Everything will be my way!

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Three people were flying astride a wide-winged snowy owl: the man held the reins, controlling the bird, and two girls, sitting as far away from each other as possible, looked boredly at the floating horizon lit by the moon and stars.

«Bunnies, as I have already said, passive scanning is the radiation of pure energy. While ordinary people won’t feel the impact of advanced practitioners like you, there is at least one exception in Dantes: the bloody empress Lanatelle. If she senses your scanning, she will definitely try to find out what kind of powerful creatures visited the capital of her empire without an invitation, and then, I’m afraid, anything can happen to you. Therefore, please do not try to use energy in the city. Disable the scanning.» – Kyon said mainly for Leila.

One of the girls snorted dismissively: «I’m not a complete fool to sign my own death warrant…»

Soon, the three went through customs and drove up to the hotel..

«And what does it mean?» – Leila frowned.

«We’ll stay here for a week, two at most. I will not say the exact reason, but I will give a hint that it is related to my work.» – Kyon explained, having decided to hide from Valeera for some time.

{What kind of work does he have?} – Eve was burning with curiosity.

«Why didn’t you ask for my opinion?» – Leila was indignant like a capricious princess.

{I don’t give a damn about your opinion, you know!} – Kyon snapped to himself.

The hotel was not inferior in quality to the previous one, so the pixie was not indignant for long.

When everyone took a shower in turn, Lovr pointedly looked at Leila. She was sitting with her hair down in a cute dark nightgown. He slyly asked: «Do you want to watch cartoons? Or are you already an adult and prefer movies?»

The girl nodded understandingly: «Do you want to control me with this? Fuck off, Daddy! I’m not going to dance to your tune anymore. I’m no longer the stupid girl who is ready to do anything for watching cartoons.»

Eve’s face peeked out of the bathroom, curiously watching the conversation.

«What will you do in your free time without movies and cartoons?»

Leila confidently declared: «Since you restrict me, I will walk around the city without a veil in search of entertainment. To spite you, I will create such problems that you will not even see in a nightmare, or…» – after an expressive pause, the pixie added. – «You can get my obedience by coming up with something else.»

«And what?» – Kyon chuckled skeptically.

Leila answered immediately, as if she had already thought everything out in advance: «Think for yourself: how should a weak bald old man behave next to a young invincible beauty-goddess? When I feel that you treat me properly, I will obey.»

«Simply put, are you offering me to become your slave?» – Lovr crossed his arms on his chest.

The girl raised her index finger: «Note, you came to this conclusion yourself!»

Sometimes Kyon wanted to flog Leila for instructive purposes. It is clear that she is deliberately provoking him, trying in this way to achieve a different attitude towards herself, more respectful and submissive. But she does not even suspect that, having achieved what she wants, she will not obey the “slave”. Many inexperienced women make a similar mistake, domesticating their husbands and eventually losing all interest in them. I wonder if she realized this simple truth when she was 322 years old?

Lovr had a bright, even brilliant idea. Why didn’t he think of such an effect on his daughters earlier? Having gone to the restroom, he created two formations for receiving and sending a signal, and then on top of them he grew two manipulators with soft buttons from the elements of the earth. He also had to create headphones. He handed all these things to the girls.

«What is it?» – they asked in unison.

«Joysticks. With their help, you can interact with NPCs in the game and control your game character. I suggest instead of looking for adventures on the street to look for them in the game!»

Eve and Leila exchanged puzzled glances. Nothing is clear, but very interesting.

Kyon put two nephrites on the table. Two large screens with the image of the main menu of the game were formed from them. He motioned the beautIes to sit on the sofa and gave instructions.

The essence of the game is primitively simple: girls play for their copies, perform various tasks, level up and expand opportunities. A typical mousetrap for gamers, with the difference that the graphics are identical to the real world, and each NPC is controlled by artificial intelligence, indistinguishable from human intelligence, that is, you can and should communicate with them.

