Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 40

Chapter 40


Translator/Editor: Ryuu

Discord: /yT4GsFAYRf

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (40)


A fireball, cutting through the air, smashed into the head of a monster just as it began to climb the city wall, scattering its remains and causing the surrounding monsters to fall as well.

The power to annihilate multiple monsters with a single fireball seemed nothing short of miraculous to the soldiers, who could only wield their weapons.

"Mages are supporting us from this side!"

"Put in more effort, you guys! The mages aren't retreating, so how can we, the soldiers defending Turris, fall back now!"

With each fireball tearing through the sky and each rapidly fired fire bullet piercing a monster's head, at least one soldier's life was saved. KiJun had no time for leisure.

Sure, wielding his shield and plunging into the fray would earn him accolades, but that would narrow his field of vision and reduce the number of people he could save.

Disguised as a Flame Human, KiJun realized just how splendid the profession of a mage was, launching flames to counter numerous enemies.

'I’m not a mage, though.'

―Ordinary mages can’t cast spells consecutively like this, Contractor. It’s the advantage of being a Summoned.

Right, mages normally require good control over mana and intelligence to operate. KiJun, communing with spirits and naturally manipulating and detonating flames as if part of his body, was different from the magic mages use.

But what would the soldiers know? Seeing fireballs fly in from a distance and incinerate monsters, they only cheered, thinking it was magic.

Moreover, his actual attack power was significantly higher than that of the few mages among the city's defenders!

―For now, this approach is fine. But there will come a time when you, the Contractor, must step to the frontlines.

'I know. For now, I'm satisfied that I can save people even by imitating a mage.'

KiJun felt the monsters' level in the Overflow gradually increasing.

There was a leading figure in the army formed by the Overflow, a sign that they were employing tactics.

First, they would send weaker monsters to exhaust the humans and then deploy stronger monsters to finish them off.

It was a cruel but undeniably effective strategy.

―Level 6 reached, Light Magic (L) increased by 3!

―Fire Spirit Magic (R) has reached 42!

Of course, this doesn’t consider that lower-level people like KiJun killing masses of monsters could level up, recovering health and mana.

As KiJun created an even larger fireball and exploded the flesh wall formed by the monsters trying to climb the wall, the soldiers cheered again.

"Wow! The mage is revitalizing!"

"How can he keep casting fireballs consecutively without getting tired? How high is his mastery?"

"Idiots, the mage is a special race. Unlike us humans who can hardly handle mana properly!"

The foolish soldiers were deceived.

As KiJun continued to cast fireballs, preventing the monsters from climbing the walls, he naturally became an idol to the soldiers.

Though he was uneasy about not collecting the monsters' heads directly, he hoped the lord wouldn't turn a blind eye to his efforts in saving the soldiers.

But how long could he keep fighting the monsters this way? That moment eventually arrived.



A rotting hand clutching the wall.

A monster with flesh peeling off to reveal bone, unnaturally contorting its body, suddenly raised its head.

A shudder ran through everyone on the vast city wall at that moment.

"Damn it… Undeads! There are undeads!"

"Cut off their heads! Otherwise, they'll revive!"

"Undeads in the Overflow… We're doomed, it won't end until we're all turned into undead…!"

Undead monsters were more about their symbolism than individual strength.

Their tenacious vitality, dreadful morale, and contagious nature that could infect even healthy humans.

Their sinister will to hate the living and draw them to their side further demoralized the living.

Feeling the atmosphere change drastically, KiJun, about to unleash more flames, halted when suddenly, a giant sword, like a boomerang, soared through the air, slicing through the undead climbing up the wall.

Was it a Unique grade throwing skill? As KiJun stared in amazement, the knight Tolchi, who returned the sword and raised it high, bellowed with a booming voice.

"These undeads are nothing but rotten monsters of bone and skin! Don't be afraid and take up arms! Those who run will die and become undead, but those who fight will join me in glory tomorrow!"


Encouraged by the knight's thunderous call, the soldiers' morale surged. Their previously shrinking stance solidified against the undead, and they pushed the enemy back, improving the battlefield situation noticeably.

