Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 62

Chapter 62


Translator/Editor: Ryuu

Discord: https://dsc.gg/wetried

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (62)

"I knew you humans would come here."

"Truly pathetic, crawling all the way here, believing the words of a woman deluded with grandiose fantasies."

At the forefront of the werewolf pack were two noticeably larger werewolves.

It was hard to distinguish their gender, as they had completely transformed into monsters, but the one on the left seemed to be originally a woman, judging by the slightly higher pitch of the voice.

They were probably mid-boss monsters, subordinates of Quinodon, controlling this area of the ruins.

Moreover, their stats were higher, and their race grade remained at Rare, surpassing KiJun's own grade.

How did KiJun discern this?

―You are facing a Darkness/Evil attribute boss monster. The title effect [The Last Hero (L)] activates, enhancing all abilities by 30%.

―You are facing an enemy of a higher grade. The effect of the title [Transcender of Limits (L)] has been activated, dramatically obtaining positive adjustments.

This surge in power was evident immediately upon encountering them, as the messages appeared before his eyes.

Suddenly, KiJun wondered if the title effects would disappear if he engaged the underlings instead of these bosses. However, a quick test with his shield confirmed that they did not.


―The level of the skill 'Flash Throw (R)' has reached level 5!

The King of the Well, now faster and radiating brighter light than before, circled through the air, beheading over ten werewolves before returning to his hand, with the two mid-bosses unable to react in time.

"What―― You damn human!"

"We'll kill you!"

Despite their shock and fear at KiJun's performance, surpassing their reaction speed, the werewolves tried to suppress their negative emotions with anger.

Yet, KiJun, facing the werewolves who seemed ready to attack any moment, casually shook off the blood and brain matter from his shield and snorted.

"I'm not a human, but a Flame Human. Seems like your eyesight is bad, being beasts and all."

"Whew, that really woke me up. Nice attack, leader."

Were these werewolves different from the ones he had encountered before, elite troops numbering in hundreds, appearing all at once, intimidating him for a moment?

Even Armillca, who seemed to be stiffened up, drew his sword with a whistle.

In, too, was on alert, protecting Lora, who, with a determined look, pulled out a thick book from her bosom.

No, it wasn't a book.

It was a leather case containing hundreds of glowing papers.

She took out a few sheets, placed them between her fingers, and glared.

"I will use the sacred battle spells――!"

"Ah, Lo――ra! So gracious!"

Regardless of Armillca's scream, Lora chanted with a passionate voice amidst the enveloping light.

"O you who oversee every holy struggle of warriors, the brightest morning star in the heavens. Hear the prayers of the battlefield and respond!"


Just then, Lucy turned to look at Lora, her eyes widening slightly.

As Lora threw the papers, they burst into flames in mid-air.

A dazzling golden power... no, more fittingly, a divine power, formed a giant ring surrounding the area.

"Ishtar, the brilliant goddess of victory―― bless us with your light!"


Suddenly, a shining pentagram appeared within the ring enveloping KiJun and the werewolves, then vanished.

KiJun's eyes widened as he felt a new vitality surge within him.

It wasn't a dramatic increase in power, but it affected all his skills uniformly, and most importantly... his inherent light power was being amplified.

For KiJun, this was an earth-shaking event because, due to his unique skill of repelling all buffs and debuffs, he had never received buffs from others before!

'I can't believe it's accepting the buff without resistance.'

―It must be because the contractor has become a Light Human. Since the powers are fundamentally the same, it accepted it without resistance.

'Goodness, what an incredible blessing. Ishtar, a priestess of light...'

―Contractor, ugh, I don't like that girl, but we might have to stick with her for a long time. Sniff...

'Alright, don't cry, Lucy.'

A priestess who could apply buffs to KiJun, who otherwise couldn't receive them, was naturally someone to keep for life.

As KiJun chuckled at Lucy's sobbing manner, he lifted his shield.

Seemingly irritated by the light Lora created, a werewolf man―― mid-boss A, with elongated claws, swung at her.


The werewolf's sharply extended claws clashed with the shield, creating noise and sparks.

Despite his efforts

to overpower KiJun, only a smile formed on KiJun's lips.

