Everything will be my way!

Chapter 466

Chapter 466

Kyon found two ways to leave the cell.

The first one is to transform into Dick, create a clone outside the lattice and immediately move to it. But then he will have to explain how he appeared in the dungeon without being recorded, and even right at the time of the criminal’s disappearance…

The second one is to teleport to a trigram at the headquarters or outside the city. Yes, he had thought out the escape routes in case of danger in advance.

There is just one catch: the barriers that jam the signal (spatial attribute) also block movement through teleportation trigrams. Such a barrier is imposed on both the Silent Horror clan and the dungeon. It is made in order to prevent criminals with connections from sending the signal out through a formation or a sound transmitter, because if the frequency of the device is not registered in the database, then it will not leave the zone of the barrier.

However, moving through teleportation trigrams is much more powerful than sending a normal signal. For example, the barriers in the prison and in the headquarters are able to block movement through the trigrams of the main level, but they cannot block the advanced level. But the treasury of the Feruzs could do it. This is its task. There is no such need for the local casemates, because no one will have two minutes for a quiet movement, since this easily interrupted process will be felt and seen by everyone around.

Creation of a teleportation trigram requires darkness, light, ether and a mold with a trigram carved inside. Kyon has the highest grade of darkness and light, and the advanced grade of ether. If he had the highest grade of ether, he could create trigrams of the highest level. However, they are not needed now. An advanced level will be enough for him.

After thinking a little, Lovr remembered that before his imprisonment he was noted in the book as a noble phaser at the beginning stage. The devices could not see the real development through a powerful concealment bracelet that works even for imperial phasers. The same goes for the spiritual feelings of Elsa and her three friends. They all consider the man to be a noble phaser at the beginning stage. But if he leaves the mold here, another truth may be revealed…

Kyon recalled a case when Vlada was able to find out the development of a practitioner by studying a phoenix of precious stones created from the elements of the earth. So, if he leaves the teleportation trigram here, then there is a considerable chance that the 0th general will find out during the investigation that it was created by a superior phaser at the 8th stage, and this just corresponds to the development of the messenger of the goddess… It’s too much of a coincidence!

{How can I pick up the mold?} – after puzzling over this question, Kyon found a solution.

First, he created a mold of the same dark dirty color as the walls of the cell. Next, he put a formation on it to transfer the spatial attribute (it will act as a hook with which he can pick up the mold later). There was another difficulty: the two-minute process of moving is very bright. However, why look for difficulties when he can just create another barrier?

When creating the “A+” rank concealment technique, Kyon went through countless different techniques and their variations, respectively, he created such barriers with the same ease with which an astronaut engineer would make the most ordinary chair.

He stopped abruptly. Judging by the vibrations, a guard is approaching here… Even two! Why so early? They should pass here every 30 minutes!

Kyon quickly shattered the mold and the Feruzs’ barrier (it’s no longer needed anyway). After that, he created a clone in shackles and teleported to him, and with the final touch he scattered all the other barriers of his own production with energy.

Soon two jailers came up to the cell and stared at the prisoner.

«Look how big and plump he is! And he has grown such a big belly, hee-hee!» – the first man lisped with a sugary vanilla intonation.

«Syoma, I told you that he is the perfect candidate for the role of a punching bag!» – the second man grinned, looking for the right key. Until now, he had been waiting for his friend.

Kyon didn’t react in any way, he didn’t even raise his head supposedly drooping from despair, but he was indignant inwardly: {What the hell did they come for?! I have no time to play with morons!}

When the dungeon opened, Syoma sped up, then punched the prisoner in the stomach with a gentle and at the same time bloodthirsty smile with all his might.


Lovr coughed ostensibly from pain, although he did not feel anything because of the enchantment for strength.

«What a juicy sound… Wow, I’m thrilled! Serge, I’ll buy you booze…»

«Booze is booze, but let me hit him too!» – the man giggled and began to knead the pot-bellied criminal’s sides, in particular the kidneys.

Meanwhile, Syoma, with a broad sadistic smile, was jumping from side to side, slouched slightly and hiding his head behind raised fists, like a boxer expecting a blow at any moment. Sometimes he diluted his “dancing” with direct punches directly into the belly.

