Everything will be my way!

Chapter 478

Chapter 478

Kyon activated invisibility and blended in with the crowd of students. Soon he saw a gray-haired old man in a master’s robe walking somewhere ahead. His arms, barely visible behind the wide sleeves of his robe, were impressively crossed behind his back. His steps seemed lighter than air, as if he was floating on the ground. The aura emanating from Zheng shook the soul, as if someone great had come to the order.

A handsome young man with short brown hair about 15 years old walked next to the old man with his chin proudly raised. He wore a training kimono of the purest white color and looked as if he was a dragon who had come to the territory of martens.

Two middle-aged bodyguards followed a little behind the couple.

«I can’t believe it, this is Archmaster Zheng! The fourth legendary master! He is one of ten people on the planet capable of fighting at the level of six battle fists! He will defeat any grand master as easily as a professional fighter will defeat an amateur!»

«And who is walking next to him? Is this his disciple?» … «As far as I remember, his name is XiaoXiao Walder (0). He seems to be the son of one of the elders! The elite among the elites… No wonder Master Zheng is his teacher.»

«Damn it, do you feel it too? The young man looks about fifteen years old, but he already has the emanations of the imperial phaser at the beginning stage! So that’s how powerful the Walders are?! This is crazy!» … «For your information, he is also a grand master!»

The students of the order felt bad. Even their best representatives – Rose and Elsa, who are a little under 20 years old, are inferior to XiaoXiao in development. Now it is clear why the young man looks so arrogant.

The truth is that XiaoXiao is not nearly as talented as Rose and Elsa, but due to the excessive wealth of his parents, a different impression is formed.

Kyon followed Master Zheng with a group of students until they approached a huge boulder 30 meters high and 200 meters wide and long, in the center of which there was a crevice only two meters wide – the only entrance leading to the arena.

Lovr overheard that earlier the arena carved inside the boulder was publicly accessible and was considered the most prestigious place for duels in the order: sometimes it was necessary to take a place in the queue for a week in advance, but six months ago it was privatized by Juno. No one knows how exactly the girl managed to do this, but the school administration did not accept any complaints and objections. Since then, Lady Stone spends every half day in battles with students, thereby earning herself money and points.

Two of Juno’s guards stood by the gorge. They respectfully bowed to the old man and the young man who approached and let them in, as well as all the other spectators.

«How archaic and primitive…» – Xiaoxiao said as he made his way through the crevice. – «But I like it! I’m looking forward to the upcoming duel no less than my birthday.»

Master Zheng smiled and pointedly remained silent.

The whole empire of Rosarrio for two noble guests was no different from the village. They felt like guests who came to visit village fools to show them how people live in a big and advanced city.

Following them, jostling with each other, a crowd of students slowly squeezed through the crevice. Finally, they arrived at the site of the duel. The atmosphere changed dramatically, as if they were all in another world. A spacious open place appeared to the eyes of the audience, in the center of which a stone round platform, made of some particularly strong rock, towered a couple of meters above the ground.

As soon as Kyon got inside, he noticed the abnormal behavior of the students: they all froze in amazement for several seconds, or even longer, looking at the center of the arena. Even XiaoXiao, who had previously shown complete indifference to others, opened his mouth dumbfounded, looking like a complete idiot now. And even the great master Zheng lost his serene calm for a second, but quickly regained control and cleared his throat. Juno was obviously the reason for this behavior. She was standing in the center of the arena with her arms crossed over her chest.

When Kyon looked at his «investment» his heart shuddered, and the monobrow arched in amazement: {Wow…} – he did not expect at all that the attractiveness of the girl could increase so dizzily. Her facial features took on a more perfect look, which made it difficult even for him, who had been living with Eve and Leila for a long time, to look away. If he were that Kyon who just got to the Stone estate, he would be completely lost. Is it really all about “The Divine Lotus of Development”, which has the property of making the owner more beautiful? It doesn’t make sense! There were no dramatic changes in facial features. Yes, she has become a little more mature and feminine, but this is not enough to give the impression that now she is more than 10 times more beautiful than before!

Lovr realized long ago that some kind of devilry is going on with the concept of beauty in this world. The ten-point scale does not work here. The physique is just a front, and only the soul can understand the deep meaning. And indeed, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. The eyes see the shell, and the soul sees the inside. It shows the beauty of what is hidden behind the shell, and sometimes it was confusing for an alien who was not used to such an approach.

