhaps Naruto realizes that is impossible.

Its not impossible, Sakura quickly snapped.

Im sorry Sakura, but Im afraid youre wrong, Ayame responded calmly. Sakura was about to argue but Ayame cut her off saying, Look Sakura that you are here worried about Naruto no longer dotting on you shows that it is. A little of the bitterness she felt at Sakura bled into her voice as she continued, Three years ago Naruto would have done anything for you. While he still intends to bring back Sasuke I think hes realized the truth of matter.

Surprised at the hostile tone the young woman had taken with her Sakura weakly asked, What truth?

That even if he succeeds and brings back Sasuke things cannot go back to the way they were. Nor should he want them too. Sasuke betrayed his home, friends, team and a boy that thought of him as family. Sakura was about to open her mouth to defend Sasuke, and claim it was the curse mark, but in the face of Ayames rising anger at him chose to remain silent. Ayame ended her rant saying, And then theres your selfish wish for things to go back to the way they were.

Sakura glared and said challengingly, Whats wrong with that?

What you want is Naruto to go back to fawning over you while you chase someone who already proved he doesnt give a damn about you, Ayame replied up for the challenge. Leaning forward Ayame placed a hand on the counter saying, Naruto probably is simply preparing for the day when you forget about him once Sasuke is returned to the village. Hell give you your fondest wish Sakura. Hell reunite you with your beloved Sasuke, but dont ask him to stand around cheering for you afterwards. Leaning in Ayame added, Because he doesnt need too.

A customer entered the stand and was about to leave since the two young women were openly glaring at each other. However, Ayame broke eye contact first saying to the man cheerfully, Welcome to Ichiraku

As Ayame moved away Sakura threw her money for the meal down feeling angry at the waitress. But as she walked away from the stand felt a cold chill as she understood the implications of what Ayame had said. Narutos distancing himself from her was in preparation of Sasukes return and judging by Ayames tone there was a line of people preparing to push Sakura to the side in hopes of capturing what had once been her place in Narutos heart. But thinking of Ino, Hinata and now Ayame she realized the truth that it may have already happened.


Entering Suna, Naruto began to feel a sense of dread. Being honest with himself, he admitted it was because he did feel guilty about what happened between Temari and him. As they neared the Kazekages mansion Temari looked over her shoulder sending him a tight smile. Although she hadnt asked since their first night together he knew she wished to know what he planned to tell Gaara if anything.

The truth was he didnt know himself. Ino linked her arm with his discreetly catching his attention with her eyes when he looked at her. Following where she gazed next he almost laughed seeing Tayuya, who had traveled ahead of them, dressed as a barmaid at a bar whose primary clientele appeared to be shinobi. Naruto sighed figuring that once he returned to Konoha that a smug Tsunade would be sure to rub it in his face that she was right about his adding Temari. Especially since it was probably due to the Work Visa Temari had supplied that Tayuya was able to gain employment so quickly.

Entering the mansion, they made their way to Gaaras office. Temari knocked on the door receiving a crisp reply of, Enter.

Doing as commanded, the two Konoha shinobi followed behind Temari as she entered the office. Gaara stared at them for a moment before saying, Welcome home Temari.

Thank you Gaara.

It is good to see you again as well Naruto.

Heh, heh, yeah same here, Naruto replied nervously. His nervousness must have shown as Gaara arched an eyebrow at his friend.

Pressing on Gaara said addressing his sister, I trust you have the information on the Konoha contestants we can expect to be coming here?

Yes Gaara, Temari answered.

Good, he replied before focusing on the two foreign shinobi, Naruto, Ino as my guests please enjoy all Suna has to offer while I compose the list of our shinobi that will be entering. Once it is finished will you deliver it to the Hokage for me?

Sure no problem, Ino said when it became apparent Naruto wasnt going to speak.

Gaara nodded again noting Narutos strange behavior but said, Thank you. Temari please see to our guests.

Temari looked over her shoulder giving Naruto a smile before saying, No problem.

Naruto however said, Actually Id like a moment alone with Gaara if you two dont mind? Ino frowned getting the sense that Naruto was going to do something reckless but Temari nodded ushering the kunoichi from the room.

What is it Naruto? Gaara asked his friend hoping he could help him get over what was bothering him.

Well you see The thing is Naruto said but couldnt think of a way to explain to Gaara what it was he wanted to tell him.

Please relax, Gaara said as Naruto tried and failed to speak several times. Im sure whatever it is that is bothering you isnt that bad.

Taking a deep breath Naruto blurted out, I slept with Temari. Gaara just stared at him in response. Figuring that since he hadnt been crushed by the Kazekages sand yet that he should take the moment he had to explain himself, he laid everything on the line for his friend.

When he finished talking Gaara remained silent for a while before saying softly, Get out.

