Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 53

Chapter 53


Translator/Editor: Ryuu

Discord: https://dsc.gg/wetried

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (53)

George Gordon Byron, one of the poets representing the Romantic era of England, is said to have left a famous quote when he suddenly gained immense fame overnight with the publication of his poetry collection.

“I woke up one morning and found myself famous.”

KiJun couldn't help but think of Byron's words as he looked down at the crowd of people encircling the hill below his mansion as soon as morning broke.

Of course, he was too intimidated to speak to them, so he went for a run and then came inside to eat breakfast.

“Phew, that was a great meal. Eating the food prepared by KiJun, I feel alive.”

Viv, who had come over as promised at dawn, ate the meat noodles served for breakfast and put down her empty bowl as she started speaking.

“What do you think is the most important thing in this Reta continent, KiJun?”


At KiJun's immediate response, Viv nodded with an ambiguous smile.

“There are various kinds of strengths, but let's not delve into that now. What do you think is the easiest and fastest way to obtain that strength?”


After a moment of contemplation, KiJun answered as if he had an eureka moment.

Dungeons were optimal spaces for quickly becoming stronger, as they allowed concentrated battles against monsters and a chance to acquire powerful equipment as rewards.

And what if one could enter those dungeons without paying a toll just by being in a party with KiJun?

It was no wonder people were swarming outside like that!

“That's a hard and tough way. That’s not it.”

Looking at KiJun, who seemed pleased with his answer, Viv shook her head firmly and pointed at him.


“The strong. The best way to gain strength is to cling to the strong!”


KiJun, reminded of his rigorous training with Bice, instantly agreed.

Of course, that wasn't what Viv meant.

“KiJun, you've become recognized as the strongest in Turris after your performance in the Overflow. Plus, you even rented this fancy mansion with the lord’s support.”

“That's true.”

“To think that you, a person like that, is free? Without a party? I would have rushed over at dawn too, trying to say at least one word to you. If I could successfully join your party, my status would soar!”


“Yes, status. The strongest in Turris, receiving full support from the lord! Wouldn't you feel a bit proud being in a party with such a person? You might even catch the lord’s eye if you’re lucky.”

At that moment, KiJun understood Viv’s frank explanation.

Did Byron also harbor similar thoughts, witnessing the public indulging in his poetry without understanding its essence?

“That’s why I told you to choose your party members carefully. Who joins the party and for what purpose is extremely, extremely important. You know that, right?”

“I’m sick of knowing it…”

Remembering the events of the tutorial, KiJun sighed and stood up.

“So, I just need to filter out those people gathered outside, got it.”

It was the moment when all the preliminary participants of the ‘Great Turris Audition’ were disqualified.

“Guess I should visit the Mercenary Guild. You'll help me select party members, right?”

“Of course, I will help.”

Viv smiled and then added.

“Before that, could you introduce me to the lord?”

Fortunately, the lord was very pleased when KiJun introduced Viv as a merchant with whom he had an exclusive contract.

In Turris, fairies from the Fairy Garden civilization, with their innate ability to move through space, were present, quickly transporting goods throughout the continent. However, the lord had been considering whether to continue trading with them as they had colluded to raise prices.

“That’s why there’s a saying in Reta to be careful when dealing with fairies, so as not to be backstabbed. They are too fast and…”

“They are good at scamming?”

“It wasn’t right to say that in front of a fairy. My apologies.”

Though it was a preconception, having seen a fairy scam right after entering Reta, KiJun couldn’t help but nod.

However, Viv maintained her cheerful expression and replied to the lord.

“I’ll be different. Please trust me and see.”

“Since you have an exclusive contract with Jun, of course, I must trust you. At least until Jun leaves this territory.”

“I’ll definitely live up to your expectations, for Jun’s sake.”

Despite the lord’s seemingly cold words, Viv did not lose her friendly demeanor.

Eventually, she succeeded in obtaining a list of needed goods and a trade contract from the lord, then quickly disappeared from the scene.

The moment she vanished, the lord smiled faintly and turned to look at KiJun.

“You really are an amazing person.”

“What do you mean?”

“It seems you have formed a trustful relationship with a fairy. In Reta, trusting fairies is considered as foolish as it gets.”

“Viv is Viv. I’ve decided to judge her based only on what she has shown me.”

“Truly admirable. That's a very difficult thing to do.”