KiJun had occasionally seen such scenes with YeMin, leading NPCs in large-scale quests with exceptional tact and influence, earning a lot of support and steering situations to her advantage.

'Perhaps YeMin's charisma really was beyond Uncommon.'

Regretting her absence but feeling reassured watching the eloquent and capable knight Tolchi boost the soldiers' morale, KiJun couldn't help but smile slightly.

'Yet, according to that theory of charisma, I should also be able to boost the troops' morale...'

Unable to imagine himself shouting or boosting the soldiers' spirits, KiJun just shook his head.

―What nonsense, Contractor.

Lucy playfully dismissed KiJun's thoughts.

―Contractor doesn’t need to be loud. Just creating and launching fireballs gives people great hope. Could even a high-level mage get this much attention with just a spell?

'…That does seem plausible.'

In the life-and-death battlefield, where immediate dangers demand full attention, people were still keenly observing KiJun's every move, cheering loudly with each of his exploits.


As KiJun thought about Lucy's words and launched another fireball, the soldiers immediately noticed and cheered even before it hit.

"And the fireball burns the undead with a single strike!"

"This is the power of the living!"

"Look, the flames are spreading to them, it’s even avoiding us humans!"

"Unbelievable... He even considers soldiers like us in such a dire situation."

Their exaggerated praise made the situation almost embarrassing.

Fire, being effective against undead, easily takes down lower-level undead, and since it’s actually spirit power and not magic, it naturally avoids humans. But their overreaction was almost too much.

Higher charisma makes the same action have a more significant impact on others. KiJun realized this, noticing the effect his actions had on people.

Thinking back, when he was first summoned to Reta, he confronted a fairy, only to be chased away due to people's excessive wariness.

Lost in thought, KiJun acknowledged that, if used wisely, charisma could indeed be beneficial. He actively used Salutaris, creating fireballs in both hands.

Fueled by the thought of not disappointing those who looked up to and cheered for him, KiJun's determination grew.

'We may not dispel all this darkness... but we can certainly light a few more torches. Help me out, Ur, Lucy.'


Responding to the Contractor's blazing will, Ur awakened even greater potential, lending strength to KiJun.

Having been in sync with KiJun all day, Ur, influenced by his spirit power, was gradually regaining the size of his spirit, previously diminished by past wounds.

Though both KiJun and Ur would likely collapse from the exertion of their Spirit Power after the battle, the gains from today would be significant.

―Alright, then I'll blend in my power unnoticeably, too?

Indeed, the most effective force against undead, aside from the holy power of devout clerics, is light.

As flames sprang from KiJun's fingertips, burning brightly, Lucy subtly infused the essence of light, making the flames appear even more radiant and holy.

That was a bit overdone.

"Holy fire..."

"It's holy fire."

"Ah, indeed, that person must be an angel sent by the gods to save us...!"

Contrary to Lucy's intention to blend the attributes subtly, the perfect fusion of the two attracted too much attention!

As a Flame Human, KiJun's current identity was already suspicious enough, and now he couldn't afford to be labeled as some angelic figure!

Before any unnecessary suspicions arose, KiJun hastily hurled the brilliantly burning fireballs.

Though thrown carelessly, his Rare-grade throwing skill 'Flash Throw' ensured that the flames accurately targeted dense groups of enemies, exploding magnificently upon impact!



As expected, the effect was incomparable to the simple flames he had been using. The undead, ironically resilient despite being dead, fell helplessly against the combined power of fire and light.

The undead were swept away so thoroughly that gaps appeared on the crowded city wall.

―Light shines brightest and proves its worth when it banishes darkness and kindles fire. Your 'Lucy (L)' skill has reached level 3, and your Spirit Power (L) has increased by 1.

Reading the system message, KiJun tensed, wondering if his ability to wield light power had been exposed, but it turned out to be a non-issue.

"East wall―! The fire mage―!"

"Has driven back hundreds of undead―! We've reclaimed the wall―!"

The soldiers quickly occupied the area and actively pushed back the undead, loudly proclaiming their achievements.

They knew what was needed most now: unwavering courage and morale to support them from falling.

"South wall―! Knight Tolchi―!"