Look Gaara, I truly didnt want you to find out like this but

GET OUT, Gaara said cutting him off and his tone telling Naruto that remaining further might be dangerous.

Narutos head dropped but he turned towards the door. Grabbing the door handle he stopped for a moment. He was about to apologize once more but decided against it leaving the office. Upon stepping into the lobby Ino asked, What is it?

I think I screwed up big time, Naruto said sending a look at the door.

You didnt Ino began but trailed off when Naruto nodded.

Temari placed a hand on Narutos shoulder saying, Thank you.

Thank you, Ino said her ire rising, Depending on how Gaara responds we all could be in serious trouble.

Narutos shoulders dropped even further hearing that but Temari remained calm saying, Ill talk to him later. For now lets find you a place to stay.


Tayuya placed the drink in front of the shinobi she was serving before returning to the bar to grab several more glasses. Putting them on her tray, she turned from the counter they had rested on, and her eyes searching for the quickest and most accessible path to the next table she needed to get too. Finding it, she took off passing through some of the rowdy shinobi to reach her customers. As she did so she discreetly observed some of the kunoichi among the patrons. Although there were a few only two of them really caught her attention as being necessary to Narutos goal.

The first was a jounin who was dressed in the standard uniform of a Sunagakure Jounin. Her head was covered in a white turban but Tayuya could still make out brown hair beneath it. She possessed blue eyes and had red markings on her cheeks. According to her bingo book the womans name was Maki and much like her dress suggested she was an elite jounin of the village. What made her a target though was some of the rumors that were surrounding her, which were that she may be in line to join the Suna Shinobi council when one of the older members stepped down.

Keeping an eye on her for later, Tayuya realized that she needed to speak with Naruto and Kyuubi at some point. The reason being, that since her mission to get Naruto to sleep with Temari had succeeded she was now beginning her long term one of finding suitable targets. But upon entering employment at the bar Tayuya realized that even if she marked them in her book there was a chance that she would have moved on to another town or village before Naruto could seduce them. Therefore she needed a jutsu that would allow her to mark targets so that Naruto could locate and approach them later at his leisure, since in all likelihood Akatsuki would be making Narutos life difficult soon.

Placing several drinks down at her customers table she took that last one to the second woman she had marked as a possible target. The light haired woman thanked her before taking a sip of the drink which wasnt alcoholic. Tayuya nodded and walked away. The reason Tayuya was considering her was mainly because she didnt even have an entry in her book. Considering that Suna and Konoha were allies Tayuya took that to mean that the woman was probably one of the few Suna shinobi with a Kekkei Genkai. Since she wasnt listed in her book it was safe to assume that Suna wished to keep her under wraps which made her a valuable target for Naruto.

It took over an hour of discreet monitoring of the crowd to even learn her name which was Pakura. She only learned that after the lonely looking woman left the bar and a collective sigh could be felt. She learned why a moment later when a Suna shinobi called her mummy making Pakura. When a chunin who looked like he had only recently achieved that rank asked why she was called that. The man had informed the boy of a story surrounding her using her Scorch bloodline to turn a high ranking nobles son into a mummy. Although the son had a reputation as a player and even had a few rumors of forcing women to please him swirling around him, many still refused to believe that he had attacked Pakura. Men kept their distance from her for fear that she may do the same thing to them as a result. When the chunin had asked why she wasnt punished for the murder if they didnt know what truly happened. The storyteller had replied that the Fourth Kazekage had been unwilling to allow one of his few assets to be destroyed. So with even the Kazekage siding with her because of her abilities it was generally agreed upon by most that it was best to just keep their distance.

Tayuya filled the information away for later getting back to her job since a few people were beckoning her for refills. Deciding that she would find Naruto directly after her shift instead of in the morning like she originally planned, she picked up her tray and dived back into the mass of bodies to get to the table that had been waiting the longest.


Naruto stared at Ino who was still sitting in a chair glaring at him. She had been there ever since Temari had booked them into the hotel and had shown them their rooms. The Suna Kunoichi had taken off shortly after presumably to talk to her brother. Ino upon entering the room had marched to the chair and simply planted herself there facing away from him, her whole demeanor showing how angry she was.

After several hours of silence he said, Ino, I already said Im sorry.

She didnt respond, much like the other times he had apologized, but after several minutes did finally say, Yeah well tell me how sorry you are when were sitting in a Suna cell.

At least well have each other, he replied trying to lighten the mood. Yet knew he had failed spectacularly as she turned her head to face him and her eyes narrowed in anger.

What would you have me do Ino? Naruto asked in exasperation. Hes my friend and I slept with his sister turning her into a potential spy.

Ino turned to face him saying angrily, Big deal. Youre not the only one keeping secrets from a friend.

Realizing she was talking about Sakura, he said, Thats different.