«Can you do that too?!» – Eve blurted out with a sparkle in her eyes.

«It’s like I’m on the other side of the screen! Unbelievable! Ho-o-ow?!» – Leila was amazed.

In ten minutes, the girls figured out the basics of the game and put themselves through its world. Half an hour later, you could snap your fingers in front of them, but they would not even notice it. It seemed that behind the screen there were not projections created by Synergy, but their souls.

Since the interaction with the NPC implied voice communication, the voices of Leila and Eve were heard in the room every now and then. At first, this confused the girls, but they quickly got used to it. They also understood that their powers were limited, because they were only at the 1st level.

«You! Yes, you! Is your name Pavel?» … « How did I find out? Hee-hee, it’s written above your head!» … «Of course, you don’t understand, you are not real!» … «How about becoming my servant?» … «Oh, no? And what do you say now?!»

As soon as Leila took off her veil in the game world, she was quickly surrounded by a crowd of people, mostly men. It took her two minutes to gather an army of servants following at her heels. At least, she thought they were her servants.

The girl’s melodious laughter echoed through the hotel room. Her eyes shone brighter than the sun: «See, Dad?! I told you that beauty causes more than just problems! I’ve got a crowd of submissive stooges! Soon I will take over the whole city!»

Suddenly the smile on Leila’s lips faded. To the battle music in the ears, five men of a bandit appearance came out of the crowd and, pushing the townspeople apart, grabbed her game character by the arms and, with disgusting faces full of lust, dragged her into the nearest dark alley. Resistance gave no results. It was necessary to have at least 30 strength, but she only has 10.

«Idiots, save me! What the hell are you staring at?! They will **** me! Why are you silent?! You are my servants! Do you hear?! A-a-a-ah! А-а-а-а-а-а-а! I’m about to be raped, someone save me! А-А-А-А-А-А!»

Kyon put a soundproof barrier on the room in time, otherwise, because of the loud screeching of Leila, who seems to have decided that she herself was being kidnapped, there would be problems.

When the character’s dress was torn off, Leila began to cry: «No… I don’t want… For what…» – what upset her most in this situation was not even the fact that the “servants” did not save her, but the fact that they stayed to watch what was happening. And judging by the bumps in the pants of some of them, it was clear for what reason. And the damned melody, as if created for perverts, was getting on her nerves…

«Use the teleportation formation.» – Eve prompted, throwing a fleeting disinterested glance at her sister.

«How?! Show me! Quicker! Sis, hurry up! А-а-а-а-а! А-А-А-А!»

The little fairy rolled her eyes, showed how to enter the inventory and activate teleportation, then explained: «The charge is restored in one hour. Considering your approach to the game, even ten charges per hour will not be enough for you. So good luck with the next bandits.»

At this time, Kyon, who was sitting next to them, could not help laughing, acting on the pixie’s nerves.

«Stop laughing! I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!» – the girl muttered resentfully and continued to look for problems in the game world. Very soon, she dared to stop the rich-looking carriage… The guards immediately decided to check the formation, which, of course, she did not have, and by order of some fat gentleman they dragged her inside.

When the veil was removed from her, everything went according to the already familiar scenario. Unless the freak chose to bring her home first. A minute before the disaster, a message popped up: “Beginner’s luck. The charge of the teleportation formation has been restored”.

While her sister was escaping, Eve had already taken the 5th level and received the profession of a gardener.

After another twenty minutes, Kyon suddenly turned off the screen.

It was as if Leila’s soul was taken away from her: «Give it back! Turn it back on! I almost found a normal servant! Turn it on for another ten minutes, please, Daddy! My dear!» – the pixie pleaded haltingly, gently shaking Zosimos by the shoulders.

«And I just saved up money for the seeds of the golden flower…» – Eve muttered in frustration.

