Everything will be my way!

Chapter 467

Chapter 467

Approaching his destination, Kyon met an old man waddling towards the exit.

«Wait… Are you an executioner?» – the guy asked.

«Yes, I am, young man. And who are you?» – the old man, taken by surprise, asked in fright, hurriedly putting on his glasses.

«I am Dick Baker, an investigator of the second rank.» – he stretched out his wrist to confirm his identity. – «Tell me, have you found out anything?»

«No… No, the suspect still hasn’t said a word.»

«What about her stuff?»

«All sorts of decorative jewelry, like earrings or hairpins. Nothing special. But I noticed two things: the spatial ring and the ring on the fourth finger. I suspect the lady is married, and the lack of hymen is proof of that. Although… If she really is from the megaclan, then I could be wrong. What if she is a slutty person?»

«What was in the space ring?» – Kyon coldly changed the subject, tensing up.

Valeera always kept all her belongings in one place – in the ring. Considering her colossal earnings from the income of the clan, it would be very unpleasant to find out that the resources earned over many months of hard work were once again taken away from her.

«In the ring we found thirty thousand spheres, a change of clothes and cold weapons…»

{Just thirty thousand spheres?!} – Kyon didn’t believe what he heard. Has Valeera really changed? She lived for one goal – to take revenge on the Russells, so her train of thought is clear: “I will lose the ring only with my own life, and everything else is not so important”. However, now everything is different.

Lovr felt tenderness in his heart, suspecting what was the matter: now another important person appeared in her life – Zosimos. And if his wife is caught and killed, he will get an inheritance. Her action touched him.

«We have not found any clear signs of her being “The Dark Baron” inside. The contents of her ring are more like the minimum set of items for an assassin on a mission. Perhaps she was hired from another empire in order to eliminate “The Demon Huntress”… But this is just an assumption. We will find out the truth after the interrogation. And if she is a citizen of Rosarrio or a wanted criminal, we will soon establish her identity.»

«Thanks for the answers. When do you plan to continue the interrogation?»

«I? No, I won’t interrogate her anymore – to no avail. My verdict is this: only pain can get a word out of her, and I don’t torture. The best specialist of his kind has just entered the torture chamber. I think we will have all the information we need by morning. Of course, it’s a pity that such beauty will have to be spoiled, but it will have to be done in order to dispel suspicions of…»

Kyon unceremoniously interrupted the conversation by simply walking away. He met three guards at the door he was looking for. Judging by the threat emanating from them, at least one of them is an imperial phaser at the beginning stage, or even at the middle one. And even if it was only a supposed “Dark Baron”, the department spared no resources for protection.

«Please, show your formation.» – the guard demanded.

Kyon showed the formation of the investigator Dick of the 2nd rank.

«You can pass.» – the man said dryly.

The fat man entered a white room with a metal rack for torture instruments in the corner and a horizontal chair in the center with a half-naked girl tied to it with belts.

«Rum pum pum, rum pum pum! Rum pum pum, rum pum pum!» – a short bald, pot-bellied man hummed a cheerful tune, wagging his hips in the dance while he bent over the suspect and did something with her with a silver instrument in his hand.

Hearing Valeera’s quiet, pained moan, Kyon almost lost his self-control from excitement. He instantly found himself near the executioner and saw that he was squeezing the girl’s nipple with a pair of pliers with a formation for squeezing force, causing her unbearable pain.

Only Synergy helped Lovr to restrain himself from instantly killing the bastard who was torturing his wife. Now he should not show his affection for Valeera in any way! After all, the room is under the supervision of four nephrites.

«Ha-a-ah! Who are you?!» – the little man jumped up in surprise and dropped the pliers.

«I am the one who will interrogate the suspect.» – the guy said coldly.

«What does it mean?!» – the man screamed furiously, obviously greatly hurt by what he heard. He has never tortured such a beautiful person, resembling a goddess in the flesh. And he didn’t even have time to start, when suddenly, unexpectedly, this scarecrow appeared and said that he wanted to take away his primordial pleasure!

«Get the hell out of here before I kick your ass.»

«How dare you talk to me like that?! I am the best executioner in the empire, respected by the authorities Charrington Depardieu! Why are you taking juicy prey from me… Why was some inexperienced freak sent here instead of me…»


Before he could finish, Kyon’s fist whizzed into his face, throwing him against the wall.

«A-aa-a-aa-a! W-why?!» – Charrington yelled in a shrill falsetto. Almost all of his front teeth are knocked out and his lip is split. He didn’t even have time to finish!