Really how so, Ino quickly said her tone telling Naruto that again he would have been better keeping his mouth shut.

Well I mean shes interested in Sasuke and

That isnt it, Ino said cutting him off, Its different because here you needed to keep the secret and found you couldnt because of some measure of guilt, but didnt consider that maybe I feel the same way.

Naruto hung his head but admitted, Youre right. Im sorry.

Lying down on the single large bed he stared up at the ceiling and said, I really screwed this up, didnt I?

Ino felt some of her anger fade away when Naruto admitted he was wrong so getting up from the chair she was in made her way to the bed. Sitting next to him she said, Hey, well find a way to fix this.

Naruto nodded saying, I hope youre right. Changing the subject he asked, Do you really feel guilty about not being able to tell Sakura. When Ino nodded he asked, Why?

Because, you are probably one of the best things that has ever happened to me, Ino said, and I cant share it with her. Also shes hurting by your giving her the cold shoulder and I cant even tell her why.

I cant promise you that Ill tell her or let you Ino, Naruto said prompting Ino to sigh, But Ill try to be more considerate of your feelings the next time I feel like opening my big mouth.

Trying to lighten the mood as well Ino said, Since its very likely that well soon be locked away in a Suna cell. I guess I wont have to worry about keeping this a secret from Sakura much longer.

There you go. I was sure there was a bright side to this, Naruto said allowing a small chuckle to escape him.

Ino smiled but before she could reply a knock at the door attracted their attention. Due to his mark on the person they were able to tell that it was Tayuya. Naruto got up to let her in the room, but before she could bring up what brought her there she asked, Whats going on? upon feeling some of the remaining tension in the room.

Smiling that she was about to stir up another hornets nest for Naruto. Ino said, Naruto told Gaara everything.

You did what? Tayuya said getting angry except for a whole slew of different reasons then Ino. Naruto sighed as he tried to calm down the angry red-head coming to the conclusion that having a small harem sucked when all the women were of the opinion you had acted like an idiot.


Gaara stood on a rooftop and used his Third Eye Technique to keep Naruto under surveillance. He admitted to being surprised as it appeared the red-head that had entered the room was rather upset with him. No doubt due to Narutos telling him about what he had done and how he planned to unify the world. Gaara found that strange since Naruto had made it sound like he gained some sort of power over them. But as he tried to calm the red-head down it didnt seem to be working. He was lost in thought wondering what that meant when he heard, Dont you have Anbu for keeping tabs on people?

Surprised his sister had been able to sneak up on him Gaara spun saying, Are you here to silence me?

A look of hurt crossed her face but she said, I suppose I am in a matter of speaking. Calmly she walked past him to gaze into the room where Naruto was staying. She smiled seeing her lover cowering slightly from an enraged Tayuya who was being held back by Ino.

I dont understand what is going on there, Gaara admitted after coming to the conclusion Temari wasnt there to attack him.

If I had to guess, Temari said with a small chuckle as a lamp got tossed causing the room to go dark, Tayuya is upset probably because shes spent three years trapped in a coma and is likely afraid that Narutos telling you about his jutsu means she may be spending more time locked away in a prison.

Doesnt he have a means to control them, Gaara asked before adding, and you?

Yes, Temari admitted turning from the window a smile on her lips as the light came back on to find Tayuya straddling Naruto making out with him.

Gaara turned away from the window with a blush on his cheeks as he said, I guess he used it.

No, Temari said with a laugh as Ino got involved pushing Tayuya to the side to kiss the blond boy, I think Tayuya simply came to the realization that if you end up arresting all of us its going to be a while before she can be with him so doesnt want to waste any of the remaining time they have fighting.

Us, Gaara said facing his sister, You include yourself in that estimate.

Why shouldnt I? Temari asked, After all you cant exactly trust me now.

But you are my sister and probably a victim of that jutsu, Gaara reassured her but was surprised when she laughed.

Sorry, Temari said, But if you had been there you would have seen that I practically begged Naruto to take me. So considering me a victim is pretty farfetched.


Plus while I appreciate you getting upset over my seemingly being a victim. You should understand Im quite happy with how things turned out, Temari said which surprised her brother.

It doesnt bother you that he plans to seduce more women? Gaara asked.

No, and while that may be a byproduct of the jutsu it doesnt change the fact that I consider being bound to Naruto better than my status before our trip to Suna.


Sighing Temari said, Because it isnt easy being the sister of the Kazekage.

I wasnt aware, Gaara said sounding apologetic.

I know and it isnt your fault that most men found approaching me rather intimidating. Even Naruto wasnt going to. That caught Gaara by surprise which Temari could tell due to his eyes widening fractionally, explaining she added, He values your friendship and didnt want to do anything to jeopardize it. It was only because of the machinations of Tsunade and the two girls down there that he eventually broke down. Smiling she said, Trust me, he would have needed to be a eunuch to remain unaffected by the show that was put on. But I believe he was coming here to tell you about his goal and only his sleeping with me made him doubt that you would go along with it.

