Everything will be my way!

Chapter 441

Chapter 441

Kyon was sincerely happy for Eve: today she stopped being afraid of male touches, at least his touches. She remembered how to use the healing ability of her unique body, and, accordingly, instantly healed his severe wounds; and, what is especially pleasant, she defeated her arrogant sister in the argument, putting her in her place.

Now the beautiful fairy, together with the nasty pixie, tenderly hugged the man, giving him the warmth of their slender bodies. Her feminine soft hands excited the imagination, and the ephemeral wonderful scent could make even the heart of a dead man beat. In the arms of this couple, Kyon would gladly have lain for an eternity.

When the downpour passed a few hours later, Eve hit the head and then, returning, said: «The owl has not returned, so we will not get to Dantes until our dad wakes up. We’ll have to wait for him to wake up.»

«Well, let’s wait, what’s the problem? Don’t make a fuss.» – Leila asked, sleepily rubbing her eyes. She definitely liked hugging a big «teddy bear».

«If you haven’t forgotten, our dad mentioned another appearance of demons in the coming days. The second wave will definitely be stronger than the first one.» – Eve reminded her coldly.

Leila instantly jumped to her feet and cried out in alarm: «Demons?!»

«Either we will soon get to Dantes, where we will be safe, or we must prepare for their appearance. Since I can’t see any landmarks without the snowy owl, it will be extremely difficult for me to find the way to the city, so we can only do the following: we must remember how to use pure energy for attack and defense. Do you understand me?»

«So, we will train tirelessly.» – Leila concluded, stretching her neck.

Eve crossed her arms: «But I don’t think that with the usual method of training, we will have time…»

Leila looked around the cave with a thoughtful look, then looked intently at her sister, as if something had come to her mind: «Let’s fight.»

«Are you bored or what?» – the little fairy frowned her thin eyebrows.

«Stupid, it’s better than sitting and meditating for years in the hope of enlightenment! In battle, we will quickly remember what we once forgot. But the fight should be as close to reality as possible and preferably with a high bid. Let the winner get the loser’s character into slavery for two weeks! If I win, then your victory in the bet will be canceled, and I will also get your character for a week, but if you win… In general, you can’t beat me anyway.» – the pixie smiled confidently.

«This is the first time I’ve heard a really worthwhile idea from you!» – Eve was surprised. – «But won’t our dresses get dirty and tear in the process? I don’t want to spoil them.»

Leila thoughtfully rolled her eyes, twisting a curl of naturally curly hair around her finger, and suddenly suggested: «So let’s take them off!»

«Are you serious now?» – the little fairy was amazed.

«Why not? We are alone in the wild. We’re both girls. Shame is a small price to pay for an emergency return of strength. And we will quickly get used to it. And if our dad suddenly wakes up, we will immediately feel it and cover ourselves. What do you say?» – the girl looked at her rival with superiority, immediately noticing her insecurity and embarrassment.

{How can she be so shameless?!} – mentally Eve was indignant, but feeling that she was losing ground in their competition for leadership, she nevertheless agreed. – «Good! But the rules of the fight are as follows: do not touch eyes and hair, do not hold grips, do not scratch, do not bite, and generally behave with dignity! The winner will be determined only when the loser admits defeat or loses consciousness.»

Leila arrogantly lifted her chin and confidently said: «I agree!»

After shaking hands, the girls took off their dresses and went outside in only their underwear.

When the half-naked beauties began the battle, the zombie crow watching them almost fell from the branch. It took only a few minutes, and their underwear was already in disrepair and torn, and their bodies were smeared with mud so much that they looked like wild Amazons. The spectacle turned out to be so fascinating and seductive that Kyon had to turn off the visual channel and use a considerable share of Synergy to suppress arousal.

To distract himself, he ordered his subordinate to read the information received from Gusteau. It was about the robbery of the Feruzs, the rainbow sun, the invasion and the empire of demons.

The robbery of the Feruzs’ treasury was associated with Lanai, the head of the Boston thieves guild, who was rescued from the dungeon of the department by her subordinates more than a year ago.

The reason for the “rainbow sun” was called the battle of powerful practitioners of at least the overlord’s phase (9), because the epicenter of the explosion was more than 10 kilometers in the air, and only very powerful individuals are capable of flying.

{Wait, so the battle of the dark ones and light ones has nothing to do with it?} – Kyon wondered. – {And who are Eve and Leila then?} – he ordered his subordinate to study the following document.

The information about the invasion read as follows: the astral bodies of one hundred of the most talented practitioners of the races of the dark ones and the light ones were moved from the moons to the planet, 50 on each side. Their age does not exceed 18 years, and the real power is sealed, however, they can return it. The higher the talent for development, the sooner it will happen. The goal of their invasion is as follows: to use the planet as a battlefield. The winning side will get some kind of privilege. The battle involves not only a direct combat clash, but also a competition in strategic and tactical skills, including diplomacy and intrigue. The destruction of opponents by someone else’s hands would also be encouraged.

{So this is how it is. The lull is only temporary.} – Kyon summed up.

In fact, now the dark ones and the light ones are doing the same thing that he is: they are seizing power. But he is not afraid of competition. It is unlikely that geniuses from the moons will be interested in the empire of the 6th rank. They are probably now looking for allies in Saturn, and maybe in the empire of demons or even in the kingdom of beasts. The most incredible events can be expected in the next few years.

But who are Eve and Leila? The question remains open. If the information from Gusteau is reliable, then the age of the intruders does not exceed 18 years, while the women are 322 years old. So they’re not from the dark ones and light ones, are they? Then why the hell were they alone in Rosarrio without an escort and an invitation? And why the hell were they fighting to the death there?

{They were in a hurry…} – Kyon suggested, when suddenly it dawned on him.

