Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 39

Chapter 39


Translator/Editor: Ryuu

Discord: /yT4GsFAYRf

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (39)

The fully armored knight indeed proved unparalleled in both defense and breakthrough capabilities.

Larger than a typical orc, he swung his long and broad greatsword, clearing the path ahead. Any enemy he missed, KiJun flawlessly eliminated with his flames.

"Those flames are really strong! A great asset in a situation like this!"

"Thanks. You're strong too."

KiJun responded curtly to the knight's hearty praise and looked at Charbanbesh, as if asking if he knew anything about the knight.

Charbanbesh, with an admiring expression, looked at the knight's back and then realizing KiJun's gaze, quickly said, "That's Tolchi, a direct knight of the lord! Famous for his overwhelming might and for not disregarding the weak!"

"Haha, that's too generous."

The knight, leading the way, pretended to scratch the back of his head, which was impossible due to his helmet, and chuckled awkwardly. Yet, he didn't forget to keep swinging his greatsword, clearing the monsters coming at them.

"I've just helped the weak a few times, saddened by those who couldn't grow and unjustly lost their lives."

"You've come to save us now! Tolchi is a true warrior, just like Jun!"

"Thank you, orc friends. But let's save the rest of the talk until we reach the fortress!"

Tolchi, as he was called, nodded at Charbanbesh's praise and focused ahead.

Thanks to the efforts of Tolchi and KiJun, the fortress city of Turris, located atop a hill, was now within sight.

The problem was what lay ahead.

The slope of the hill, effective for blocking enemies, was now filled with densely packed monsters blocking their path.

"Stay sharp, or we'll die."

Tolchi said solemnly, pointing his greatsword ahead.

"I'll charge. Jun, was it? Take care of any I miss."

"Of course."

"Then―― don't die, warriors! Charge!"

Tolchi stomped the ground and started running.

His strength, surely at the Unique grade, mercilessly swung the greatsword, sending the frenzied monsters of the Overflow flying, unable to block his path.

The monsters still targeting the humans were burnt by hot flames and torn apart by the blood-stained fangs.


"Good job, Ur."

KiJun encouraged the pleased Ur, emitting flames, and wrapped his shield in fire again.

Following Tolchi's overwhelming breakthrough, they had nearly crossed half the hill.

"Keeping up, Charbanbesh?"

"Of course! We won't die!"

"We will fight and survive together!"

Charbanbesh and the other orcs, encouraged by Tolchi and KiJun's leadership, roared and swung their weapons with newfound courage.

The orcs' strength was impressive, possibly reaching Rare grade, forming a solid front and achieving significant feats even before reaching the fortress.

"We're almost there, keep up the strength!"

The knight urged them on, lifting his greatsword for another charge.

Was it fortunate?

The Overflow had just begun, and the monsters surrounding the fortress walls weren't yet densely packed.

They chose paths with fewer monsters to break through.

"A strong monster, take care of one for me!"

"Got it."

As Tolchi charged at an elite monster to clear a path, KiJun took on another, seemingly of Rare grade.

A blue-skinned monster, covered in a shell like a turtle's, puffed up its body as it charged at KiJun.

Suddenly, venomous spikes shot out from its shell.

No, this creature wasn't a turtle, but a pufferfish!

―Need my light shield?

'It’s not needed for this.'

Kwaang! Amidst a loud explosion, thousands of venomous spikes flew, but KiJun skilfully swirled his shield, enlarged by light and fire, to deflect and block them all, protecting both himself and the following orcs.

He then quickly finished off the startled pufferfish-turtle with his fangs.

'Tougher than its grade. It had a deadly trick up its sleeve.'

―The contractor wouldn't be affected by poison anyway.

'Better to block if you can.'

Soon, they were at the city gates.

"Open the gates!"

At the knight's booming command, the gates slowly began to open.

He turned around and shouted confidently.

"I'll hold them off, everyone go inside first!"

"Knight Tolchi, honored by the lord, we will repay this debt on the battlefield!"

"Same here!"

The orcs, respecting the stronger Tolchi, didn't refuse.

KiJun hesitated briefly but nodded, seeing the knight standing firm, and entered the city.

"The survivors have returned!"

"Good to see you alive! But sorry to ask, could you go straight to the walls? The monsters are climbing up!"

Soldiers inside the fortress were busy preparing arrows and stones, while a young man, holding documents, hurried around, directing troops.

Charbanbesh's eyes lit up as he spoke.

"We owe a debt to Knight Tolchi, so we'll fight on the walls. But mercenaries fight for pay. Is there a contract?"

"Of course, the lord said he'd pay for each monster's head you bring. The guild's involved too, so you might even get gold for high-grade enemies! So if you want to earn big, make sure to collect the heads, alright?"


The orcs' eyes gleamed with greed at the mention of gold.

Just moments ago, the orcs, who seemed resigned to their fate, now began to whip their tired bodies into action, driven by the prospect of earning money.

"Jun, we'll earn a lot and treat you! We're heading up to the walls!"

"Alright, and who is this person?"

"He's an employee of the Mercenary Guild!"

"I'm the Administrative Officer, Administrative Officer! Remember it, you ignorant orcs!"