I see, Gaara said walking towards the opposite side of the roof they were standing on away from the hotel Naruto was staying in. Do you believe that he has any chance of uniting the shinobi world?

I dont know, Temari admitted, But he did give me my youngest brother back. Something I thought equally impossible just three short years ago. Gaara faced her, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. Seeing that Gaara may be coming around she added, This may also work to your benefit as well.

How so?

Smiling Temari said, You now have a friend with the skill set necessary to solve that problem with Matsuri and her uncle. Once that is taken care of youll be free to announce your relationship with Sari.


Temari entered the room to find Tayuya with her shirt off as she fought for her spot on top of a still dressed Naruto. Ino kept trying to push her to the side every now and then but at the moment was settling for a three way kiss. Temari felt herself grow a little moist at the sight but cleared her throat attracting Narutos attention. He sat up immediately as did the other two women. When Naruto got off the bed much to a protesting Tayuyas displeasure Temari said, Relax, youll have other opportunities.

Naruto blew out a breath asking, Hes not mad anymore?

No, hes waiting on the roof across from this room. He wants to talk with you.

Naruto nodded quickly exiting the hotel. Landing on the roof he was about to speak when Gaara said, Naruto, provided you continue to make Temari happy Ill consider the matter dropped. I also thank you for the faith you put into our friendship to include me in this plan of yours.

Ill always do my best to cherish her, Naruto said prompting Gaara to incline his head.

Good, Gaara said before adding, As Temari pointed out I do find myself in need of a shinobi with your new set of skills. Naruto arched an eyebrow but remained quiet. Gaara taking that as an invitation to explain said, Do you remember Matsuri?

Naruto thought a moment before saying, Wasnt she that academy student that we had to rescue from those weapon makers.

Yes, Gaara said, She was quite fearful of weapons if you remember.

Nodding Naruto said, I remember she had witnessed her parents deaths.

Yes, she also apparently carries feelings for me, Gaara said.

But you dont return them, Naruto said prompting the Kazekage to nod in agreement. Why not just tell her?

I wish it was that simple, Gaara replied. However Matsuri comes from a rather influential family. You may not know this but here in Suna water is more precious than gold. Her parents were successful water prospectors and were killed by bandits.

What does that have to do with not telling her how you feel? Naruto asked.

Im getting to that, Gaara said in a rare moment of irritation.


Where was I? Her family therefore controls most of the water that flows into the village. Her uncle inherited the company that distributes the water upon the death of her parents.

I take it hes the problem then, Naruto said earning a nod from Gaara.

Indeed, he is using her feelings in hopes of pressuring me to marry her, Gaara replied.

I cant imagine Matsuri going along with that though, Naruto said since Matsuri had struck him as a dedicated Suna shinobi.

She is unaware of his manipulations, Gaara answered. But so long as she is a shinobi she is unable to assume control of the company.

What is the uncle after though?

I believe that he thinks that if Matsuri and I get married in time that will lead to his family becoming the most powerful in all of Wind Country through any children we may have.

Still why not just tell her all this?

Gaara sighed before saying, The matter is further complicated by my already being involved with someone.

Again why not just tell Matsuri?

Because the woman Im seeing is a close friend of hers named Sari, Gaara said.

Understanding dawning on him, Naruto said, She was one of the girls that showed up after Grandma Chiyo sacrificed her life for you.

Yes, Gaara said, Also should you use this new jutsu of yours on her I will crush your genitals.

Dont worry, Ill keep clear, Naruto said resisting the urge to cup his package. Scratching his cheek Naruto said, Not to shine to bright a light on my own hedonistic ways but why not simply date both.

My life has been abnormal enough and I would at least like a normal relationship, Gaara said.

Nodding with a lecherous smile feeling more at ease talking about it with his friend Naruto said, Normal is overrated. But Ill do as you ask.

Gaara smiled slightly saying, Sari will be happy to know we wont have to sneak around anymore.

Im glad to hear that as I was wondering if you would like to play a small part in helping me seduce Matsuri.

Id rather not, Gaara said his cheeks coloring.

I can understand that, Naruto said, But Im going to need to borrow your office tomorrow night then. Gaara raised an eyebrow so Naruto explained his basic plan that he would flush out in greater detail with his girls later.


Naruto and Ino waited outside the building where Matsuri had been assigned clerical duties for the day. As they waited Ino said, Can I ask you something?

Always, Naruto said getting comfortable on a pile of wooden boxes lining the alley they were in.

Well considering the parallels between Matsuri and you do you regret what were about to do?

