Everything will be my way!

Chapter 431

Chapter 431

The man and two girls were approaching the Golden Pig guild. Kyon dressed in luxurious shiny clothes to match his image, while Eve and Leila dressed up in magnificent dresses. In addition to the veils, their father forced them to wear headphones with soundproofing barriers put on them. He explained that such measures are necessary to preserve the secrecy of his work, besides, it can always be useful to be able to transmit a sound command unnoticed.

Leila, of course, resisted such blatant secrecy, but in the end she gave up. After all, her father had a secret weapon of mass destruction – games.

The guild building was a square seven-story building with golden domes, dotted with coats of arms depicting a golden pig. At the entrance, there was a full-length statue of the aforementioned pig, cast in pure gold. A huge number of rich and reputable people crossed the guild entrance.

The guards examined the outstretched token and let the three guests inside, where the servant escorted them to the waiting room.

The token shown by Kyon belonged to Albert: The Clintons’ family alchemist. Kyon had killed him. He received the same token from Xiao Bai before the family tournament. It is also interesting that one of the best alchemists of the empire had the token of the 2nd rank, and some fat man from the Stones had the token of the 1st rank. It gave not only the highest possible discount when making deals, but also other privileges like a VIP cell, an account and even a private room for an auction. One could only guess how his stepbrother got the token of the 1st rank.

The guild lobby literally shone with sophistication: crystal chandeliers, golden pig-shaped lamps, statues and fountains, ceilings, walls and floors made of golden marble…

After 10 minutes spent in the waiting room, the guests were greeted by a particularly well-trained and diligent servant. He asked them to follow him to the last 7th floor. This place was distinguished not only by an even greater gloss in the form of expensive decorations and sculptures, but also by absolute silence.

The servant led the guests to a room for an audience with particularly important clients. It should be noted that only the most authoritative persons of Rosarrio are able to get here, for example, the patriarchs of the first ten families, kings, queens and the empress.

When the three entered, it seemed to them that they had got to another world, ideal and perfect. Leila’s mouth opened with shock.

Kyon imperceptibly showed the girls where their seats were. As soon as they got comfortable in their seats, two fat men in pretentious and obviously obscenely expensive suits came into the room. One of them looked like a toad, which made Leila involuntarily grunt with laughter.

«Hello, gentlemen. My name is Zosimos.» – Kyon bowed respectfully.

Eve and Leila greeted the gentlemen, following the example of their father.

While one fat man was carefully studying the guests, the second one took a step forward and solemnly introduced his boss: «This is the owner of the Rosarrio center of the Golden Pig guild, the chief manager of all the establishments of the Golden Pig guild in the Rosarrio Empire, the great sixth golden brother, the master of mint mastery or abbreviated «MMM» and, ahem, the terrible Mr. Gusteau!»

The title of the sixth golden brother meant that the man was one of the seven co-owners of the Golden Pig guild, which founded its branches all over the world. Each of them, as it is easy to understand, manages all the guild points within the borders of his empire.

Puffing out his toad cheeks, the man spoke with a smile: «It’s nice to meet Albert’s disciple! With the Legendary lord of the cauldron! I’m not wrong, am I? Otherwise, where did you get his token?»

«You are absolutely right, Mr. Gusteau. I am a disciple of Albert.» – Kyon agreed. – «I must say right away that my master is absent due to the fact that he does not know about the decision of his disciple, who, due to his stupidity, decided to reveal his identity so soon, despite the strict prohibition.»

Gusteau plopped down on a chair opposite his interlocutor and kindly asked: «And what is the reason for your visit, since you dared to violate the prohibition of your master?»

«Cooperation. I have my own interests, and you have yours. I believe we will find them mutually beneficial.» – Kyon seemed calm, considering that there was a man in front of him whose authority significantly surpassed even his boss Milan and patriarch Horace. As for personal strength… It is unlikely that even the 1st general will give him an even fight.

«Such ambitious proposals are always good. But tell me, please, what kind of cooperation can we talk about if it starts with a lie?» – steel notes sounded in Gusteau’s polite tone.

Kyon remained silent, giving the other person a chance to finish his thought.

«If it is possible to produce rejuvenation medicine that works for practitioners at the superior phase, inclusive, for what reason is a mature man sitting in front of me instead of a youngster?»

«Good question. And you already know the answer to it, am I right?»

«Who could have persuaded old Albert to give up his family responsibilities? Who has the power to manufacture rejuvenation medicine that can turn the world around? What legendary personality is hiding in Rosarrio? Kyon Stone, the well-known messenger of the goddess! It was after your appearance, or perhaps awakening, that the day of the dark sky came. You not only introduced yourself to me by a false name, but also appeared under a false guise! It’s not very nice of you.» – concluded Gusteau.

All this time, Eve and Leila did not hear anything from the conversation.

The young man really didn’t like the fat man’s manner of communication. He seems to be deliberately trying to accuse him of some trifle, such as a changed appearance, as if he plans to take advantage of this, so Lovr decided to dot the “i”, in order to deprive the interlocutor of such an opportunity: «You are very perceptive. Which is to be expected from the sixth golden brother. Having appeared here, I realized that you would reveal my identity, so let’s dispense with far-fetched accusations. I was just testing you.»

Gusteau made a slight grimace, confirming that his plan was seen through. He held out his palm to his interlocutor: «Let me make sure. It is very difficult to see that cute gifted youth in a bald pot-bellied old man.»