Now Juno embodied the phrase «all charm». Lush eyelashes and thin eyebrows, a small nose and lips, and clear emerald eyes, like two charming wonders of the world… The words “incomparable beauty” could describe only a fraction of her attractiveness. She seemed so delightfully sweet and irresistibly beautiful that all the other beautiful girls seemed like faded shadows next to her. An unprepared person will cry, as if he tried to look at the sun. Now calling her an angel would be sacrilege. She’s something more… Something higher. The Goddess of charm!

At the same time, the girl’s appearance remained pure and innocent. No one had dirty thoughts, as in the case of Kara, only if you are not a vicious person who loves to ruin the beautiful.

In the 20 months since their last meeting, Juno has grown a little. Her body has acquired more feminine curves, although there were no problems with this before. But the breasts have grown quite a bit. It seems that she is not destined to have a size 3 and surpass her sister.

The girl wore a black sports uniform: shoes with thick soles, tight pants like leggings and a tight T-shirt that hugged a thin waist and was held on delicate shoulders by two thin straps. She casually threw on a sweater.

«How good she is… God, I have never seen anyone more beautiful…» – even the pretty students couldn’t resist admiring Juno when they looked at her. They didn’t feel envious because Stone was on a completely different level. It makes no sense to envy the cloud, being a swamp toad.

«Elsa is still better…» – someone quietly muttered from behind.

«Why… Why will Roman get her? Oh goddess, tell me, why is there such injustice in this fallen world?! You have to put things in order here, I beg you!»

Meanwhile, Roman was literally beaming with pride in himself and his future wife.

Rose was standing next to him, but his girlfriend, it seems, did not come.

Lovr suddenly smiled, having guessed something: {No, she’s here, just hiding in invisibility.}

The only stain on Elsa’s reputation is ignoring the calls of her sister, who wants to fight her in a duel for the skill of fighting, and not for the general level of strength. Every day the servants try to reach her, but she ignores everyone, and recently the fans themselves have begun to protect the favorite from annoying messengers.

The fact that Elsa does not accept her sister’s challenges is the main reason to despise her and love Juno. The first ones scoff that she is simply afraid of losing, that’s why their favorite is better; the others object that Elsa does not challenge her sister to the mastery of alchemy and formacy; to which the first ones retort that the mastery of combat is a universal necessary art, whereas it is not necessary to be an alchemist and formacist; to this, the others shout that Elsa is much stronger in the totality of her skills, and this is the most important thing, and no matter how well Juno fights, she will still lose; the first ones declare with a grin that Juno is much more talented, which means that sooner or later she will catch up with her sister…

In general, the fans of the girls often arrange a scuffle with a showdown. Fortunately, there are no more than 50 of them on each side, otherwise the order would have plunged into chaos.

But no one dared to deny one thing: Juno’s art of fighting was unsurpassed. She can’t possibly have less than 5 fighting fists. She must be a grandmaster.

Meanwhile, XiaoXiao regained some of his composure and closed his mouth, no longer looking like an idiot. He tried to give himself his former proud and exalted look, but from the presence of the beauty in the arena, his image immediately collapsed. Nothing worked.

One of the bodyguards stepped forward and, amplifying his voice with pure energy, introduced his masters: «This is the great master Zheng Walder, nicknamed “The Dragon of the West”! The fourth most skillful man in all seven human empires! The member of the august Walder family of the second rank! The one who defeated…»

While the bodyguard introduced his master for a minute, the disciples of the order marveled.

The guard did not stop: «He arrived together with his disciple, nicknamed “The Young Dragon of the West”! The name of the great master is XiaoXiao Walder! The only son of Elder Aldor Walder! Genius among geniuses, winner among winners…»

XiaoXiao puffed out his chest swaggeringly while the bodyguard listed his titles to these insignificant fellows from Rosarrio, however, the blonde beauty did not seem at all impressed by what she heard, as if she had been told about the exploits of a street cat. This behavior of hers hurt the young man, but he, however, did not show it.

When the speech came to an end, Master Zheng stepped forward with a smile: «The noble gentlemen from Saturn are standing in front of you, aren’t you going to show even formal respect, young people?»