What do you mean?

Well she loves Gaara who loves someone else, while you loved Sakura who you think

I get it, I get it, Naruto said cutting her off making Ino frown. But why should I regret targeting Matsuri?

For the same reason you wont target Sakura, Ino said, were stealing away her choice.

You didnt seem to mind manipulating me into taking Temari, Naruto pointed out.

That was different, Ino replied.

Really how? Naruto quickly shot back with a smile when Ino couldnt think of an adequate response.

It just was, she said in a huff but was forced to admit Naruto had her. Further discussion was put on hold as their target left the building. Ino formed the handsign to implant her suggestion into Matsuri and waited for the girl to stop a moment before letting her have it.


Matsuri was leaving another boring day of clerical duty, but considering that the last time the village had been attacked they had nearly lost the Kazekage considered it a blessing. Still she wouldnt mind a mission that led her out of the village for a few days if only to get away from her uncle. The building she was leaving was actually the headquarters of the company her parents had founded. Her uncle had specifically requested her for the boring mission and she suspected that the reason was so he could harp on her lack of backbone when it came to her desire to be with Gaara.

She didnt know why it mattered so much to him anyway. In truth she never really liked the man and when he became her guardian after her parents death her dislike had only grown. She firmly believed that the only reason he had taken care of her was because it was a stipulation her parents had placed in their will. The only thing he had ever supported her in was her desire to be a shinobi, and the only reason for that was because as long as she was on active duty it made her ineligible to run the company herself.

She stopped for a moment to decide whether she should go home to her modest apartment and cook herself dinner or get something from one of the many new restaurants that had recently opened. But instead of deciding on dinner she was suddenly overcome by a desire to see Gaara. Heading to the Kazekages mansion she entered and was confused as to why it was empty. Making her way to his office she was surprised to find the hallway darkened and his door slightly ajar.

Looking inside she almost gasped but prevented herself from doing so by clamping her hands over her mouth. Inside was her crush and Sari kissing passionately. Gaara was leaning against his desk his arms around Saris waist as they made out in his office. Sari broke the kiss staring into his eyes as she asked, When are we going to announce our relationship?

Soon I promise, Gaara responded, I just need to find the right way to tell Matsuri.

Placing her head on his chest Sari said, Be gentle please.

I will, was Gaaras response but Matsuri was no longer there to hear it.

When they were sure they were alone the seemingly close couple dropped their henges to reveal Tayuya and Temari. Whyd I have to be my brother, Temari complained.

Are you saying you would have wanted to make out with him? Tayuya asked teasingly.

What, no. Im just wondering why I even had to do this, Temari responded.

To help her get over Gaara and to get her uncle off of your brothers back, Tayuya said pulling out of her arms to sit on the desk next to the girl. Besides dont act like you didnt like making out with me.

Temari blushed but admitted, It wasnt the kissing a girl part.


It was that depending on how well Gaaras relationship goes with Sari. I may have ended up kissing the image of my future sister-in-law. Tayuya smiled at her but instead of answering began rocking the desk back and forth prompting Temari to ask, What are you doing?

Well since Im going to be sneaking into the various Shinobi villages I was just thinking about starting a little game of having Naruto sleep with me on each of the village leaders desks, Tayuya responded.

Dont you dare, Temari said but a minute later imagined herself riding Naruto to an amazing orgasm while on the desk.

Youre thinking about it, Tayuya said a large smile splitting her face.

No Im not, Temari quickly replied but her blush made it apparent she was lying.

You so fucking are, was the red-heads teasing response.


Matsuri couldnt stop her tears as she ran from the office. She berated herself that it turned out her uncle was right. She stopped to catch her breath near the area she had felt the impulse to go see Gaara at. Deciding to go home she began to head that way when a delicious smell entered her nostrils. Following it she arrived at a small stand that had a sign that read, Ichirakus of Suna.

Hoping that the food inside would provide some comfort for her. She entered and took a seat at the counter. Welcome to Ichiraku, the kind proprietor said as she looked over the menu.

Id like a shrimp ramen please, she said wiping at her red eyes.

Coming right up, Teuchi said as he began getting her dish ready.

The sound of another customer attracted his attention and he smiled brightly as Naruto entered the stand. Naruto, good to see you, the owner said brightly.

Good to see you too Old Man, Naruto replied. When Ayame told me you started a new stand in Suna I knew I had to see it for myself.

Well what do you think, the man said holding his arms out for Naruto to take it in.

Chuckling Naruto said, Looks just like the one in Konoha. I hope I can say the same about the food. Ill have a miso ramen please.

Sure thing, Teuchi said placing a bowl in front of Matsuri and adding, Here on the house.

She looked up surprised saying, Thats alright I can pay.

Im sure you can, but you look like youre in need of a little kindness, Teuchi responded gently.

