Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 60

Chapter 60


Translator/Editor: Ryuu

Discord: https://dsc.gg/wetried

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (60)

Gin's parents had concluded that to break free from the curse of being werewolves, they must confront and overcome the moon, which amplifies their ferocity and robs them of their sanity. Simultaneously, silver, with its disinfecting properties, was essential in overcoming the mental contamination brought by the moon and purging the venom.

"Since he was young, we've consistently exposed Gin to the moon and silver according to a strict schedule. For Gin, it was truly... truly a cruel thing to do."

Outside, the sounds of Gin still being scolded by his father were audible.

With a bittersweet smile, the mother gently stroked the pages of Gin's experiment journal, spanning nearly 20 years on the research lab's table, and continued in a soft voice.

"We wanted to free Gin from the curse of being a werewolf at all costs. Seeing him completely lose his sanity and turn into a bloodthirsty beast every full moon, every time the alpha wolf howled, was too horrific..."

"Are the villagers on the same page? Prioritizing Gin over themselves, I mean."

KiJun's sharp question slightly stiffened the party members' expressions. However, the mother confidently nodded.

"As you might have guessed, we all come from the same research institute. We've been researching and learning magic together since long ago. Even after becoming werewolves, we've relied on each other and survived to this point. We're practically a family now."

"A family, huh."

Recalling the woman who warmly welcomed Gin and started the combo attack on his back when they first arrived in the village, KiJun nodded in agreement.

"Moreover, it's very difficult for non-pureblood werewolves to have children... Gin is like a child to all the villagers."

"That's truly remarkable. It's rare enough for those turned by Vrykolakas to have the freedom to start families."

"Yes, escaping with Quinodon was also motivated by that. They loved each other, after all."

Complementing Herbert's observation with a faint smile, the mother continued more seriously.

"Admittedly, our current research, meticulously planned and experimented with since Gin was in the womb, can't be applied to others. But if Gin can become human, the data obtained in the process could start more universal and stable experiments applicable to other werewolves like us..."

The party members, even Armillca, who had high hopes for the research, could only shake their heads in dismay at the research’s highly specialized and unique content.

"Is there really anything we can do to help with the research?"

KiJun asked, resolved to flee if human experimentation was required. Fortunately, the mother nodded.

"Honestly, we've tried everything we could on our own."

"One thing remains," she said, raising her index finger.

"The silver imbued with moonlight."

Silver, the metal that suppresses werewolves strengthened by the moon.

It would seem that the moon and silver could never harmonize. However, they theorized that precisely because werewolves are dominated by the moon, only the true power of the moon could fully suppress them.

It felt like a pseudoscientific theory akin to fighting fire with fire, but seeing everyone else nodding seriously, KiJun had no choice but to go along.

"I wonder if I can make Ginseng chicken soup this summer..." KiJun mused when Herbert suddenly asked in a tense voice.

"Does it really exist?"

"The relic here surely contains moon-imbued silver. We have an idea of its location."

Like the Moonlight Stone unique to this relic, the moon's power here was unusually strong.

"So, where is it?"

"There's a place where we mined silver before. If you look at the map, it's around here..."

The mother took out a detailed map of the relic, boldly circled a central area, then drew a line to a large mountain range, circling it twice.

"If you follow the earth's veins, there's almost certainly a silver vein here. Quinodon's pack also tends to avoid this mountain."

"So something there significantly weakens werewolves, for sure..."

"It's extremely dangerous, though. Beyond here is entirely occupied by Quinodon's pack and feral werewolves. We never dared to venture there."

Despite the woman's concerns, the party members excitedly commented.

"I knew there'd be a hot spot."

"We'll surely earn a lot of experience points."

"I'm nervous, but... I'll do my best!"

"It's finally feeling like a quest."

At Herbert's final comment, KiJun couldn't help but smile.

From the moment KiJun joined the research effort, he had been anticipating such a development.

"Ahaha... You're brave. But rest tonight – well, whether it's night is questionable. The moonlight will soon intensify, making it difficult to confront the werewolves."


KiJun tilted his head in confusion.

"The moon here is fixed in the sky, isn't it?"

"Right. But once a day, the light it emits intensifies. Then, earthquakes occur, and even this village is affected by the moonlight."

The relic's concept was impressively thorough.

"Though it's not the real moon – probably a great artifact related to the relic's creation."

"A relic! Can we take that moon too?"

"Try it. Watching you jump around would be a delight."

Amused by Armillca's relentless greed, Herbert retorted.

