Everything will be my way!

Chapter 501 - 501

One month has passed.

Kyon received the last batch of keys today. Finally, he gained all the 100% needed to enchant the soul to the highest level of strength! He received 60% from demons, and the remaining amount had to be bought through the Golden Pig guild.

The scarce resource cost Kyon a pretty penny, and the more demand he created in the market, the lower the supply became. So, for example, a billion was spent on the first 10% (of the condition), 1.5 billion - on the second, then - 2 billion, and finally - 2.5 billion. In total, he spent a whopping 7 billion on the missing 40% of the keys!

If we take into account the entire fortune of Lovr, then he received 1 billion from the treasury of the Feruzs, 1 - from an underground auction, 1 - the blackmail of the Minister of Finance, 2 - cooperation with the trade guild, 1.5 - the shadow clan, and Juno recently added another billion. 7.5 billion in total, 7 of which were spent on the purchase of keys from around the world. So Kyon only has 500 million left! All the money he earned was spent to enchant his own soul as soon as possible!

The superior level of strength enchantment also requires the superior grade of light and ether. Just recently, Kyon mastered the superior grade of ether, so all the conditions are met.

Lovr drew a trigram under him, placed in each of the 9 holes a mass of keys of the corresponding element (in rings) and activated the enchantment.

Soon the room was lit up by a scarlet glow. Success. But at what cost? At the cost of everything!

With 500 million in his pocket, Kyon felt like a beggar. But from now on, this beggar, as well as all the matter created by him, is stronger not by 10, but by 15 stages! Any smart person will say: "The best investment of money, time or resources is yourself!"

Over the past month, the hype over the poisoning of students with narcotic gas has subsided.

The patriarchs and the parents of the affected students had no choice but to swallow their indignation, yet Dick is not only a second-rank investigator and a student of the central zone of the order, but also a favorite of the headmaster. It is worth mentioning that Ziz Hunter received a sentence of twenty years of hard labor due to the fact that he did not look after the tentaculipede.

In addition, everyone was interested in the explosion in Rose's house, but the tenant did not comment on what happened. And recently there was a rumor that Mr. Valentine caught a cold. It is very strange, because the practitioners of the royal phase get sick extremely rarely, and if it does happen, then, as a rule, they are ill no longer than a day, but Rose has not appeared in the order for half a week.

The Valentine family began to worry, although for the rest of the people the situation did not seem serious. The doctors apparently made the wrong diagnoses, since he had not yet recovered.

2 weeks have passed.

An old man in a hood approached the main entrance to the Valentine family's territory.

«Show the formation.» – the guard casually demanded.

«I don't have it.» – the guest croaked dryly.

«No formation? What is the purpose of your visit?» – the man frowned.

«To cure Rose Valentine.» – Kyon announced, removing the hood.

«M-mister Albert?!» – the guard was surprised. He, like almost everyone in the capital, knew perfectly well about Albert, because even "The Legendary Lord of the Cauldron" was among his students.

Soon a senior guard came to the entrance, then the head of security, and later the patriarch's most trusted servant came out… And only after verifying the identity of the guest, he informed his master about it and received consent to the reception. However, two strong people were assigned to the sides of the weak old man for some reason.

A small group of the Valentines escorted the best alchemist of the empire to the central area of the family, to the main administration building, where the patriarch and elders regularly discuss the most important issues. Soon the group entered the main office.

«Albert Clinton… How dare you come to my house?!» – the blond man said sternly instead of greeting.

«Hello, patriarch Monty.» – Kyon bowed politely. – «I am well aware of how many problems I brought to your family. That's why I came to…»

«To purify karma by taking on the anger of the Valentines?» – Monty squinted unkindly.

Two big men roughly twisted the old man's arms, preventing him from moving.

«Until now, many people believe that the father of Lindia's child is Stein. The number of troubles that have befallen my family because of you cannot be redeemed even by execution!»

«But they can be redeemed by saving the life of your youngest son.» – Kyon said calmly.

Monty's voice lost its recent composure: «W-what did you say?!»