«Welcome Master Zheng!» … «Glory and greatness to the great master Zheng!» … «Hello, Mr. Xiaoxiao and Mr. Zheng! We are glad to see you in our school!» – almost all the students immediately greeted the important guests, bowing to them.

Juno folded her palms and bowed respectfully too.

XiaoXiao gave the mentor a mental message.

The old man nodded slightly and said: «Young student, introduce yourself, please.»

«Juno Stone, sir.» – she replied in a clear melodious voice.

«So, Juno, you are “The Ruthless Angel of the Stones”, am I right?»

«It’s true.» – she nodded.

«Fine. Rumors of your combat prowess have even reached Saturn. None of the great masters took them seriously, and even I doubted. However, over the many years spent in this world, the old man realized that miracles happen all the time. Even if the chance of truthfulness of rumor is negligible, why not try? Where there’s a will there’s a way! I came to Rosarrio to teach my student something new through the battle with “The Battle Angel of the Stones”. Or at least I would like my student to try. Are you ready to reveal all your skills and teach my student a lesson in martial arts?»

«With pleasure.» – Juno smiled dazzlingly. – «It will cost you a hundred thousand spheres.»

The disciples of the order gasped in shock. The girl’s fans’ hearts froze.

XiaoXiao swayed as if he had been slapped. Does she want to take payment for a duel with him? Who does she think she is?! Her demand is extremely insulting and arrogant, as if she values neither him, nor the master Zheng!

The polite smile left the old man’s face, replaced by icy composure: «Young Miss, is this how you treat distinguished guests? First you gave us a bow from the height of the platform without descending, and now you demand money for a duel with my gifted student? Don’t you think too highly of yourself?»

«Ho-oh-oh?!» – said Juno indignantly, putting her hands on her hips and sticking out her neat chest. – «Master Zheng, you sent me a message that you would arrive in a month, and in the end you arrived two weeks earlier, without even warning me! And now, suddenly showing up at my place, you demand to be treated with respect? Do all Walders think so highly of themselves that they completely ignore the rest?»

{Holy angels, somebody shut her mouth!} … {This girl is too reckless!} … {She’s got a big mouth! Who taught her that?!} – mentally, the students begged the girl to stop arguing with important guests, otherwise she would have problems later.

The girl’s sarcastic words surprised the great master and especially his disciple. For more than a hundred years the old man had not met people who dared to object to him so fearlessly. Moreover, the lady’s words stabbed into the vulnerable places of the victim like sharp daggers. Admirable courage.

«As for the hundred thousand spheres…» – Juno suddenly bowed her head slightly. – «You misunderstood me. This is not a payment, but a bet that I will take if I win. This is my condition, which I put to everyone who wants to fight with me.»

The students agreed and nodded, just to smooth over the situation.

Master Zheng’s expression softened, but suddenly Xiaoxiao spoke up:

«Miss Juno, I don’t mind making a bet, but what is a hundred thousand? For us, the Walders, this is not even enough to go to a restaurant… To make the upcoming fight really interesting, I suggest raising the stakes!»

«Mmm, good suggestion! But how much do you mean? You see, I’m not as rich as the Walders, but I really need money! Really, really! I want to buy an expensive transformation medicine, so I’m ready to accept any bet!» – Juno chattered with genuine enthusiasm.

«Any bet? And what should we do if you lose and can’t pay for it?»

Juno suddenly looked away in embarrassment, and, excitedly interlacing her fingers in the area of her stomach and turning slightly crimson, said softly: «I’ll figure out how to pay…»

The hearts of several hundred spectators beat faster.

Roman resembled a volcano before the eruption.

Kyon could barely contain his laughter.

Zheng frowned suspiciously.

XiaoXiao swallowed involuntarily, almost choking. I’ll figure out how to pay? It sounds too ambiguous! The night had not yet come, but obscene fantasies were already appearing.

«So be it.» – young Walder agreed with an imperturbable look, barely restraining a sly smile. Everything went according to plan. If he makes a sufficiently high bet, which the beauty will not be able to pay, then when he overcomes her, he will be able to demand payment in another way, the one that he will definitely like. He’s a fucking genius!

However, the guy had no idea what the girl was like. Behind the sweet angelic face of the girl, the cruel nature of the insidious demon was hidden. Juno read the fool like an open book. She has long set a net and has already lured extremely juicy and brainless game into it.

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