Ignoring the renewed standoff between the two, KiJun spoke up.

"Then tonight... we'll rest. May I use the kitchen for a while?"

"The kitchen?"

The mother looked puzzled, eyes wide.

KiJun, removing his cumbersome helmet and grinning, said, "Maybe my cooking can help Gin."


Tonight's menu: Tteok-galbi, inspired by the round full moon.

He had briefly considered making Hamburg steak, but since he was cooking for many, he wanted to secretly and cunningly assert his Korean heritage and that they were eating Korean cuisine.

Deciding on luxurious tteok-galbi, KiJun then faced the tedious task of meticulously preparing and mincing expensive beef ribs.

"It's fortunate I bought a whole cow, not knowing when we'd eat it."

"Woah... You handle the knife so skillfully, Mr. Jun."

While KiJun, refusing to compromise on his armor, donned an apron over it and expertly minced the meat, Lora naively applauded.

The other members, bored inside, went out to explore the village and greet the people, leaving only Lora with KiJun. Armillca had wanted to stay with Lora, but Herbert and In took her out, seeing through her intentions.

"Have you ever considered using a sword?"

"A kitchen knife and a sword are different."

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that..."

"It's okay."

As Lora, overwhelmed by admiration for KiJun, bowed to apologize again, he stopped her.

He began seasoning the minced meat with sugar, honey, and soy sauce from Turris's importer, continuing the conversation.

"I chose a shield initially because I didn’t want to be a burden. I tried other weapons, but the shield felt most natural. So, I ended up learning to fight with a shield, with help from my master."

―You're glamorizing that training with the demon quite nicely, Contractor.

Ignoring Lucy's remark, KiJun began kneading the tteok-galbi mix. Noticing Lora's silence, he glanced at her to find her tearfully moved by his embellished tale.

KiJun, flustered, forgot his façade and muttered, "Why are you crying?"

"Your noble resolve moves me... You truly are a hero at heart, Mr. Jun!"

Could she be twisting his actions to heroically interpret them?

But her blind admiration, though burdensome, was useful now.

'It's just the two of us... I should tell her now.'

Thomas Aquinas, the renowned Italian theologian and philosopher, said, "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible."

While Aquinas referred to faith in God, Lora's faith in KiJun was not much different.

KiJun could trust Lora to believe him without demanding clear evidence.

"Lora, I have something to tell you."

"Yes, yes?! Say anything! I'm... ready!"

Wearing an apron over his armor and kneading the tteok-galbi, KiJun spoke in a serious tone, a man hiding behind a mask. Lora, with her eyes sparkling, eagerly awaited his words.


―I've already set up a barrier.

He created a soundproof barrier using spirit power without Lora noticing.

No matter what she was expecting, KiJun's next words would surely astonish her. He spoke with a bitter smile.

"―――― is an enemy."

"Excuse me?"

Her question was not due to not hearing him but rather the shock of his statement. However, KiJun, continuing to knead the tteok-galbi, added only this.

"So be careful."


Lora, realizing his seriousness, nodded dumbfoundedly. KiJun nodded back and returned to his cooking.

'The tteok-galbi just needs to be seasoned and cooked now. Using the remaining bones and meat for broth to make noodles would be ideal.'

―Noodles? Yay, Contractor, you're the best!


While KiJun was having a serious conversation with his party member, Lucy was simply overjoyed about having noodles for dinner. Even though Ur often looked at her disdainfully, KiJun chose not to mention that Ur wasn't much different when faced with KiJun's cooking.

KiJun's tteok-galbi and noodles were, of course, a huge hit. Selective eater Armillca left some food behind as usual, but Gin and Herbert finished off even her leftovers and requested another bowl each.

"Your cooking holds a power to negate evil... It's astonishing."

Gin's mother was surprised by the food's effect, explaining in detail how it felt like a tainted soul being healed.


Unlike her, Gin's father simply shed tears, silently finishing his bowl of noodles.

KiJun, reminded of someone he knew, smiled bitterly and said, "Eating too much of this might still have adverse effects."

"It might seem detrimental, but that's only in terms of physical strength. I feel as if the pure magical energy, long oppressed by werewolf energy, is stirring within me."

"It’s a truly remarkable cuisine. Never imagined that we, cast into darkness, would be treated to such a light-filled meal."

After emptying all the dishes, Gin's father reached out to shake KiJun's hand.

"Thank you. This meal gave us hope that we too might become human again someday."

"If I have the chance, I'll cook again."

