Everything will be my way!

Chapter 479 - 479

«One hundred million!» – XiaoXiao proudly declared to the groaning of the crowd, but noticing the condescending grin on the girl's face, he felt ashamed, therefore, gritting his teeth, raised the rate. – «I mean five hundred million!»

«Half a billion!» … «A lot of money!» … «And is this just his pocket money?!» … «That's how rich the Walders are!»

Juno looked surprised now.

XiaoXiao confidently sat up: «Well, do you agree to the deal?»

«I… Well… Yes, I agree…» – Stone hesitantly accepted the bet.

XiaoXiao was already reaching into the ring when suddenly the mentor put his hand on his shoulder.

With a soft smile on his lips, Zheng shook his head: «Young Miss, now this old man is interested in you. It is one thing to be arrogant, but it is quite another to confirm it with actions. You have now cleverly forced my student to bet a huge amount of money, thereby demonstrating your confidence in victory. I've lived too many years, and I've learned to see through con artists like you. I am inclined to believe that you are truly a skilled fighter. I can't calmly watch my student being robbed.»

XiaoXiao looked confused. Doesn't even the master believe in him?

In fact, even many students have long understood Juno's intention to rob Walder.

«I do not understand what you're talking about.» – Juno sang with the face of an innocent angel. – «Mr. XiaoXiao himself suggested raising the rate. But if you are afraid that your best student will lose to a girl, I will understand everything…»

Now Zheng considered the cute girl a dangerous poisonous snake. Not only did she skillfully dodge the accusation, but she also struck back at his pride. He still hasn't married precisely because of such women...

«Master, I will defeat her! Give me a chance!» – XiaoXiao demanded.

«No, that won't do. Bet one hundred thousand.» – suppressing uninvited bitter thoughts, the old man hissed.

The students looked at each other in amazement. Doesn't the great master Zheng have confidence in the victory of his disciple?! He appreciated Juno's skills without even seeing her in battle! Here it is, a sign of real legendary skill!

Juno squinted slightly: {You can't fool an old bastard so easily… It's funny. Let's see what all your pride is worth.} – «Master Zheng, I see you are a very careful person. Would you like to fight me? But at a rate of one billion!»

The disciples gasped in amazement. XiaoXiao swayed as if he had received two slaps at once. The great master's face tensed. He looked insulted. It is understandable: some little girl almost specifically declares that he will overcome him, the archmaster!

«Oh, if you are still in doubt, you can fight together against me alone at the same time.» – with a disarming smile, Juno delivered a finishing blow to her opponent. Let him try to refuse the deal after that.

The students wanted to tie the girl's tongue in a knot.

«WHO DO YOU THINK I AM?!» – Master Zheng barked, releasing the aura of the sovereign phaser at the beginning stage (8). Everyone present turned pale and trembled in an instant, but the blonde with proudly protruding breasts was still smiling confidently.

«Ha ha! A-ha-ha-ha-ha!» – XiaoXiao laughed brightly, attracting everyone's attention. He had just realized Juno's motive, and from the fact that such an obvious thought came to his mind just now, he wanted to slap himself on the forehead.

Master Zheng furrowed his brows angrily: {«Why are you laughing?!»}

«Miss Juno, how are you going to pay in case of defeat?» – Walder asked.

Juno shyly looked away, biting her lip: «I… I can become your servant…»

The students were speechless with surprise.

The lady's fans took their breath away.

Roman blushed and trembled, clenching his fists.

XiaoXiao smirked wryly, confirming his guess.

Now Master Zheng also understood everything: the girl just wants to find a worthy boyfriend. All these tricks are needed only to lose and go with Walder to Saturn, where a completely different level of life awaits her, even in the role of a servant. Apparently, the rumors about her martial prowess are false, and were spread only in order to lure a noble gentleman from a high-ranking empire, who would take her with him. Cleverly. Tricky. Insidiously. And most importantly, prudently.

«Juno, you're not going anywhere!» – shouted Roman.

XiaoXiao drew attention to the screamer and snorted contemptuously: does some sucker in his 20s with the development of only a royal phaser at the middle stage dare to interfere? He wants to die!

«You know we have a contract for the wedding for Tokens! Either you marry me in four months, or your family will be hit! Think about your family and friends! The Russells will skin them alive if you dare to leave!»

Roman liked Juno for a long time. The beauty delighted him with her fervent disposition, talent and breathtaking appearance. Alas, he failed to win the girl's heart, so he had to buy a wedding with her through his father. However, if she leaves for Saturn today, he will become Rosarrio's laughing stock for the rest of his days.

