Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 54

Chapter 54


Translator/Editor: Ryuu

Discord: https://dsc.gg/wetried

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (54)

What is the easiest measure of strength in the Reta continent?

It was stat grades and skills.

As much as race grades and jobs were important, the problem was that these two could not be clearly known unless the status window was opened.

Therefore, the person's strength was judged based on major stat tests and skill tests, which were relatively clear indicators.

“Of course, race grade and class also influence stats and skills, right? So when we test, we consider that to evaluate the final level.”

“You can't force anyone to open their status window unless they are a serious criminal.”

“Then we can’t even do pure status window duels anymore…”

At the explanation from Viv and Única, KiJun nodded, feeling a bit disappointed.

In the tutorial, everyone knew the importance of the status window. Hence, they could tease each other to open their status windows to prove purity.

It was all in good fun, assuming no one would actually open their status windows.

“Flame Humans are amazing. In Reta, that would be considered almost the highest level of provocation.”

KiJun, who inadvertently made Flame Humans known for their playful nature, decided to be more careful with his words and silently checked his status window.

[KiJun (1st Year): Earth Representative]

[Titles – The Last Hero (Legendary) and 10 others]

[Light Man (R) Light Guardian* (U) Lv25]

[Strength (U) – 29+25]

[Dexterity (L) – 21+20]

[Endurance (U) – 28+20]

[Light Magic (L) – 34+22]

[Charisma (L) – 17+20]

[Spirit Power (L) – 38+20]

*Changing wording for his class to ‘Light Guardian’ from ‘Guide of Light’.

His level hadn’t risen since completing the quest, but thanks to continuous training, his Unique-grade Strength and Endurance had each grown by 1. Due to receiving so much attention after completing the large quest, his Charisma had also unexpectedly increased by 1.

Considering that Charisma doesn’t grow through level-ups, the steady growth of his Charisma to Legendary grade was truly strange.

‘Could it be some sort of bug? I don’t even know why my Charisma kept growing.’

But what’s important now were his other stats, not his Charisma that could prove his purity at any time.

His lowest stats, Strength and Endurance, were in the late 20s of the Unique grade, and the rest were all Legendary.

Though his race and class titles might shatter people’s misconception that he is a Flame Human, even disregarding them, his status was exceptional.

‘Thank you, Bice.’

Recalling his teacher who worked day and night to improve his stats, KiJun smiled and turned his gaze forward.

A single-digit number of candidates who had broken through the average Rare grade stat barrier stood before him.

“I didn’t expect there would be so few.”

“Useful ones already have fixed parties.”

“I see.”

It reminded him of how, after entering university and pretending not to care about dating, he suddenly started feeling lonely and worried about Christmas when everyone seemed to be paired up.

In other words, those in front of KiJun were either those whose parties had broken up for some reason, were new to the city, had issues fitting into parties for long, or…

True solos who had bravely navigated this harsh world alone.

“Shadow Stalker, name’s Herbert.”

A man from that solo squad introduced himself with a refreshing smile, taking off his hood.

He was a good-looking man with wavy black hair and brown eyes tinged with gray. Tall and handsome, his pale skin, like moonlight seeping through a window at midnight, added to his charm. KiJun, reluctant to describe a man’s appearance any further, stopped there.

“Herbert?! You came to Turris?”

“No way, if Shadow Stalker is our competition, we might as well shut up and wrap bandages…”

The murmurs from behind suggested he was someone famous.

Viv and Única took turns explaining upon seeing KiJun’s inquiring look.

“He’s famous throughout Gratia. His job is in the scout category. There’s no doubt about his abilities.”

“He's a very successful Treasure Hunter. Specialized in dungeon exploration with a reputation for excellent combat abilities… I never expected him to come to Turris.”

Única, narrowing her eyes at him, asked,

“Welcome to Turris, Shadow Stalker. But I don’t think this is a place for someone of your caliber…”

“I’d be offended if you said that, Lady.”

Herbert, leaning in flirtatiously towards Única, whispered softly enough for only KiJun and Viv to hear.

“What else would move a Treasure Hunter?”


Única, KiJun, and Viv all jolted at his implication, tantamount to admitting he found an undiscovered ruin near Turris.

If this was his bribe for joining the party, it was a bold move.

“As soon as I entered Turris, I heard a sensational rumor. It felt like fate led me here, so I rushed over.”

Then, as expected, he reached out to Única as if to shake hands, saying he never expected to meet such a beautiful lady― but when she glared at him quietly, he quickly retracted his hand with an “excuse me” and turned to KiJun.

“You’re a gentleman, I assume you'll accept my greeting?”