Pleased with his words, the man's hand, large as a pot lid, gripped KiJun's hand firmly. He shook it vigorously a couple of times before letting go.

"Would you like to try shooting a gun?"

"Ahh――! No, Dad!"

Gin, finishing his second bowl of tteok-galbi, jumped up and exclaimed.

"That should be for me! I've been practicing hard!"

"Gin? What would you need it for?"

"To accompany you to get the moonlight-imbued silver! I need a weapon to defend myself!"

Gin's bombshell declaration left KiJun unsurprised, but his parents were clearly not expecting it.


"No, Gin. Haven't you learned from your failures? You can't handle them."

KiJun realized Gin had not simply ventured out for food but had attempted to procure the moonlight-imbused silver alone.

"Why not? I can fight! I can wield a silver axe, and I can shoot too! I've practiced a lot!"

"You call that an argument...! Do you even know why these people are getting the silver?!"

"Sit down, Gin. You're weak, and I won't let my son go on a suicide mission."

"I'm a grown man now――! I want to properly get back at those who underestimated and oppressed me!"

The ensuing argument between parents and child was like something out of a drama on Earth, evoking a sense of nostalgia in KiJun.

Predictably, like in those dramas, Gin, angry at his unyielding parents, stormed out.

Indeed, being a werewolf, one tends to overlook that he's still only nineteen.

"Everyone's like that at that age. Firmly believing in their own potential. He'll be fine once he tastes bitterness. I went through the same."

Herbert attempted to defuse the awkward situation with a joke, but it had little effect. Armillca, possibly wasting her carefully saved calories on chocolate, giggled while unwrapping another one.

"She probably thought he'd be safe with us. Protecting that kid would only reduce our combat effectiveness――"


"It's okay. It's the truth."

The mother sighed and stood up.

"I need to talk some sense into him. He doesn't realize how attractive he is as prey..."

"I'll go, too."

"Me as well!"

Following KiJun, even Lora stood up, causing Armillca's eyes to sparkle in anticipation.

"Ah, then I'll go with Lo――"

"Sit down. You won't be helpful."

"Would you do anything but provoke him?"

However, hands from either side soon pushed her back into her seat.

Truly dependable party members.

KiJun, stepping outside with a smirk, didn't have to go far to find Gin. Fortunately, a village woman had already found and detained him.

―Ow, ma'am.

―But... your father...

It seemed to be the woman who had first greeted them upon arrival in the village. She was comforting Gin with hugs, pats on the back, and stroking his head.

Gin's mother, seeing this, momentarily looked troubled, but then smiled and approached them.

KiJun, still dazed from the shock, glanced at Lora, shrugging.

"It’s better not to interfere."

"That lady..."

Lora suddenly spoke.

"She seems to really care about Gin."

"He's like a son to everyone in the village."

"A son..."

A shadow fell over her face.

"It's incredible. To treat a complete stranger like one's own son... Or is it easier because he is a stranger?"

Her question seemed oddly vivid, as if stemming from personal experience.

KiJun then realized that her dazed expression earlier might not have been due to their conversation.

"If you need someone to talk to, let me know."

His offer surprised Lora, who quickly shook her head.

"That would be too much for you, Mr. Jun."

"Just tell me. It bothers me more if you don't."


Surprised by his casual tone, Lora's eyes widened, then narrowed into pretty crescent moons.

"Then I might ask you later. Right now, I'm too preoccupied with other things."


"Ah, why did you have to confide such important matters in me...!"

Lora, somewhat reinvigorated by KiJun's comforting, if not comforting words, or perhaps feeling a sense of camaraderie, playfully chided and laughed.

Lucy observed and commented.

—It seems like she's already on the way. Ur, will you sacrifice yourself to distract her?



The next day, Jahil Party left the village, ignoring Gin's desperate glances from where he was tied to a living room pillar.

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): Ah, he's away again.]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): KiJun, you're such a luxurious man, you know?]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): (Message deleted.)]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): He must still be in the relic, I know. He must be busy, especially as a party leader.]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): But I still feel neglected. Even if busy, couldn't you check your phone once in a while, send me a message or two? How can you be unreachable all day?]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): I won't delete this, I'm mad.]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): (Message deleted.)]

[Bice♥(imensional Waiting Room): (Message deleted.)]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): You need to realize how bored I am and reflect on it.]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): Just bored, you know?]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): How are your party members? You didn't forget my warning about women, did you?]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): Oh, and I thought of something else you need to be careful about.]

[Bice♥(Dimensional Waiting Room): Internal division.]

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