«One of the doctors treating the young gentleman, I will not mention his name, contacted me to help him diagnose… So recently I found the answer. I have some suspicions about Rose's illness. This is a very dangerous disease that needs to be dealt with immediately, otherwise the situation will worsen day by day until he dies.» – Lovr grunted gloomily.

«N-no… It can't be…» – the patriarch swayed, finally losing his composure.

«My son fell by Horace's hand because of the sins he committed. However, as a father, I didn't want him to die, no matter how monstrous he was. Patriarch Monty, I understand perfectly how you feel right now. That's why I openly came to your family's territory. My goal is simple: to close all debts between us. I'm sure saving Rose Valentine will be more than reason enough for a truce.»

There was a long pause.

A variety of emotions flashed across Monty's face as he hesitated, considering what he had heard. One thing is clear: the determination of the best alchemist in the empire is genuine. And indeed, why should he appear in the lair of enemies if he is not confident in his abilities.

«How will you prove your words?» – the patriarch finally spoke.

«Let me examine Rose.» – Kyon asked.

After 15 minutes "Albert" and Monty with an escort came to Rose's chambers.

A slightly pale blond man sat on the bed, sticking out his tongue, while a gray-haired old man, frowning, held his tongue with a wooden stick and examined his throat.

Noticing the patriarch, the doctor bowed low, and Rose stared in amazement at the newcomers.

«Son, how are you feeling?» – Monty asked with a note of concern.

«Just like before… Better explain what he's doing here?»

Kyon coughed dryly and spoke respectfully: «Young master, I think I know what you're sick of. Let me examine you and make sure of my guess.»

«Uh-uh… I don't mind, but is it…»

«Let him take a look.» – Monty smiled and turned his gaze to the best family doctor. – «Phillip, I'll be honest – I don't trust Albert. Your task is to keep a close eye on him. If you see anything suspicious, feel free to tell me.»

«It will be done, patriarch.»

Kyon began to examine the patient with various devices: scanners, detectors, glasses with a formation enclosed inside, allowing you to see even through the bones… During the examination, he asked various questions: «Do you suffer from drowsiness, weakness and dizziness?»

«Yes… I do.» – Rose nodded.

«Have you noticed dryness or burning in your mouth?» – Kyon asked, examining the reddened mouth.

«Yes, of course… My throat is sore.»

«Abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea?»

«Yes…» – Rose nodded lostly.

«Loss of hair or teeth?»

«I noticed the hair on the comb a long time ago… Stop! Will my teeth fall out too?!» – Rose was horrified. – «They are already bleeding! Doctor, I don't want to be toothless! Will the medicine that restores teeth help?! How can I be cured?!» – the guy almost choked at the thought of how he would appear in front of Elsa bald and toothless.

Monty and Phillip gasped. It was the first time they heard about bleeding gums, and the fact that Albert had predicted the loss of teeth meant that he knew what Rose was sick with.

«As I thought…» – Kyon sighed grimly. – «This is a process of self-destruction…»

«The process of self-destruction?!» – Rose, Monty and Phillip wheezed in disbelief.

Lovr spoke very seriously and convincingly: «Something inside the young master makes the soul hate the body of its owner, because of this, instead of helping him recover, it participates in his destruction.»

Rose turned pale, and Monty frowned.

«But that's unscientific!» – Phillip exclaimed. – «How can the soul hate the body?!»

Kyon snorted coldly: «Very easy. Many cases are known when the fake medicine of unique bodies poisoned the soul so much that it then lost its bearings and attacked its own body, as if it were someone else's. The same applies to the sewing on of other people's limbs. The soul rejects them. You should understand that there is no disease attacking the body from all directions: digestion, circulatory system, immunity, hair follicles, bones and even the mind… I am one hundred percent sure of my diagnosis.»

Seeing that Phillip looked ashamed and did not say anything, Monty was forced to believe in Albert's words, but demanded answers: «And what could it be?! How do we find what provokes Rose's soul to attack the body?!»

«I don't want to die… I don't want to!» – Rose muttered tearfully.

«Young master, has anything happened to you in recent months?»