What at first glance seemed to be an accident is not at all. Two powerful women hurried to Rosarrio for a reason, and they did not accidentally arrange a battle to the death… The reason for everything and everyone is the messenger of the goddess!

Once Dick defeated Charles, demonstrating his personal strength to his students, he revealed his identity to some observers. Eve is the head of the Virgo sect (2) named Gina, and Leila is the head of the Dance sect (1) named Lana!

When Lovr left Cernos, they were already flying to the school, but on the way they felt each other and met in a deadly duel, where the winner will get a gifted student who surpasses even the heavenly geniuses in his talent.

{I could have guessed…} – Kyon wondered to himself. The green night was confusing. Now he knew about the past personalities of his daughters. They are the heads of sects of the 1st and 2nd ranks! Those who tried to recruit him after the tournament of families with a tempting offer!

There is no reliable information about the personalities of these women, only general facts, and there are few of them.

Gina runs the Virgin sect (2), which is devoted to her to death, in which only women are trained, where the matriarchy is manifested in all its glory. Men are kept there only as slaves. As a leader, she is an extremely rational strategist and, of course, a man-hater.

Lana owns the Dance sect (1), where the power lies in the grace of various dance techniques. She is a hot-tempered and arrogant person who loves to put royal phasers and imperial phasers on their knees before her with the help of female charm, making them her servants.

Everything else: origin, surname, level of development and even the reason for the enmity between this couple is covered with a veil of secrecy. However, almost everyone knows something: in the world war, 10 years ago, both women almost single-handedly turned the outcome of the final battle with the demons, killing the patriarch of the Phoberos (2). For their contribution, they earned undying fame and got into the annals of history.

{The names of my daughters are famous all over the world!} – he thought with pride. Now, if they somehow regain their memory, he will better understand who he is dealing with and how to behave.

After the young man made all the necessary conclusions, the subordinate moved on to information about the demons. Here, Kyon learned a lot about the state of affairs, conspiracies and intrigues between the 7 great families of demons, which are led by the Tristans (1).

One piece of news was absolutely stunning: four years ago, someone killed Khleberi Gul, the head of the 5th most powerful family, the carriers of the sin of gluttony. The killer’s name is unknown. Who could kill such a powerful fat demon at his own home and, most importantly, why?

But the most exciting topic is still the personality of the future demon emperor. During the world war, the now-deceased emperor of the supreme beasts Leoro poisoned the demon emperor Lucius. As soon as he dies – and he has at best a few years left – the next one should sit on the throne. Due to the absence of an obvious heir to the throne, a power struggle is inevitable.

4 years ago, Rodan was considered the new emperor. He was the heir of the Phoberos, the 2nd most powerful family of demons, carriers of the sin of pride. The reason is simple: he is the most gifted unmarried demon of the younger generation. As soon as the demon overcomes all competitors at the bottom of the goddess Persephone, which no one doubted, he will have the right to choose any wife for himself, no matter what family she is.

Lucius, who has been sitting on the throne for many hundreds of years, has several unmarried daughters, the most influential of which is Kara Tristan. When the young demon becomes her husband, no one will dispute his right to sit on the throne.

However, the princess ran away with her mother to no one knows where, and if she does not return by the day of the goddess Persephone, then Rodan will not be able to marry her. And if he chooses another daughter of Lucius, no one will agree to give him the empire.

There is still no information about the location of Kara (and Vlada, too), although Lovr knew that she was hiding somewhere in her homeland, because otherwise it is impossible to transfer the tracking function through the marriage formation. The demons use it to find him.

After studying all the information received from Gusteau, Kyon did not find answers to his questions. Why were Vlada and Kara hiding in Boston? How is the disappearance of Yurich connected with this? What is the point of not marrying the princess to the gifted heir of the great Phoberos family? Who sends demons to Rosarrio to kill him?

2 days passed unnoticed.

The owl never came back. The sisters fought almost all the time while they were awake, and at night they slept hugging the man to warm him. Sometimes they went to the nearest river to wash, eat and drink. Fortunately, there was a spring with clean water. They ate wild berries and fruits, often poisonous (which did not bother the girls who were practically invulnerable to poisons), and fish, which they fried on a fire obtained by friction.

Girls hid their intimate places with leaves and twigs. Their primal image, coupled with wonderful figures and perfectly smooth skin, made the soul of the secret observer vibrate with delight. Eve was especially adorable, as if she had just come out of the Garden of Eden, virgin and innocent as a wild flower. Leila, on the other hand, seemed to be a more vicious berry, resembling a wolf in sheep’s clothing or a seductive temptress in the image of a deceptively innocent virgin. Nasty succubus. Or pixie.

The girl was beginning to worry that their dad had been unconscious for two days and had not drunk anything. She wanted to give him water, but Eve stopped her in time, warning that an unconscious person should not be given to drink. This was once mentioned in a movie.

In the middle of the 3rd day of numerous sparring sessions, an unexpected thing happened.

Having received a blow on the lip, Leila seemed to go berserk. In a fit of rage, she rushed at the offender with such speed that a shot from an impulse rifle would seem like a slowly falling feather. Her fist easily broke the sound barrier, and the energy inside it radiated a deadly aura.

Eve’s instincts worked in response to danger. She reflexively retreated at a speed equal to her sister’s, dodging the blow at the last moment.

And although Leila’s fist did not find its target, it created a huge release of energy.


The sudden crash made Kyon jump to his feet. From the cave, he saw that a cone-shaped funnel with a depth of tens of meters for half a kilometer ahead had formed next to Leila. On the path of the shock wave, everything was destroyed completely, and thousands of tons of soil and dust rose into the air. It seemed like a small nuclear bomb exploded underground.

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