Kyon felt such power over the girls, which he had never dreamed of until now. He even wanted to burst into the devilish laughter of the inveterate villain. Looking at Leila with a heavy fatherly look, he said: «It’s too late. You shouldn’t be overexcited before going to bed. You’ll play tomorrow, if you behave yourself, of course. You will behave yourself, won’t you?»

«Y…» – the girl swallowed nervously, looking away and biting her lip. – «Yes, I will…»

«That’s nice.» – disguising a malevolent grin behind a good-natured smile, Lovr condescendingly stroked the previously naughty mischievous cutie on the head. The blush that appeared on her delicate cheeks flattered the young man’s self-esteem.

Leila blushed with helplessness, embarrassment and humiliation. In the morning, she made a strong-willed decision never to become a puppet on strings in the hands of Zosimos again, not to let him push her around with some cartoons and movies, but now she is again under his complete control! The way he did it all, amazed and even admired the girl.

Soon the daughters went to bed and fell asleep pretty quickly. Kyon found a ringing sound transmitter. Judging by the frequency – Valeera is calling. Without hesitation, he put the device under the pillow and fell asleep. He was not going to communicate with her until he fulfilled his promise.

Early in the morning, Kyon woke up because of a high-pitched squeal. Leila burst into his room, white as chalk, with a scarlet spot between her legs and bloodied hands: «I think I’m dying! I’m dying! А-а-а-а-а! It’s all because of you, you bald old man! You killed me!»

«I?» – Kyon was surprised.

«It’s all because of your damn game! It’s all because of the games! Someone raped my game character at night, and it happened to me!» – she jumped onto the man’s bed and angrily shook him by the shoulders, like a cotton doll.

When Eve came into the room with the same symptom, Leila only became convinced of her theory and shook dad even harder. If he were an ordinary person, his head would have already fallen off.

«It doesn’t work like that! You just have your period!» – Kyon grumbled, pushing the girl away. – «This is normal! All women get it once a month!» – he began explaining, not hesitating to use the screen with the image for clarity, thereby calming his daughters. To heighten the effect, he even invited a servant who confirmed this information and explained what pads are and how to use them.

Meanwhile, Lovr involuntarily became interested: {I wonder from whose side the synchronization occurred? Which of them is the leader?} – usually, if two girls are in frequent contact, they synchronize their cycles in the direction of a more dominant female.

After a rather tense breakfast, during which Kyon kept catching piercing glances at himself, he and his daughters went to training. Already on the spot, Lovr created two virtual reality helmets with the element of the earth and asked the girls to put them on.

Nothing has changed fundamentally for Eve and Leila. They just had the opportunity to choose a test to gain experience and levels that will be transferred to their game characters in another game.

Thus, Kyon motivated the girls to train harder. He combined business with pleasure. And if they remembered the technique of sticking to the surface, then it would be possible to teach them to fight with the help of virtual opponents.

Morning gave way to evening.

Considering that creating pressure and scanning the environment require the skills of using pure energy, Lovr suggested that it would take a little time to restore the girls’ abilities. But exactly how long? Will they make it in 10-12 days? After all, by this time it will be unsafe to leave Dantes because of the possibility of the appearance of the 3rd wave of demons. He wasn’t going to repeat all that horror.

Right now, Kyon was faced with an equally priority task: to determine the location of the underground auction in order to slam all the «cockroaches» of the shadow world at once. He could not wait for the return of his daughters’ abilities to complete this task, because the auction could begin in the near future. It’s time to act.

«Honey, get ready. We are leaving.» – Kyon said shortly, getting up.

«Why so early?» … «Well, I almost got to the fifth level…»

«Today we will visit the Golden Pig guild, and I will need your help. Any mistake is fraught with sad consequences. Are you ready to listen to me carefully?»

«No problem.» – Eve nodded.

«For two… No, I’m ready to help for three levels.» – Leila smiled slyly, eloquently rubbing her thumb and index finger.

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