Everything will be my way!

Chapter 468

Chapter 468

Four people were sitting in a small room dotted with hundreds of bright light screens – the information center, which receives information from all visual formations in the department. Each warder took over one of the four walls with screens and looked out for anything suspicious on them.

«Ugh… This is disgusting! How can you look at this?» – with disgust in his voice, the warder asked his colleague, who was staring at the screen of the torture room.

«I don’t know about you, but I have never seen a fat freak raping a beauty! I agree, the sight is disgusting, but it is simply impossible to tear yourself away! After all, this is my job!» – the interlocutor replied with an excited gleam in his eyes.

«Your job is to monitor all screens, not just one…»

Despite what was said, the one who spoke along with two other colleagues, sometimes glanced at the screen, where the fat investigator is harassing the half-naked beauty. However, they quickly began to feel sick and turned away.

«Uh-uh… This freak is a master of his craft, look at this.» – the man grunted respectfully.

«Has he already broken her?» … «So fast?! Within 5 minutes!»

«Well, of course… No girl could endure the harassment of such a freak for a long time…»

The fat man was writing something down in a notebook while the prisoner was telling him about something.

A few minutes later, realizing that there would be no continuation, the horny warder sighed in disappointment and rose from his seat with the words: «Well, gentlemen, I use my right to go to the bathroom. To pee.»

«Yeah, of course, to pee, yes, yes!» … «A-ha-ha! It’s not suspicious at all!» … «Don’t get anything dirty there!» – the broadly smiling colleagues did not miss the opportunity to mock the pervert.

«Ha-ha. Very funny.» – the man muttered sarcastically and left.

A minute later, one of the warders gasped: «Look! What the hell is going on!»

Everyone’s attention was riveted by a strange sight on the screen, or rather, on several screens at once, showing a recording of the formations outside the department: a frightened horse was racing, harnessed to a cart in which a haystack was burning. The wind scattered it all over the street. An old man was chasing the cart, shouting something and waving his hand after it.

At some point, the cart collided with another one filled with birds engulfed in flames. Burning birds flew in all directions. Complete chaos began. Many people crowded around, and this is despite the fact that it’s late at night.

{It’s time!} – Kyon thought.

A jet-black barrier appeared and almost immediately disappeared behind the fat man. Something invisible hit the famous investigator on the head, sending him flying. He hit the wall and lost consciousness, then something or someone dragged him to the most inconspicuous corner. This is how it looked on the recording formations.

In fact, Kyon erected a black barrier behind him, created a thick-skinned clone with the appearance of Dick inside it, immediately changed places with him, entered invisibility, dispelled the barrier, hit the clone on the head and dragged him to the zone at the edge of the formation’s view. Immediately after what he had done, he changed his clothes and began to transform into Zosimos.

Valeera’s dull eyes widened, and her heart began to beat wildly. Hope flared up in her heart like a supernova, even tears welled up: «Z… Zosimos?»

«Quiet.» – Kyon whispered, trying to remove the straps, but soon cursed inwardly. – {Damn it!}

The formation is superimposed on heavy-duty belts. It does not allow him to remove them without appropriate access. It will be possible to disperse it with Synergy only in 1-2 years, and with darkness – in a week or two. He doesn’t have that much time! Five minutes is already great.

Thinking hard, Kyon remembered one unique formation from the heritage of the Feruzs called “Annihilator”. Judging by the description, it deactivates all formations imposed even by imperial phasers in a small radius. So it came in handy!

After waiting for the final transformation into Zosimos (two minutes), Lovr hastily put “Annihilator” to Valeera’s chest and activated it. With “The eyes of truth”, he saw a sphere come out of the nephrite, forming a two-meter invisible barrier, then an invisible sun seemed to explode inside. A second later, everything disappeared, as did all the formations that appeared within the radius of the barrier: those that were on the belts, on Valeera’s collar, on her forehead, and even one on Kyon’s forehead – the work of Vlada.

As soon as he unbuckled the straps, the beauty instantly rushed to his neck.

«Zosimos… Oh Zosimos, you still came to my rescue… You always save me…» – she clung to his chest and hugged him so tightly, as if she never wanted to let him go again.