The lord said, smiling, but KiJun couldn’t treat everyone that way.

Being human, he naturally succumbed to prejudices, thought self-centeredly, and even hurt others to protect himself, knowing it was wrong.

“I’m still lacking, but I’m trying my best.”

But it wasn’t like he was going to advertise his ugly insides. KiJun just wanted to keep his conscience clear with those few words.

Maybe understanding his heart, the lord looked at him contentedly and stood up.

“You seem to be having trouble finding party members. Let me help you.”

“Is it alright for a lord to be so frivolous?”

“Of course, it’s not me, but Única who will help.”

KiJun stared at the lord incredulously.

It was too obvious he intended to throw his daughter at KiJun.

However, the lord firmly ignored his gaze and called Única to assist him.

“You’re recruiting party members? I’d be glad to help. I have a perfect grasp of the talented individuals making a name in this city!”

Just yesterday, Única had reluctantly followed the lord’s orders out of obligation, even protesting why KiJun was given a separate residence, but for some reason, she seemed pleased with the order to assist KiJun today.

Stunned by her attitude, the lord turned to KiJun with disbelief.

KiJun was certain that woman was planning to freeload off him again today, but he didn’t want to end up inviting the lord to his house, so he pretended not to notice his gaze.

After the trade between Viv and the lord was successfully concluded, KiJun headed to the Mercenary Guild, accompanied by Viv and Única.

Their presence caught the attention of many.

“Is he forming a party with Lady Única?!”

“Idiot, that’s impossible.”

“Anyway, it's certain he's looking for party members. I told you so.”

“Does that mean Lady Única is just serving him?”

“Receiving such support and still not joining under the lord... That’s quite a shock.”

No, it wasn’t just attracting attention; the entire city was focused on his movements.

Viv, who had only heard about KiJun's exploits through his descriptions, finally realized what he had accomplished in Turris.

“Jun, you…”

“You were a hero.”

Única said quietly.

“Soon, everyone in this country will know that.”

The Mercenary Guild, informed of his visit, emptied the external training ground to welcome him, and the person in charge was someone KiJun remembered.

A young, handsome man who looked human except for his pointy ears, a Half-Nymph.

“Administrative Officer?”

“Unlike those stupid orcs, you remembered right away! Here, take this, your reward.”

The bag he handed over was surprisingly heavy.

Inside were dozens of gold coins.

KiJun narrowed his eyes and spoke to him.

“I’ve already received more than enough rewards from the lord.”

“This is the reward money for reporting undead. It’s issued by the guild, as I told you. Now, this way.”

The Administrative Officer, with a slight smile, respectfully bowed to Única standing behind KiJun and led them to a desk temporarily set up in the training ground.

KiJun, with a questioning look, received an indifferent shrug from the officer.

“You’re looking for party members, right?”

“Is it always this much of a spectacle?”

“This is the least conspicuous way possible after some arrangements.”

Saying this, the officer gestured behind him.

Seeing hundreds of applicants who had gathered at the training ground, KiJun looked disgusted.

The crowd was a mix of many races, a testament to Reta’s ongoing civilization war, including a few humans.

When KiJun glanced at them,


They flinched and retreated, disappearing from sight.

Even as this happened, the people around merely looked astonished or laughed, with no one attempting to stop them.


“Don’t worry, Jun.”

Única, pulling out some documents, spoke calmly.

“Those of low caliber won’t deceive and join your party, Jun.”

“But I haven’t even properly spoken with those humans…”


Viv, likely the only one besides Lucy who understood his feelings, spoke soothingly.

“While there are strong humans capable of joining Jun's party, they don't operate in places like Turris.”


KiJun was at a loss for words.

Única, checking the documents, added,

“These are people who can't compete on their own and just hover around for scraps. Most humans here can be seen as Scavengers. They’re not worth trusting.”

“…I see.”

This perception was reinforced by the cold stares of those gathered.

KiJun felt suffocated thinking about how it would be if those stares were directed at him.

Initially, he thought the humans who attacked them when with the orcs were just bandits driven by hatred, but…

Perhaps the humans who left earlier were indeed hyena-like, and the people here despised them for being victimized.

Even so, this was…

―Does it bother you, Contractor?

‘…Just realizing how prescient Viv’s foresight was.’

KiJun replied nonchalantly, trying to mask his discomfort in response to Lucy’s concerned voice.

Of course, he was bothered.