After sending the orcs to the walls, the Administrative Officer of the Mercenary Guild, a man with a nose almost completely covered by a half-mask, his eyes ablaze, and skin so red it seemed to emit steam, looked at KiJun intensely and asked, "So, who are you? I see you're not bad, hanging out with those orcs, but it's my policy to be wary of strangers."

"Jun. Second year, Flame Human."

"So you're not an NPC."

Unlike the orcs who were excited, wondering if KiJun might be a representative of a civilization, the Administrative Officer just nodded, understanding the vastness and diversity of races and civilizations in this world.

"Not an NPC? That means..."

"Of course, I'm also summoned. Now, I'm practically no different from an NPC. Wouldn't be surprised if I got scouted any time."

Saying this with a bitter smile, the man, who looked human except for slightly pointed ears, added, "You're curious about my race?"

Feeling KiJun's gaze, the man touched his ears and explained, "I'm a Half-Nymph. In our civilization, we're quite common, just like Flame Humans in your civilization."

KiJun felt a pang of guilt at his words but brushed it aside for the moment.

The man tapped the stack of documents he was holding and continued, "So, you wanted to tell me something? Sorry, but I'm quite busy, so unless it's important―"

"Can you relay a message to the lord?"

"Of course. I don't know where you've been, but the Turris Mercenary Guild works closely with the lord."

"Then tell him, there are undead."


The man's hand went to his forehead, then quickly pulled out a RetaPhone15 and began tapping rapidly.

After storing the phone, he sighed heavily and said, "I suspected as much. There's an unexplored dungeon nearby, notorious for no one coming out alive. We thought undead might emerge from there... That's why the lord said to pay for each monster's head. Usually, undead can't be made without a head."

"But how did you know? If you're lying, you might be in trouble later."

"I met them. To be exact, the one who attacked us turned into an undead and escaped using space magic."

KiJun succinctly conveyed the essence of their encounter with the undead, to which the Administrative Officer grimaced and asked, "Any proof?"

"I'm not sure if it counts, but it's an item I got from that undead."

Unable to store the pouch enchanted with spatial magic in his inventory, KiJun had been carrying it on his waist. He showed it to the man, who narrowed his eyes and sniffed, then waved his hand dismissively.

"The stench hits the nose. Plus, the aura of black magic is no joke. The situation is more serious than I thought."

"Did you know just by the smell?"

Surprised, KiJun watched as the man first looked serious, then let out a small laugh.

"I'm a Half-Nymph. Nymphs are known for their incredible sense of smell. Plus, we're pretty good at discerning good from evil."

"That's why you're an Administrative Officer of the Mercenary Guild, huh?" the man said, eyeing KiJun and adding, "I figured out you're not a bad guy thanks to that. It's a relief to have a strong ally like you at times like these. Did you register as a mercenary elsewhere?"

"No, I didn't. Can't I take requests if I'm not a mercenary?"

"That's not the case, but you'll lose some fees. For this time, as a privilege of the Administrative Officer, I'll waive the fees. Go ahead and fight to your heart's content. Then!"

"And I'll reward you for the undead tip," he added, turning away.

Just then, Tolchi, the knight who had defended the city gates until KiJun and Charbanbesh's group entered, approached and placed his gauntlet on KiJun's shoulder.

"Tolchi... glad you're safe."

"Of course. But I overheard your conversation. You saw undead?"


KiJun shrugged off Tolchi's gauntlet and replied.

Tolchi gritted his teeth and slammed his greatsword into the ground.

"Those damned beings. Desecrating the dignity of life, they all deserve to have their heads chopped off."

"...I agree."

Remembering the woman who crawled on the ground even after being cut in half, KiJun nodded solemnly.

Tolchi unsheathed his greatsword and suggested, "Let's fight together on the walls, Jun! With your achievements, the lord will surely take notice of you!"

"I'll gladly join you."

Was this an opportunity to make an impression on the lord so soon?

Without hesitation, KiJun quickly responded and ascended the walls with the lord's knight.

In view, unlike when they had breached into the city, the hill was now completely filled with monsters.

It was breathtaking how many monsters there were.

"Overflow is indeed a terrible disaster. It sweeps away everything indiscriminately. The first to die are the weak, who have to fight with just a sword and no armor to protect them."

Indeed, who would have thought they'd face an Overflow on just the third day in Reta?

While KiJun lamented internally, Tolchi openly expressed his frustration, gripping his sword tighter.

"Moreover, when undead start mixing in, the bodies of those who died miserably are desecrated once again. I can never forgive that."

KiJun wondered.

Is this man truly an NPC?

"Protecting the weak and not bowing to the strong is my chivalry. Will you help me, Jun?"

"I respect your chivalry. And I have my own purpose."

KiJun extended his hand, lightly shaking the gauntlet-clad hand of the man, then letting go.

"I'll fight for that purpose. Let's give our best."

"You are indeed a reliable warrior. I'll trust you with my back."

The two warriors checked their arms and gathered their mana.

From around Turris, a wave of monsters, unleashed from about a dozen dungeons, was surging toward the city.

―Sudden Quest! Protect the small town of Turris from the Overflow!

―Rewards will vary based on your performance. Exceptional contributions may lead to a special offer from the lord and reduce this year's tax.

And so, the battle began.

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