Everything will be my way!

Chapter 465

Chapter 465

Late night.

Three practitioners at the imperial phase, 20 government security officials and 30 bound and neutralized members of the Silent Horror megaclan were approaching the department. “The Demon Huntress” proudly walked in front of everyone, as if leading the procession.

As soon as the blonde got into the hall, she immediately attracted the attention of everyone present. The dazzling smile on her lips was especially fascinating.

Three journalists, each day devotedly waiting for the superheroine from evening until late at night for interviews, instantly activated the recording formations and rushed to the girl: «Hello, Lady “Demon Huntress”!» … «Please tell us who you caught today!» … «Tell the people about your today’s feat!»

Elsa did not answer anything, pretending that she was tired of the annoying journalists, although in reality she was in no hurry to disperse them, by no means, with a graceful gait she silently approached the waiting commissar and pathetically declared: «I caught “The Dark Baron”!»

«Wha-a-a-a-at?!» … «”The Dark Baron”?!» … «Did I hear correctly?!» … «”The Demon Huntress” caught the head of the megaclan?!» – dozens of viewers burst into comments in shock and immediately tried to find the head of the megaclan among the bandits.

Elsa didn’t answer anything, just lifted her chin proudly, shining like a magic flower. She seemed to be saying to everyone: “Yes, I caught this bitch! Praise me, because I did it!”

The investigator of the 2nd rank in the position of commissar, who has been cooperating with “The Demon Huntress” for a long time, cleared his throat: «Who is “The Dark Baron”?»

«The girl in black, of course!» – exclaimed Elsa.

The eyes of everyone present shifted to the gloomy lady in black clothes… Inexplicably beautiful and cold as snow. An icy aura emanating from her caused awe. Now it’s clear why there was a chill in the hall.

«The head of the megaclan… A woman?» … «Can the title of baron belong to a woman?» … «I thought it was a man…» – people whispered skeptically.

The beaming smile quickly faded from Elsa’s face. It looks like she hurried to try on the laurels of the winner.

The commissioner approached the suspect and asked directly: «What family are you from, lady?»

{Did he call her lady?} – Stone thought with displeasure, but immediately realized that, given her development and appearance, the girl could belong to a noble family, and it would be at least unprofessional to take unfounded accusations on faith.

Valeera did not even open her eyes, resembling an ice sculpture.

«Hmm… I see.» – the man drawled thoughtfully. – «So strong and without a surname… It seems that she really occupies a high position in the megaclan, judging by the resources for development. In general, interrogation will show everything.»

«When will the results appear?» – the blonde interjected impatiently.

«Maybe tomorrow, maybe in a week. I can’t say for sure. In any case, we will contact you immediately. You will definitely get your share of the glory, dear lady.» – the commissar winked with a smile. He knew what she wanted.

Elsa calmed down and nodded: «I see. Lock her up better and put a stronger guard. Do not underestimate her: over the past three months, she has risen from the third to the sixth stage of the royal phase, and in strength she will not be inferior even to the royal phaser at the peaking stage. Three of my masked subordinates will escort her just in case she suddenly decides to escape.»

«The royal phaser at the sixth stage?!» … «How strong she is!» … «And she has no surname?! She’s definitely from a shadow clan!» … «And she has the aura of a killer!» – the audience excitedly shouted.

«Okay, I understand you. I will do so.» – the commissar agreed.

Elsa immediately added: «And one more thing… That pot-bellied man was talking to her familiarly. I think he is her relative, yet they are similar in appearance.»

The investigator nodded and gestured to the security forces. They carried the neutralized criminals to the department’s dungeon. The three imperial phasers also followed them.

As soon as people left, Elsa was immediately bombarded with questions from a trio of journalists, who, shouting over each other, almost poked the nephrites in her face. They acted persistently and too brazenly, but the girl was not angry and with a smile on her face smugly told everything she knew. She was trembling with anticipation of the imminent triumph. She will surpass the genius Dick, becoming the legend of Rosarrio! The fat man will be forced to hide his eyes shyly every time they meet! How wonderful it is!

When Kyon, Valeera and the bandits were taken to the “-1” floor, he met his wife’s eyes and with only his lips said: «I’ll get you out. Wait for me and don’t do anything stupid.»

Valeera’s expression quivered at these unspoken words. Since the events in Boston, she kept the poison capsule behind her tooth, because she was afraid to go to prison again and be tortured. However, now, after hesitating, she quietly spat it out (they will find it anyway during a search). The girl really wanted to believe and rely on Zosimos. He always helped her out, even in the most desperate situations.

The commissar looked closely at the pot-bellied man and thought about something, then shook his head and gave the command to the security forces, and he with the girl in black and the head of the Wolf Fang gang went down to the “-2” floor, there were cells for especially dangerous criminals. The protective measures in them are 100 times stricter than the floor above.