Kyon demonstrated the Stones’ formation and said: «Earlier in the letter you received an offer of cooperation, and the condition was as follows: no later than a month, everyone in the city should know about Albert’s disciple, nicknamed “The Legendary Lord of the Cauldron” and believe in his wonderful alchemical abilities. Twenty days have passed since then and you have successfully completed your side of the deal. And here I am standing in front of you, ready for mutually beneficial cooperation. What do you say?»

«Let’s start by discussing what you can offer us.» – Gusteau said in a businesslike manner, intertwining his fingers in a lock.

Kyon took out two boxes with cells from the ring. In one there were pills, in the other – nephrites: «It is in my power to make curative medicine of any direction: from eliminating the consequences of a heart attack and concussion to treating obesity and cancer. Rejuvenation medicine. Medicine of unique bodies of “A” rank, and maybe even higher. Movement technique of “S” rank. The technique of creating silver, gold and platinum…» – and he immediately confirmed this with a deed.

Lovr has long dreamed of making money by selling the fruits of his labor, but still has not found a safe way. Once he tried, creating and selling a phoenix figurine, and in the end that situation turned against him. After that, he promised himself to approach this issue with maximum caution, and now, perhaps, is a great opportunity for this. And Eve and Leila, if necessary, will help him achieve what he wants.

By the way, Kyon was not afraid to strengthen his potential enemies. It will take many years for the destruction, conception and development of a unique body, that is, by this time he will become invincible. As for the movement technique… There is a flaw in it.

While the youth in the guise of a man painted his services in colors, Gusteau’s face gradually lost its long familiar mask of composure. Even despite his rich hundred-year life experience and high authority, the man could not maintain his self-control. The movement technique of “S” rank is worth a lot! And the drug for obesity… He must not become the sworn enemy of the Fat sect, or he will be eaten alive.

The fat man trusted Kyon’s words. At the tournament of families, he demonstrated explosive speed for his stage of development. He has just created precious metals, just as he once created the phoenix (this is the information collected about him in advance). As for medicine, the old man Ephraim, who had been a test subject, rejuvenated to 20 years old and runs around the brothels with might and main. His athletic toned body and a smile from ear to ear speak for themselves. Since rejuvenation medicine is real, then everything else is even more so! And yet, of course, medicine and heritage will be checked before the sale, but this is just for show.

«I am ready to provide all this to you in exchange for fulfilling several conditions: first, my cooperation with you will be limited to a sound transmitter, that is, no face-to-face meetings; secondly, my share will be half of the net profit, and you will send money to my trading account. These are my conditions, and they cannot be adjusted.» – Lovr summed up. He was not going to stoop to trading with a fat cunning fox.

Gusteau took a sip of strong coffee and smiled broadly, which made his drooping toad cheeks wobble hideously: «This is curious. I don’t remember a single person in my life who would make a deal with me in such a tone… You’re very confident, Kyon Stone. Amazingly confident!»

«And I have the right to be. My product is exclusive.» – Lovr calmly spread his hands.

«Yes, it is. Kyon, how about spreading your wings?»

He raised his thick eyebrows questioningly.

«I’m saying that you should set the bar higher. Me and my six golden brothers, who are in charge of all the Golden Pig guilds in the world, are ready to become your patrons. Endless resources and the best masters in the world will be at your disposal, kid! And there will be no end of girls… Perhaps even the first princess Cornelina will pay attention to you! You will become a new undying star in a matter of decades!»

«And what is required of me?» – Kyon crossed his arms impassively over his chest.

«Oh, nothing special… Just obey our patriarch unquestioningly.» – he waved his hand, as if the only condition he named was a mere trifle.

«Which patriarch? Does the Golden Pig guild belong to a family?»

«Of course. Have you heard anything about The Bakers?»

{Why am I not surprised?} – Kyon sighed to himself. Considering how greedy The Bakers are for money (since they even sold a fake family formation to just anyone), it all fits together. – «A family of the third rank in Saturn…»

«Right! Few people know that the Golden Pig guild is at our disposal. We prefer to keep it a secret, because too much attention is nothing but problems. Since we own such an outstanding business, we are almost the richest family in the world! And the fact that The Bakers are only of the third rank is another strategic move, but not an indicator of strength and influence. We could rival The Torres,if you join us, you will make the right choice, Kyon Stone. Agree!» – Gusteau invited him with the eloquence of a seasoned merchant.

«I see… Thank you for the offer, but I have to refuse it. I do not like to obey anyone.» – for Kyon, being subordinate to someone is tantamount to slavery. Perhaps he is the most freedom-loving person in the world. He left the mine, left Juno, left Valeera, left Vlada, left Triana, and he will leave Gusteau.

The fat man’s soft expression hardened. The room was filled with an oppressive aura: «It’s a pity. I expected a different answer from you. Since it did not work out in an amicable way, it will have to be done in a bad way. I’m sorry, Kyon, but refusal is unacceptable. We have no right to let go of such a gifted person. You’ve already eluded us once, it won’t happen again.» – with a snap of his fingers, two menacing-looking guards entered the room.

Instead of getting scared, Kyon coldly said: «So I came to you with a peaceful offer of mutually beneficial cooperation, and you decided to kidnap and enslave me? Is that how you work?»

Gusteau laughed good-naturedly and shook his head: «Son, no one will enslave you, if, of course, you behave wisely. You can take it as you want, but in ten years, when you grow up, you will thank us. And now we will move you to Saturn, where the respected patriarch Bazhen Baker will talk to you.»

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