Already empowered by 'The Last Hero' and 'Transcender of Limits', and now unexpectedly supported by Lora's dramatic intervention―― the attack didn't feel heavy at all.

―Kill that woman first――!

As the werewolves rushed like a wave at Lora and the others, KiJun blocked mid-boss A's claws, gathering strength in his shield hand, igniting more fiercely with flames and light, and spoke without looking back.

"Protect them with your life, In."



"Kahaha! Sl――ow――!"

While KiJun held off one mid-boss, Armillca was grappling with another, effortlessly dodging and mocking the enemy's attacks, seemingly capable of handling it on his own.

―Kill the sparkling woman... Cough!

―Kyaaak! Silver arrows! Silver arrows!

―Who's shooting, Kuaak!

Herbert, hidden somewhere, was unseen, but given that many werewolves rushing towards Lora and In were falling with bolts in their heads, his contribution was undeniable.

'But I'm worried about how long In can hold out. Let's finish this quickly.'

The flames and light from his two shields merged, forming a giant spike.

Secretly enhancing it was the [Adamant (L)] skill, elevating not just his body but also his equipment to the realm of the divine.

The werewolf mid-boss, not to be underestimated, swung its moonlit glowing claws, but――


Caught in KiJun's fiercely thrust spike, the claws snapped off at the root and flew away.

After all, a mere dog's claws couldn't defeat a holy steel imbued with sacred fire.

―You have successfully butchered a powerful enemy with masterful butchery skills, improving the material quality. You have obtained [Moonlit Stained Claw (U)].

―Butchery (R) skill has reached level 11!

KiJun quickly stored the werewolf's claw in his inventory, a smile forming on his lips.

"Indeed, the Butchery skill is truly a combat skill."

―Thi, this...!

The infuriated creature regenerated its claws in the moonlight and lunged again, but this was a welcome development for KiJun.

A monster kindly helping him continuously harvest Unique grade materials!

―Repeated actions increase proficiency, allowing you to butcher the enemy more effectively and obtain quality materials. You have obtained [Moonlit Stained Claw (U)].


"I wonder how long I can keep getting them. Let's keep going."

"I'll definitely tear you to shreds and roast you!"

The blue claws cutting through the air drew terrifying curves of destruction, and the fangs wrapped in red light unfailingly severed them.

After several exchanges, the werewolf lost all ten of its claws to KiJun, who gained a few more drops and leveled up his Butchery skill, in return.



The werewolf, now resorting to using its clawed feet, attempted to kick KiJun, but he anticipated the move, stepping aside and pushing the beast off balance with his shield.

―This damn――――!

At that moment, astonishingly, the werewolf used its tail to propel itself off the ground, launching an attack on KiJun with its gaping maw.

As KiJun faced the massive maw, dark as if leading to hell itself, he quickly ducked.

―I'll devour you――!


Just as the werewolf's jaw cast a deep shadow over his head, KiJun, straightening his bent knees, leaped forward into the werewolf's embrace――.

He plunged one of his razor-sharp, blood-red fangs into the creature's chest and thrust the other upwards into its jaw.

―Ke, kehe...

As the holy fire erupted with a chilling sound, melting the werewolf's lower jaw completely― the teeth, which had resisted melting, clattered to the ground as the gums turned to white ash.

Of course, his Butchery skill leveled up again.

"Who did you get your information from?"


"Ah, can't speak, huh?"

Tsk, KiJun clicked his tongue and, putting more force into the shield embedded in the werewolf's chest, shoved it deeper before swiftly pulling it out.

The edge of the shield now bore the werewolf's still-beating heart.

―Level 28 achieved: Strength (U) increased by 2, Dexterity (L) by 1, Endurance (U) by 1, Light Magic (L) by 1, and Spirit Power (L) by 1.

―Fire Spirit Magic (R) reached level 58, Moonlight Blood Fang (L) level 5, Lucy (L) level 7, Adamant (L) level 3.

―Obtained Blue Moon Wolf's Heart (U). Butchery (R) reached level 15.

As KiJun watched the mid-boss turn to ashes, smirking, he neatly extracted the heart, collected the scattered teeth into his inventory, and then turned around.