«Sometimes when you talk disrespectfully to important people, shit happens. And now get the hell out of here!» – his icy intonation exuded a thirst for murder that could literally strangle a weak-willed person.

The little man, trembling with horror, grabbed his knocked out teeth into his palm and rushed away from the torture room. He wanted to dash off a sixty-page complaint to the authorities in order to dismiss the vile freak from the department, but before leaving the “-2” floor, he asked the guards about the identity of the fat man… Upon learning that it was Dick Baker, the man who eliminated the seven shadow clans, the beaten executioner finally lost heart. It turns out that he insulted the 2nd rank investigator, calling him a freak… Everything is lost!

{Why does the department hire such psychopaths at all?} – Kyon wondered and suggested that Charrington was from a family of sadists who found their calling in torture. Well, the department couldn’t help but hire a genius in his field.

Valeera opened her eyelids and looked at the fat man. Her stomach twisted with disgust. And the worst thing is that the bastard who stole all the glory from Zosimos for undermining an underground auction is now shamelessly squinting at her lovely naked breasts… The girl turned away abruptly. She hoped that the freak’s tastes were as specific as his appearance. Otherwise, if he plans to **** her, it will be worse than death…

Kyon did not react to the girl’s actions in any way. For a long time he could not take his eyes off his wife, especially from her breasts… And it’s not even in her exquisite appearance, personifying the image of a delightful dark goddess, not in her graceful figure, worthy of the envy of any beauty, and not in her snow-white smooth skin, but in the fact that everything seems to be repeated again, almost like in Boston!

Lovr imperceptibly put invisible barriers from the Feruzs’ heritage behind him, the most powerful ones, after all, the imperial phaser behind the door has an extremely powerful spiritual feeling.

{Ten minutes. I have to wait another ten minutes.} – he reminded himself. The order he gave to his subordinates will be executed in 10 minutes, and until then he must perfectly play the role of the executioner.

The question was: why didn’t Kyon just send Synergy into the recording nephrites to fake the image and calmly free and teleport Valeera?

The fact is that the entire dungeon on the “-2” floor is made of pyrobloin. Sometimes it is called the bottomless stone. This expensive rock is mined in the bowels of the earth, where the highest natural energy pressure is located. Due to the specific conditions, the stone acquires amazing properties for energy absorption. He is able to absorb all the energy even of an imperial phaser. It depends on the quality. In addition, it is also extremely durable, thanks to which ideal dungeons are built from it.

So, for example, if some criminal of the imperial phase regains the ability to use the elements, then, even with a heavy hammer in his hands, it will take him a whole day to break through the wall and dig his way to the surface, and all because pure energy (or any other energy) will be absorbed upon contact with the wall. The suction force begins to act from a centimeter. However, it is not enough to suck the energy out of the nephrite (the ideal energy trap). If the pyrobloin were of higher quality and enriched, the distance and capacity would change accordingly.

For Kyon, all this means only one thing: Synergy cannot envelop the nephrite with the visual formation and fake the image, since it fits snugly against the corner of the wall. He will have to give a plausible performance, and there are less than 10 minutes left before the final scene.

{Ten minutes alone with Valeera…} – something inside Lovr stirred excitedly. For the first time in 8 months next to her, he will not have to play the personality of the mature Zosimos, excessively straightforward and highly moral, despising any shamelessness. He can be himself! The name, of course, will have to be kept secret.

But before taking action, Kyon wondered what the 0th general knew about his connection with Valeera? He destroyed the thieves guild, destroyed all of Sauron’s brothers and finally caught her, for which he received a promotion… The head of the department cannot know about the inhuman torture of “The Black Queen”, as well as anyone else. But he may well be aware of the fiasco of Prince Charles, moreover, after interrogating him, he could find out that Dick had deceived Grand in order to **** the girl and steal the transformation medicine of “Striking lightning”. All this speaks only about the obscenity of the messenger of the goddess. And the time he spent with Triana in Cernos also confirms this.

{It turns out that I have complete freedom of action!} – at this thought Kyon’s eyes sparkled with lust. An exquisite half-naked beauty lies in front of him like juicy food on the table… Her naked breasts beckoned and intoxicated. But he was in no hurry. He gently touched the graceful toe and ran his finger along the foot to the heel. The girl felt her leg almost cramp.