"Has decapitated an elite ghoul―!"

Soldiers' voices echoed from afar, competitively sharing hopeful news of the battle, striving to foster hope that they could overcome this Overflow.

Feeling the soldiers' brave calls mixed with faint fear, yet determined not to back down, KiJun sensed the swirling mana inside him intensify and his eyes widened.

―Your self-developed mana circulation method, Salutaris, reminds you that it operates on spirit rather than mana. As long as your spirit doesn't give up, Salutaris will always produce mana. 'Salutaris (L)' has reached level 3!

Indeed, Salutaris, perfected by KiJun's insights and Bice's teachings, was more than mere mana circulation.

As it merged mana with the spirit, the intense will and emotion driving the spirit made it stronger.

―Contractor, are you okay?

'Not the safest situation. If this wasn't a battlefield...'

The faster the mana rotation, the greater the power and destructive force, but also the more severe the backlash on KiJun's body.

Yet, he was aware of the most effective remedy to alleviate this.

'For now― there are no issues!'


The holy fire conjured by KiJun as a result of Salutaris turned into a huge sphere, thrown into the air.

Surprisingly, it vaporized into cloud-like formations, floating over the wall and soon starting to rain fire.

An intricate control, targeting only the monsters with hot flames, sparing the humans, it was a splendid spirit magic, befitting KiJun's widened vision, incapacitating more monsters and saving more lives.

―The fantastic synergy with spirits and the strong will of the summoned has successfully implemented this complex spirit magic. 'Fire Spirit Magic (R)' has jumped to level 45! Your Spirit Power (L) has increased by 1!

―Level 7 achieved, increasing Dexterity (L) by 1, Light Magic (L) by 1, and Spirit Power (L) by 1.

The medicine named 'level up' hit KiJun's body.

He felt his spirit and body reviving as if he had never been injured, bringing a bright smile to his face.

He felt like he could fight all day long.

But he knew he had to be aware.

High charisma not only boosts the morale of allies but also draws the attention of enemies to oneself.


The undead kept swarming in.

There was still a lot of time left until the end of the night.

[Bice♥ (Dimensional Waiting Room): I'm free! I'll be resting all day today, aren't you happy? So let's play together all day.]

[Bice♥ (Dimensional Waiting Room): What, you're not reading my messages again? Why is a newbie who just crossed over to Reta so busy?]

[Bice♥ (Dimensional Waiting Room): You're not doing something weird, are you? With your charisma increasing, like…]

[Bice♥ (Dimensional Waiting Room): (Message deleted.)]

[Bice♥ (Dimensional Waiting Room): No, you wouldn't have the nerve. If you did, you would have done it by now.]

[Bice♥ (Dimensional Waiting Room): (Message deleted.)]

[Bice♥ (Dimensional Waiting Room): At the end of the day, it’s probably because of your suddenly increased charisma, and you can’t handle all the quests pouring in, right? It’s obvious. I’ve lived in Reta too, you know.]

[Bice♥ (Dimensional Waiting Room): But always be careful, right? I’ve always been more afraid of people than monsters. Being pretty like me, there were bastards who wanted to take advantage of me, could’ve built a kingdom with them. Doesn’t matter if they're summoned or NPCs, they're all the same.]

[Bice♥ (Dimensional Waiting Room): But who am I? I know how to see through those things, how to quickly filter out those making a move on me. You should be careful too. Don't be fooled by some strange girl, okay?]

[Bice♥ (Dimensional Waiting Room): Look at the eyes, their eyes. If they seem cloudy, filter them out. And if someone avoids eye contact or is overly confident, they definitely have something to hide.]

[Bice♥ (Dimensional Waiting Room): Also, be wary of people whose words and attitudes subtly differ. Those who pretend to say and act right but subtly steer things in their favor are the biggest problem. Before getting backstabbed by such people, you should hit them first, got it?]

[Bice♥ (Dimensional Waiting Room): Ha, what am I doing talking to myself when there's no one to answer, really.]

[Bice♥ (Dimensional Waiting Room): Hey, isn't it?]

[Bice♥ (Dimensional Waiting Room): ...You're not meeting a girl, are you?]

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