Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 61

Chapter 61


Translator/Editor: Ryuu

Discord: https://dsc.gg/wetried

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (61)

"Why didn't you take the magical shotgun?"

On the plain, having left the fog-shrouded village behind, en route to the mountain, Herbert expressed his disappointment.

"That was a remarkable weapon. Especially with its triple barrel."

"They might need it in the village. Besides, I'm not fond of shooting."

"So, you do have experience with firearms? You are indeed a man of mystery."

Ah, right. In most worlds, guns aren't common!

KiJun felt a moment of panic but managed to hide his expression thanks to his mask and casually brushed it off.

Herbert then asked, "Are you not good at shooting?"


KiJun couldn't help but snort at the question. Despite not having fond memories of his military service, his marksmanship, always hitting the target, was a point of pride. It might have been an early sign of KiJun's 'dexterity.’

His brother always insisted he was a sharpshooter too, which was obviously a lie. And Shin, who had not served in the military, always looked sullen during such talks. Min, who didn't understand what a sharpshooter was, simply applauded, thinking it was cool. And JiHye...


"Ah. ...Nothing."

Reminiscing about his old party members, KiJun came back to reality, facing Herbert, who looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"Herbert, you seem like you've used firearms before, not just crossbows."

"Of course. My crossbow is exceptional, but Vladimir... Ah, that's the name of my handgun."

At that moment, KiJun intuitively realized he had chosen the wrong topic. Anyone who names their gun is definitely dangerous!

"Everyone coveted it. Its weight, grip, performance, rate of fire, durability. Everything was perfect. With him, there was no monster I couldn't take down."

"Is that so? But now...?"

"I can no longer use it. ...I've lost the right to wield it."

As Herbert said this with a bitter smile, Armillca, who was listening, mocked him.

"You could just say it broke and you threw it away."

"Vladimir is not dead."

"Okay, then..."

Herbert replied seriously, leaving even Armillca speechless.

After some time, just as Lucy started to nag KiJun about lunch...

"We're entering their territory. There are traces. If we're lucky, we might reach our destination sooner than expected... Jun."

"Battle positions."

Alerted by Herbert's sharp warning, KiJun immediately announced it loudly for everyone to hear. In drew his heavy steel rod, and Armillca placed her hand on her sheathed sword.

As Lora hid behind In, KiJun raised his shield.


Something shot like a cannonball struck his shield, creating a terrible noise.

"What's that?!"

"Moonlight stone."

Catching the rebounded object skillfully, KiJun identified it and twisted his lips into a smile.

"Maybe they think we're werewolves who haven't transformed and are trying to force us by throwing moonlight stones?"

"Trying to force transformation with moonlight stones...?"

"Here they come."

While Armillca asked incredulously, Herbert, who had fired bolts in quick succession, suddenly disappeared into the shadows.


A howl that instills primal fear in humans followed, signaling the arrival of frenzied beasts.

"Transformed ones, huh?"

Herbert was quick to notice, preventing an ambush. Spotting one immediately drew out over thirty more, worse than cockroaches.

And judging by the force of the recent throw, they seemed to be of the rare grade...

In other words, an XP goldmine.

"Ha! I'm going first!"


Before KiJun could stop her, Armillca, with a sharpened blade, charged headfirst into the pack of wolves.

"Hyaa―― Haat!"

Her swift strike caught the beasts off guard. Piercing the abdomen of the lead wolf, she emerged, painting her blade with deep crimson. The wolves, lacking intelligence, couldn't dodge her swift strikes. Once hit, the putrid blood poured out, leading quickly to death.

Herbert, already back from the shadows, fired silver-plated bolts, scattering and disrupting the wolves' formation...

Suddenly, KiJun thought.

"Do we even need a tank in this party?"

"Tanks are needed for formidable enemies we haven't met yet. Go ahead, Lora's safe with me."

"If you get hurt, I'll heal you right away!"

"In that case―― Ur!"


Eventually, KiJun, too, charged into battle with a shield in each hand.

In the corner of his vision, he spotted a pack of wolves circling in the distance.

"Flash Throw!"

Were they targeting Lora and In? KiJun hurled two shields, infused with both flame and light, at the approaching wolves.

The shields, drawing red arcs, sliced through the pack from head to tail, crossing in mid-air before returning to KiJun.


Catching them, KiJun faced the wolves converging on him from all sides, smiling as he charged.

Amidst the complications of this expedition, facing mindless enemies and simply rampaging felt surprisingly good.

'But wait.'

As he collided head-on with the wolves, KiJun suddenly had a thought.

"How did these mindless creatures handle the moonlight stones?"

Realizing this, KiJun and Lucy's senses aligned, and his immense spirit power transformed into spiritual energy through Lucy, spreading at the speed of light.



He quickly turned and threw his shield.