«Token wedding?» – XiaoXiao muttered with a frown. He understood what it was about. Now the guy is finally convinced of the beauty's cunning plan.

«Don't interfere, you moron.» – Juno replied disgustedly, without even looking at Clinton.

«Think with your head…»

«Enough unnecessary conversations!» – the imperious voice of the master Zheng sounded. – «I'm interested in your offer, Miss Juno. What are the conditions for victory and defeat?»

The corners of Juno's lips lifted: «We use standard rules for conducting fights on "the skill of combat". The one who leaves the arena three times will be considered the loser, and the one who remains - the winner. That's all.»

«Good. But I want to add one more condition: if you defeat XiaoXiao, your next opponent will be me.» – added the old man coldly. He prudently decided to protect himself. Something about what was happening was alarming.

«No problem. I agree. Do you also agree to the terms and conditions of the bet?»

«We agree.» – the student and the master nodded synchronously.

«Give me your word of honor.» – the girl demanded.

Putting his hand on his heart, XiaoXiao pathetically said: «I, XiaoXiao Walder, swear on my honor that in case of defeat, I will immediately pay you one billion in cash or other resources. Will such a promise suit you?»

«Yes. Wonderful.» – Juno nodded, relaxing and smiling happily. Well, how can one not rejoice? She competently lured juicy prey into a trap. Everything from beginning to end went according to her script. She convinced the fools of her non-existent motivation of «the ambitious ugly girl», thus justifying the insane bet. In addition, she made them promise that they would pay her.

XiaoXiao ascended to the arena and lowered his development.

The rules of the duel for "the skill of combat" imply an equal fight: either both with weapons, or both without; it is forbidden to use any elements except pure energy; development must be the same to enable both opponents to fight in equal conditions. If someone is clearly faster or stronger, then he will have to weaken himself even more, otherwise with such an advantage, even a person inferior in skill will take over.

Therefore, Juno will not receive any benefit from the fact that she is the master of all the elements (900% of the total purity of all keys) and hits more powerfully than others. In order not to break the rules, thereby arousing unnecessary suspicions, she will have to use pure energy not at full power.

The young man had just reduced his development to the lord phaser at the 5th stage, which just coincided with the development of Juno. In the 20 months since saying goodbye to Kyon, she has developed by 2.2 phases, and this result is not just good – it is incredible! But you have to pay for everything. One of the conditions of the flower is set against its mistress.

«Now "The Young Dragon of the West" will show you the full power of the Kaiku style!»

«Yeah, whatever.» – the girl agreed boredly.


The bell rang for the start of the battle. The audience held their breath.

XiaoXiao appreciated the girl's relaxed stance and could not help smiling: {Zero defensive and attacking potential. It's like she's standing in line at the market! Oh, what a pity, I thought she wields at least three fighting fists, but oh well.} – he nevertheless decided to play a little with the beauty, test the limits of her abilities, at the same time working up an appetite, and then he can take her home with him.

The young man decided to act softer, so he attacked half-heartedly with an uncomplicated blow of his fist to the chest. However, he did not have time to understand anything, when suddenly he was grabbed by the wrist and elbow, everything started spinning in his eyes, and he was already flying somewhere.


As soon as XiaoXiao touched the ground outside the arena, the bell rang.

«Wh… What?!» – the young man was taken aback, not expecting such a sudden turn.

The audience exchanged glances. Everyone understood the reason for such a rapid end of the round.

Master Zheng crossed his arms and said instructively: «XiaoXiao, how many times have I told you not to underestimate the opponent and always be on your guard? In your intentions to play with the girl, you humiliatingly lost your first round.» – the old man thought differently to himself. – {Her movements… Four fighting fists. Not bad.}

«Sorry, master.» – the embarrassed young man bowed guiltily and jumped into the arena again. Now he wanted to teach the sly asshole a lesson in good manners with her future master. Shortening the distance, the guy attacked her in the ribs with his foot: he effectively turned around in the air, causing his sock to cut the air with a whistle, like a whip.

Juno lazily stepped forward, intercepted the blow, grabbing the young man by the knee and hip (where the swing force is minimal) and threw him out of the arena, disgustedly shaking off her palms after the throw.


Instantly outside the arena, XiaoXiao blinked in shock for a while.

The audience gasped in surprise. She won the second victory so quickly and ridiculously easily that someone smiled, and someone even laughed. She beat up the grand master as if he was an amateur!