“Name’s Jun.”

“Herbert. The mask suits you well! …Oh.”

Herbert flinched for a moment as he grasped KiJun’s hand, then let go, admiringly saying,

“You’re strong. I can tell just from the handshake.”

“Making a scene, huh.”

KiJun scoffed and released his hand, watching Herbert closely.

Herbert also stared back without blinking.

Única, flustered, interjected,

“Jun? Considering what Shadow Stalker said, it would be wise to accept him into the party. His skills are confirmed, and he has high credibility across the mercenary guilds. He’s not the type to stab you in the back.”

“Hearing such golden words from a beautiful lady makes me blush.”

“Your frivolous attitude is somewhat concerning.”


Herbert marveled at her sharp wit, but KiJun cut to the chase,

“Herbert, be clear about what you want. Do you wish to join my party, or are you just looking for a temporary ally to explore the ruins?”

“Ah, this…”

Realizing why KiJun was scrutinizing him, Herbert let out an exclamation, tapping his forehead.

Most would have been tempted by his talk of undiscovered ruins and his reputation as a Treasure Hunter, but KiJun was different.

KiJun aimed to form an elite unit to move against the Vampire Kingdom's attack in a year, so even if Herbert’s discovered ruins were tempting, there was no reason to include him if the party would disband after the exploration.

“Confident, aren’t you, Jun― It's the ruins. We don’t know how many months the exploration might take, and there's no guarantee we all come back alive. And you're already thinking beyond that?”

“That’s right.”

“Just hearing the cheers for you tells me enough about your abilities and character. But you see, I’m not so desperate an ‘underdog’ to trust someone I just met and risk my life.”

A cold smile played on Herbert’s pale lips.

“If you reject me, you’ll be recorded as a monumental fool for turning down Shadow Stalker's exploration offer. This particular ruin is huge; success will definitely make headlines across the country. You'll end up regretting it alone after hearing about the results.”

Indeed, it was a common occurrence.

The girl who showed interest in me ultimately gave up and succeeded with another guy, then called me in the middle of the night on Christmas to rub it in, stabbing my lonely heart.

“So, your answer? Are you joining my party, or do you just want a temporary member for the ruins?”

Of course, KiJun repeated his question with an unwavering voice.

True seekers of love don’t cling to vain regrets.

“This is tricky―”

Feeling KiJun’s firm stance, Herbert dropped his cool demeanor and laughed.

“I intended to test you, but here I am being tested. Alright, I like it. I’ll join the party.”


Honestly, I thought he would just turn around and leave.

However, Herbert changed his expression completely, smiling broadly and shrugging his shoulders.

“I’m not looking to rely on my skills for a quick gain and then leave. I’ve had enough of that. I was actually looking for a party to settle in with.”

“Is that so?”

“More than I expected. Jun, you’re quite the intriguing person in many ways. And the beautiful lady beside you too――”

“I’m not a party member.”

“That’s too bad.”

KiJun chuckled and extended his hand to Herbert again.

Herbert also reached out, clasping KiJun's hand.

The system confirmed Herbert’s participation in KiJun’s party.

They had become a community of fate.

―Contractor, you’ve found one already.

‘Yes, Lucy. It's going quite smoothly.’

A party can technically have up to 10 members.

But a group of 10 is more like a clan than a party, and distributing experience and loot becomes problematic. So, large parties like that are not usually formed except for raids.

Considering efficiency in experience distribution, four to five members are ideal. Since five members offer more stability, most parties in Reta consist of five.

The Greatest Orc Brothers were a party of five, weren’t they?

Therefore, KiJun decided to recruit three more members in addition to Herbert.

“Call me In. I've been a mercenary in Turris for a long time. I'm known for my staff technique with a solid iron staff, and I’m strong and trustworthy.”

In, a giant muscular man with a bald head reminiscent of the Orc called Kipuz and a rugged appearance, was half-orc, half-another race, and very taciturn. However, Única actively vouched for him.

Being the heir to Turris, she was well-informed about the mercenaries who had been active there for a long time. Since In easily met the average Rare stat requirement, KiJun had no reason to refuse and gladly accepted him into the party.

“I'm Armillca! I’m a well-known swordsman in Gratia’s large city, Kor.”

“A mercenary known to have settled in Kor a few months ago, famous for her ability to make wounds caused by her sword fester.”

Armillca, with her abundant golden-brown hair tied in twin tails – a hairstyle rarely seen in reality – was a beautiful girl. Her unusually large and dark eyes made her seem like she jumped out of a comic book. She oddly matched the dignified and handsome Herbert, at least in appearance.