«Go off, you wretch!» – Valeera hissed with all possible bloodlust, incinerating the bastard with her ferocious gaze, intending in this way to intimidate and drive away the unsightly fat man.

Kyon deliberately flinched and stepped back, then broke into an even more disgusting grin: «I’m not afraid of you! Tell me, beauty, what position do you hold in the clan? If you admit that you are “The Dark Baron”, then maybe I will stop…»

Lovr moved his palm over the tender ankle… He eagerly grasped the soft feminine calf… And he touched the vulnerable spot under her knee with his fingers. Her skin seemed softer than velvet. So smooth and fragrant that touching it is a pleasure.

Valeera twitched several times, trying to free herself from the straps that were tightly holding her, but to no avail. She wanted to howl in despair. The touch of this monster caused chills and nausea. It would be better if slimy toads touched her!

{I’m just touching her…} – Kyon nodded to his thoughts and continued to unnerve his wife. Although he was now committing violence against his beloved girl, he justified himself by the fact that he was obliged to play a plausible performance.

As soon as he touched the erogenous zone, Valeera closed her eyes and trembled. Lovr did not stop and pulled the elastic band of the black panties aside.

«Enough! Please!» – the trembling Valeera pleaded, realizing the senselessness of the threats.

«Tell me, are you “The Dark Baron”?»

«I’m just a mercenary from Saturn! I have no family… I came five months ago to eliminate “The Demon Huntress” by order…» – the girl hated lying, but she was left with no other choice.

Kyon snorted and, lifting the sharp chin of the captive, said softly: «I don’t believe you.» – with the last word, he greedily kissed her sweet soft lips.

«Mmm! Mmm!» – there was panic in the wide-open eyes of the deathly pale Valeera. It seemed to her that she was being kissed by a real monster, sucking her soul!

With the fire of lust in his eyes, Lovr grasped the tender mounds with his palms and began to squeeze them with enthusiasm. They are fabulously pleasant to the touch… Any man would roar with delight! In the guise of Zosimos, he never allowed himself to experience such pleasure, but now everything is different, and he can act as he always wanted!

A minute later, Kyon came off the stunningly delicious lips of the captive and began to suck the nipple, which had long hardened due to hard caresses with his fingers. A megavolcano was awakening in his groin from arousal, and it was ready to explode at any moment. He really wanted to **** his wife, and he made great efforts not to do it right away.

«No, that’s enough… Stop it… I beg you…» – Valeera pleaded in a voice weakened by an overabundance of feelings. Weber was trembling with humiliation, it seemed as if all the vitality had been drained out of her.

«Tell me everything and then I’ll stop…» – Kyon admonished his victim, grinning obscenely.

Valeera realized long ago that she would inevitably get fucked no matter what she said…

Another minute passed.

Kyon removed his hand from the delightful breasts and gently touched the place between the legs of the captive with two fingers. The most intimate part of the female body and fingers were separated by a thin layer of black panties. Without hesitation, he began to rub there in circular movements, like a professional ladies’ man.

Valeera threw her head back, almost panting with despair. Thousands of needles seemed to be digging into her body every second, and it was as if a red-hot rod was stuck between her legs. With every movement of her tormentor’s fingers, the girl’s heart painfully squeezed and twisted her insides. Why did she spit out a pill with deadly poison? It is better to die quickly and almost painlessly than to be fucked by this monster…

{Zosimos… You never came to the rescue…} – she thought doomely.

The girl with whom Kyon was playing now seemed about to break down: deathly pale skin, a desire to die in her eyes, convulsive and weak breathing. Even her heart was beating unevenly, as if doubting whether it was worth trying at all? This reaction surprised him, because previously only three needles with Synergy could untie her tongue…

Another minute passed, the fifth of ten.

Despite the wild desire, pity still awoke in the young man. He was sure that in 8 months he returned the debt to the girl, moreover, he even exceeded it, so he had the right to do as he wanted… Moreover, now he’s playing a show. And yet he did not want to continue tormenting his wife anymore. Damn Zosimos… She’s all yours. Take her, big-bellied devil!

Kyon straightened Valeera’s bra, pulled up a chair, sat down on it, took out a notebook with a pen, and busily asked: «So you’re from Saturn? Tell me how you became a mercenary.» – he intended to drag out the remaining five minutes without sexual harassment. In fact, everything was going according to plan, and his behavior earlier was necessary for the warders to lose interest. Say, he managed to break the girl, and now she tells everything.

Hope flashed in the soul of the noble lady, to which she immediately seized on…

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