«Y-yes… Some bastard a month and a half ago», – he gestured like he was strangling someone. – «Poisoned me with narcotic gas! Right on my birthday!»

«So it's Dick's fault that my son is dying now?!» – Monty roared.

«It is possible, but unlikely, because drugs affect the mind, not the soul, and their effect is limited to one, maximum two days, but certainly not months.» – touching the beard, Kyon explained. – «By the way, nice watch. What's the brand?»

«Gimli made the watch. The greatest dwarf in the world.» – Rose muttered cheerlessly.

«You are a rich family, since you could afford it.»

«Actually, the watch was given to me…»

Kyon snorted suspiciously: «The watch was given, you say? Weird. Who would give such a valuable gift just like that? I have some suspicions that the reason for everything is this very watch. Sir, let me take a closer look at the watch.»

«WHAT?!» – Monty yelled. – «Who gave them to you, Rose?!»

The blond man stammered in fright: «A girl from Saturn… In the note she wrote that she liked me very much. Probably noticed me when we were at the tournament of empires…»

«What the hell is a girl?! Rose, are you a complete idiot?!» – Monty exploded in anger.

«Dad, stop it! There are no formations, poisons or anything else in the watch! Phillip will confirm! He checked the watch himself with the help of all sorts of devices…»

The family doctor turned white. He did examine the watch, but found nothing. If it turns out that the watch is the cause of the master's illness, then he will definitely be executed.

«Take them off now, motherfucker!» – Monty yelled.

Rose hastily took off his watch and threw it at Albert as if it were cursed.

Kyon carefully examined the watch from all sides, secretly pouring Synergy inside, after which he shook his head and gave the priceless item to the patriarch: «Check it better. If the source of the young master's ailment is the watch, then this simplifies everything.»

The patriarch looked sternly at Rose and placed the watch in the ring. He was immensely grateful to Albert for noticing such a suspicious thing at first glance.

«However, it is possible that the watch has nothing to do with it, as well as narcotic gas, so let's proceed as follows: in a week I will return with devices capable of finding the source of all the troubles, and at this time you take good care of the young master. Strict adherence to bed rest. No workouts, no water procedures, no fried, salty and spicy food. Any stress for the body is contraindicated. Also, you should spare no money for medicine that stimulates the immune system. By the way, I can help you with this. My apprentice can make it with grandiose purity! I will even give it to you for free, but in exchange I demand that you treat me with respect from now on.»

Monty hesitated, wondering if he should let Albert go. Are his motives pure? Is the diagnosis correct? However, given that Phillip is silent, the diagnosis is quite plausible. But another thing is important: the former alchemist of the Clintons came to redeem himself. His intentions are extremely pure, otherwise why would he be here?

«So be it. I, patriarch Monty Valentine, promise to treat you with due respect if you cure my son. Please take care of Rose!»

Kyon barely restrained an evil smile: «I'll take good care of him!»

On that optimistic note, the visit to the Valentines came to an end.

The so-called process of self-destruction is radiation sickness. A radioactive isotope of polonium, enchanted for radioactivity, is embedded in the watch that Rose wore. For 45 days now, the metal has been gradually poisoning the body of an unsuspecting guy, which provoked radiation sickness. For the first 30 days, the subject could not even notice any oddities, but people's health is not infinite.

The level of radiation exposure is relatively low, and the immunity of practitioners (largely due to the soul) is very high, so it is extremely difficult to acquire radiation sickness without a constant dose of radiation. Everyone who came into contact with Rose, and even the servants, trained to clean the room in a matter of minutes, could not get sick.

However, Kyon still decided to divert suspicions from the watch (and at the same time from himself), so he focused attention on the watch and during the inspection poured the Synergy that blocked the radioactivity of polonium for an indefinite period.

But the patient will not feel better after removing the watch, because the "evil fairy" sprinkled him with magic radioactive polonium pollen during the examination, and then also prudently forbade washing and getting out of bed at all.

In this world, no one knows anything about radiation. That's why the watch trick worked so well. Now, having gained the Valentines' trust, Lovr has completely untied his hands.. He will turn Rose's life into a living hell! And he will gather a rich harvest of darkness from him.

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