Everything will be my way!

Chapter 440

Chapter 440

Leila was not afraid of the pressure or threats of her sister, but she did not want to conflict with her, therefore, being consumed by a sense of guilt, she sat down on the grass and hugged her knees with her hands, sobbing quietly. With a passive scan, she could clearly feel the man’s weak heartbeat, and she constantly repeated the same thing to herself: “just don’t die”.

Badly beaten Edward woke up, got up and looked around.

«It’s all because of you! It’s all your fault!» – Leila suddenly shouted with hatred.

«I… B-but, Lady, you told m-me…» – the guy, who was white with fear, stammered.

«I ordered you to defeat him, not kill him! You will pay with your life for what you have done!»

Eve said with contempt and hatred: «Are you seriously going to put the blame on him? How disgusting you are. You are ready to get rid of your guilt by any means. The act of a real weakling.»

«You…» – Leila reflexively wanted to object, but she suddenly realized that this time her sister was completely right. Blaming the already beaten boy for everything, she will act in the most dishonest way, because she is to blame for everything.

«L-lady, let me… Leave…» – Edward begged quietly.

«Get lost before I change my mind!» – the girl shouted.

As soon as the heir of the shadow clan turned around, he heard a harsh voice.

«Come here!» – ordered Eve.

«Y-yes, Lady?» – Edward rushed to the speaker with servile servility.

«Get the healing medicine out of the ring and treat the wound! And call for help!»

As it turned out a little later, the guy’s ring was taken away, and Zosimos did not have one at all. Or rather, Eve knew that he should have it with him, but she could not find it even with her most powerful scanning. She had to give up this idea.

As a result, Edward tore his shirt into shreds and carefully bandaged the one he had fatally wounded earlier, after which he received a dry nod from the blonde and ran away as fast as he could. He had no idea where he was or how to get home. The ring with the sound transmitter was taken away. He will have to find the nearest settlement, and then he will see.

A strong wind blew. The sky was covered with a dense layer of gray clouds. The first drops of rain watered the plain. Obviously, a heavy downpour was coming.

Eve took the man in her arms, wrapping her palms with part of the dress so that only the fabric touched his body, and not her bare palms, and carried him to the hills surrounding the plain on all sides.

Leila realized what was going on, and ran forward. When she reached the nearest rocks, she dug into the stones with her bare hands, starting to create a shelter from the rain.

Eve reluctantly accepted her sister’s help, but soon regretted it: «You’re stupid, aren’t you? Although why am I asking… If you are going to help, then help properly! Where do you think the water will drain to? Or did you decide to give your father a cold bath? Coffin jacuzzi?»

Leila muttered something and began to dig not into the depth, but upwards, in order not to let the water flow inside. When she finished doing it two minutes later, she put her hands on her hips expectantly.

«It will do. Collect the leaves. He won’t lie on the cold floor.»

«Don’t tell me what to do…» – the girl grumbled under her breath, but obediently went to pick the leaves.

Soon their father was lying on a bed of leaves while a downpour raged outside. The daughters did not take their anxious eyes off him, worrying with all their hearts for his condition.

Eve silently thought about something, sometimes throwing icy glances at her sister.

«Enough! You know I didn’t want to! I regret what I have done as never before! You can call me whatever you want, you can hate and despise me, but you can’t undo what I’ve done! Now it is wise to focus on the consequences… What should we do? Do you have a plan? We have to take care of dad somehow…»

Eve stood up with a heavy sigh: «Stay here and look after him. I will look for help.»

«In such a downpour? Besides, you don’t know how to fly, and Dantes is half a thousand kilometers away! Is there really no other way to help him?! You’re smart, come up with something!»

«We do not know how to use a sound transmitter and rings, and there is no other way to help dad. There is no time to waste. Every second counts. I have to try, otherwise I will regret the missed opportunity for the rest of my life.»

«Don’t leave me alone, I can’t take care of him! I can’t!»

«Just imagine that he is you, and you have a wound. It should work.» – Eve said coldly and left the cave. The downpour immediately soaked her to the skin.