Kyon was tempted to use “The sovereign’s stare”, but he came up with something better. His face rapidly acquired an unhealthy pale shade, and after another blow, he spat out some purple-black blood from his mouth.

«Motherfucker! Are you going to die already?!» – Syoma swore, jumping back.

«Why the hell are you hitting him so hard?! Idiot, we can be fined if we kill him!» – Serge was frightened, having lost all courage.

«I beat him at half strength and without energy! This guy is a noble phaser at the beginning stage, just like me! How could a few punches hurt him so much?!»

Serge frowned and looked closely at the pale prisoner.

Kyon coughed up blood once more and raised his head, looking at the jailers with a bleary look and a painful smile: «Guys, have you ever heard of tuberculosis?»

«Tumbler… Curiosities?» – Serge did not understand.

«Are you sick or something, you bastard, huh?! A?! A?!» – Syoma was beside himself with rage and already wanted to beat the prisoner again, but his friend did not allow him to do it.

Kyon’s expression suddenly froze. He thought deeply about something, obviously making up his mind on something, and at the end of his reflections raised his eyebrows and grinned weakly: «Forget about the words I said earlier, guys. Go ahead. And you know, my daughters beat harder than you, suckers.» – having finished, he coughed up some more blood.

«Fu-u-u-uck… He is sick with something! Look at the color of this blood! The bastard wants to infect us with his illness! I can see it in his eyes!» – Syoma bleated with a mixture of anger and fear, backing towards the exit.

Serge turned pale: «Oh shit… I don’t want to get tumbler curiosities!»

Two jailers quickly left the cell out of harm’s way. They never noticed anything suspicious. However, there was nothing to notice.

Kyon snorted coldly: {Idiots.} – he put the barriers on the cell again, got out of the shackles and carefully, not without the help of the element of water and Synergy, removed all traces of blood and even the smell. Just in case. From the books he had read, he had strong suspicions that there was some kind of energy in the blood, by which you can learn a lot. However, the formations that determine kinship with parents have not been invented.

After removing all traces, Lovr created the mold, covered it with a coal-black barrier, stood in the center and activated the movement. Two minutes later, with a bright flash, which was hidden by the barrier, the young man disappeared. After another minute, all the barriers dissipated, since, by imposing them, he set a timer.

Only the trigram mold merging with the environment and Synergy, which still fakes the image for visual formation, remained in the cell. There’s nothing else left.

Kyon moved to the headquarters of the Silent Horror clan. First of all, he gave the command to his subordinates. They will play an important role. Then, without hesitation, he prepared another teleportation trigram and rushed to the department, changing his appearance to Dick on the go. He did not even think of calling Eve and Leila to rescue Valeera, because meeting with the empress was much more dangerous than the plan he was following now.

Once in the department, Lovr went down to the “-2” floor and explained his appearance to the guards as follows: «I want to see and interrogate “The Dark Baron”, after all, I tried to catch him for more than six months». It is also important that Dick’s resume says that he is an excellent torturer and executioner, since in Boston he worked wonders when interrogating criminals.

«The attendant will escort you.» – an impressive-looking guard said.

«Thank you, no need. I’ll go myself.» – Kyon politely refused.

Halfway through, Lovr turned into the restroom, teleported the spatial attribute into his recent cell inside the mold and moved it to his arms, then hid it in a ring. That’s it! The evidence is removed. There is only Synergy left in the cell, but it will run out in 20 minutes, just in time for the next appearance of the jailers.

Before leaving the restroom, Kyon made another important preparation: he left a teleportation trigram mold in the most rarely used stall and put all three barriers on it, then locked the door from the inside. Outside, he hid visual formation in order not to meet someone here when teleporting later.

Having finished with important matters, Lovr took a deep breath and went to “The Dark Baron”. He hoped with all his heart that the 0th general had not yet appeared there. After all, it’s late at night, it’s unlikely that the head of the department will be bothered just because of the suspect, especially since she is a woman, and the baron’s nickname clearly belongs to a man.

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