―Ka-Karol is dead...!

―The Flame Human! He's too strong!

"How could..."

"Jun, could it be you're even stronger than I thought?"

The allies and enemies alike were stunned at the unexpectedly quick end of the battle.

But KiJun couldn't explain that it was due to the advantageous title effects and Lora's buffs, so he decided to do what he always did under such scrutiny.

"Come at me, all of you――!"

It was his Blinding Taunt.

"Ah, really!"


While some party members were terrified, the werewolves, unable to withstand their hatred and anger towards him, rushed from all directions.

Ironically, mid-boss B, who was being toyed with by Armillca, couldn't escape the effect of the Blinding Taunt either.

―That damned flame, that annoying light――!

"Ha, you have the guts to take your eyes off me...? I'll grant your wish to die!"

Even though Armillca was dominant in a direct fight, the werewolf, having lost all reason, stood no chance against him from behind.

Quickly beheading the mid-boss, Armillca threw its head among the werewolves rushing towards KiJun, distracting them before charging in, slashing down dozens in a display of his might.

"I can't let leader be the only cool one! Lo――ra, watch meeeee!"

"I'm watching, so be careful!"

Unlike the previous battle, where most werewolves were bestial, this time they faced well-armed, elite troops. Yet, KiJun faced them without blinking.


His spent mana and spirit power were replenished by the unique circulation of his own magic, warming his entire body.

Part of it flowed to Ur and Lucy, becoming the power of light and flame, while the rest fueled Adamant, transforming his two shields into divine weapons.

KiJun, standing firm on the ground, relentlessly pushed and tore through his enemies.

Until he fell, no one could surpass him, and he would not fall unless he chose to.

"Ha, the calculations keep changing!"

"Hoo―― are you okay, Lora?"

"Yes, yes. I'm fine."

As the tide of battle turned, Herbert reappeared, launching attacks, and In, who had been protecting Lora, finally had a chance to catch his breath and fight more comfortably.

It seemed there were more hidden enemies, as over a hundred werewolves emerged after the two leaders died, but by then, even Lora, abandoning her role as healer, was casting light attack spells, cleaning up the battlefield neatly.

―Level 30 achieved: Strength (U) increased by 1, Dexterity (L) by 1, Spirit Power (L) by 1.

―Due to the stimulating battle, additional growth in Strength (U) 1, Endurance (U) 1.

―Fire Spirit Magic (R) reached level 60, Adamant (L) level 4, Salutaris (L) level 5.


KiJun tried to hide his joy as he felt his body creaking, realigning and strengthening in real time.

But a faint smile still appeared on his face.



Herbert approached and spoke to him.

Anticipating what he was about to say, KiJun hardened his expression and nodded.

"The enemy's tactics were too calculated. There's a traitor in the village."


"Perhaps our arrival disrupted their original plans. They might be afraid of us becoming true humans. So they attacked us in desperation."


"In the worst case... we might find the village gone when we return."

"I hope that's not the case."

A bitter smile, different from the one before, crossed his lips.

While contemplating leaving the guns in the village, he noticed Herbert's oddly calm expression while discussing such matters.

"Aren't you surprised?"

"The best prophecy is history itself. I've seen this kind of thing before. It's all too common."


Strangely, that echoed the words of the famous Romantic poet George Gordon Byron.

"Let's go," Herbert said shortly, looking back at the party members before scouting ahead, then glanced at KiJun.

"That's why I told you not to get too attached."

As they entered the mountain, the werewolf attacks completely ceased.

While ascending the mountain and checking the map, they soon discovered an unnaturally piled rock tomb, confirming it to be a silver mine.

And after hours of digging through dirt and rocks, they finally found silver imbued with the power of the moon.

A large deposit of Moonlight stones was a bonus.

"They're all dead? By them? How, how..."

"No! That can't be!"


"Please spare them... If not for that condition, I wouldn't have let you in. Never."

"There's a magical contract. I took it when escaping the lab..."

"Fine, I don't care about the rest."

"No, there are people who must be killed."

"That woman."

"The wolf pup? Are you talking about Gin?"

"…I know, it's okay."

"It's not my child anyway."

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