But it wasn’t the time to throw off his mask and declare himself human.

The weight of the lies he had donned was clear.

The shallowness of the trust they placed in him only brought a sigh.


“It’s nothing. …Let’s start.”

Thus began the party member selection audition.

Within 10 minutes, more than 90% of the gathered applicants were eliminated.

They failed to meet the condition of having an average stat, excluding Charisma, at least at the Rare level.

In Reta, humans stand out even with a bit of strength.

YeMin and her group were painfully aware of this.

“You guys, daring to make a scene as mere humans?”

“If you’re weak, you should stick together quietly. Why do you covet our plate?”

“Oh, she’s really pretty, as I heard. Even among humans, there are such beauties. Interesting. Maybe mixed with Nymph or Elf blood?”

Even those who wouldn’t dare cause trouble in the strictly guarded cities showed their fangs once outside.

Especially mercenaries in the same situation, competing for the same missions, were particularly harsh.

Ironically, most of those picking fights, from a human perspective, looked like other races, subhuman species.

But in their view, humans were merely inferior beings, similar in appearance but far lesser in ability.

How strong must that perception be for them to pick fights unthinkingly with YeMin’s group, who had started to gain a reputation for strength?


YeMin sighed, thinking it was not the first time since settling in the small town that they had been targeted.

Whenever there was a hint of silence outside the city, someone would appear, revealing murderous intent. It almost felt like a quest.

“What if I end up with the title ‘Slayer of a Thousand Men’? I don’t like the idea of losing Charisma.”

“It’s okay. I’ll handle it.”

EunShin smiled wryly and stepped forward.

At that, a man with wolf ears, a Lycanthrope, bared his sharp fangs, growling.

“We don’t need men. Trying to protect females is good, but know your place. We’ve already killed many… especially weak humans like you!”

Just as the Lycanthrope and other races lunged at them,

A sphere of crackling lightning was thrown into their midst.


“Lightning magic――!”

With a loud crackle, the lightning burst, paralyzing the attackers, leaving them unable to move.

“These idiots, giving a mage time to chant.”

JiHye mocked the enemies and launched additional arrows of lightning.

Meanwhile, MokSoo, like a shield for JiHye and YeMin, swelled his muscular body, swinging his hammer to strike the frozen enemies, and YeMin swiftly severed their limbs with her sword, unseen in its speed.


“What sort of human is this…!”

“Unacceptable, all humans brought to Reta―.”

And EunShin, who had vanished, reappeared behind them, cleanly stabbing their hearts and throats.

“How many times is this?”

“If counting from being summoned to Reta, the fourth.”

JiHye sighed in response to YeMin’s murmur.

“I didn’t expect being human would be this troublesome and tiring during the tutorial.”

“At least we’re fine, but I worry about other Earthlings.”

“What about Jun oppa?”

At the very moment that question was expected, YeMin mentioned KiJun’s name.

“Usually he doesn’t even try to fight people, but if such nuisances cling to him…”

“No, Jun will be fine. He’s not the type to stand out, nor does he have the looks…”

MokSoo, cutting her off, sighed and suggested to YeMin,

“Maybe it’s better if you hide your face, Min. It might reduce the impulsively aggressive ones at least.”

“I’m sorry, Uncle Soo. …But I don’t want to hide.”

YeMin looked apologetic but resolute.

“This is the best way to let Jun oppa know I’m here. And I want to greet him proudly when he finds us.”

“Not wrong, but…”

“What’s the issue? Even if Min hides her beauty, it won’t really be hidden.”

JiHye shrugged with an almost enlightened tone.

“Besides, thanks to Min’s high Charm, we’re getting good missions from the Mercenary Guild.”

“Our party is growing fast, especially with this mission.”

EunShin joined in, having cleaned up the bodies.

MokSoo agreed, nodding but sighing,

“If only Jun came quickly, I wouldn’t have to worry about this.”

“That means Jun oppa will protect me for life.”

YeMin spoke as if it were the most natural thing, with a serious expression.

JiHye pretended to vomit at the side, but MokSoo was as serious as YeMin.

“True, there’s no one as reliable as him. We can only hope he comes quickly…”

“What I miss more is the curry brother Jun made…”

Unfortunately for YeMin’s party, many in Reta had realized how dependable KiJun was.

Not to mention, quite a few had become addicted to his cooking and couldn’t imagine being without him.

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