«We have no time for sentiment. It’s time to teleport out of here.»

«Okay, but first…» – thirst for blood flashed in her gaze at the fat man lying unconscious.

«If you kill him, the alarm will go off!»

«I’m just going to cut off his…»

Lovr pulled her by the hand: «We don’t have a single second, damn it!» – with the last words, he erected a black barrier around himself and the girl. The presence of teleportation trigrams went unnoticed by visual formations. Then he took out two fully ready-to-activate molds with small stand legs from behind the pyrobloin.

«Wait, why two?!» – asked Valeera.

«Together we won’t fit on one. I will move to another formation outside the city, so we will not meet right away. I’ll be fine.» – Lovr winked encouragingly and activated his wife’s trigram, then his own one.

The two people looked at each other through the green barriers. There was tenderness and anxiety in Valeera’s eyes. In Kyon’s eyes – impatience and tension.

At any moment, the guards can break in here and interrupt the process. They could only hope that the show arranged by the subordinates outside the department had sufficiently attracted the attention of the warders. He was also worried about one more thing: in the toilet stall, where he is now teleporting, someone is making obscene noises… If this person feels the movement, despite the barriers, he will have to kill him.

When the minute and a half came to an end, two people disappeared from the torture chamber.

Once at the headquarters, Valeera collapsed to her knees exhausted, raised her head and muttered with mixed feelings: «After all, you did not deceive me…»

Once in the restroom, the still invisible Kyon breathed a sigh of relief, since the person two stalls to the right, apparently, did not notice anything. Without wasting a second, he immediately moved two trigram molds from the torture chamber to him, and the black barrier hiding them from recording dissipated without a trace.

Lovr’s heart skipped a beat when the alarm went off a second later!

A little earlier.

«What nonsense… And where is the girl?» – the warder frowned, looking at the screen of his colleague, who had gone to the restroom five minutes earlier.

The other two warders also looked at the screen.

«Look, the fat man is lying unconscious against the wall!»

«Damn it!» – the man reached out to activate the alarm, but someone beat him to it…

A minute earlier.

Syoma walked past the cell with a pot-bellied prisoner, but suddenly froze, turned around and frowned: {Stop… Isn’t he supposed to be in this cell?}

With a strange premonition, the jailer examined the cells nearby, but found neither a sick old man nor traces of blood. Could his memory have played a cruel joke on him? Just in case, he contacted Serge and found out that the prisoner was missing!

Meanwhile, three guards were examining the torture chamber. They immediately felt dozens of invisible barriers, and even understood their purpose due to their rich experience. Now they stood near the fat man who had passed out in the corner of the room.

«Do you feel it too?» – the man asked, frowning.

«An aura emanates from him, as if he is using… I can’t make out.» – no matter how hard he tried, the guard could not identify the elements that the fat man used.

«Is it possible to use energy in an unconscious state?»

«I have heard that there is a technique that allows you to cycle in a dream… The best masters in the world know how to use it, developing even at night!»

«Bullshit! Only little dreamers believe in this story… Judging by the unstable waves, he has activated a unique body. I wonder what’s so special about him, since the head of the department is interested in him?»

Soon a crowd of people rushed into the torture room.

The clone of Dick was placed on a gurney and taken to a medical center for prisoners. The procession was accompanied by three guards. When they put him on the bed, only the nurse remained nearby, and the men stood outside the door, Kyon finally dared to teleport. His body perfectly replaced the clone without any special effects.

{Phew… Everything went almost like clockwork.} – thought Lovr, but something seemed strange to him in the behavior of the three guards outside the door: they were too calm, or something, as if they would not bear any responsibility for the escape of the suspect. Maybe they think that the imperial phasers in Rosarrio are worth their weight in gold, and therefore nothing will be done to them? It sounds reasonable, after all, the development of the seventh phase is an elite among the elites in the empire.

Soon the patient woke up, and the nurse quickly diagnosed him with a concussion.

Kyon played a little performance called “How could she escape?!”. He even, without ceasing to brawl and be indignant, tried to leave the first-aid post, but he was not allowed, which is completely unsurprising, yet he is the only suspect.