Though not as famous as Herbert, she was a rising star in the mercenary world, and many were surprised she had come to Turris.

“Why come to Turris if you’ve settled in Kor?”

“Obviously, she came after hearing about the Overflow.”

“Right― More recognition for achievements in a place with less power.”


Ignoring the gossip, Armillca snickered and winked at Única, apparently realizing her significant influence in selecting party members.

“Both pretty and a great fighter. Let’s work together. If we get along, who knows how long this might last?”

“Looking forward to it.”

Her flashy and powerful skills, especially her unmatched agility, made her an indispensable talent.

―Really? You’re not just picking her because she’s pretty?

‘Of course not, Lucy. You know that, right?’

―Hmm, we’ll see…


Lucy seemed to slightly misunderstand his intentions.

And that laughing spirit showing up now and then was terrifying.

“Looking forward to working together.”

“Me too! Oh, but about the handshake…”

Armillca declined KiJun's extended hand, smiling demurely.

“I get hives if I touch men.”

“Is that so.”

“I like women, so it's no problem at all!”

“I didn’t ask.”

She had been winking and flirting towards Única, and now it made sense.

KiJun gently pulled Única behind him, away from Herbert and Armillca's advances.

The Administrative Officer interjected at that moment.

“That’s enough for the combat members. One scout, two front-liners, and Jun, you’re a Flame Human who can attack from a distance and use a shield.”

“That’s true.”

“Then we should fill the vacancy with a healer, a priest. Our guild has a recommended candidate. How about it?”

Obviously, her stats are low because she’s a priest, but― The officer suggested, and KiJun pondered for a moment.

Although the other candidates protested, their specs didn’t matter much considering KiJun’s abilities…

KiJun had his own healing skills through Lucy, but that needed to be kept secret.

Eventually, he nodded to the officer’s suggestion.

“We owe the guild, so we’ll accept. You have a talent you want to nurture, I see.”

“Sharp as always. Then… Lora?”

“Yes, yes!”

Responding to the call, a girl who had been hiding appeared.

A frail, delicate-looking girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, dressed in priestly robes...

“Oh my, oh my! Good heavens!”

Armillca, who had been relaxed until then, suddenly exclaimed excitedly upon seeing her.

“Leader, leader! We absolutely must have her in the party! I’ll leave if not!”

“…Considering this situation, won’t she be in danger, Officer? Are you sure?”

KiJun, observing Armillca’s frenzied excitement, asked the officer, who reluctantly but firmly pushed the girl towards them.

The beautiful girl, Lora, overwhelmed by Armillca’s attention yet determined, stepped forward and shouted.



Ignoring Armillca’s open arms, Lora stepped toward KiJun and exclaimed.

“Your heroics during the Overflow… They were truly inspiring! I was only healing soldiers in the medical center, but even I heard your voice! Everyone was able to fight bravely to the end because of you!”


“It would be an honor to be in the same party as a hero like you, Jun! I might be lacking in many ways, but I’ll give it my all!”

“Same here.”

KiJun, taken aback by her dramatic response, blinked in surprise. Next to him, the staff fighter In also nodded firmly.

“Anyone who fought against monsters in the Overflow would want to join you. I’m very happy to be part of this party.”



As both praised him in unison, KiJun recalled the rewards he received from the lord and shyly fidgeted with his hair.

Única, who had observed this from behind, burst into laughter, then quickly composed herself when he looked back, her slyness infuriating.

But the Administrative Officer, misinterpreting KiJun’s hesitation in recruiting Lora, added to her appeal.

“Lora was originally an ordinary human, but through dedicated service and prayer, she received a divine blessing and achieved the rare-grade Holy Blood racial growth. Her healing abilities and character are among the best I know.”

“I’ve already decided, Officer. We’ll take her as a companion.”


How could he turn her away in this situation?

Whether her admiration for KiJun was genuine or not, Lora’s eyes sparkled with joy, and Armillca, apparently smitten with Lora at first sight, jumped with joy at having made the right decision to come to Turris.

“…Armillca, don’t commit a crime.”

“Of course not! I wouldn’t do such a vulgar thing!”

Yet, her overly excited demeanor made it impossible not to worry.

An unexpected concern arose, but the party was successfully formed.

Flame Human Jun, Swordsman Armillca, Treasure Hunter Herbert, Staff Fighter In, and finally Priest Lora.

“What should we name the party?”

“I haven’t thought about it.”

“Then, temporarily, let’s use the initials of the members' names and call it JAHIL.”

“Wait, really?”

They have an English-based common script here?

Thus, the party of five, named ‘JAHIL,’ was formed, with the first goal being the ruins Herbert had information about.

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