Leila watched the figure disappearing in the rain with a strange look. At such moments, she did not feel like an elder sister. All her usual self-confidence disappeared when the usually quiet and modest sister took everything into her own hands.

Left alone with a dying man, the girl took up an unusual task for her egocentric nature: self-examination. She was thinking about her attitude towards her father. Where she is wrong and why. Where is the truth and where is the lie. Where she is mistaken, and where she delves into the very essence.

Leila was one hundred percent sure of one thing – her father was an unusual man. Others instantly lose their heads when talking to her. Her dad is able to maintain self-control even when he sees her wonderful naked body!

«Old fart! How can you get aroused from the sight of naked daughters?! I always knew what kind of person you were! Fat perv!» … «I don’t see any reason to worry.» … «Is that all you can say?! How about apologizing?!» … «You remind me of your mother… I have always loved her, and I will not apologize for that.»

For Leila, the uniqueness of her father was not limited to the ability to resist the charm of his beautiful daughters. Zosimos does not behave like others. To be more precise, he always exceeds any, even the most inflated, expectations. And sometimes he seems to go beyond common sense!

«This is for being secretive!» … «A man should have his own secrets.» … «Usually they say that about women. And you shouldn’t have any secrets from us!» … «It’s up to me, honey.» – the man replied condescendingly.

The same applies to his ability to control her. She made a strong-willed decision never to let Zosimos control her again, sometimes allowing, then forbidding her to watch cartoons and movies. But that very night she lost ground, like a stupid impulsive child at the sight of a candy.

«It’s too late. You shouldn’t be overexcited before going to bed. You’ll play tomorrow, if you behave yourself, of course. You will behave yourself, won’t you?» … «Y… Yes, I will…» … «That’s nice.» – Zosimos said, patting his daughter on the head patronizingly.

Despite all his annoying insidious tricks, it is impossible not to feel the care and love of the father. Take, for example, a life lesson about Romeo who was madly in love with Eve. Or the phrase – «I will tear you all to pieces for my little ones!» – the girl will never forget, as well as his attempt to persuade them to run away when a squad of demons appeared – «Sweetheart… Please, for my sake… If something happens to you, I will not forgive myself…»

Zosimos is the only one who makes Leila happy. Even if she forgets about unimaginably interesting cartoons, movies and games, any walk with him together turns into unforgettable adventures.

{What happens if he dies? How will I live without him?} – tears flowed from Leila’s charming eyes. She just finally realized how dear a man is to her, and now he is mortally wounded through her fault. If the girl had a second chance, she would have done everything differently. She would have become much more obedient. She would have appreciated her dad much more…

Gloomy Eve entered the cave.

«Why didn’t you fly away?!» – Leila asked in a dissatisfied and even demanding tone.

«The snowy owl was frightened by thunder and rain… I can get lost on foot.»

«Get lost? With your memory, you would never miss a huge city!»

«Every time our dad flies to the plain by different routes, he also turns off halfway. I remembered the landmarks only from the air. I can easily get lost on foot.» – in fact, she did not dare to look for Dantes on foot because something inside her whispered to her to stay next to her father. It was a hopeful whisper, and she wanted to trust it.

«Yes, but…» – Leila had nothing to answer.

«Let’s wait until the shower ends and the owl returns.» – finally, the girl decided.

Time passed. The dense layer of clouds was not going to thin out. A cold wind howled in the cave.

«You should hug our dad.» – Eve suddenly spoke.

«What?» – the brunette turned to her sister with a puzzled look.

«Give him a hug. Warm him with the warmth of your body. He may freeze.»

Leila was confused for a second, looked at her father, thought about something for a minute, then slowly but decisively hugged the man’s bare torso with her fragile-looking hands. Feeling his big body and smelling him, the girl felt strange: a little shame, a little anxiety, confusion and something else elusive. Her heart began to beat faster.

The slightly blushing girl soon frowned: «And you hug him too! Don’t stand there!»

«I can’t…» – Eve hugged herself shiveringly by the shoulders.

Leila snorted: «That’s exactly why you will always be my little sister.»