The whole department got excited.

A crowd of people was in the small room of the info center and looked at the screen.

«Look! Here, look! The dark blood turned into darkness that enveloped the prisoner, and two minutes later he disappeared from his cell! And just at this moment darkness appears in the torture chamber behind the back of the investigator, he comes out of it already invisible and knocks him out!» – the warder almost shouted, poking at the screens in front of him.

«Then he somehow freed the suspect… Then he created his dark sphere again and two minutes later… disappeared with the girl…» – at the end, the man’s voice trailed off, since everything he had just shown defied any logic.

The audience grumbled, sharing their guesses and theories: «Maybe he used blood as energy for technology?» … «More like some amazing ability of a unique body…» … «Or maybe he has his own rats here?»

When the investigator of the second rank spoke, everyone fell silent: «It doesn’t make any sense… Did he destroy the suppressive collar? He teleported behind the investigator’s back, and then, together with the girl, who was the royal phaser at the middle stage, moved through the isolation barrier? And all this noisy action was not felt by the three imperial phasers outside the door?!»

Everyone fell silent in confusion. Nobody understood anything.

Soon Dick was called to the info center to tell his version of events. Despite the recording, he was under suspicion. Although his pale face and a huge bump on the back of his head spoke for themselves.

Once in the information center of the department, Kyon barked furiously: «Where is “The Black Queen”?!»

«Wha-a-a-at?!» … «”The Black Queen”?! That criminal of the century of Boston who managed to escape from the department?!» … «How did you recognize her?!» … «Is she “The Dark Baron”?!» – the investigators shouted as if they had been hit on the head.

Kyon made this scene exclusively for the 0th general, not for these simpletons. From the point of view of the head of the department, the messenger of the goddess should have recognized the girl immediately and realized that she was “The Dark Baron”. Five minutes of harassment and five minutes of scribbling in a notebook will only say that he was playing with the victim.

After studying the recordings, Lovr shouted so loudly that the walls shook: «For fuck’s sake, I was lying unconscious against the wall for two minutes, for two fucking minutes this bastard was teleporting out, and you didn’t notice it?! Where is that son of a bitch whose eyes grow out of an ass?! I will skin him alive!»

The pale man behind was afraid to even squeak.

«That’s right!» – the warder exclaimed, slapping his forehead. – «The burning hay wagon was a distraction! The prisoner somehow contacted his accomplices and ordered them to put on a show! Why didn’t I think of this right away?!»

Many investigators gasped in shock.

«Have you arrested anyone?» – Kyon croaked with a throbbing vein on his forehead.

«Mr. Dick, sorry, but we didn’t think…»

«Motherfucker! What empty-headed cretins work here?! Ah… Oh… Uh…» – Kyon turned pale sharply, grabbed his “sore” head and almost fell, but he was caught. The fat man’s nose bled.

«Mr. Dick, you get a concussion, you shouldn’t strain so much! You need to rest! Please, escort the young man to the infirmary. Let him rest, after all, he was hit on the head by a noble phaser at the beginning stage…» – one of those present asked.

Baker almost ceased to be suspected. It never occurred to anyone that someone had tampered with the recording in the cell. The guilty person cannot be in two places at once. And the condition of the fat man is also beyond doubt.

Kyon got to the infirmary on the 1st floor, smiling to himself. Outwitting these fools is no big deal. But what will the 0th general think? He is the only one who poses a threat in the current realities. Will the head of the department find clear or indirect signs of guilt in the messenger of the goddess in this escape? The meeting will take place soon.

Half an hour later, Lovr got up and continued his investigation. This time, no one was in a hurry to stop or restrict him. In fact, he was no longer even mistaken for a suspect. He imitated violent activity for about an hour, watched recordings, scolded people, even built theories, after which he said he was falling off his feet and went home.

It’s 3:30 a.m.

Assuming he was being followed, Kyon left the department after changing his identity. He was wondering how Valeera would react to the rescue? How would she thank him? Yet he had saved her three times already! She notably owes him.

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