In, seeing a shield flying towards them, widened his eyes and stepped in front of Lora. The shield whizzed past In's waist and struck a furry monster that had suddenly emerged from behind, right in the head.


Werewolves had dug tunnels and were stealthily approaching!

The fact that intelligent werewolves were controlling the feral ones was surprising, but even more astonishing was KiJun's precise sensing and interception of the enemy's attack. In, impressed by KiJun's sharp senses, heard his stern warning.

"In, defend properly! They are targeting Lora!"

"Ah, got it!"


In, protecting Lora, frantically swung his steel rod to fend off the werewolves emerging from the tunnels.

Meanwhile, KiJun, surrounded by wolves trying to encircle him, chuckled and prepared for battle with his shield, the King of the Well, held in front.

He then charged forward powerfully, leaping from the ground!

"Get lost――!"


His swift charge created a long trail of flames behind him, reaching the wolves surrounding Lora and In.



Spotting a werewolf with a shield stuck in its head, KiJun crushed its skull to finish it off, picked up the shield, and began casting Moonlight Blood Fang, ready for full-blown combat.

And then.

"Come at me――!"

―Ur, time your flames more perfectly!


KiJun's whole body fiercely sparkled with light and flames, instilling an intense fury in the werewolves, compelling them to attack him!


―That bastard!

"Come on, you mirror-avoiding puppies, bring it――!"


―Blinding Taunt (U) skill level increased to 3!

Even his allies, In and Lora, were briefly paralyzed by the intensity of his taunt. Every werewolf in the area, regardless of their intelligence, was irresistibly drawn to KiJun!


―I'll kill you!

―Let's get him first...!


"In, focus on those distracted by me!"

"Ah, got it!"

KiJun, surrounded on all sides, skillfully wielded his two shields engulfed in fierce flames, fending off and countering all attacks from the werewolves.

Moving in circles, his rapid shield movements left afterimages, clearly demonstrating his mastery of the twin fangs of light in his hands.

Lora, watching KiJun, who was overwhelming his enemies despite being outnumbered, was in awe.

"KiJun... you're so cool...!"

Of course, to an objective observer, KiJun, attracting aggro from all sides and sparkling in real-time, didn't look cool. But since he had saved her, Lora's admiration knew no bounds.

"Cough! Ha! This doesn't even feel like a fight!"

―Thump! Thud!

In, too, was smashing the skulls of the werewolves with his steel rod, but even as they died, their eyes were fixed on KiJun.

"Ah, my Lo――ra is in danger!"

"How absurd...!"

Armillca and Herbert, realizing the rear situation too late, rejoined the fray, incredulous.

Of course, by the time they returned, KiJun's shields and In's rod had already crushed most of the werewolf heads.

―Level increased to 26 with an increase in Strength (U) 1, Dexterity (L) 1, Endurance (U) 1!

Despite facing only rare-grade enemies, KiJun's level increased, reflecting his accumulated experience. The growth in physical stats balanced out his already rapid growth in light magic and spirit power.

'Good, even a single point increase in stats at the unique grade makes a noticeable difference.'

Feeling stronger, more durable, and sharper, KiJun savored his progress since arriving in Reta. Meanwhile, Herbert, having collected his silver bolts, narrowed his eyes at KiJun.

"Did your level just increase?"

"I had enough experience."

"Remarkable. Congratulations."

"Congratulations, leader."

"Congratulations, KiJun!"


As the party clapped, KiJun remembered his tutorial days and felt nostalgic, but soon asked them to stop due to the awkwardness.

"It's not easy to level up at high levels, especially for someone as strong as KiJun."

Apparently, there was a misunderstanding, but KiJun, in reality, was of a low level. He resolved not to show off his level-ups in the future, and said,

"As you saw, the werewolves are controlling others. More critically, they've started targeting our priest, aware that we have one."

"How did they find out so quickly? I was sure we eliminated all the werewolves on our way back with KiJun."

Armillca's disbelief and Herbert's sharp retort went ignored as KiJun declared,

"From now on, Herbert focuses on scouting, avoiding direct combat. We'll form a formation around Lora and move quickly to our destination."

"It seems like they are deliberately targeting Lora. It's only natural we do this! I agree!"



The party, rearranged, moved quickly towards their destination.

Their judgment was correct; attacks targeting Lora from a distance and tunnel-digging enemies increased.

Most were intercepted by Herbert, and KiJun blocked the rest.

"You have great senses."

"I can only help within the reach of my shield."

"Ah, Lo――ra! Are you okay? Want some chocolate?"

"I'm fine... Is everyone okay? Do you need healing?"

"I'm fine."

"Ugh...! Maybe I should fight too!"

Lora, feeling useless as a priest, was disheartened when they reached the foot of the mountain.

"We waited long enough, humans."

There, they encountered hundreds of werewolves lying in ambush.

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