Kyon and the rest of the bandits were not imprisoned on the “-2” floor. They were all taken to the search point, where everything of value is removed from criminals, including formations. In the same place, their keys are blocked with the help of a collar with formation. They get a formation with a tracking function on their forehead, like slaves in the Stones mine, then they are washed, dressed and put in cells.

Lovr always wore an impenetrable cloth under the skin on his right hand, so during the search sensitive devices could not see the ring hidden in the finger, the concealment bracelet (still faking the development of the soul) and other formations. And the formation inside the collar does not provide for blocking the 10th key.

Kyon’s hands and feet were shackled to the wall. Moreover, he was placed in a cramped cell with a thick, heavy-duty lattice. A formation was installed in the corner of the room, it broadcast what was happening inside the cell to the information center. Thus, if by some miracle he gets free from the chains, the warder will quickly notice it.

The state of affairs is as follows: now the shackled Kyon cannot call Eve and Leila; he is unable to use any elements except Synergy; it is also useless for him to turn into Dick, because in this case he will eventually become the enemy of the 0th general and lose everything he has been trying to achieve for such a long time, and he will not be able to save Valeera anyway, since he will be under suspicion. In addition, to the above problems, you can add a lack of time: in the morning or evening of the next day, investigators will definitely establish that the killer is the “Black Queen” who escaped from the dungeon of Boston. Moreover, it is possible that the 0th general will want to personally look at “The Dark Baron”, and then he will immediately realize that she is the last descendant of the Webers and kill her, after all, he has been looking for her for a long time. And in conclusion: if he does not pour Synergy into his daughters for a day or more, then there is a risk that their memory will return.

Now Valeera does not have her uncle, who is ready to sacrifice himself to rescue her. And the sewage system here is arranged differently, however, he does not have a map of the department, because for this you need to be an investigator of the 1st rank, not like in Boston – an investigator of the 2nd rank. The situation seemed hopeless.

Despite the hopeless situation, Kyon’s eyes did not lose their stubborn gleam. Having used all the Synergy of the bachelor’s degree under his control, he bit into a suppressive formation that blocked him from using the elements.

As expected, the formation turned out to be created by a relatively weak formacist, or more precisely – by the lord phaser, after all, for the beginning of the noble phase (such a development was shown by the concealment bracelet), more is not required. But if he had been put on the floor below, the prospects would have been much darker.

According to calculations, in 4 hours the Synergy will disperse the formation on the collar. Now he can only hope that they will not come to interrogate him. Most likely, they won’t come. It’s already late.

Time dragged painfully slowly. Finally Synergy destroyed the collar formation. Now the keys could rotate, therefore, the streams of energy can move into and out of the soul, like ventilation.

After being released, Kyon did not send his daughters a signal for help for two reasons: firstly, if they come here, they will have to deal with an even bigger problem in the form of the empress, who is always in the palace a few kilometers away, and secondly, protective barriers are imposed on the dungeon, among which there is one that blocks communication. Simply put: he couldn’t even if he wanted to.

In other words, he has to get out on his own.

His path to freedom is still blocked by the formation broadcasting what is happening in the cell to the information center, shackles and the formation on his forehead tracking the location.

One would have hoped that the warder would not notice anything strange happening in the cell in a few minutes, but for some time Kyon disliked relying on luck. He activated the Synergy, and it smoothly flowed under the floor, then along the wall, enveloped the nephrite of the record and faked the image. Valeera did something like that at the Stalbers’ warehouse, but the Synergy creates a much better illusion.

Next, Lovr waited for the guard to pass by, which happens every 30 minutes. For some reason the man looked at him strangely. After he left, the guy forcibly tried to remove the shackles, but, as expected, he did not succeed: they were too strong. To remove them, he needed a key with a formation inside. Even if he creates a key from the ground, the formation cannot be faked, since there are no secret indicators.

{What to do?} – this question seemed idiotic to him. He knows how to teleport!

However, teleportation, as well as the creation of a clone, causes elemental vibrations that guards and prisoners can feel with their souls. Well, the question can be solved!

Kyon imposed several invisible barriers: one blocked the sound, the other muffled the energy fluctuations. Such formations are often used in training halls.

Immediately after that, Lovr teleported out of the shackles and entered invisibility.

Two of the three problems have been resolved, there is one more left: the tracking formation on the forehead.

The danger lies in the fact that when it dissipates, an alarm signal is sent to the information center… But even this is surmountable! Kyon took out the nephrite from the Feruzs’ legacy and created another invisible barrier in the cell. This blocked the transmission of the signal, after which he immediately dispersed the formation on his forehead with the element of darkness.

Now he needs to get out of here and save Valeera… The hardest part lies ahead.

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