Master Zheng lowered his thick eyebrows, then angrily stamped on the ground: «XiaoXiao, how many times have I told you to always stand firmly on the ground?! You can't maneuver in the air! In your desire to show off the grace of your movements, you instantly lost the second round, shaming me! If you do not fight seriously, then I will punish you!» – in fact, he also wondered how the lady could react. The movement of "the whip strike" is too fast to be intercepted in the air, and yet…

«S-sorry, master…» – the blushing disciple said through clenched teeth. He wanted to finish off everyone who was now smiling and laughing at his humiliating second defeat. But even more he wanted to punish Juno. In fact, he thought that the girl would deliberately succumb to him in the first round, but she apparently wants to rise in his eyes before becoming a servant. In the long run, she acts wisely, but today she will have to be punished for her impudence.

Stepping into the arena, XiaoXiao emphatically reassured: «I won't hold back anymore! Get ready to suffer a crushing defeat, "The Ruthless Angel of the Stones"!»

Juno rolled her eyes: «Whatever.»


XiaoXiao instantly appeared near the opponent and attacked her with his fist, but at the last moment he stepped back. Thus he tested the waters. As it turned out, the girl did not even bat an eyelid, as if she obediently intended to take the blow.

{What is she doing? So now she's just ready to lose?! Does she even realize that by behaving like this she is only lowering my reputation into the dirt?!} – Walder thought indignantly, but just in case he decided to make sure of his guess. He repeated the "attack-retreat" maneuver several more times, but the girl did not even move.

«Can't you even hit a standing opponent?» – crossing her arms over her chest, Juno asked mockingly, baring her white fangs in a venomous grin.

«How would you know?!»

«Indeed…» – she agreed.

The lady's words, seasoned with the malicious laughter of the audience, hit the guy's mind with a hundred-ton hammer. It took all his willpower not to snap. Approaching, he, in an unpredictable somersault, struck a blow with his heel on the girl's temple…

Juno ducked her head, stepped forward, grabbed the opponent by the groin (thus depriving him of the opportunity to resist) and threw him outside the arena, like all the times before.



XiaoXiao sat on his ass and stared into the void, dumbfounded, trying to comprehend what had happened. Even the master could not have thrown him out of the arena so quickly! How is this possible?!

Kyon frowned thoughtfully: Juno risked a lot, not reacting in any way to the first blows. Why did she do this? After all, in any other case, she would not have had time to react. You can't be one hundred percent sure that every blow will be a trick.

Master Zheng was also frowning heavily, trying to analyze the fight.

«Bravo!» – shouted Roman, applauding.

A moment later, the roar of applause from the students flooded all around: «The ruthless angel of the Stones is the best!» … «Mrs. Juno effortlessly defeated the grand master! Amazing!» … «You are just incredible! I love you!» … «Congratulations on your victory! Bravo!»

The crowd noise became a final blow to the heart for XiaoXiao. He jumped into the arena and, pointing his finger at the girl, shouted: «You are a liar! The rules you set hardly test the skill of combat! To throw off the arena? Seriously?! This would not determine the winner in a real battle with an opponent of equal development!»

«She could have crushed your balls in a real fight!»

«Who said that?! Show yourself!» – with eyes red with rage, Walder tried to find the screamer, but could not. As a result, he turned into a laughing stock for some village monkeys! Today was like a waking nightmare. He refused to accept defeat, because the girl is just a Rosarrian!

«Did you call me a liar? Why?»

«You have to fight me in a normal way until one of us gives up or loses consciousness! And then your victory will be fair and honest!»

«I don't owe you anything.» – Juno said calmly, gathering her lush hair into a ponytail and fixing it with an elastic band for a subsequent duel with an opponent of the level of an archmaster. – «You have accepted the rules, which means that no objections are accepted.»

«We've come to test your fighting skills, not your ability to grab men by the balls!»

«Enough!» – Master Zheng said imperiously, instantly appearing in the arena. – «Miss Juno, forgive my student for the insult. He is young and hot. Even after all my moralizing, it's easy to make him lose his temper if such a beautiful girl gets down to business.»

Stone said nothing. The words of idiots cannot offend her. She has changed in the world of Lovr.

«Remember, my student, hindsight's no use to us right now. You've lost, so accept your defeat with dignity.» – the old man demanded.

«Y-yes, master…» – after hesitating, XiaoXiao bowed to the girl and humbly left the arena.

The reason why the master accepted the disciple's defeat so easily was because he saw in Juno a practitioner with about 5.5 fighting fists. In addition, the girl's style is based on counterattacks, that is, it is revealed only when she is attacked. XiaoXiao has only recently qualified as a grandmaster, meaning he only has 5..1 combat fists.

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