Naruto felt a little guilt at that but knew that one way or another Matsuri would have been hurt. Hoping that he could help ease it he took a seat next to her saying, Its been a while Matsuri.

She smiled as best she could saying, Yes, but it is good to see you again Naruto.

Thanks, Naruto replied his smile growing as Teuchi placed his bowl in front of him. Lets dig in, he said energetically as he began to scarf the food down.

Matsuri found his smile rather infectious and began to eat her meal her mood rising slightly. Naruto finished rather quickly and putting his bowl down said, More please.

Teuchi couldnt help smiling either as he saw his profits for the night doubling as he quickly refilled the bowl. After finishing five bowls by the time Matsuri finished hers, he said, Ah nothing like ramen to make your troubles go away.

Being reminded of hers, Matsuri frowned a little but admitted, The food did make me feel better.

Do you want to talk about?

Thats okay, Matsuri said standing, I wouldnt want to trouble you. She left small stand wondering if she should go home but admitted she didnt want to be alone.

Naruto threw his money on the counter leaving enough to cover his bowls as well as hers before following after her. Easily catching up Naruto matched her pace as he said, Im a pretty good listener you know. Also, I wouldnt have asked if I didnt want to know.

Matsuri gave him a smile that didnt reach her eyes but said, Its nothing. I just found out the boy I liked is with someone else.

Naruto knew he could use that to begin his seduction but decided to go a different route saying, You must be talking about Gaara and Sari.

Her head turned towards him quickly in surprise before saying, You knew? Before Naruto could answer she said more to herself then him, Of course you did. Youre practically his best friend.

Well I only just learned yesterday, Naruto admitted. Deciding honesty was the best way to go he took a deep breath saying, Truthfully he asked me to be the one to tell you. That little scene you came across today, I arranged it.

Matsuris eyes went wide showing her surprise before narrowing as her anger took over. Why would you do that? she angrily demanded. Why would Gaara go along with such a thing?

Answering the second question first Naruto said, He didnt. You came across Temari who was henged as Gaara and another girl who was pretending to be Sari.

Matsuris mouth opened and closed several times before looking around making sure that nobody was listening to them before leaning in and saying, But they were kissing.

Chuckling Naruto said, It wouldnt be the first time.

II dont understand. Whats going on?

Thinking for a moment Naruto said after collecting his thoughts, Lets just say, that Gaara was hoping that I could break the news in such a way that everyone could be happy.

You failed, Matsuri said sadly.

I havent really done anything yet, Naruto said causing the Suna kunoichi to look at him strangely. Answering her unasked question he said, My initial plan was to use a new jutsu I learned on you. It would have made you more susceptible to being seduced by me.

Catching on Matsuri said, So what happened in the office was to make me easier pickings.

Exactly, he admitted.

Then why didnt you? Matsuri asked her tone not giving away how she was feeling.

Mainly because of one of my girls, Naruto said, thinking of the conversation Ino and he had when she had placed the suggestion to go to Gaaras office into Matsuri.


Rubbing the back of his head Naruto said, Yeah, heh-heh you see Temari and the girl, her name is Tayuya, have also experienced my jutsu.

Matsuri blushed at the implications before asking, Does Gaara know about that?

Its sort of why he asked me to do this, Naruto said.


Because of your uncle, Naruto said, and also since he knew about your feelings and was hoping that I could make you as happy as Temari.

What does my uncle have to do with this?

Recently hes been putting pressure on Gaara to respond to your feelings. I didnt get all the details but I have the feeling that hes hinting that he might start cutting the amount of water Suna receives if Gaara doesnt. I suppose your uncle is hoping that any kids the two of you had would end up taking Gaaras place as Kazekage. But how that benefits him Im not sure.

Gaara couldnt think I would go along with such a plan though. Does he?

No, Naruto said calming the girl, Its just that he was hoping to get you to pass your feelings onto me to blunt your uncles scheme.

Matsuri sagged in relief knowing her Kage didnt think her capable of such treachery. But staring at Naruto questioned, So why tell me all this? If that jutsu was capable of working on Temari surely it could have worked on me.

Truthfully, its because your love triangle sort of reminds me of my own, Naruto said with a sad smile. Matsuri merely stared at him so he explained, You know my teammate Sakura right? When he received a nod he continued, I loved her for years. But she only had eyes for my other teammate Sasuke.

Interrupting Matsuri asked, But with this jutsu couldnt you make her want to be with you.

It doesnt work like that exactly, but it would bind her to me, Naruto explained. Yet, you see since I love her, I want her to be happy. Therefore, I wont use this jutsu on her and will let her continue to pursue Sasuke. I suppose I told you all this since Im sure youll stop your uncle without me seducing you. Not to mention it wouldnt be fair to rob you of your ability to continue to pursue Gaara if thats what you really want.