Eve turned away without a word, pursing her lips in displeasure. At that moment, she almost hated herself for her overwhelming fear of men. The very thought of hugging her half-naked dad made her feel sick. And it is absolutely unbearable for her to imagine some stranger in his place.

The rain seemed endless.

Leila closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

Eve told herself many times that the fear was only in her head. It was unreal. For dad’s sake, she needs to overcome it once and for all. And also this barely audible whisper in her head… It seems that for some reason it also asks to touch the man.

The girl approached Zosimos and for a long time tried to decide to touch him. Finally, she squeezed her eyes shut and touched his hard, warm palm with her fingers. It was as if a lightning bolt had struck her body, which caused her to immediately pull her hand away and crawl away, breathing heavily.

{Come on, coward, he’s your dad! He has never offended you, so why are you afraid of him?!} – Eve tried to convince herself to overcome her fear in any possible way. Their dad used to say – «Face your fear and overcome it.» – and the girl considered these words an indisputable truth.

After a long struggle with herself, the little fairy again touched the man’s palm with her fingers. Her face was slightly flushed from the tension and the pain piercing her insides, but she did not pull her hand away. Her fingers seemed to be shocked like hell… The more the girl repeated to herself that her dad was not like other men, and he would never harm her, the better she felt.

After endless 5 minutes, the pain disappeared, and after 15 minutes even the discomfort passed. Eve touched her father’s cheek and raised her eyebrows in surprise, not believing that she touches a man’s face without dislike! On the other hand, is it possible to equate her dad with ordinary men? He is much better than them! Still, it was a little scary to try to hug this large body…

The girl was gathering her courage, when suddenly she again caught a whisper on the verge of hearing. It seemed to be telling her to touch the wound… Following the will of the call, she put her hand on the charred wound. A pleasant feeling passed through her soul, as if the bud of an outlandish flower tickled her skin. A soft green glow poured from her palms into the wound and lit up the dark cave.

A wonderful aura, as if born in the Garden of Eden, awakened Leila.

«What are you doing?!» – the girl jumped to her feet in amazement.

«Look! The wound is healing!» – the little fairy exclaimed happily.

The wound quickly acquired a healthy pink color and healed right before their eyes. Soon it was completely healed, leaving only a brownish scar. It seemed that the man completely recovered in a minute, even his heartbeat and breathing evened out.

Leila clutched her head, not believing in what she saw: «I can’t believe, you cured our dad! You saved him! Is this not a dream?!» – with a dazzling smile, the girl hugged her sister tightly.

Eve couldn’t believe her luck. Her healing abilities were awakened! That is why a whisper in her head convinced her not to fly anywhere, but to stay and touch the man’s wound!

«Little sister, when did you learn this?! Tell me!» – Leila immediately demanded an explanation.

Little fairy defiantly put the man’s hand in her tender palms and said resolutely: «As you can see, I am no longer afraid to touch our dad, so don’t you dare call me “little sister” from now on, got it?»

Feeling the spirit of competition, Leila raised her chin belligerently: «Oh, I’m scared… Okay! As a sign of gratitude for saving our dad, I will no longer call you that, but this does not mean that I give up leadership to you at all!»

«What leadership, are you stupid or what? After your bad attempt on our dad’s life, any adequate person will understand that you are a lousy leader. However, you understand everything, don’t you? It would be wise of you to listen more often to a more reasonable person: to me.»

Leila’s throat itched and her chest tightened painfully because of what she heard: «Come on, don’t be arrogant, you’re our smart ass! I’m sure if our dad started losing, you would also do everything to help him win! I read you like an open book!»

«Your confidence is often worthless.» – Eve snorted derisively.

Leila seemed to have received a slap in the face: «Oh, fuck off! You’re pissing me off.»

Eve was incredibly happy about the first verbal victory over her sister. She didn’t really care about superiority over the arrogant fool, it was just time to bring her down from heaven to earth. The father often unobtrusively tries to do this, however, unsuccessfully, but she may well succeed.

But what really matters is that their dad survived.

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