Gaara gave you permission to use it on me though, Matsuri said her tone again giving no hint of what she was feeling.

Dont get too upset at him. Hes still a little new at expressing emotion, and I think he honestly believed that this was the avenue that wouldnt leave you with a broken heart.

Matsuri stopped causing Naruto to turn and face her. She looked down at her feet as she asked, If you used this jutsu would it make me feel better?

I cant answer that, Naruto said honestly, Itll make you feel aroused and Im sure youll enjoy it. But in the morning you may still love Gaara, and would find yourself bound to me.

Is there no going back after that?

Only for the initial stage of the jutsu. But if we go all the way then no.

Could we try the first stage?

Id love too. But why would you wish to give up on Gaara?

Looking up at the stars Matsuri said, He cares for Sari and doesnt seemed inclined to take other lovers as you have. Facing Naruto she continued a small smile on her lips, Therefore, my only alternatives are to pray my friend and Kages relationship fizzles, or to move on. I think Ill choose to move on and if Gaara thinks youll be good for me, Ill trust his opinion.

They made their way to Matsuris apartment. Stepping inside Naruto looked around saying, Its not what I expected.

Why, Matsuri asked looking around her apartment which was laid out similarly to his own.

Its just that according to Gaara the company your parents started is rather successful. I figured you would be living someplace a little fancier. But I guess it does suit you.

Matsuri blushed asking, Why do you say that?

Anyone who would serve their village obviously puts their priority in the right things, Naruto said smiling as her blush intensified.

Facing away from him, she asked embarrassed, What what now? Should I take my clothes off?

All in good time, Naruto said coming up behind her. Channeling his chakra into his hands he placed them on her shoulders as he began to rub them.

Matsuri was filled with a warmth that quickly moved from her shoulders to her more erogenous places. Mmmm, she moaned leaning into him.

Are you feeling good? he whispered into her ear.

Yeyes, Matsuri said closing her eyes as he kneaded her shoulders. Suddenly her chest felt lighter. Looking down she saw that Naruto had removed her modified flak jacket. As it fell away from her chest she blushed as her nipples were clearly poking out from beneath her shirt due to her lack of a bra. He moved his hands from her shoulders, placing them on her hips and began placing kisses along her neck starting at where it met her shoulder before making his way up. Reaching her ear, he nibbled on her lobe before tilting her head to face him.

The kiss began modestly but quickly heated up to the point where their tongues danced against one another. He then moved the hand that he had used to tilt her head to her chest where he began kneading her breast over her shirt. Matsuri moaned into his mouth which rose in volume when he pulled slightly on her nipple. She leaned into him but quickly stood straight again when her backside came into contact with his hardened cock.

Naruto broke the kiss before asking, Would you like to sit down?

Matsuri nodded her head, still breathless from the kiss and thus unable to respond with words. Naruto grabbed her hand to lead her to the couch. He sat first allowing her to pick where she wanted to sit and smiled when she tried to sit demurely next to him. Placing his hand on her knee he said, You need to relax.

Im sorry, she said embarrassed, Ive never done anything like this before.

Moving his hand up and down her thigh he replied, Simply do what feels right. Theres no right or wrong way to go about this.

He noticed her eyes which had been looking anywhere but, suddenly zeroed in on the impressive bulge rising from his jeans. He chuckled letting her know he was aware of where she was staring and although her cheeks reddened further she didnt look away. Running a tongue over her suddenly dry lips she asked, Cancan I touch it?

Go ahead, Naruto said as he leaned back to allow Matsuri access.

The Suna kunoichi leaned forward hesitantly but then with more confidence. Moving her hand to the fly of his jeans she pulled it down. Her hand moved back quickly as his dick popped out of the front of his jeans. Itsits so big, Matsuri said looking up at his face.

Thank you.

Matsuri reached forward taking his cock into her hand surprised at how warm it felt. She ran her hand up it getting a feel of it which caused Naruto to moan appreciatively. Feeling emboldened she began to stroke it at an easy pace.

Placing his hand on her thigh, he said, That feels great. Matsuri began stroking him faster and noticed that his dick began to get slick as it leaked precum. So caught up was she in her actions that the gasp that escaped her came as a surprise.

N-naruto she moaned as Naruto began to move his hand over her panties rubbing her womanhood.

Fairs, fair, Matsuri, he whispered into her ear. It wasnt long before her panties were soaked from Narutos own actions so he pushed them to the side to bury a finger inside of her and was surprised at just how tight her pussy was.

The pair continued to masturbate each other for several minutes. Naruto who had been staving off his own orgasm was nearing the point of no return when Matsuri moaned, N-narutosomethingsomethings happening.

Naruto figured that Matsuri had never experienced an orgasm before so said, Let it happen, Matsuri.

Despite his suggestion Matsuri still tried to fight it but her orgasm hit regardless causing her to tense up. Naruto felt his finger get squeezed almost painfully but the pleasure of his own orgasm offset it at he released his seed over Matsuris hand. Narutos hand was also coated in the juice of the girl he had made cum.

The two sat on the couch catching their breaths for a moment. Matsuri pulled her hand away from his crotch to stare at his seed. She wondered if she should get a rag to clean her hand but caught Naruto out of the corner of her eye staring at his own. She blushed seeing how wet they looked but was mortified when he licked them clean. Once his task was completed he said, You can wash off if you wish.

But Matsuri responded by hesitantly sticking her tongue out to lick at her finger. Pulling only a little into her mouth she moaned at the taste and soon found herself licking her hand clean with gusto. Swallowing the last of his cum, she pouted but noticed that he was hard again. Tempted to get on her knees to get more directly, she also wanted to feel it inside of her. Pulling her eyes away from the hard staff she locked eyes with Narutos kind blue ones.

Its up to you how far we go Matsuri, he said gently, We can play a little more if you wish or


Cupping her face he said, Or, you can become mine completely. I promise to always be there for you.

How can you promise that? We live in different villages she asked surprised at how much she wanted it to be true.

If you agree to be mine, Ill place a mark on you that will allow me to come to you wherever you are, Naruto said.

Matsuri pulled away to stand and Naruto thought he had received his answer. But a moment later Matsuris hands were fiddling with the zipper on the skirt she wore. Pulling it down the skirt pooled at her feet and she hooked her fingers into her panties pulling them down as well. Naruto joined her in standing allowing his pants to fall to the floor along with his boxers. Matsuri was about to pull her shirt over her head but Naruto stopped her before she could free herself of it completely.

With only her mouth exposed, he leaned in to kiss her to which she responded hungrily. He allowed her to remove her shirt completely after the kiss ended and smiled when she did the same to him as he removed his own. When she was done kissing him she allowed him to remove his shirt completely and giggled as he scooped up her nude form.

Holding her in his arms he wondered in which direction he should head to reach her bedroom and received the answer in the form of her pointing to which closed door he should move towards. Entering her bedroom he found it to be rather modest like the rest of her apartment and made his way to her bed. Setting her down, he placed a light kiss on her lips before moving on to her chin, and neck. Working his way down to her chest he sucked in one of her nipples causing her to gasp and arch her back. Cupping her other one he worked on them until he felt her hand on his tool. She stroked it several times before saying, NarutoI-I want this in me.

He nodded and moved between her legs rubbing his length along her slit getting it lubed as best he could, considering her tightness. Once he accomplished this he pushed the head in and felt her tighten to the point that she almost forced him out. Matsuri honey, you need to relax.

Itit hurts Naruto, she whimpered. Naruto didnt move until he felt her body relax before feeding more of himself into her. It took almost ten minutes before he was completely inside but he managed. He remained still until she began to make little rocking motions with her hips at which point he slid about half of his length out before plunging back in.

Ohhhh, Matsuri moaned pleasurably providing Naruto with the inspiration to pick up his pace. As he worked his length in and out of her, he leaned down to suck one of her small breasts almost completely into his mouth. Letting it go with a pop he leaned back stopping completely with his length buried inside of her. Matsuris moaning took on a hint of a complaint bringing a smile to his face as he grabbed her right leg and brought it up and over his shoulder until it touched her left. Moving her until she was on her side he spooned up behind her before he began sliding in and out of her again while grouping her breasts.

Looking over her shoulder Matsuri said, Kiss kiss me please.

Naruto leaned forward after placing a kiss on her shoulder. When he made contact with her mouth she quickly responded darting her tongue out and into his. He pulled back slightly so that their tongues were visible as they swirled around each other. She broke the kiss as Naruto pulled on both her nipples causing her to moan, Oh ggggoooooddddd, dont do that or else Im going to break.

I want you to break though Matsuri, Naruto whispered into her ear. Go ahead, cum. Show me the face that only Ill see. He punctuated his sentence by giving her nipples another strong pull.

Aaaaahhhhhh, Matsuri shouted, her face taking on a look of pure pleasure. Her pussy tightened to the point that Naruto couldnt move but feeling her muscles squeezing him for his essences he let go coating her insides in his seed.

The sweating couple was breathing hard as they basked in the glow of their activity. They remained connected as Narutos cock refused to wilt despite Matsuri loosening slightly in the aftermath of her orgasm. Matsuris breathing began to even out and she looked behind her saying, Naruto


Please dont stop until theres only room in my heart for you, she said her tone filled with longing. He felt her pussy squeeze around him again so rolling onto his back pulling her with, he went about showing her that he would do everything in his power to make her wish a reality.

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